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What were you doing before all of this?

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So last night as I tried to drift off to sleep (Insomnia sufferer) I got to thinking about a lot of things in my life. I realized that so many things have come and gone in my life, people, items, etc. But one thing has remained a constant and that is the IQD that I own. I originally got invested in this back in 2010 when a close friend mentioned it, said friend is no longer even in my circle... I've lost a home to foreclosure, had one child at the time who is now 18, had 2 others since, got another home, started a business or two, flipped houses, flipped cars, had some minor health crisis, marriage issues (who doesn't) lost relatives, friends, you name it, yet I still have one thing that has never changed and that is the IQD. I honestly try to recall what I was even doing before I got into this investment.. I never really cared much about things like this, only stuff I could sale quickly and see a profit. I realized that I have some sort of unwavering faith in this IQD because through all these years I still haven't sold it. When I was deciding whether or not I should file for Bankruptcy, I said well if this pops I could pay all my creditors off asap. That faith got me through that dark time. When I was financially in pinches, I'd say oh if this pops soon I could do xyz. Of course it never did but that little ounce of hope somehow got me through a few more days and somehow the solution came. I say all this to say, we witness a new wave of hope every single year that keeps us all in this, just enough for us to keep those dinars dusted off and fresh just in case we get to cash in the next day. Each wave brings in a new group of investors and pulls away a tired group of investors. The cycle really never stops. I was once on the wave that came in back in 2010 and for some reason I decided to stay in... I have no idea what I was doing before this, but all the things that have come and gone in my life and yet I still hold on to this. Really makes me see how deep faith can be in something you so strongly believe in no matter how foolish it may seem at times.  

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Boy, that would be a long conversation.  I've been in this since 2004; But it all started for me shortly after gulf war started.


The DASH...  Lost love ones, friends in this journey while we wait.  Divorce, but that was a blessing. :facepalm3: 


Currently, refurbishing jet engines for the past 27 years and back surgeries.  Our Journey isn't over yet... faith keeps us hanging on.:praying:

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21 hours ago, chris2028 said:

So last night as I tried to drift off to sleep (Insomnia sufferer) I got to thinking about a lot of things in my life. I realized that so many things have come and gone in my life, people, items, etc. But one thing has remained a constant and that is the IQD that I own. I originally got invested in this back in 2010 when a close friend mentioned it, said friend is no longer even in my circle... I've lost a home to foreclosure, had one child at the time who is now 18, had 2 others since, got another home, started a business or two, flipped houses, flipped cars, had some minor health crisis, marriage issues (who doesn't) lost relatives, friends, you name it, yet I still have one thing that has never changed and that is the IQD. I honestly try to recall what I was even doing before I got into this investment.. I never really cared much about things like this, only stuff I could sale quickly and see a profit. I realized that I have some sort of unwavering faith in this IQD because through all these years I still haven't sold it. When I was deciding whether or not I should file for Bankruptcy, I said well if this pops I could pay all my creditors off asap. That faith got me through that dark time. When I was financially in pinches, I'd say oh if this pops soon I could do xyz. Of course it never did but that little ounce of hope somehow got me through a few more days and somehow the solution came. I say all this to say, we witness a new wave of hope every single year that keeps us all in this, just enough for us to keep those dinars dusted off and fresh just in case we get to cash in the next day. Each wave brings in a new group of investors and pulls away a tired group of investors. The cycle really never stops. I was once on the wave that came in back in 2010 and for some reason I decided to stay in... I have no idea what I was doing before this, but all the things that have come and gone in my life and yet I still hold on to this. Really makes me see how deep faith can be in something you so strongly believe in no matter how foolish it may seem at times.  

Beautiful post!

I too have been in since 2010!

I believe God led me to this “ investment” and I stand in faith that it will RV when it is right. 
Here’s to faith!💜WH!

