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Romney repeats Republican lies


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by: John Wojcik

August 31 2012

TAMPA, Fla. - Mitt Romney's acceptance speech at the GOP convention here Aug. 30 confirmed once again his apparent decision to lie his way into the presidency of the United States.

"They've spent an entire week not talking about their ideas," said Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod after the Romney speech, "because they know their ideas are unpopular.

"But worse than what Republicans have not said," Axelrod added, "is what Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have said: a compendium of demonstrable lies. It's lying as a campaign strategy. The number of falsehoods and misleading statements from the Romney campaign coming in for independent criticism has reached a level not typically seen."

Romney, hoping voters will forget his plan to voucherize Medicare, repeated the lie that President Obama has taken $700 million from seniors to fund the Affordable Health Care Act.

It is the Republicans who will kill Medicare, said Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman after the Romney speech. "The question now is whether voters will understand what's really going on. Mr. Ryan and his party are betting that they can bluster their way through this, pretending that they are the real defenders of Medicare even as they work to kill it. Will they get away with it?"

"Romney said next to nothing about what he would actually do," wrote the Daily Beast's Peter Beinart after the speech.

The GOP nominee described in his speech how his father had placed a rose in his mother's bedroom every morning and how, on the day that she saw no rose she realized her husband was dead.

"Personal details were not the answer," wrote TBR's Noam Scheiber. "I don't think I've seen a better Romney delivery this campaign. But they all suffered from the same basic flaw: Though they succeeded in showing a bit of humanity, they never connected that humanity to what he might do as president."

The Romney lies last night came in a variety of ways.

He again vowed, for example, to create 12 million jobs in the next four years without, of course, explaining how. Most economists agree, however, that 12 million jobs are what the economy will produce over the next four years even if nothing is done to stimulate the economy.

Jackie Tortora, a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO's political action department, noted contradictions in Romney's speech: "He touted his business experience, despite his business record as an outsourcer. He called out divisiveness, despite proposals that would provide bigger income disparities and he ignored Republican obstructionism for the past two years.

"Although Romney claims he would reduce the deficit and balance the budget he has no plans to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, which is the major contributor to the deficit, and tax analysts say his plan to overhaul the tax code doesn't add up.

"We need solutions that strengthen the economy, health care and education for working families," said Tortora, "not a Romney-Ryan plan that betters the 1 percent at the expense of everyone else."

Pro-labor analysts say the Romney-Ryan vision is one of tax breaks for the rich and corporations paid for by cuts in Social Security, Medicare and other programs for seniors, the poor and working-class families. It is paid for, they note, with cuts to meaningful investments in the future.

Romney spoke movingly last night of how Neil Armstrong, "a real American," was first on the moon and how the American flag he planted there was still standing. He failed to mention NASA, the massive government program that got astronauts to the moon, however, and he failed to mention how the economy, including private business, continues to benefit today from the job creation and the technology that came out of the space program.

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by: John Wojcik

August 31 2012

TAMPA, Fla. - Mitt Romney's acceptance speech at the GOP convention here Aug. 30 confirmed once again his apparent decision to lie his way into the presidency of the United States.

"They've spent an entire week not talking about their ideas," said Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod after the Romney speech, "because they know their ideas are unpopular.

"But worse than what Republicans have not said," Axelrod added, "is what Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have said: a compendium of demonstrable lies. It's lying as a campaign strategy. The number of falsehoods and misleading statements from the Romney campaign coming in for independent criticism has reached a level not typically seen."

Romney, hoping voters will forget his plan to voucherize Medicare, repeated the lie that President Obama has taken $700 million from seniors to fund the Affordable Health Care

It is the Republicans who will kill Medicare, said Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman after the Romney speech. "The question now is whether voters will understand what's really going on. Mr. Ryan and his party are betting that they can bluster their way through this, pretending that they are the real defenders of Medicare even as they work to kill it. Will they get away with it?"

"Romney said next to nothing about what he would actually do," wrote the Daily Beast's Peter Beinart after the speech.

The GOP nominee described in his speech how his father had placed a rose in his mother's bedroom every morning and how, on the day that she saw no rose she realized her husband was dead.

"Personal details were not the answer," wrote TBR's Noam Scheiber. "I don't think I've seen a better Romney delivery this campaign. But they all suffered from the same basic flaw: Though they succeeded in showing a bit of humanity, they never connected that humanity to what he might do as president."

The Romney lies last night came in a variety of ways.

