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I just have to say this, there's no need for lengthy responses or bashing, I already know what people think about these types of responses. But feel free to leave sympathetic or understanding responses to help me refrain from rising up with verbal violence...

I am very tired of seeing Christianity being abused. It's a personal relationship with God through belief in Jesus Christ, got the Father, and the Holy Spirit. It's not meant to be a tableau of paint-by-numbers that people can use throughout their lives to snick things into place and cause dissent and bickering amongst fellow man. We have separation of church and state for a reason. Can we please have separation of church and investment? Or separation of church and money/economy/finances?

I'm serious. It's quite extraordinarily obnoxious to come on the forums to see people's personal opinions on news articles and rumors just to see wild prophesies of the utmost ridiculous order being blatantly lambasted all over the forefront of everyone's conversations... What has this place come to? Why does it always have to be brought back to what people think "God's" plan for this or that is? It's so obviously inappropriate and exceedingly disenfranchising to hear other Christians use bible verses and speak their words of practiced and rhetorical unrelated arbitrariness when it comes to these types of posts about what to expect in this wild ride. Can't people just leave it well enough alone? I have yet to see any Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, or any other of the wide-ranging religious traditions, expostulate on the prophetic meanings or holy/sacred text-related explanations of what is going on with the Iraqi Dinar...

Only Christians.

It's always only ever them...

And like I said in a previous post, I'm a born-again Christian. How can people honestly live with their behavior when it comes to spouting forth with scripture-laden tongues and heavily deluded and worn-out phrases from the bible and supplementary teachings...? I feel sorry for most Christians that have to witness their "supposedly fellow believers" sticking out their necks for the proverbial chopping block and then running around like a decapitated chicken. It's embarrassingly painful. I love God, and I thoroughly believe most of the messages in the bible, but I don't understand how people bring it past the subliminal level of understanding into the broad open daylight of everyday life and not expect to get burned by those with eager criticizing minds and agendas.

So, again, I'll ask it, and I already anticipate the "I'm just standing up for my beliefs and professing what I know to be true!" comments from those of you out there that are "deep in your faith":

Please stop including overly-emphasized Christian-based messages into your personal opinions about the Iraqi Dinar "investment."

That's all.

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I just have to say this, there's no need for lengthy responses or bashing, I already know what people think about these types of responses. But feel free to leave sympathetic or understanding responses to help me refrain from rising up with verbal violence...

I am very tired of seeing Christianity being abused. It's a personal relationship with God through belief in Jesus Christ, got the Father, and the Holy Spirit. It's not meant to be a tableau of paint-by-numbers that people can use throughout their lives to snick things into place and cause dissent and bickering amongst fellow man. We have separation of church and state for a reason. Can we please have separation of church and investment? Or separation of church and money/economy/finances?

I'm serious. It's quite extraordinarily obnoxious to come on the forums to see people's personal opinions on news articles and rumors just to see wild prophesies of the utmost ridiculous order being blatantly lambasted all over the forefront of everyone's conversations... What has this place come to? Why does it always have to be brought back to what people think "God's" plan for this or that is? It's so obviously inappropriate and exceedingly disenfranchising to hear other Christians use bible verses and speak their words of practiced and rhetorical unrelated arbitrariness when it comes to these types of posts about what to expect in this wild ride. Can't people just leave it well enough alone? I have yet to see any Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, or any other of the wide-ranging religious traditions, expostulate on the prophetic meanings or holy/sacred text-related explanations of what is going on with the Iraqi Dinar...

Only Christians.

It's always only ever them...

And like I said in a previous post, I'm a born-again Christian. How can people honestly live with their behavior when it comes to spouting forth with scripture-laden tongues and heavily deluded and worn-out phrases from the bible and supplementary teachings...? I feel sorry for most Christians that have to witness their "supposedly fellow believers" sticking out their necks for the proverbial chopping block and then running around like a decapitated chicken. It's embarrassingly painful. I love God, and I thoroughly believe most of the messages in the bible, but I don't understand how people bring it past the subliminal level of understanding into the broad open daylight of everyday life and not expect to get burned by those with eager criticizing minds and agendas.

