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Does Iraq have enough $$ to pay us?

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You would have to think that IRAQ Govt is going to be the source of paying us for our dinars, and with people talking about a $3 per dinar rate, does Iraq have enough US dollars to pay us out? That is a reason I am thinking that Adam thinks the rate will start at 10 cents. I would like to see what Freeway Bill or Okie has to say about this. What do you all think...?? Does Iraq have enough cash to cash us out? I bet most people have never thought about this before.

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You would have to think that IRAQ Govt is going to be the source of paying us for our dinars, and with people talking about a $3 per dinar rate, does Iraq have enough US dollars to pay us out? That is a reason I am thinking that Adam thinks the rate will start at 10 cents. I would like to see what Freeway Bill or Okie has to say about this. What do you all think...?? Does Iraq have enough cash to cash us out? I bet most people have never thought about this before.

This has been talked about & argued about & whatever about before. As far as freeway bill, okie , or who ever, I will wait for ADAMS text & e-mail...

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You would have to think that IRAQ Govt is going to be the source of paying us for our dinars, and with people talking about a $3 per dinar rate, does Iraq have enough US dollars to pay us out? That is a reason I am thinking that Adam thinks the rate will start at 10 cents. I would like to see what Freeway Bill or Okie has to say about this. What do you all think...?? Does Iraq have enough cash to cash us out? I bet most people have never thought about this before.

You might could gain some real knowledge if you would visit the IQD team, because they base their intel on real Iraqi news sources, not hersey, and hype like those other guru's. They have much information explaining all that on their website.

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You would have to think that IRAQ Govt is going to be the source of paying us for our dinars, and with people talking about a $3 per dinar rate, does Iraq have enough US dollars to pay us out? That is a reason I am thinking that Adam thinks the rate will start at 10 cents. I would like to see what Freeway Bill or Okie has to say about this. What do you all think...?? Does Iraq have enough cash to cash us out? I bet most people have never thought about this before.


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I believe that becoming a part of the WTO is big on this. From recent study done because of this very question my belief is that when you are welcomed into the WTO they take into account all of the countries liablities and assets and from that and future projections based on hard evidence they become a sort of guarantor of your moneys worth. Whatever rate Iraq comes in with if it is a RV will be locked in for two years. If it is an RI it can be adjusted as well as an RD. Reading the World Banks findings puts them at 2013 for all of this financial stuff to become conclusive if Iraq does what has been set up by the world bank. They are ranking them with the GPD not USD. So far Iraq is not being fiscally responsible enough to be guarantored by the World bank. If they are part of WTO like everyone says they are it could still happen but someone is going out on a long slender limb if they do. I hope they do because I want this RV but I am wrestling with my own cautious sense of responsiblity. If I were involved I would say no way you are not ready and you have to quit selling dinar. From what I read they sell dinar and do not record it and are saying money laundering and illegal selling of dinar is equal to close to 350 trillion dinar. If you bought it from an source not authorized by Iraq to sell it you are perhaps in trouble. I hope dinar trade was a legal seller of dinar I have my certificates but am now a bit worried as from what I have read if Iraq wants your money they pass a law saying you are protected and when they get your money they pass a law saying you are illegal. They pass laws at will and dont even keep books on the money you buy they just show the dollars and GPD they have in reserve because of your purchases. I hope I am wrong on this and it RVs soon. I want to be wrong.

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You would have to think that IRAQ Govt is going to be the source of paying us for our dinars, and with people talking about a $3 per dinar rate, does Iraq have enough US dollars to pay us out? That is a reason I am thinking that Adam thinks the rate will start at 10 cents. I would like to see what Freeway Bill or Okie has to say about this. What do you all think...?? Does Iraq have enough cash to cash us out? I bet most people have never thought about this before.

Let's say you bought a $1000.00 worth of chocolate because you thought it would be worth $1,000,000.00 one day. That day has arrived and your chocolate is worth $1,000,000.00. Do you think that Hershey's must pay you $1,000,000.00 ?

Answer..... NO. You sell it on the market to whoever will give you $1,000,000.00. Hershey's owes you nothing because they already gave you what your money was worth at the time, and now all the other chocolate that they own is worth more just like yours is.

Likewise, Iraq owes nothing to anybody. Their currency, which you bought, is now worth more USD, so what you are holding is now worth more USD or Euro or Yuan or whatever you can trade it for.

If I'm off base here, somebody help us out.

