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Did Jesus condemn homosexuality?


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As any card-carrying Liberal knows, these passages have merely been taken "out of context" for thousand of years. Now the passages in the Bible which can be twisted to suit the libs agenda, are of course the "True Word of God"

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Jesus just wanted everyone to love each other in my opinion. He was constantly promoting nothing but peace and understanding wherever he preached. Anyone who dissects the bible's stories and twists his teachings into anything other than "loving thy neighbor" is just completely misguided. Love thy neighbor and help others whenever possible... Why can't we just leave it at that? :hug:

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Let me start by saying I constantly struggle with my faith (a personal matter) my statements are not intended to correct or chastise anyone. They are more of a reflection of what goes on in my mind when I ponder things spiritual. With that said, if we "just leave it at that" as you suggest, what do we do with the rest of the Bible? If one agrees that the Bible is The Word of God, aren't all of His Words important? Yes, we need to love one another and help out whenever possible...but we also need to know what is "right" and what is "wrong" from God's perspective so we can attempt to live a life that is "right." To me, this is how one honors the God they claim to believe in and love---by living a life that reflects the things He is pleased with. He is not pleased with sin...and if the Bible says homosexuality is sinful, does that mean we reject God's view on it? I don't see how that is possible, no matter how much you love your neighbor. I can disagree with the homosexual lifestyle and still love my neighbor (even if he or she is ***).

Very well said...

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All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God at one point or another and with this comes either repentence or condemnation if we do not except Jesus. The only sin that is not forgiven is Blasphemy. God with except true repentence up until we draw our last breath and then some time after. He can speak to us even after death . All things are possible thru him. Paul spoke in the scripture that Homosexuality is wrong and there will be consequences for its action if death comes before repentence. The scriptures also say that he will leave us in a debased state of mind if we are so hard hearted that change will not come. Jesus and the Father wishes no one to pass from this earth in a sinful state because their eternity would be dark torment away from Christ.

Man has grown to be lovers of themselves over the years and Gods word says that a man must not lay with another man nor a woman and a woman, this is an abomination until the lord of hosts. Satan has stepped his attack on those who have let their guard down causing one to change their thinking about whats right or wrong. In the New Testament you will find where his teachings says that there will come a day when.......right will become wrong, and wrong will become right and it is becoming an epidemic being authorized by our leaders sanctioned by the ACLU and other orginizations. This world and our nation is quickly heading back to the days that brought condemnation and correction by Gods anger. Free will of choice came from the cross to everyone of his creation but along with it comes accountability for our actions. Those who continuously make excuses comdemn themselves through misunderstandings or putting themselves above Gods commandments.

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Jesus just wanted everyone to love each other in my opinion. He was constantly promoting nothing but peace and understanding wherever he preached. Anyone who dissects the bible's stories and twists his teachings into anything other than "loving thy neighbor" is just completely misguided. Love thy neighbor and help others whenever possible... Why can't we just leave it at that? :hug:

Could you please define LOVE? I do not understand the context. If we truley love others, wouldn't we love them enough to speak the truth, or is the love you are talking about, letting them do what feels right? A starving man would eat a poison plant because it would feel right.... would you stop him?

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This will make it simple to understand how God feels about homosexuality... God created Adam and Eve not Eve and Eve or Adam and Adam... How hard is that to understand???

Ok.. Then the question rises spontaneously... What would you do if you had a son, daughter, brother, sister, dear friend who happen to be homosexual? Would you hate them and despise them and think they do not deserve to give and receive love ( not only family love but also relationship love)?

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Ok.. Then the question rises spontaneously... What would you do if you had a son, daughter, brother, sister, dear friend who happen to be homosexual? Would you hate them and despise them and think they do not deserve to give and receive love ( not only family love but also relationship love)?

No, never hate.... would still love them as much as ever but I still wouldn't approve their lifestyle choices... A Christian does NOT hate the sinner (we are all sinners), we just hate the sin... Much love to ya Umb!

Ok.. Then the question rises spontaneously... What would you do if you had a son, daughter, brother, sister, dear friend who happen to be homosexual? Would you hate them and despise them and think they do not deserve to give and receive love ( not only family love but also relationship love)?

No, never hate.... would still love them as much as ever but I still wouldn't approve their lifestyle choices... A Christian does NOT hate the sinner (we are all sinners), we just hate the sin... Much love to ya Umb!

Could you please define LOVE? I do not understand the context. If we truley love others, wouldn't we love them enough to speak the truth, or is the love you are talking about, letting them do what feels right? A starving man would eat a poison plant because it would feel right.... would you stop him?

Well said also...

Could you please define LOVE? I do not understand the context. If we truley love others, wouldn't we love them enough to speak the truth, or is the love you are talking about, letting them do what feels right? A starving man would eat a poison plant because it would feel right.... would you stop him?

Well said also...

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This will make it simple to understand how God feels about homosexuality... God created Adam and Eve not Eve and Eve or Adam and Adam... How hard is that to understand???

nor was it Adam & Steve :blink:

Ok.. Then the question rises spontaneously... What would you do if you had a son, daughter, brother, sister, dear friend who happen to be homosexual? Would you hate them and despise them and think they do not deserve to give and receive love ( not only family love but also relationship love)?

why have you introduced hate into this???

