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who really decides the RV?


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It's rumored (?) that the same powerful people (in their own perverted estimate) own the CBI as well as the Federal Reserve and all the other major banks worldwide. It's also rumored they own most of the politicians worldwide. There have been several good posts related to this that might be worth while to research. Enter a hypothetical question....since it's been rumored that one powerful family with a few cronies have influenced the wealth of the world for the past few centuries...could it be that some of the ups and downs of the projected RV date is to play so much havoc on the common investors emotions and RV dates are fabricated to encourage mass exodus from the investment???? Is it possible that some of the major contracts are also owned by same family??? Naw, surely that is just a conspiracy theory...or is it? Since "they" have been rumored to be behind all major conflicts in the world for eons, and "they" control most of the world's wealth...could "they" be controlling the RV for their own greedy reasons? Is it also possible since "they" have assisted the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents due to war, poverty and disease that they would be concerned about a few million Iraqis suffering due to the conditions there? Personally, I have reservations about anyone in Iraq having the final go ahead but I'm just an old backwoods country bumpkin. Let's here from some of you deep thinkers that post good stuff...what is your honest opinion? I suspect that there are people reading the posts and even posting that may have different motives than ours.

:huh::angry::blink: Will it RV in June???? Guess we will see pretty soon. Cheers and Blessings

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If you don't know you don't need to know.

Sorry, but if they don't know, they DO need to know. Research New World Order, Rothchilds, and Bilderbergs. With extensive research you will come to your own conclusion of what the he// is happening in this world. Some say conspiracy theory, I thought so too, until I did enough research to convince me otherwise.

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It's rumored (?) that the same powerful people (in their own perverted estimate) own the CBI as well as the Federal Reserve and all the other major banks worldwide. It's also rumored they own most of the politicians worldwide. There have been several good posts related to this that might be worth while to research. Enter a hypothetical question....since it's been rumored that one powerful family with a few cronies have influenced the wealth of the world for the past few centuries...could it be that some of the ups and downs of the projected RV date is to play so much havoc on the common investors emotions and RV dates are fabricated to encourage mass exodus from the investment???? Is it possible that some of the major contracts are also owned by same family??? Naw, surely that is just a conspiracy theory...or is it? Since "they" have been rumored to be behind all major conflicts in the world for eons, and "they" control most of the world's wealth...could "they" be controlling the RV for their own greedy reasons? Is it also possible since "they" have assisted the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents due to war, poverty and disease that they would be concerned about a few million Iraqis suffering due to the conditions there? Personally, I have reservations about anyone in Iraq having the final go ahead but I'm just an old backwoods country bumpkin. Let's here from some of you deep thinkers that post good stuff...what is your honest opinion? I suspect that there are people reading the posts and even posting that may have different motives than ours.

:huh::angry::blink: Will it RV in June???? Guess we will see pretty sothese on. Cheers and Blessings

If these people you are talking about have control of all the money all they would have to do is buy ALL the dinars when they first came out, manipulate the RV to $6.00 and they would own it all. But if they owned it all who would do all the work and make all the stuff and buy and sell it. I'm sure the Rothchilds contral quite a bit of the action in the world, but if they did you wouldn't know about it and still be alive. Rockefeller used to say,"Own nothing, Control everything". i don't think the Rothchilds have been around for "the past few centuries unless they are related to the Hapsbergs and a few other old European families. It's good to have a scapegoat to b laame our circumstances on, however bankers like the Bilderbergs need money moving in order to make money. It does them absolutely no good at all for it to be locked up in a bank somewhere. That's why the created the "Fractional Reserve Banking system" (FRB). That keeps the money moving fast with no risk to them and no ,money out of their pockets. Instead of worrying about these big bankers we should be concerned with how we will protect our assets. Lurking over your shoulder is Obama and his Obamacare bill which willl confiscate more money than ever seen anywhere before and we will sit here and debate whether he will be reelected instead of throwing him out of office and under a bus.

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A few points to consider...

--- If there really are superpower entities (groups of people or "families") that control everything through manipulation and crimes over time, we (meaning everyone except them and whomever they decide should know) will never EVER find out. Simple as that. Those in power wish to stay in power, and will do whatever they can to retain the control and power.

--- Assuming the first point is true... We also have to assume that these said people are responsible for all or most of the most atrocious things in recent human history (i.e. banking schemes, wars, and even extreme claims such as introduction of HIV into the world). That being said, their secrets they will take to their graves, and no one will ever be able to 100% prove it was them that caused those things to happen. Which is infuriating...

--- Down to a more closely related level, if the RV is some world-changing event / greatest exchange of wealth, and it is meant to liberate the purposefully-imposed FRB system and other fiat-based monetary policies, in some sort of effort to keep us off the trail of these entities doing their very best to stay hidden, then we should be looking at the validity of the reasons behind why an RV is actually beneficial, and not just some of that "because the world needs it to survive" crap... I mean, REAL reasons why an RV is absolutely needed and isn't just some planned-out scheme by these same conspiratorial entities that are playing puppet master with us run-o-the-mill human beings.