So, again, I'll ask it, and I already anticipate the "I'm just standing up for my beliefs and professing what I know to be true!" comments from those of you out there that are "deep in your faith":

Please stop including overly-emphasized Christian-based messages into your personal opinions about the Iraqi Dinar "investment."

That's all.

I think its funny that people pray over this investment. Like god really cares if our worthless paper turns in to something valuable.

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I think its funny that people pray over this investment. Like god really cares if our worthless paper turns in to something valuable.

Quite so, and in fact, it's downright insulting to God. If God's plan for you is not this investment, you are only exacerbating your pointless struggle against "God's Will", right? Exactly, I thought so... oh wait, you thought it was guaranteed because the bible said God's will is paramount and unchanging? Psh... like you can pretend to know whether or not something is meant for your existence based on your "prayers" and "time with God". This is about realizing what has already been set to happen. Like I said, there's reasons we have all been brought into this investment, seemingly without our own choice to join it, but rather some metaphysical connection between us all (NO, it's not God's will that I'm referring to, or some plan God has set out for this...). I'm sorry, I just don't see how "listening to your inner voice (or is that the holy spirit that talks to you? It's all metaphorical, people! If it isn't, show me physical/visual/audible proof that it's not just your own moral inner voice)" is living out God's plan for your life... teach me, oh wise and learned Christian scholars! Sorry for being so mean, I just get so heated about this topic... and I've been trying to skirt it for some time, but the religious posts have been mounting recently, so I just had to say something and find out who else feels the same.

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I just have to say this, there's no need for lengthy responses or bashing, I already know what people think about these types of responses. But feel free to leave sympathetic or understanding responses to help me refrain from rising up with verbal violence...

Please stop including overly-emphasized Christian-based messages into your personal opinions about the Iraqi Dinar "investment."

That's all.

Your thoughts were very well laid out and I agree, it gets a bit too thick. I also have faith in God, this country (can be turned around), and this investment.

I do believe there are powers at work greater than many realize, ie "good guys" vs "bad guys" etc... That said, God's plan may come into play, but

he also gave us the brain power to do our own due diligence and use our common sense when it comes to investing (including good stewardship Post RV),

and I agree with TQueezy.

The religious spouting off seems to be of the level of trying to convert someone into believing, and I think that's where it crosses the line. I'm very

aware of the Biblical references and historical importance of the region. However, this investment is just that, and I believe that's where TQueezy

and others are coming from. My motto "Be excited but stay grounded" GoooooooooooooooRV!!! Lord knows we and the Iraqi people need it. B):DB)

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Why worry?

Really the religious types extend from the the athiest to the devout and millions are absolutly obsesive, they've be so programed with their particular strain of the delusion that you can never shut them up, many of these people probably yack about religion to everybody they meet all day long, they live in it, they wallow in it, it's their little shelter, their defense against the big bad world. Oh and they just know that their view is right and your's is wrong and they never tier telling you about their view.

You cannot stop these people they are obsessive, they are convinced that their version of this illusion is the only one that's "REAL" and that anyone who doesn't believe it or is too far from their narrow point of view should be "in my cases" shunned, cut out, ignored, banned etc. they will not tolerate any critasism of their programed belief system in exactly the same way the other religions have extream views.

So basically your best bet is to keep your views to yourself and simply ignore the religious pulp that's being thrown into this mix, just as its thrown into every other endevour of mankind as your wasting your time trying to tell these people to shut up about the one and only thing that they are hell bent in telling you and everyone else about. Namely their version of the God story which is always in their mind superior to yours!

When it all gets too much have a laugh with Pat Condell, the religious (serious) comedian on his GODLESS COMEDY website. You might not agree with him but he makes some amazingly ponient arguments My link

Edited by cbisinger
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I love God, and I thoroughly believe most of the messages in the bible, but I don't understand how people bring it past the subliminal level of understanding into the broad open daylight of everyday life and not expect to get burned by those with eager criticizing minds and agendas.

I was with you all the way up to, "and I thoroughly believe most of the messages in the bible." Then you lost me. I too don't believe we should pick and choose individual paragraphs from within scripture, take them completely out of context, and use them as a basis for any of our actions. However, your statement seems to also say to me that you personally believe that you get to pick and choose which statements you believe to be true, while still in context. There is no such thing as designer or costumized Christianity. Either you take it as it is in it's entirety or leave it. There is no inbetween. Which messages, may I ask, have you decided aren't believable?