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I think I am going to go hunting and shoot something grrrrrr. RV already. Too much learning makes a man crazy. He whom the gods would destroy they first make mad. In patience possess ye your souls. He who endures to the end the same shall be saved. Be angry and sin not. According to hope RV tomorrow according to guru RV today according to economist never RV according to World Bank RV 2013. I am giving this a rest. Somebody slap me when this RVs so I can believe it.

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hahahahahahaha that is the first time i have ever heard { learning made me go out and blow stuff up} :lol: i learned that dinar isn`t going to r-v today,,,blow something up ,,shoot heck out of things,,,, i learned today how too repair the stuff i just blew up :lol::lol:

i bring this over from other great area`s of learning ,,, don`t shoot your puter after this read ,,,, just do a search and locate the article,,,this fellow is got a good reputation,,, and really put thought and effort into it in 1988 there was little or no international demand for IQD, neither in Forex, nor in International Reserve accounts. Today, we can clearly see, that according to CBI and GOI reports, that over 80% of all issued IQD, is held in international hands, outside of Iraq and Central Banks. That gives us a new factor, of 500% to consider, and it still does not include Forex, nor does it include increased demands of International Reserves, once IQD is an accepted world currency, which is clearly a stated and realistic objective of IMF Article IV consultations and IMF Article VIII and WTO goals. {Factor X 5 = $2.835 Trillion or 3,645 Trillion IQD at the current Rate of Exchange, 1170.}

Since this includes only current figures, and does not include Forex or additional Multi- International Reserve Account demands, because it is still not a recognized IMF Art. VIII Reserve Currency, one could easily expect, that the demand would increase by at least double the current international demands, and maybe as high as 5 to even 10 times!

I will for the sake of realistic analysis, factor only 200%.

{Factor X 2 = $5.67 Trillion US or 7,290 Trillion IQD at the current Rate or 1170.}

Now divide the 7,290 Trillion IQD by 1000. That is 7.29 Trillion IQD, valued at $.86 = $6.27 Trillion US, in buying power.

Now divide 7,290 Trillion, by 30 Trillion. That is about 243. This means that the IQD is currently about 243 times undervalued. It also means, this.... in order for there to be only 15 Billion IQD in circulation, (Even IF, 80% is digitized and this only reflects actual paper cash, that the new exchange rate would have to be close to $83.6 US per 1 Iraqi Dinar, to have enough purchasing power to meet projected demands. Of course we all know, that is simply preposterous, so it is reasonable to conclude, that Al- Saleh is merely referring to an in country Quazi Stock figure, for domestic demand in cash, only.

In conclusion, what this means, is simply put, that if there is 30 Trillion IQD in circulation, it can be replaced by 30 Trillion newer and lower denominations at an exchange rate of about $6.27 Trillion US divided by 30 Trillion. That is about 21 cents. This can be done without monetizing much of future oil reserves and Iraq wealth, but it would take approval by the Parliament and the GOI, because CBI does not have enough liquid assets to pay for it. Only the GOI can approve such Bills of of Exchange, to cover that. That is how they would monetize non liquid wealth into real cash and the liquidity needed.

remember this is only a little part of the information ,,,,,, seek and ye shall find ,,,, close your eyes and hide ,,, doesn`t make a difference too me,,, i can`t take a credit for this one ,,, but i`m sure they would not mind if i were too hand off a few bites of info too help others a little bit more,,,,

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I'm going with Adam's prediction of a low somewhere around .10 cents. Here's why...

Shabibi stated this will be a gradual process over two years.

The Iraq economy is still re-building. Over 40 unemployment & 40% of Iraqis below the poverty level.

Iraq don't yet have the capacity to produce more oil until fields & pipeline major contracts are awarded & completed in about 2 years.

The Iraq Stock Exchange must go digital & int'l in order for the economy to grow. Iraq needs foreign investors.

The Dinar must become a world tradable currency.

Oil must stay at or above $80 a barrel consistently void of major price fluctuations.

Finally, sovereignty & all restrictions lifted including normalized relations with it's neigbours.

Then Iraq will have the wealth to back up whatever rate the ID RVs at.

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Let's say you bought a $1000.00 worth of chocolate because you thought it would be worth $1,000,000.00 one day. That day has arrived and your chocolate is worth $1,000,000.00. Do you think that Hershey's must pay you $1,000,000.00 ?

Answer..... NO. You sell it on the market to whoever will give you $1,000,000.00. Hershey's owes you nothing because they already gave you what your money was worth at the time, and now all the other chocolate that they own is worth more just like yours is.

Likewise, Iraq owes nothing to anybody. Their currency, which you bought, is now worth more USD, so what you are holding is now worth more USD or Euro or Yuan or whatever you can trade it for.