He again vowed, for example, to create 12 million jobs in the next four years without, of course, explaining how. Most economists agree, however, that 12 million jobs are what the economy will produce over the next four years even if nothing is done to stimulate the economy.

Jackie Tortora, a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO's political action department, noted contradictions in Romney's speech: "He touted his business experience, despite his business record as an outsourcer. He called out divisiveness, despite proposals that would provide bigger income disparities and he ignored Republican obstructionism for the past two years.

"Although Romney claims he would reduce the deficit and balance the budget he has no plans to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, which is the major contributor to the deficit, and tax analysts say his plan to overhaul the tax code doesn't add up.

"We need solutions that strengthen the economy, health care and education for working families," said Tortora, "not a Romney-Ryan plan that betters the 1 percent at the expense of everyone else."

Pro-labor analysts say the Romney-Ryan vision is one of tax breaks for the rich and corporations paid for by cuts in Social Security, Medicare and other programs for seniors, the poor and working-class families. It is paid for, they note, with cuts to meaningful investments in the future.

Romney spoke movingly last night of how Neil Armstrong, "a real American," was first on the moon and how the American flag he planted there was still standing. He failed to mention NASA, the massive government program that got astronauts to the moon, however, and he failed to mention how the economy, including private business, continues to benefit today from the job creation and the technology that came out of the space program.

Obama tax and spend lets wait to hear his specific plan oh i forgot

His plan is to demonize Romney as much as possible.

Democrats are stating what Romney is going to do which

May come back to haunt him in the debates it will be intresting

To see.

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It wasn't such a big story, unfortunately, for Willard "The Mittster" to promulgate and spin new Republican lies. The BIG story will be when you hear a Republican tell the Truth. They do know that people learn two ways, through metaphors/analogies and through repetition, repetition, repetition (aka propaganda and lies in this case). Remember--the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, and Father.Rarely Knew Best.. Can't go back to the 50's folks, when only white people were on TV and ran the country, From a "Recovering Republican" of 40 years.

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1st and foremost, the RNC was for the acceptance of Romney's nomination for President. This was a time for showing appreciation and joy that the American public had chosen him to be our next leader and commander-in-chief. I DID NOT expect Mitt and Ryan to lay out a play by play plan of what is to come...david axlerod is either too stupid to know what this convention was all about or just wants to make up a bunch of lies that no one believes or cares to hear. axlerod, does know (I'm sure) that Mitt went straight to Louisianna the next morning. Looks like Romney cares and is ready to go to work. hmmm, I'm sure obama had a full weekend filled with the kids, michelle and bo. He was too busy to get there before Monday.....what a jerk.

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It wasn't such a big story, unfortunately, for Willard "The Mittster" to promulgate and spin new Republican lies. The BIG story will be when you hear a Republican tell the Truth. They do know that people learn two ways, through metaphors/analogies and through repetition, repetition, repetition (aka propaganda and lies in this case). Remember--the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, and Father.Rarely Knew Best.. Can't go back to the 50's folks, when only white people were on TV and ran the country, From a "Recovering Republican" of 40 years.

Always the racism card. Is that all you people really got. Really. Thats it. You have beat that drum to death. OH wait I cant say beat the drum can I . That would be a racist remark. haahahahahahahaa

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Romney spoke movingly last night of how Neil Armstrong, "a real American," was first on the moon and how the American flag he planted there was still standing. He failed to mention NASA, the massive government program that got astronauts to the moon, however, and he failed to mention how the economy, including private business, continues to benefit today from the job creation and the technology that came out of the space program.

Government does not create anything.....Private business does. ;)

Companies like Lockheed-Martin were paid to create all of the advances

in the Space Program, and the spin-offs we enjoy, Not the Federal Govt or NASA

With a pro-business Administration, we may in the near future be able to have more

advances in technology like this, or simply a Free Market that produces almost all

new products.

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I dont know why they neged ya for your post i thought it was good.

I think Obama is the worst president ever and dont see him winning again, but i dislike Romney too. I agree he is a liar.

I wish all of us who really stood for liberty and truth would just vote for ron paul. It sure would make them give us a good candidate in 4 yrs!!!

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Always the racism card. Is that all you people really got. Really. Thats it. You have beat that drum to death. OH wait I cant say beat the drum can I . That would be a racist remark. haahahahahahahaa

Beat the drum.....Lmao

That word 'racist' has been used so often, and in so many ways

its becoming meaningless.....I bet the Liberals didnt see that coming :D

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What I find sadly amusing is President Bambams "Chicago Style Politics"! You see I grew up near Chicago, a wonderful city except for it's corrupt politics. If you have done nothing and want the people to re-elect you, then do as Hitler did and tell lies, tell them loudly enough and long enough and the people start to believe them! Even if President Bambam himself told the people NOT to re-elect him if he did turn things around in 4 years, which he hasn't even come close to doing; because he does not realize that Government is most certainly "BUSINESS"!