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I just have to say this, there's no need for lengthy responses or bashing, I already know what people think about these types of responses. But feel free to leave sympathetic or understanding responses to help me refrain from rising up with verbal violence...

I am very tired of seeing Christianity being abused. It's a personal relationship with God through belief in Jesus Christ, got the Father, and the Holy Spirit. It's not meant to be a tableau of paint-by-numbers that people can use throughout their lives to snick things into place and cause dissent and bickering amongst fellow man. We have separation of church and state for a reason. Can we please have separation of church and investment? Or separation of church and money/economy/finances?

I'm serious. It's quite extraordinarily obnoxious to come on the forums to see people's personal opinions on news articles and rumors just to see wild prophesies of the utmost ridiculous order being blatantly lambasted all over the forefront of everyone's conversations... What has this place come to? Why does it always have to be brought back to what people think "God's" plan for this or that is? It's so obviously inappropriate and exceedingly disenfranchising to hear other Christians use bible verses and speak their words of practiced and rhetorical unrelated arbitrariness when it comes to these types of posts about what to expect in this wild ride. Can't people just leave it well enough alone? I have yet to see any Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, or any other of the wide-ranging religious traditions, expostulate on the prophetic meanings or holy/sacred text-related explanations of what is going on with the Iraqi Dinar...

Only Christians.

Its very understandable that

It's always only ever them...

And like I said in a previous post, I'm a born-again Christian. How can people honestly live with their behavior when it comes to spouting forth with scripture-laden tongues and heavily deluded and worn-out phrases from the bible and supplementary teachings...? I feel sorry for most Christians that have to witness their "supposedly fellow believers" sticking out their necks for the proverbial chopping block and then running around like a decapitated chicken. It's embarrassingly painful. I love God, and I thoroughly believe most of the messages in the bible, but I don't understand how people bring it past the subliminal level of understanding into the broad open daylight of everyday life and not expect to get burned by those with eager criticizing minds and agendas.

So, again, I'll ask it, and I already anticipate the "I'm just standing up for my beliefs and professing what I know to be true!" comments from those of you out there that are "deep in your faith":

Please stop including overly-emphasized Christian-based messages into your personal opinions about the Iraqi Dinar "investment."

That's all.

Its sad to hear someone states that they are a Christian, only to say a few sentences later that "I believe MOST of the stories in the bible." Im saying this totally out of love, and in general....not directly to the poster of this thread. To claim Christianity, and then only believe part...and not all off Gods word is an impossibility! Gods word is truth, and its either all or "I believe this, but dont believe that" I feel that some of ours troubles today! I only wish that those who truely do believe, would take the time to look through biblical prophesies and realize that this event (transfer of wealth) is scriptural...and will not be stopped by anyone! Not Adam, Not Okie. Not Shabbi..or Obama! This HAS TO HAPPEN to fulfill bible prophecy! Just my own personal beliefs on this entire situation! God Bless each of you!

PS...I believe every single WORD of the Bible. Just thought I would rule out any question of that!

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WOW.... We've gone from bashing gurus to bashing Christians. Sad. Very,very sad.

Isn't this a forum where freedom of speech is allowed, or is it only for what certain people what to read so everyone else will get bashed, flamed or what ever else you want to call it.

I call it hypocritical and sad.


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PS...I believe every single WORD of the Bible. Just thought I would rule out any question of that!

So you own slaves, stone people to death, or believe in any of the many terrible things the Bible says is OK?

Anyone who says they believe every single word in the Bible has never read the whole Bible. ;)

God/Jesus/Moses/Mohammed/Buddha, et al do not care about how you invest your money.

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So glad that I'm not alone in feeling this way.

It's great to believe that God may have some hand in using such an event to help the SO many needy world-wide but, to sit and believe that God is going to make you rich....GET A GRIP!!

I'd LOVE to see this posted over on SteveI's site!!!

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I just have to say this, there's no need for lengthy responses or bashing, I already know what people think about these types of responses. But feel free to leave sympathetic or understanding responses to help me refrain from rising up with verbal violence...

