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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Rumor from a trusted friend


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They can't 'not hire ' you because you own foreign currency. Bogus . Not sensible intel here.

not sure if you realize where we live.... here in the U.S. we can "not hire " you for any number of reasons, including, but not limited to, owning foreign currency. hell , i wouldn't hire someone knowing that they were going to retire @ rv time either....

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Thanks EDavis for your response to my question. If you believe your friend, and if they really told his daughter that they would not hire her if she owned Iraqi Dinar, than I recommend that you go spend $120 and buy another million on reserve. Split it with your buddy if you have to because your story, if true, will make y'all a ton of money. Personally, I can't see how you and your friend would not be buying more if this really occured, but I eat ramen noodles so what do I know?

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They can't 'not hire ' you because you own foreign currency. Bogus . Not sensible intel here.

Yes they can, it's called conflict of interest. Read into it what you want but it's like this. If I work for a bank and have constant visibility on currency exchange and can see the current exchange rate as well as the projections, then it is the same as insider trading which goes back to my original statement. " it's called conflict of interest".

"Life comes at you from all angles. Look at them all and realize that there is a little bit of truth in each one."

Edited by dnardreams
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This is bogus. No bank will have pre rv intel. Nonsense. Besides there will be plenty of time to train when it rv's.

hahahah! I can imagine thousands of people going to their local bank and having the teller say "what's a dinar?" now.

Actually it's pronounced "dinner" and if you're askin' me on a date, you're buyin'.

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Wow I love the response to this...because if this is how we respond.... to something that I happen to know is much more of these rumors are also truth...but we are so waxed over with false info, that we believe nothing....Go Rvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv

Well you could ask yourself this also. How many rumors have got you paid so far? B)

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look again, EDavis has been here since January of 2010! please sit on your hands if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say - we don't care if YOU think it's bogus or NOT truly people just cut it out!!!

You know isnt it a shame that things have gotten so bad now that we have to do a lot of judging of the post by how long they have been a member of DV and how many post they have made. Unfortunately the damage is being done by those trying to disrupt the forum with misinformation by joining and making their first post offensive, degrading or accusatory. This I hate to say is all by design. Whether it be by persons intentionally trying to discourage dinar purchases (we were told of misinformation before the RV) or by pumpers (trying to boost sales on this side of the pond) both have made us leary of the word NEWBIE and low post counts. I guess one more time we need to tell ourselves... these are in the rumor sections...if there is not a link...just file it away in your brain for possible later retrieval. In the words of Sonny and Cher..... and the beat goes on.....


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Instead of bashing someone for posting on the forum, lets take it for what's it worth its a rumor. I would like to thank you for posting the info you did, however I will not buy anymore dinar because of anything posted on this site, you never know if it is posted by a pusher.

Thanks again for this info and please keep it coming.

We will see soon if this is going to happen.

Go Rv

God Bless Everyone.

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hahahah! I can imagine thousands of people going to their local bank and having the teller say "what's a dinar?" now.

Actually it's pronounced "dinner" and if you're askin' me on a date, you're buyin'.

ACTUALLY ... it is prmounced as it is written, dinar, with the accent on the second syllable. And that applies to all the dinars there have ever been, right back to the days when the dinar was the currency of Old Persia and what was Mesopotamia and what is now, guess who? ... hahahahaha .... Iraq. Yup the dinar started in Iraq and was spread as a medium of exchange through the middle east from there. At one time the entire middle east used a form of the dinar fas their main form of monetary exchange, when trade and barter didn't quite cover everything. But that was near the beginning of the thirteenth (I think) century just before Europe started trading through Venice and the Levant with Turkey, and through the trade houses of Constantinople. You had goods coming from further east, China, and north and then being merged with other goods from the north of Africa through Egypt to Turkey, and then shipped out to the emerging trading nations of western europe. For some time the language of trade was French, even what we consider today to be English traders spoke, and traded in, the French of Normandy. Trade in terms of a hard currency, and not just barter, was conducted in pieces of gold or silver or copper. And each area had it's own standard of the size and weight of the metal. And EVERYTHING was "traded" ... no price tags on these trade goods. Buying and selling was always the result of some form of barter to a degree, from the purchase of sailing ships able to ply their trade across the oceans to the indies and Americas, to purchasing Ming silk ribbons or yard goods in the mercantile outlets on the streets of France or a herd of black face sheep from the theign of a holding in Scotland.

I know I get carried away with the history of these things, but I find it interesting.

The point here, was actually stated in the first sentence ... dinar is pronounced as it is written, and not as dinner. Even just in terms of the rules of spelling and grammar, the double "nn" in dinner makes the "i" just before it a "short" i which sounds the same as the i in if, and in, and it. In dinar the one "n" before the "i" pushes the sound more towards the "ee" sound though we don't, in today's language, pronounce it deenar. There was a time when it was prmounced more like that but modern usage causes us to use pronounciation closer to that of the country that actually originated the word. Even today we are learning to say "I-raq" rather than "Eye-raq",becasue that is how the Iraqi's say it, and "I-talian" rather than "Eye-talian" just as that is the way they say it.

See, there I go again. Off on another lecture. sorry, this is all part of my background which had a lot to do, as you can probably tell, with teaching.

I apologize if I have, in lecturing, offended anyone. If it was just a matter of boring you silly, well, you'd have to take some responsibility and just stop reading. The day may come when they ban me for being so verbose and using up so much of their space here but, I guess, until that time comes we can all just accept that I am a former wordsmith who just cannot break the habit. hahahahahaha

smee2 :rolleyes:

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I was in a Wachovia/ Wells Fargo today wanting to buy Dinars. They said they do not deal with the IQD and have no plans to do so in the future.

BOA said the same thing to me but, after emailing the SOB's once a day for a few weeks , they finally broke down and change their story

>Bank of America does not exchange Iraqi Dinars.

>There are no plans to offer retail exchange services in Iraqi currency.

I guess the just wanted to shut me up ! But , they still cracked.

Dear Man_Kind

Thank you again for contacting Bank of America.

The rumors about Iraqi Dinar revaluation have been circulating for years.

If or when Iraqi currency revaluates, Bank of America will evaluate the appropriateness of offering exchange services in this currency, as do we with every other currency.


Bank of America Foreign Currency

Foreign Currency <>

Edited by Man_Kind
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Hey peeps this morning I got a call from a very good friend of fact I was the one who got him involved in this about 7 years ago an we stay in touch quite frequently...any way.. he calls me this morning an asked if I was sitting down..I thought it had Rvvvvvvvvvd..turns out his daughter just got hired on at Wells Fargo

in Seattle Wa. an last week , she was going thru traininig on the DeLa Rue currency machines how to handle currency exchanges. She says she discovered that

that was the main reason they hired her on, because they are expecting a major influx of people coming in to do exchanges. This is the real kicker ...she said that she was told .. if she had any iraqi dinar that they would not have hired her. They did not say the Iraqi dinar was revaluing the math. Now I have heard many a rumor about banks an training an gearing up for an rv, an with all the pumping going on out there..who knows what to believe...but this was first hand an I really wanted to tell you peeps this one.


I enjoyed the post up until about here. It would make absolutely zero sense to tell her this. If they really did then the first thing she should have done is go and buy Iraqi Dinar. There is no way they could ever know if she had purchased some so I'm calling complete BS on that part. The rest might be true though who knows.

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