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On 3/18/2024 at 9:06 AM, chris2028 said:

So last night as I tried to drift off to sleep (Insomnia sufferer) I got to thinking about a lot of things in my life. I realized that so many things have come and gone in my life, people, items, etc. But one thing has remained a constant and that is the IQD that I own. I originally got invested in this back in 2010 when a close friend mentioned it, said friend is no longer even in my circle... I've lost a home to foreclosure, had one child at the time who is now 18, had 2 others since, got another home, started a business or two, flipped houses, flipped cars, had some minor health crisis, marriage issues (who doesn't) lost relatives, friends, you name it, yet I still have one thing that has never changed and that is the IQD. I honestly try to recall what I was even doing before I got into this investment.. I never really cared much about things like this, only stuff I could sale quickly and see a profit. I realized that I have some sort of unwavering faith in this IQD because through all these years I still haven't sold it. When I was deciding whether or not I should file for Bankruptcy, I said well if this pops I could pay all my creditors off asap. That faith got me through that dark time. When I was financially in pinches, I'd say oh if this pops soon I could do xyz. Of course it never did but that little ounce of hope somehow got me through a few more days and somehow the solution came. I say all this to say, we witness a new wave of hope every single year that keeps us all in this, just enough for us to keep those dinars dusted off and fresh just in case we get to cash in the next day. Each wave brings in a new group of investors and pulls away a tired group of investors. The cycle really never stops. I was once on the wave that came in back in 2010 and for some reason I decided to stay in... I have no idea what I was doing before this, but all the things that have come and gone in my life and yet I still hold on to this. Really makes me see how deep faith can be in something you so strongly believe in no matter how foolish it may seem at times.  

I also got on this ride in 2010.   I was in my mid 40's.  A friend told me about the Dinar and I took the plunge.  I continued to accumulated a little more for the next ten years.   Chris, I can relate to the little ounce of hope you had.   I also, have used that hope to help me navigate through when I felt I was sinking.   I worked in an Oil Company with many thousands of employees in one of the biggest cities in Texas.   I remember several times leaving work and really thinking that I may not have to come back the next day because of the possibility of the RV.   Kind of embarrassing sometimes when I think back on it but I always believed (and still do) that it was/is going to happen.

When I started, in this investment, there was a big network of people that was all on the same voyage.   the original person that headed that group has passed on.   My friend that told me about it may have sold his and I am not sure what happened to all the other people.   


I quit my job at the big oil company over a year ago and took a job making about half my income and moved to the country.  It was definitely not the wisest financial or business decision.  I am working at a company with less than 10 people and trying to figure out how to enjoy life minus working 12-14 hours a day and not being able to sleep cause of stress.    I am in a transitional living situation until I figure out my next move.   I cant really tell anybody what my hesitation is cause they would think I am insane.  I have always operated under the premise that this would never happen and made my decisions that way.  I am incredibly blessed health wise and in general.  

I will be 60 in a few months and like many here would like to figure out what I want to do rather than what I have to do.

I have hope for great things for myself and all those that have taken this journey and are needing the fruition of this investment.   



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for sharing your individual stories. A lot of good, genuine people are in this investment. I know a lot of people could really use this money, not just for themselves, but to help others. Hope we get what we are all seeking soon....    

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Worked for past 25 years for Construction/Engineering firm. Loved it, great people & co-workers. Best job ever. Did good things for the world from environmental cleanup, water/wastewater cleanup, transportation - gor to work on critical world projects. My job was to put insurance & risk management programs in place to protect our people as well as the project. Company purchased & offered opportunity to retire, which I did. But money still doesn't go far enough.  

My intention is to pay off all my debt, help family & friends- owe old Sarges' Gals money to put up a home for retired or in need soldiers. Signed up to build 2 as I recall. They had some sort of tiny home plans without being a tiny home, think geodesic type, ez to build, warm climate etc. That's my story.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Enjoyed reading of your life journeys- when I first bought my dinar I was in my late 50s, fit and self employed and now I am in my 70s, and by the grace of God still fit but retired. Many times I have thought of selling my Dinar but I have held on to them because I have a Deep Faith that always believes that tomorrow will be a better day. For me personally I have found looking back over this journey how my needs and life’s choices have changed - The world of materialism has gone and been replaced by a consciousness of social justice to help and give more.  I know we are living in interesting times in relation to Iraq and we read of varying value predictions for the Dinar but in my mind I wonder how can a currency go from less than a Cent to $1+ virtually overnight?. 🤔I can’t comprehend that. 


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