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Whether you're talking about the Flat Earth or a super secret computer generated plot to enslave the world,

Hollywood loves to drop hints as to what is the reality of the world that we live in.

For example literally nearly every single movie made will at some point show you a scene  of the horizon without a curve. 

Thus mocking you for not seeing the reality of the world you live in. 

Another example,

Consider your favorite actors and actresses. 

Have you never wondered why all the rolls they play are usually the same rolls with just a small variation on the plot?

That's because they are not actually acting and their rolls are more of an extension of who they truly are. 

People look to Hollywood for entertainment and yet Hollywood is nothing more than propagandist mind control. 

And I'm not just saying this from blind opinion but as someone that has spent literally more than $20,000 dollars on 

DVDs over the yrs. 

My wife is totally amazed at how I can spot something in a movie that no one else will see. I will often  tell her to stop and slowly rewind 

just to show that a single flash clip was introduced into the scene. But she really hates it when we are only one third of the way into

a movie and I tell here what the plot is. 

Thus it is safe to say that I'm something of a professional movie critic, having watched tens of thousands of hours of film over the 


What have I discovered will be something that few people will ever be willing to accept. 

Nevertheless, I must attempt to show you now because Hollywood is about to become your new



This thread will go from one example to another in my effort to truly, WAKE YOU UP.

What if I told you that you really were living in the Matrix?

Not exactly as the movie suggested, but one that is controlled by the CIA and other agencies of the world leadership 

in which all of humanity was being controlled by what they are allowed to perceive as opposed to what is truth.


Recently one man came onto the scene that the world loved and believed he had our best interest at heart.

Millions of people all across the world literally fell so in love with him like never before seen. 

And why did they fall in love with him? Simply because he began to show us that we are living a lie created by the leaders of our 

world. In Exposing those evil and "yes" Luciferians Trump gained the love and adoration of possibly billions of humans.

It was easy for us to follow after him because in  the deepest, darkest corners of our minds we all knew something 

was wrong with our world. And now here we are today on the very precipice of what most think is total defeat. 

But I submit to you all not to fall for the lies you've been told your entire lives. 


We're all about to see the world we live in change in a way that history has never seen. 

Think about it, search your hearts. Both liberals and patriots alike sense that something massive is coming. 


So without further ado I'd like to begin showing you the real world.

Remember this real Matrix isn't a computer simulation 

but the best mind control manipulation the world has ever known.

Will you take the RED pill or will you take the BLUE pill 


I can only show you the door

You must choose to walk through it







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How do we believe anything that we are seeing and being told when perception and reality are so easily manipulated?

This stuff is real people.

We've been cloning living tissue since the 90s.





Meet Biden's clone

Is Joe Biden a Clone - YouTube



Joe Biden Has A Clone? - YouTube


I'm sorry people but the internet holds all the truth if one is willing to look for it.

Meet the man called Joe Biden today as opposed to the Joe Biden of the 70s

These two don't even look related.


Joe Biden (Clone) Hasn't Been Human Since 1970s!! | O.N.E ...



And old Joe isn't the only one. Hilldabeast died right before our eyes back in 2017.





But fear not the very next day they had here clone or body double in the streets claiming she was doing fine. 







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I'm thinking the Joe Biden "ear lobe" difference is because of a facelift.


As for how he looked in the 70's and how he looks now - Unfortunately, I looked a lot different in the 70's than I look now, too.  Wait til you get there LGD, you'll see what a difference 50 years makes.  LOL LOL


As far as a "body double" for Biden, why did they get one who is senile?  That doesn't make any sense.  😂 😂 😂

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1 hour ago, Shabibilicious said:

Image result for funny ice wall meme


GO RV, then BV

Thank you for your sideshow commentary. However, if you have nothing legitimate to add please go away. I'm attempting to reveal something some consider serious. And I'd prefer you not muddy the waters with your historic sarcasm. 

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4 minutes ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said:

Thank you for your sideshow commentary. However, if you have nothing legitimate to add please go away. I'm attempting to reveal something some consider serious. And I'd prefer you not muddy the waters with your historic sarcasm. 


Please feel free to explain the process of using ever in motion Polaris (1 degree +/-) based triangulation to traverse, and accompanying time cubes, 3000 page reference manuals, to calculate azimuth into Latitude and Longitude with corresponding Northings and Eastings in the first order....or actual evidence of flat earth "ice walls" in their entirety, get back to me.


GO RV, then BV 

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I'm only going to say this one  more time. Just because I mentioned the flat earth doesn't make this tread about the Flat Earth. This thread is about the Psychological warfare that the governments of the world have been using against us for decades. And their number one tool for doing that being Tell A Vision. If you don't have enough respect for me{ your staunchest defender here} Then I'll be forced to take other actions. 

Please stay on topic as I've just defined it. Thank you :tiphat:

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1 minute ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said:

I'm only going to say this one  more time. Just because I mentioned the flat earth doesn't make this tread about the Flat Earth. This thread is about the Psychological warfare that the governments of the world have been using against us for decades. And their number one tool for doing that being Tell A Vision. If you don't have enough respect for me{ your staunchest defender here} Then I'll be forced to take other actions. 

Please stay on topic as I've just defined it. Thank you :tiphat:


Roger that, I won't mention Flat Earth again.....maybe you should remove it from the first sentence of your original post though, as it might provoke others to give their opinion on it.  As always, just my opinion.


GO RV, then BV

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32 minutes ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said:

If you don't have enough respect for me{ your staunchest defender here} Then I'll be forced to take other actions. 

Please stay on topic as I've just defined it. Thank you :tiphat:


Just curious.....what were you threatening me with in the highlighted statement above?


GO RV, then BV

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9 minutes ago, ladyGrace'sDaddy said:

And this was in the 1960s.

Turn it off, or become a slave. 




With respect to "psychological warfare" in today's environment, do you consider T.V. or access to the internet to be more responsible for misinformation and mind control?


GO RV, then BV

Edited by Shabibilicious
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