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by: John Wojcik

August 31 2012

TAMPA, Fla. - Mitt Romney's acceptance speech at the GOP convention here Aug. 30 confirmed once again his apparent decision to lie his way into the presidency of the United States.

"They've spent an entire week not talking about their ideas," said Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod after the Romney speech, "because they know their ideas are unpopular.

"But worse than what Republicans have not said," Axelrod added, "is what Mr. Romney and Mr. Ryan have said: a compendium of demonstrable lies. It's lying as a campaign strategy. The number of falsehoods and misleading statements from the Romney campaign coming in for independent criticism has reached a level not typically seen."

Romney, hoping voters will forget his plan to voucherize Medicare, repeated the lie that President Obama has taken $700 million from seniors to fund the Affordable Health Care Act.

It is the Republicans who will kill Medicare, said Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman after the Romney speech. "The question now is whether voters will understand what's really going on. Mr. Ryan and his party are betting that they can bluster their way through this, pretending that they are the real defenders of Medicare even as they work to kill it. Will they get away with it?"

"Romney said next to nothing about what he would actually do," wrote the Daily Beast's Peter Beinart after the speech.

The GOP nominee described in his speech how his father had placed a rose in his mother's bedroom every morning and how, on the day that she saw no rose she realized her husband was dead.

"Personal details were not the answer," wrote TBR's Noam Scheiber. "I don't think I've seen a better Romney delivery this campaign. But they all suffered from the same basic flaw: Though they succeeded in showing a bit of humanity, they never connected that humanity to what he might do as president."

The Romney lies last night came in a variety of ways.

He again vowed, for example, to create 12 million jobs in the next four years without, of course, explaining how. Most economists agree, however, that 12 million jobs are what the economy will produce over the next four years even if nothing is done to stimulate the economy.

Jackie Tortora, a spokesperson for the AFL-CIO's political action department, noted contradictions in Romney's speech: "He touted his business experience, despite his business record as an outsourcer. He called out divisiveness, despite proposals that would provide bigger income disparities and he ignored Republican obstructionism for the past two years.

"Although Romney claims he would reduce the deficit and balance the budget he has no plans to end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy, which is the major contributor to the deficit, and tax analysts say his plan to overhaul the tax code doesn't add up.

"We need solutions that strengthen the economy, health care and education for working families," said Tortora, "not a Romney-Ryan plan that betters the 1 percent at the expense of everyone else."

Pro-labor analysts say the Romney-Ryan vision is one of tax breaks for the rich and corporations paid for by cuts in Social Security, Medicare and other programs for seniors, the poor and working-class families. It is paid for, they note, with cuts to meaningful investments in the future.

Romney spoke movingly last night of how Neil Armstrong, "a real American," was first on the moon and how the American flag he planted there was still standing. He failed to mention NASA, the massive government program that got astronauts to the moon, however, and he failed to mention how the economy, including private business, continues to benefit today from the job creation and the technology that came out of the space program.

So your saying if Romney is elected then Romney = "Operation Infinite Justice 2" ?.
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Canadians usually keep their political views to themselves. We're just too damn polite... :lol: However, in this case, I am so fed up with Obama's BS and his negative effect on my country, I'd like to say.... I wish I could go and vote Republican myself. :D

Canada does much better with Republicans in office so "Go Mitt Romney"!!! :P

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Folks if umbertino put anything in please start not to reply and he will get the idea no one values what he says. He clearly does not have the traditional values that made American great.

Please start to not reply and maybe he will stop posting stuff not related to the RV.

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Canadians usually keep their political views to themselves. We're just too damn polite... :lol: However, in this case, I am so fed up with Obama's BS and his negative effect on my country, I'd like to say.... I wish I could go and vote Republican myself. :D

Canada does much better with Republicans in office so "Go Mitt Romney"!!! :P

The whole World does better with a Pro-Business Republican Administration ;)

Romney/Ryan 2012!!!