I am very tired of seeing Christianity being abused. It's a personal relationship with God through belief in Jesus Christ, got the Father, and the Holy Spirit. It's not meant to be a tableau of paint-by-numbers that people can use throughout their lives to snick things into place and cause dissent and bickering amongst fellow man. We have separation of church and state for a reason. Can we please have separation of church and investment? Or separation of church and money/economy/finances?

I'm serious. It's quite extraordinarily obnoxious to come on the forums to see people's personal opinions on news articles and rumors just to see wild prophesies of the utmost ridiculous order being blatantly lambasted all over the forefront of everyone's conversations... What has this place come to? Why does it always have to be brought back to what people think "God's" plan for this or that is? It's so obviously inappropriate and exceedingly disenfranchising to hear other Christians use bible verses and speak their words of practiced and rhetorical unrelated arbitrariness when it comes to these types of posts about what to expect in this wild ride. Can't people just leave it well enough alone? I have yet to see any Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, or any other of the wide-ranging religious traditions, expostulate on the prophetic meanings or holy/sacred text-related explanations of what is going on with the Iraqi Dinar...

Only Christians.

It's always only ever them...

And like I said in a previous post, I'm a born-again Christian. How can people honestly live with their behavior when it comes to spouting forth with scripture-laden tongues and heavily deluded and worn-out phrases from the bible and supplementary teachings...? I feel sorry for most Christians that have to witness their "supposedly fellow believers" sticking out their necks for the proverbial chopping block and then running around like a decapitated chicken. It's embarrassingly painful. I love God, and I thoroughly believe most of the messages in the bible, but I don't understand how people bring it past the subliminal level of understanding into the broad open daylight of everyday life and not expect to get burned by those with eager criticizing minds and agendas.

So, again, I'll ask it, and I already anticipate the "I'm just standing up for my beliefs and professing what I know to be true!" comments from those of you out there that are "deep in your faith":

Please stop including overly-emphasized Christian-based messages into your personal opinions about the Iraqi Dinar "investment."

That's all.

You very well may be a born again christian as you say well then why does it bother you as you have stated. A true christian might not understand very much about God and how he works at first but they would not be ashamed of his name or anything about him. It would be welcomed as the intent of your heart and soul should show. Sounds like you are still in an in between state and haven't the true understanding of Gods love and mercy. I am not putting you down or bashing you all i am saying is that Gods love instills in a person the drive and the willingness to share him. If you will think about this for a minute how can you progress in christianity with these thoughts. Go back and reread your post and ask yourself if this is exceptable to God, would he be proud of you for trying to get his children to be silent. Think about it.

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So you own slaves, stone people to death, or believe in any of the many terrible things the Bible says is OK?

Anyone who says they believe every single word in the Bible has never read the whole Bible. ;)

God/Jesus/Moses/Mohammed/Buddha, et al do not care about how you invest your money.

There is an enormous difference between merely reading the Bible, or in your case, reading what others have said about the Bible, and studying the Bible. Everything you have stated is, as always, a complete and utter misunderstanding of the history of God and His people. I will not get in a whizzing contest about it in this forum, but suffice it to say, unless you understand how God works and why God does what He does, you will never, ever understand His complete and unconditional love for each and every one of us...

Regardless of why you are in this investment, what lead you to this point, and what may ultimately happen, there are those of us who believe that God did/does have His hand in the outcome. As Christians, we believe He has his hand in everything we do. This could all very well be just a big test to determine, or at least show us, whether or not money is our God or if we truly want to help expand His kingdom. He may very well be allowing us to just follow our own folly's because it has no bearing on His will for our lives (kind of like other decisions such as should I shower today or not). However, we are also told, scripturally, that the servant who failed to invest what he was given, out of fear of losing it, was punished while those who invested wisely were given more responsibility. Most of us are acting out in faith and we will see where it leads. I don't see how what I believe should bother anyone else who doesn't. I certainly don't mock those of you who are only doing this to get filthy rich so you can buy cars, booze, and hookers (cause we all know thats what ya'll do, right?). :)

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Ive been trying to get this point across for sometime now....religion and investment do not belong hand in hand...

Oh yes they do and you should be thankful that he allows you to breath, eat, and live another day. He give you your first breath and he will be the one who says when time is up. So now do you not he has knowledge of everything in between.