We love the person, but hate the sin, but do not condone any sinful destructive relationship. All that we can do is love them, and tell them the truth. The biggest mistake people make is to approve of the behavior out of fear, but to approve of something that is wrong is a disservice to the one getting the approval.

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nor was it Adam & Steve :blink:

why have you introduced hate into this???

We love the person, but hate the sin, but do not condone any sinful destructive relationship. All that we can do is love them, and tell them the truth. The biggest mistake people make is to approve of the behavior out of fear, but to approve of something that is wrong is a disservice to the one getting the approval.

Sport.. I simply asked a question based on some of the responses here about this issue....


No, never hate.... would still love them as much as ever but I still wouldn't approve their lifestyle choices... A Christian does NOT hate the sinner (we are all sinners), we just hate the sin... Much love to ya Umb!

End Quote

Bama....Ok...You ( and everybody else) are of course fully entitled to not approve this particular or any other behavior you may deem "improper"....and / or sinful.

But about "lifestyle choices"....I'm not sure it's a matter of choice... For instance... I am a male who happens to be attracted to women and that is not a choice I made.. I was born like that....So , as an example...Why then should I fight that and try to be attracted to males ( in my case being a heterosexual).....Why try and fight my own nature and inclination?

I think same holds true for homosexuals..... It's not a choice for them...Why should they try to fight their sexual inclination and nature and try to be attracted to the other gender if they are attracted to their same sex and not the other one? What sense would it make for anyone to go against their own sexual inclination?

Much love to you.

Edited by umbertino
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Jesus just wanted everyone to love each other in my opinion. He was constantly promoting nothing but peace and understanding wherever he preached. Anyone who dissects the bible's stories and twists his teachings into anything other than "loving thy neighbor" is just completely misguided. Love thy neighbor and help others whenever possible... Why can't we just leave it at that? :hug:

Love everyone..., YES! But when it comes to the issue of marriage Jesus was quite explicite. Matthew 19:5 sums it!

and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?

New Living Translation (©2007)

And he said, 'This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.'

English Standard Version (©2001)

and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?

New American Standard Bible (©1995)


King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)

And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?

International Standard Version (©2008)

and said, 'That is why a man will leave his father and mother and be united with his wife, and the two will become one flesh'?

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)

And he said, “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall cleave to his wife and the two of them shall be one flesh.”

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)

and that he said, 'That's why a man will leave his father and mother and will remain united with his wife, and the two will be one'?

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)

And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh?

American King James Version

And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall join to his wife: and they two shall be one flesh?

American Standard Version

and said, For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh?

Douay-Rheims Bible

For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife, and they two shall be in one flesh.

Darby Bible Translation

and said, On account of this a man shall leave father and mother, and shall be united to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh?

Can this be any clearer?

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Sport.. I simply asked a question based on some of the responses here about this issue....


No, never hate.... would still love them as much as ever but I still wouldn't approve their lifestyle choices... A Christian does NOT hate the sinner (we are all sinners), we just hate the sin... Much love to ya Umb!

End Quote

Bama....Ok...You ( and everybody else) are of course fully entitled to not approve this particular or any other behavior you may deem "improper"....and / or sinful.

But about "lifestyle choices"....I'm not sure it's a matter of choice... For instance... I am a male who happens to be attracted to women and that is not a choice I made.. I was born like that....So , as an example...Why then should I fight that and try to be attracted to males ( in my case being a heterosexual).....Why try and fight my own nature and inclination?

I think same holds true for homosexuals..... It's not a choice for them...Why should they try to fight their sexual inclination and nature and try to be attracted to the other gender if they are attracted to their same sex and not the other one? What sense would it make for anyone to go against their own sexual inclination?

Much love to you.

Nice argument U. One's TRUE sexual orientation has nothing to do with their religious beliefs. We are predisposed genetically as to our preference. That's my opinion.

I really don't understand why the *** topic is a constant debate on this site. The topic is mute, as it should be.

Do any of you fine members have new information regarding our investment that you wish to share?

I love you too U. Thanks for going out on a limb regarding this topic. Someone needed to.

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Sport.. I simply asked a question based on some of the responses here about this issue....

I might be missing something, but it looks like you were the 1st person in this thread to use the word hate, let me know if I am wrong. :)

We are predisposed genetically as to our preference. That's my opinion.

you're right, that is your opinion, and it is based on a lack of any evidence or fact.

technically, you have been influenced by a lie. Sexual preference is a choice that is made in ones mind, it is not a genetic programming.

The topic is mute

the topic is forced into our lives daily as something we should all accept, tolerate, even embrace.

ain't gonna be forced down my throat or into my children's minds as something that is good, loving, caring or any of the other lies

that it is presented with. The only real truth about homosexuality is that it is SIN and it is destuctive.

I really don't understand why the *** topic is a constant debate on this site. The topic is mute, as it should be.

Do any of you fine members have new information regarding our investment that you wish to share?

hey, this is an off topic post, if you don't like it then don't read "off topic" threads. :)

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Are you serious Mark. Is that the best reply you could come up with?

That's not enough for you? How about walking down the street and having a man dressed as woman grabbing your ass? How about at 19 yrs old laying in your bed and having your superior of the same sex trying to seduce you? How about bending over working on something and having your supervisor of the same sex grab your ass? Do I need to go on?

1 Corinthians 6:17-20

New Living Translation (NLT)

17 But the person who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with him.

18 Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body. 19 Don’t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, 20 for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.

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