If I'm off base here, somebody help us out.

Your absolutely correct

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What ever the Rate, If you live in the USA the Treasury will be crediting your account, and will no doubt be traded for oil between Iraq and US. Just my thoughts .And as far as could they afford a 3 dollar RV, yes they could afford a 10 dollar Rv but they are not that stupid, slow but not stupid.Possibly up to 1 dollar. I'm still hooked on 1to1. :D

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yes they have cash or oil to cash us out our us out

then they get trade in oil

the dinar is backed by oil and gas Iraq can with stand a $1 to $17 cash in

but it will be under a $1 cash in to start

Gubmints do not TRADE in Oil. Oil companies trade in oil.

What ever the Rate, If you live in the USA the Treasury will be crediting your account, and will no doubt be traded for oil between Iraq and US. Just my thoughts .And as far as could they afford a 3 dollar RV, yes they could afford a 10 dollar Rv but they are not that stupid, slow but not stupid.Possibly up to 1 dollar. I'm still hooked on 1to1. :D

1:1 suits me also.

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Let's say you bought a $1000.00 worth of chocolate because you thought it would be worth $1,000,000.00 one day. That day has arrived and your chocolate is worth $1,000,000.00. Do you think that Hershey's must pay you $1,000,000.00 ?

Answer..... NO. You sell it on the market to whoever will give you $1,000,000.00. Hershey's owes you nothing because they already gave you what your money was worth at the time, and now all the other chocolate that they own is worth more just like yours is.

Likewise, Iraq owes nothing to anybody. Their currency, which you bought, is now worth more USD, so what you are holding is now worth more USD or Euro or Yuan or whatever you can trade it for.

If I'm off base here, somebody help us out.

So who is going to give me a million USD for my million dinars? In the end somebody always has to pay and you cant just change the value of a currency fifty thousand percent overnight

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Sure it can,we (usa) do it daily. What are the odds we (usa) ever pay down our debt,my guess never.

Never is right, you (personaliy) and me and everyone else you know were already in debt before you were even conceived because of the government that was in power when our grandparents were teenagers, they mortgaged us so they could have more money back then albeit the debt they passed on was nothing like what were going to pass to our grandchildren.

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You would have to think that IRAQ Govt is going to be the source of paying us for our dinars, and with people talking about a $3 per dinar rate, does Iraq have enough US dollars to pay us out? That is a reason I am thinking that Adam thinks the rate will start at 10 cents. I would like to see what Freeway Bill or Okie has to say about this. What do you all think...?? Does Iraq have enough cash to cash us out? I bet most people have never thought about this before.

Okie?....Freeway Bill?....Seriously????? :huh::blink::rolleyes:

GO RV, then BV

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So who is going to give me a million USD for my million dinars? In the end somebody always has to pay and you cant just change the value of a currency fifty thousand percent overnight

You sell it to some individual who thinks he/she can get more for it than they paid you, or you redeem it at your bank or currency trader (Dinat Trade, for dollars, euros, yuan or other currency. This is akin to trading some stock. Hope this helps.

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Never is right, you (personaliy) and me and everyone else you know were already in debt before you were even conceived because of the government that was in power when our grandparents were teenagers, they mortgaged us so they could have more money back then albeit the debt they passed on was nothing like what were going to pass to our grandchildren.

Sad, but O so true. Born into financial slavery from birth destined to become anything you want, but first and always a taxpayer. As each US adminstration comes and goes, the odds become longer that anyone can truly be 'free and independent'. Gotta pay off the prior adminstrations debt you know. We're all gonna have to sacrifice a little for our grandchildren and future generations, gotta even things out yada yada yada... Well 'ceptin for us, we're your exempt representatives and ah, we do important stuff...

The truly disgusting thing about where we are heading is, even if one is a loyal taxpayer and works up to the ever distancing retirement age and manages to have a home and property paid for, you are still not out of the woods for two important reasons;

1: As the dollar loses value cost of goods go up and your fixed income budget begins to deteriorate back to 'zero'.

2: As entitlement programs, subsidies and State Department 'international gifts' continue unabated, all taxes, Federal and local will increase. Property tax will get the elderly in the end (no pun intended).

The solution is obvious but until you and I hold each other accountable for who we elect into office, it is not going to change in a favorable way that is a continuation of the independent mindedness of our forefathers.

Still and all, it is great to be an American and I am thankful for God's Grace that has favored me with this citizenship. Because, when it is all said and done and I am clutching my Bible, Constitution and guns, I know a country boy can survive.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.


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