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Everything posted by Sage449

  1. fox & Nadita - I always understood the 7 hills to be Rome - from Wikipedia - not that it is always right. :)/> I like history and love Biblical history - and there is something big time brewing world wise and I can feel it. edited to add: SgtFury - right on! The Seven Hills of Rome (Italian: Sette colli di Roma) east of the river Tiber form the geographical heart of Rome, within the walls of the ancient city. The seven hills are: Aventine Hill (Latin, Aventinus; Italian, Aventino) Caelian Hill (Caelius, Celio) Capitoline Hill (Capitolium, Campidoglio) Esquiline Hill (Esquilinus, Esquilino) Palatine Hill (Palatinus, Palatino) Quirinal Hill (Quirinalis, Quirinale) Viminal Hill (Viminalis, Viminale) The original city was held by tradition to have been founded by Romulus on the Palatine Hill. Tradition holds that the seven hills were first occupied by small settlements and not grouped or recognized as a city called Rome. The denizens of the seven hills began to participate in a series of religious games, which started to bond the groups. The city of Rome, thus, came into being as these separate settlements acted as a group, draining the marshy valleys between them and turning them into markets (fora in Latin). Later, in the early 4th century BC, the seven hills were protected through the Servian Walls. Of the seven hills of current Rome, five (Aventine, Caelian, Esquiline, Quirinal, and Viminal hills) are populated with monuments, buildings, and parks. The Capitoline now hosts Rome's city hall, and the Palatine Hill belongs to the main archaeological area. The Vatican Hill (Latin Collis Vaticanus) lying northwest of the Tiber, the Pincian Hill (Latin Mons Pincius), lying to the north, and the Janiculum Hill (Latin Ianiculum), lying to the west, are not counted among the traditional Seven Hills.
  2. prophesy - and history playing out:
  3. KK - prayers wending their way to heaven - where they sit before God like a sweet perfume - sending perfume His way.
  4. Stonewall - you are a hoot - kudos to you for your support of your wonderful wife and the "marrying up" comment - you rock!
  5. EZ - have you read/heard of a book called "The Harbinger?" It is by Jonathan Cahn I've just picked it up and started reading it - exceptionally good read and can see much truth to how/what is being presented.
  6. EZ - I did some more digging and found this - hope the attachment came through.
  7. blueskies & genx - we can all get goofy together
  8. I've so many blessings I've lost count - my latest is prayer for a friend for a job - she got the job of her life and is the happiest and most satisfied that I've seen her in the 20 years of knowing her. Whenever she talks about how satisfied and happy she is at her work - all I think about is how thankful to God that I am because he answered my prayer and that just blesses the socks off of me. I know he listens.
  9. EZ - interesting! also given the U.S. money has the pyramid and eye on it too - guess were doomed. I've read on several occasions where Madonna believes and practices cabal - so this is a definite possitility. There could be a modicum of truth here.
  10. SgtFury & Stonewall - just getting to look @ the DV site again - glad you liked the BN comment - just seemed so apropos.
  11. OMGOODNESS - I am sucha sicko - I love Red Green - he makes me laugh until I almost need oxygen - love him. Thanks for sharing moose -
  12. H.B. - BG Hope it is wonderful and RV filled. Hugs!
  13. genx4me: quoteFrom your/his lips! :lol:/> :lol:/> :lol:/> Bring it on!!! unquote I was thinking from his lips to God's ears! I won't be crushed if this doesn't come to pass, but there has been so much fun and excitement for the first time in it seems like ages that I can't help getting goofy over this. It would mean so much to so many and not just me and mine - but all of us on the forum.
  14. I almost threw up when I read that Sentinel7 - omgoodness, they can't figure their way from a fiscal cliff so really! Really, I want them to manage my 401K? Good grief - butt nuggets.
  15. Much better short read, but the long thread was fun, too. Thank you jeepguy for doing this! Sure hits home.
  16. Shab - don't get the negs - but that is exactly what will be asked of the defense - our own troops will be asked to gun down U.S. citizens and there also will be mercenaries - who will have no qualms about shooting us. I don't get the sheeples attitude and those that play ostrich and I'm not into conspiracy theory - but there are facts that cannot be denied or poo-poo'd.
  17. To set us up like sheeples - there are so many that will follow and have no mind of their own today and are sucked in by what the gov't wants and will and intends to do. As evidenced by the FEMA "holding pens" and stuff that is occurring in NM, too.
  18. respectron - I had the same thought last night when the H&R Block ad came what the heck is THIS all about - one more way to get into our pocket????
  19. compared to Hoosier - doesn't seem like "so much." no poke intended and I evened you out
  20. Thanks Hoos! Best promising sounds on RV in seems like a millennium. Be still my thumping heart! :lol:/> Best continued wishes for your Grandpa's full recovery - hugs. Edited to add: think I may have to start sleeping with my iPhone so I don't miss Adam's call.
  21. Hoosier - blessings and prayers to you and for you and your grandpa - and thanks for the encouragement and making my heart jump. Love it.
  22. LIBoy, tried to + you and on this darned iPhone my fingers are too big and I accidentally negged you and am so sorry. Someone with a + left plse even him out. Humble apologies.
  23. I tried to just lurk, but with all of who's who of DV on here for this juicy tidbit had to jump on. Go RV, let it be GREAT news.
  24. Umbertino - no bash at you for posting this - quote: "In certain parts of the country, most infamously Colorado and Minnesota, Native people have been barred from malls and even arrested for just "looking Native American." This is an unspeakable outrage. Police were quoted as telling mall security, "If they look Native American, tell them to leave." This is 1960s Mississippi-style racist police action directed against American Indian people for simply trying to assemble and exercise free speech in support of INM. Why isn't there a national uproar? Native people of the U.S. are realizing that the civil rights progress of the 1960s in many respects bypassed Indigenous citizens." Unquote I've lived in both states for years and I don't know where the writer of that article got his information but he is full of it and I'm sure his eyes are brown because of it. In all my years in both states I've NEVER seen or heard of this kind of baloney. I remember the Wounded Knee 1973 South Dakota fiasco where I still believe to this day that the U.S. government was totally in the wrong. But for MN and CO stopping First Nations people from entering places of business - ridiculous.
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