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December 2012


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I personally think 12/21/12 will come and go just like every other day but what do you guys think, if anything, is gonna happen? My 6 yr old heard something about the world ending at school this week... sometimes it's so hard being a parent, I didn't know what to say to him except 'people say this stuff all the time, don't worry about it' and 'nobody know's when the world will end'... I am sure he'll keep thinking about it and ask again, any suggestions on how to ease his little mind??

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not a dang thing it will come and go. I truly Don't believe the World will ever end it will transform but never end. Also remember God said and vowed never again to destroy his creation including the Earth.

Edited by easyrider
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Tell your child that different peoples believe in different gods. The ancient people that made that prediction believed in a god that was very, very different than "our God", who loves us and protects us. If he decides that it is finally the time to bring us home to heaven, he'll let us know - and he hasn't said anything about this December, or even December next year. Besides, he wants to have a nice Christmas this year!

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Thanks fnb, I may just copy your response on a cheat sheet and repeat it word for word if he asks again, lol... My oldest son is 15 and not worried a bit but he says some kids he knows are really nervous wrecks about this... I really hate all the anxiety kids are dealing with over all these rumors..

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It will be the same hooten and howling about this same as Y2K. Bama let your boy know that their are alot of goat herders in the world who will believe anything and just have to pass it on it is said our children have to listen to this. Just like another fairy tale he should concentrate on being smarter than the clown who told him this. Sitting in Dubai Airport waiting for the Delta Checking counter to open which will be in about 30 minutes :)

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It will be the same hooten and howling about this same as Y2K. Bama let your boy know that their are alot of goat herders in the world who will believe anything and just have to pass it on it is said our children have to listen to this. Just like another fairy tale he should concentrate on being smarter than the clown who told him this. Sitting in Dubai Airport waiting for the Delta Checking counter to open which will be in about 30 minutes :)

Have a safe trip..

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The sun will come up and the sun will go down. Some will laugh some will cry some will smile some will frown some will know pain while some will know joy.Some souls will leave the world of the living. Just another day like any other day on this little blue ball we call earth.

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Lol, alot of help you are... JK!

Not saying one way or another, but just in case, I sure hope that the Rv happens by end of November!

:D :D :DB)

And for you dog53

Song from Annie

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

I love ya Tomorrow!

You're always

A day A way!

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hmmmmm. Bama, my 6 yr old grandson is always asking why this and why that and what ifs......My answers are always from God's word..since Lucas knows and has a heart for the Lord, he is always satisfied and assured that my answers are truth as we can find those assurances in the Bible.

In Acts 1:7...Jesus tells us: "It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority.

If we are to believe God's word.....Then we know that mere man cannot predict or know such profound claims such as the world ending on 12/21/12. After all, man did not make this 'ole world, our God Almighty made it all and loves each and everyone of us..Surely that brings comfort and relief when heavy burdens fall our way.

I hope, you can finding a loving and soothing answers for your son. Their little hearts are so tender and this unkind world is truely terrifying when they have so many thoughts and suggestions from others.....God bless, bama.....

btw...the book of Daniel, gives us a glimpse of end time prophecy...chapter 12 and of course, Revelation....I know these books are more than a child can bear but maybe if you glance thru them again, you may find some answers and relief for you son.

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This is a fear-produced response to a normal event, even though an extremely rare one. This year, on December 21, the earth will move from being in the Age of Pisces to being in the Age of Aquarius. Because the Earth is tilted, as it turns it has a huge wobble, and each time it wobbles, it shifts us from one "Age" in the heavens to the next one. There is even a Broadway play about this. To hear the music, go to:

We are at the end of what is called a "Progression" which lasts 29,750 years or so, and in that time the old earth moves to the next Age. The Earth, our sun, and the center of our galaxy will be in alignment, and all kinds of prognostications have been made about it. But the earth has gone through this several times in its long history, and so far, it has continued to make it through, although I suspect it may have been scathed a time or two in the past. But such an event is not scheduled this time. This time it will be just a pleasant day, on December 21st, before our old earth begins brand new all over again. In fact, many people who tend to know such things say we will be moving into a new "age," one that is far more enlightened and free of war and other trials and triblulations, and one that will help people move into being far more understanding, and far gentler and kinder to each other. I am excited to be here in such a rare and beautiful time.

I told you all of this because, if you have the full information about this rare phenomen, you can devise your own answers to your childrens' questions. And besides, I haven't heard anything about it on the 6 o'clock news, so most people are not aware of it. haha Best regards, Fran

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Bama, I have to agree with Learning all I can.

A child should play and laugh throughout their days, rather than have the concerns of the world.

It's worrisome to know that the children are hearing such stories at such a young age. But we parents have to be ready to soothe their little hearts and let them know that they are loved.