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1st and foremost, the RNC was for the acceptance of Romney's nomination for President. This was a time for showing appreciation and joy that the American public had chosen him to be our next leader and commander-in-chief. I DID NOT expect Mitt and Ryan to lay out a play by play plan of what is to come...david axlerod is either too stupid to know what this convention was all about or just wants to make up a bunch of lies that no one believes or cares to hear. axlerod, does know (I'm sure) that Mitt went straight to Louisianna the next morning. Looks like Romney cares and is ready to go to work. hmmm, I'm sure obama had a full weekend filled with the kids, michelle and bo. He was too busy to get there before Monday.....what a jerk.

Thank you..........

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Government does not create anything.....Private business does. ;)

Companies like Lockheed-Martin were paid to create all of the advances

in the Space Program, and the spin-offs we enjoy, Not the Federal Govt or NASA

With a pro-business Administration, we may in the near future be able to have more

advances in technology like this, or simply a Free Market that produces almost all

new products.

Thank you Cris.........

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Any question you may have about Obama can be answered by seeing the movie "2016" -- saw it yesterday and the only thing that I can say is "go see it"....but don't eat the popcorn. Either that made me ill at heart or the movie did. My guess is that the movie did.

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I dont know why they neged ya for your post i thought it was good.

I think Obama is the worst president ever and dont see him winning again, but i dislike Romney too. I agree he is a liar.

I wish all of us who really stood for liberty and truth would just vote for ron paul. It sure would make them give us a good candidate in 4 yrs!!!

Nonstop - most, if not all, of these guys called Romney a liar long before he got the nomination. Now they bash and neg anyone that claims he's untruthful. That's roofless, contradicting and hypocritical; That's the American way! We destroy ourselves because the truth and righteousness of our constitution doesn't weigh enough in our country.

Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

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I do not need some two bit hack tell me what my eyes can see. I see Obama openly pass laws that fray my Constitution. I see Obama and his administration tell Border Patrol where to spend their energy and which laws to enforce. I see Obama and his administration close offices needed to keep illegals in check. I see Obama pass laws apart from congress. I see Obama forget Americans who are out of work and require illegals to find work. I see Obama and his administration use loop holes to avoid turning over information in the blown Fast and Furious. I see Obama and his administration bow to foreign leaders. I see Obama and his administration doing all they can to link us to the UN. I see Obama and his administration passing bills without reading them which was nothing more than taxation without representation in that you cannot represent for or against something unknown. I see Obama and his administration passing regulation that drive jobs overseas and then complain that jobs are going overseas. I see Obama having Marxist and communist on his staff IN the White House. I do not need to be told Obama is a threat to America when I can see it with MY OWN EYES.

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1st and foremost, the RNC was for the acceptance of Romney's nomination for President. This was a time for showing appreciation and joy that the American public had chosen him to be our next leader and commander-in-chief. I DID NOT expect Mitt and Ryan to lay out a play by play plan of what is to come...david axlerod is either too stupid to know what this convention was all about or just wants to make up a bunch of lies that no one believes or cares to hear. axlerod, does know (I'm sure) that Mitt went straight to Louisianna the next morning. Looks like Romney cares and is ready to go to work. hmmm, I'm sure obama had a full weekend filled with the kids, michelle and bo. He was too busy to get there before Monday.....what a jerk.

emot-downsbravo.gifexactly !!!

Umbertino has said that the posts he makes are to show another side.....Its not the side that most Americans like, but, so be it.

NEXT !!!

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1st and foremost, the RNC was for the acceptance of Romney's nomination for President. This was a time for showing appreciation and joy that the American public had chosen him to be our next leader and commander-in-chief. I DID NOT expect Mitt and Ryan to lay out a play by play plan of what is to come...david axlerod is either too stupid to know what this convention was all about or just wants to make up a bunch of lies that no one believes or cares to hear. axlerod, does know (I'm sure) that Mitt went straight to Louisianna the next morning. Looks like Romney cares and is ready to go to work. hmmm, I'm sure obama had a full weekend filled with the kids, michelle and bo. He was too busy to get there before Monday.....what a jerk.

Hey learning all i can, love the excellent spice in what you wrote.(and that was being nice) Don't you wish we could tell it like it is and exploded... but if we did we would break all the rules and the Mods would hammer us. I have to say we are women of class. I couldn't of said it any better. :twothumbs:

I might add that Mr. O was probably to busy playing a rounds of golf.

And I'm sure David Axlerod would fine some negative in Mitt going to Louisianna.

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Folks if umbertino put anything in please start not to reply and he will get the idea no one values what he says. He clearly does not have the traditional values that made American great.

Please start to not reply and maybe he will stop posting stuff not related to the RV.

He is a very slow learner and needs to mind his own business. I only wish I could neg him twice! ;)

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