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In the past 25 years of my walk with God, I have yet to be able to separate Him from ANY blessing, including the dinar.

All good things have come to me from the hand of God.

My character and true hearts intent have had the spotlight shed on them by the Holy Spirit over and over since I got in to this investment.

For those of you who have doubts, ask Him. He'll show you the truth.

Completely His,


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Quite so, and in fact, it's downright insulting to God. If God's plan for you is not this investment, you are only exacerbating your pointless struggle against "God's Will", right? Exactly, I thought so... oh wait, you thought it was guaranteed because the bible said God's will is paramount and unchanging? Psh... like you can pretend to know whether or not something is meant for your existence based on your "prayers" and "time with God". This is about realizing what has already been set to happen. Like I said, there's reasons we have all been brought into this investment, seemingly without our own choice to join it, but rather some metaphysical connection between us all (NO, it's not God's will that I'm referring to, or some plan God has set out for this...). I'm sorry, I just don't see how "listening to your inner voice (or is that the holy spirit that talks to you? It's all metaphorical, people! If it isn't, show me physical/visual/audible proof that it's not just your own moral inner voice)" is living out God's plan for your life... teach me, oh wise and learned Christian scholars! Sorry for being so mean, I just get so heated about this topic... and I've been trying to skirt it for some time, but the religious posts have been mounting recently, so I just had to say something and find out who else feels the same.

This is not the attitude of a born again christian as the way it is stated. You better look again what born again means in the first place. Yes i will defend God and what he stands for. It takes years to understand just what a person needs to know but we are not to be ashamed of christianity. Born again means being meek in spirit, love to hear anything about God.

In the past 25 years of my walk with God, I have yet to be able to separate Him from ANY blessing, including the dinar.

All good things have come to me from the hand of God.

My character and true hearts intent have had the spotlight shed on them by the Holy Spirit over and over since I got in to this investment.

For those of you who have doubts, ask Him. He'll show you the truth.

Completely His,


I wish that more people would take the time to try to understand what god stands for. They might actually like him.

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Most Christians share their faith out of love for others. From my perspective and many other Christians, the reason they share their faith, is because of two things, first we were told to by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and second because we know where people are going that have chosen not to believe.

Non-Christians shouldn't be offended by Christians who are sharing their faith, you should be flattered that the person loves you enough to suffer your wrath for telling you about Jesus. They don't want you to go to hell. Honestly, do you non-believers really believe that us Christians enjoy rejection and not being able to fellowship with you?

Then even on the flip side, there are some of you, that you make it really hard to love you, its HARD, but you'll notice that we're still trying to tell you about Jesus. And for those that don't know, we're really not the ones that are going to save you, its the Holy Spirit that does the work of making you feel guilty, we're just the messenger.

Jesus and God are an intergral part of our lives, if we seem to speak about God all the time, its because we are trying to understand the path that God has us on, and we want to know God better. We speak to one another, because we all have gifts, and the Body of Christ works best when all the parts of the Body work together.

Finally, in response to the OP, we include God in this investment and pray because that is what we are told to do. Pray about everything.

Phillipians 4:6

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about

everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.

Don't forget, JESUS LOVES YOU! th_smiley_two_thumbs_up.gif

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You very well may be a born again christian as you say well then why does it bother you as you have stated. A true christian might not understand very much about God and how he works at first but they would not be ashamed of his name or anything about him. It would be welcomed as the intent of your heart and soul should show. Sounds like you are still in an in between state and haven't the true understanding of Gods love and mercy. I am not putting you down or bashing you all i am saying is that Gods love instills in a person the drive and the willingness to share him. If you will think about this for a minute how can you progress in christianity with these thoughts. Go back and reread your post and ask yourself if this is exceptable to God, would he be proud of you for trying to get his children to be silent. Think about it.

I'm always amazed at how some People declare they "know" God and/or have "expertise" on god ( granted a god exists) implying by that they know him better than others.Nobody knows god ( granted a god exists) not even the Pope or the highest Imam or the highest Rabbi.So nobody can teach anything in that regard. It's a very personal matter.There's no teacher or disciple.