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This is a fear-produced response to a normal event, even though an extremely rare one. This year, on December 21, the earth will move from being in the Age of Pisces to being in the Age of Aquarius. Because the Earth is tilted, as it turns it has a huge wobble, and each time it wobbles, it shifts us from one "Age" in the heavens to the next one. There is even a Broadway play about this. To hear the music, go to:

We are at the end of what is called a "Progression" which lasts 29,750 years or so, and in that time the old earth slides gently from one age to the next. This is not a sudden huge shift that you will notice. We have been moving toward this for 29,750 or so years, ever since the last time this happened. The Earth, our sun, and the center of our galaxy will all be in direct alignment, so all kinds of prognostications have been made about it. But the earth has gone through this several times in its long history, and so far, it has continued to make it through, although I suspect it may have been scathed a time or two in the past. But no such event is scheduled to occur this time. In fact, it will be just a pleasant day, on December 21st, before our old earth begins brand new all over again. In fact, many people who tend to know such things say we will be moving into a new "age," a time that will be far more enlightened and free of war and other human-induced trials and triblulations, and one that will help people move into being far more understanding, and far gentler and kinder to each other. I am excited to be here in such a rare and beautiful time.

I told you all of this because, if you have the full information about this rare phenomen, you can devise your own answers to your childrens' questions. And besides, I haven't heard anything about it on the 6 o'clock news, so most people are not aware of it. haha Best regards, Fran

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I personally think 12/21/12 will come and go just like every other day but what do you guys think, if anything, is gonna happen? My 6 yr old heard something about the world ending at school this week... sometimes it's so hard being a parent, I didn't know what to say to him except 'people say this stuff all the time, don't worry about it' and 'nobody know's when the world will end'... I am sure he'll keep thinking about it and ask again, any suggestions on how to ease his little mind??

Francie hit it just right in her post....12-21-12 is a real event.

A Celestial & an Earth Progressional event.

The Earth has a wobble that over thousands of years, about 26k,

changes the angle of the poles in relation to the rest of our Galaxy.

its a very slow progression.....Our current polar star was different

13,000 years ago.

Also, our Solar System happens to be passing through the Plane

of the Ecliptic of our Galaxy.

There is some interesting actual science on how a natural disaster

could occur, due to passing through the Plane, along the lines of what

some of the 2012 conspiracy theories predict.

However, there are a lot of indicators that would presage any major

cataclysmic Earth changing event. Its not something that would just

happen overnight

I've been interested in this subject for years, and follow a lot of sites

that cover affects on the Earth...Solar changes, climate changes, etc.

Nothing out of the ordinary, or what we would expect, is happening.

The World is continuing to just wobble on.

My conclusion is the same as Francies, 12-21-12 is an interesting,

predicted, observable phenomenon....but not catastrophic.

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I think people will always speculate when the end of the world will come, just like the RV, but it never comes. Just tell your boy to stay out of the rumor section and he will be fine. Even the news articals are seldom true as we all have learned. And if the end does come it will be from eating too much after the RV.

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Hey Bama,

Ok, short meeting. My 8 year old son asks me the same thing, and my 15 & 18 year olds are pretty familiar with all the theories about the 21st. My thoughts and I'm sure I'm going to get hammered on for sharing them LOL, but oh well, are as follows:

The Mayan calendar ends December 21st 2012. I thought ok maybe the calendar maker got sick of making calendars for when he wouldn't be around and went to the bar instead. LOL After checking into it further, I found out they not only kept track for several thousand years, they had unimaginable advances in building & astronomy. They were able to track constellations, planets, comets, etc to exact dates with out any modern equipment over extreme time frames. The atomic clock only differs from the Mayan version by less then a second, and scientists have admitted they are not sure who is more accurate. According to what they think they know, some say we could have a catastrophic event that will change mankind, others say that no all it is is according to the Mayans the start of a new age, it could be one of peace and prosperity. Still other scientists believe the only way they could've gotten this technology is thru aliens helping them. If you've ever looked at a lot of their statues, artwork, etc. this theory as strange as it sounds makes a lot of sense, to me at least. Do I believe we are not alone in the universe? With out a doubt there are other forms of life out there yet to be discovered. Do I think there are violent aliens coming to invade us? Absolutely not. Just that a single celled organism not from earth would be considered alien, so to say there is no other life out there is asinine, we have no clue what is out there or how far it goes. So back to my point, these scientists feel the 21st is when the Mayans thought these other beings would return to bring in a new age. Nuts right? That's what I thought, until you see the similarities to the beliefs of the Hopi indians, the Egyptians, and several other ancient peoples almost follow the same thought patterns to a T. Look at alot of the symbols that are huge buit by some of these people that can only be seen from the air, how would they have figured those out, and why would they make something you could see from space, when there was no concept of flight? Things that make you go hmmm. You can read up on a lot of this stuff on line and also Discovery channel, one of my faves, has some neat stuff on these concepts.