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Sorry, but if they don't know, they DO need to know. Research New World Order, Rothchilds, and Bilderbergs. With extensive research you will come to your own conclusion of what the he// is happening in this world. Some say conspiracy theory, I thought so too, until I did enough research to convince me otherwise.


Edited by Matt P.
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These stories of 'they' are usually fantasy stories of people with no real knowledge of what goes on at the top.

If all the politicians are part of this as mentioned above, what would happen when this supposed elite mafia approach an up and coming politician and tell them 'ok we have this big shady racket going on and are you with us?'

Now said politican is a strong moral person and turns down this offer.

Would he stay quiet and never mention 'hey i found out all the world leaders are joined in a masiive sham for financial gain?'

These are just dinner table fantasies.

That said I know never to underestimate the power of money and the influence that comes with it.

Im sure a lot of underhand dealings and back handers go on but not as widespread as some would make out.

Edited by RRSport
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being naive will never negate the facts...people have always rediculed and scorned things they did not believe or understand....a fact is something that has been objectively verified not a boogie man theory...

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It's rumored (?) that the same powerful people (in their own perverted estimate) own the CBI as well as the Federal Reserve and all the other major banks worldwide. It's also rumored they own most of the politicians worldwide. There have been several good posts related to this that might be worth while to research. Enter a hypothetical question....since it's been rumored that one powerful family with a few cronies have influenced the wealth of the world for the past few centuries...could it be that some of the ups and downs of the projected RV date is to play so much havoc on the common investors emotions and RV dates are fabricated to encourage mass exodus from the investment???? Is it possible that some of the major contracts are also owned by same family??? Naw, surely that is just a conspiracy theory...or is it? Since "they" have been rumored to be behind all major conflicts in the world for eons, and "they" control most of the world's wealth...could "they" be controlling the RV for their own greedy reasons? Is it also possible since "they" have assisted the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocents due to war, poverty and disease that they would be concerned about a few million Iraqis suffering due to the conditions there? Personally, I have reservations about anyone in Iraq having the final go ahead but I'm just an old backwoods country bumpkin. Let's here from some of you deep thinkers that post good stuff...what is your honest opinion? I suspect that there are people reading the posts and even posting that may have different motives than ours.

:huh::angry::blink: Will it RV in June???? Guess we will see pretty soon. Cheers and Blessings

One thing sticks in my mind from many years ago,..a meeting of lots of high ranking business moguls,..where David Rockefeller made the bold statement,..Governments do not run countries, business runs countries !

I believe the business he was referring to was the Banking and financial business.

Certainly we have all learned that no grease lubricates and gets things done as well as Printers Ink on paper !

Good Things To All !

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Sorry, but if they don't know, they DO need to know. Research New World Order, Rothchilds, and Bilderbergs. With extensive research you will come to your own conclusion of what the he// is happening in this world. Some say conspiracy theory, I thought so too, until I did enough research to convince me otherwise.


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You bring up an excellent point regarding the One World Order and Illuminati and/or whoever is pulling the strings behind the scenes. They have controlled so much of what's been going on in the world for a very long time. I, myself am quite metaphysically oriented and I take great consolation in the whole "2012" business. I believe that as our solar system orbits through our Universe that it experiences "seasons" much like planet Earth experiences "seasons" orbiting the sun. Many ancient cultures - Mayans, Egyptians, Hopi and others, recognized this as well. According to most of these old teachings, and many new teachings as well (for example Gregg Braden), the changes associated with 2012 are all about our solar system entering a new season or age, a "lighter" season that the Egyptians would call a "Golden Age". It's not really that the world is literally ending, but rather that one season or age is ending and the ways in which things are accomplished will need to change in the new coming season. In a "light" season, compassion, cooperation and kindness will prevail as opposed to a "dark" season (which we are leaving) where competition and conflict prevail. My point in saying this is that I believe Iraq's efforts to create a democracy will be supported by these new lighter energies we are starting to experience. In contrast, I believe that the One World Order and Illuminati will find it harder and harder to accomplish their goals and unless they get on board with the new way of doing things with compassion and respect, they will ultimately lose power and fade away.

Hey, I know I'm out there, but energy is constantly changing and affecting us all the time. People go a little crazy with full moons. And the tides are controlled by the moon. So it's really not unreasonable that, as our solar system moves through different parts of the Universe, it too is affected. The educational channels like the Discovery Channed, History Channel and the like are all over this and there are tons of new programs about this stuff.

Anyway, my point is that, yes, the powers behind the scenes have been pulling the strings, but their control over the world is starting to falter and will continue to get weaker. I hope and believe Iraq will rise up and become a great democratic nation with their people living happy and fulfilling lives. The fact that we were lucky enough to hear about this investment opportunity and then chose to actually invest in it is just the icing on the cake!!

God bless you all and GO RV! :P

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