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I'm always amazed at how some People declare they "know" God and/or have "expertise" on god ( granted a god exists) implying by that they know him better than others.Nobody knows god ( granted a god exists) not even the Pope or the highest Imam or the highest Rabbi.So nobody can teach anything in that regard. It's a very personal matter.There's no teacher or disciple.

Umbertino, I'm confused by your posts, because I'm never sure which side of the fence you are on. Sometimes I think you are a Christian and other times not. I suppose you could be agnostic, which may explain some of it. We (Christians) are taught that there were people in history who did indeed know God and talk with God. Of course, you have to believe my Bible to believe those stories (always a catch 22). However, assuming there is a God, and assuming that my Bible is His word, then we are also taught that there was a teacher that many people met and talked with, and according to that teacher, was God in the flesh. So as Christians, we are given guidelines by which we can peek into the mind of God, through the teachings and words of Jesus. We know God, because we know Jesus -- of course, assuming God exists (which I happen to believe He does). Yes, our faith is a personal matter, but it is a personal relationship with God that lets us believe that we do indeed know Him. I'll tell you this, after 35 years of denying Him, I never understand the relationship with Him until I was in it, now there is no denying it. I had to be broken to get there, but there is no doubt He is here.

I wouldn't necessarily say that we think we know Him better than anyone else, but I will say we can tell when something doesn't smell quite right. You couldn't claim to be a true baseball player if you said that you really don't think there needs to be a catcher and you prefer to kick the ball instead of using a bat. There are certain basic truths or beliefs that we Christians hold that when they are challenged or disregarded, makes us want to question the authenticity of the the person professing his/her belief.

Isn't it ironic how the OP tried to make the point that these discussions shouldn't happen, and in this very post it still came down to the same stuff he railed against. :D

Edited by F-16Pilot
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I'll stand by my original posting, as many of you Christians are standing by and supporting your faith and belief in God. I stand by my faith and belief in God that he is keeping me in my best interests with the decisions I make. If the decision I've come into to participate in this investment is what is best for me, then it was done with my intellect and understanding and there wasn't a feeling inside that told me not to do this (the voice of the Holy Spirit?). What I"m trying to say is, it's fine for people to have their faith and belief in God and that he knows what is best and loves them, but it's appropriate to keep it quiet and to oneself. Yes, Jesus wanted you to spread the word about him and belief in God and salvation, but not as the means to an end to convince forum-goers that the Dinar revaluation is in the hands of Gods for the benefit of Christians and the large transfer of wealth from Babylon (one of the prophesies I don't believe, and won't, ever, until for some magical reason it actually happens and isn't just coincidental events being tied to scripture). I have no problem with Christians doing their duty to try to present the messages of God to others who are willing to receive it. Key phrase: willing to receive it.

That's why I'd encourage Moderators or forum Administrator to create a Christian specific section on this forum to separate posts that turn primarily to Christian-viewpoints or evangelism toward non-believers. You can even move my post there, I don't care. I just wanted others to know how I felt, because I can sense that many feel this way about this forum. While I can't control the content from other sites that have Christian content, they can be moved by moderators once they reach our forums, and if put in the wrong place. I strong encourage moderators to create a Christian-specific section, even if it's only one subsection in Iraq Topics. It doesn't have to be moved to general area or off-topic. People do still want to hear about this stuff, but I don't, and I know a lot of other people don't. You can still allow freedom of speech and inclusion for all perspectives, but separate it a little from the neutral posting sections.

A point of clarification, to those who think I"m not really a Christian, or that i'm in an in-between phase or lost my faith...

I believe God's word as truth, every last word in it, but I don't believe it in a literal sense or believe it in a way that relates directly to things my intellect tells me they should not be related to. For instance, messages about abundance and blessing... I don't take those as referring to monetary wealth. There are passages about money in the bible and how God will provide for believers, but many of those do not say we will be overnight millionaires because of a large transfer of wealth from Babylon. So, I'd encourage you to match belief in the bible and studying it with your own intellect and reason. Trust me, it works a lot better, and you won't get criticized and shunned or turned away by others. If you want a better chance to spread the Word of God and encourage people to listen to you, try a hybrid approach to evangelism, not an outright, all-in-your-face spewing of scripture and phrases that dismiss responsibility as a human being who interacts with those who don't believe. Thank you.

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