Another of my thoughts is according to some, the antichrist is walking the earth today, "Will unite the world with a silver tongue, upon gaining power, will destroy everything". Sound like anyone we know? So do the November elections coming up have anything to do with what happens around a month later?

I do believe something major is going to happen shortly, be it natural disasters (our planet has been throwing us some extreme curveballs lately) read on the Yellowstone Caldera, that wouldn't be a good scenerio, aliens returning, or man made problems. Personally my thoughts are leading me to believe man made issues, Marshall law, UN peacekeepers on our shores (we know our military won't stand against it's own people, but the many foreigners would love to put us in our so called place), massive depression, nuclear war, foot shortages, etc. In my book this would be one of the scenerio's which if we had to have something go wrong, I would prefer, because it would have the highest probability of survival for many if you were ready for it. Let's face it if the planet gets hit by a major asteroid, or whatever, it could set off every volcano and fault line on the planet at the same time, it's not going to matter anyway, if you did live, you'd wish you hadn't.

Another possibility is an EMP, electro magnetic pulse, which we have the technology to do ourselves or could be caused by the sun which has also happened, just never a direct hit. What this would do is effectively cripple huge areas of the planet, where anything electronic, phones, gps, cars, power grid, radios, etc. would be taken out at the same time. Anyone in these industries will tell you if that happened we'd be without power for a very very long time. Anything with a computer chip, which is almost everything, would be toast from a pulse, especially in the form of a solar storm putting us in a shooting gallery. This situation is also very easy and inexpensive to prepare for.

The potential problems are endless. Do I lay awake at night worrying about it? Nope. Will we live out our days in fear of "What ifs?" Nope. Why? Because all you can do anyway is learn as much as you can about different possibilities and be as prepared as you can be for them. In the end it's in God's hands, but I also believe God helps those who help themselves. As far as kids go, kids should be kids I agree 100%. But they should also be prepared. We spend a lot of weekends camping, hunting, fishing, etc. When ever we go outdoors I teach them all different skills, how to shoot, make fires, make shelters, find food, filter water, first aid, but when we do it it's more like the Boy Scouts, the kids have a blast, they really don't know why they are doing this stuff but they love doing it. So in a sense, if they ever had themselves thrown into a survival situation and I wasn't there to help them, they would already know these skills and make it just fine in most situations with out me. But it's not something I do to scare the hell out of them, it's what we do for fun, and it sets their minds at ease, and mine as well. Especially my 8 year old, he now thinks of himself as SurvivorMan ROFL. Which who knows maybe he will be and have the opportunity to help and teach others. A lot of the neighborhood kids come over and mess around with us too, like I said they love it and it's just a game, but this game teaches them vital skills that I hope and pray they will never need to use but will be able to from hands on experience if the need arises. If you enjoy the outdoors look up sections on campcraft, emergency first aid, etc. There are tons of good videos and books on it, even on Youtube. It's actually a lot of fun and gets them away from the TV and off the couch, myself included.

I will send you an email Bama on a really good book, that's cheap, and covers how to prepare for almost any situation that could happen. It's extremely informative and changed my views on a lot of different scenarios, biggest one being a nuclear strike, contrary to what I thought I knew, they are easily survivable based on anything other than a direct hit.

I've said this before, but will repeat it, if humanity is forced to go back to the stone ages, because of any sort of catastrophic event, know in your heart you can not only survive but thrive. There is proof 100% it can be done, how? Our ancestors did it very well for far longer then we've been here with all our technology. Native Americans were and in my book still are amazing when it comes to living off the land. They did it and so can we. Never lose your faith in God and your fellow men & women.

Ok, hope this helps, and I'm sure I will be branded a tinfoil hat wearer LOL. But I took my tinfoil hat off because everytime the wife fired up the microwave I'd pee myself and forget where I was! :P

This is really what set my families minds at ease, we will be together for sure on the 21st, but if I honestly believed with out a doubt something was going to happen then, I wouldn't have paid my property taxes or started buying xmas presents yet. :D So be prepared but don't be consumed, your life again is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you react to it.

Alright kids, fire away!!! Tinfoil, doomsdayer, prepper, nutjob............ I know, I know, but my friends are welcome at my fire anytime!!! :D:D

I don't want to put out the name and link of that book on here, because I think Adam and the mods frown on anything like that being posted on their site, and I respect that. But I will email ya.

Edited by DiveDeepSix
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