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Everything posted by handy

  1. thank -you very much hoosier . i very rarely give bank stories a second glance but i totally believe yours . i thank God so much for i truly believe this ride is almost over . i hope your grand dad gets better soon . thank-you again . goodness i'm not going to be able to sleep tonight but that's ok . wow
  2. goodness , i haven't been this excited from all the info and news coming out in the past few days in a long time . maybe it's just me but i got a feeling we really may be at the end of this wild and crazy ride ....
  3. Bond lady rocks , she does great research . bashers can go take a long walk off a short bridge.
  4. Hey Nadita , I'm still bumping around , i gotta think of a better online name , you're having too much fun with this
  5. Betty , I know all this is in good fun but I was just curious do you have an experiences or examples of how these crystal predictions have come true. Again I'm just curious , I don't know anything about crystals but I have an open mind , thank-you for the post . - Handy
  6. That last link i posted will be the last 3 min. of my time O. will get. Nuff said ?
  7. He's not going to answer you Caz because that would require honesty. Something the O admin. knows nothing about but is very good at dodging . Why face honesty and the truth when you can dodge it or blame others ?
  8. Yah i agree Sgt.Fury . Maybe then his supporters will begin to realize just what he really stands for.
  9. Great video Yota, that pretty much says it all about this topic and election .
  10. Gotta love the race card . It has nothing to do with the color of his skin but everything to do with his character . He has already shown us what he will actually do as President and it ain't pretty .
  11. obummer just spouted off bs as usual throughout the whole debate , dodging the truth and flat out lying the rest of the time. Anyone that has been following the news during his presidency would know that . I don't know how in the world he even has the support he has now . We can only pray he doesn't get re-elected .
  12. Msmortgagewiz, you rock!! I'm not into numbers or dreams but I like your post . You usually bring some interesting info. here ty. BTW I do believe in dreams I just don't know the meaning behind alot of them .
  13. IMHO Obama sux big time (figuratively and literally from what i've read ). Those are the facts.
  14. Thanks SWFGuy , I appreciate your time and opinions . It certainly makes alot of sense what your saying .
  15. Very cool message Monielynn , definitely will remember that one , thanks.
  16. I couldn't watch it , it was making me sick to my stomach .
  17. you know you're a guru keep and check at least 3 different dinar sites on your computer at all times
  18. Very good post , ty for sharing , will keep you in prayer , I totally agree prayer changes things .
  19. Ok Tiffany , curiosity has gotten the best of me, when you get a chance I was wondering how you have me pegged .
  20. wow ,90% , very interesting , i knew for some reason women like married guys but i didn't know it was that high
  21. thanks Scooter , as always , good solid research is the best encouragement and the best way to shut the bashers down
  22. yap it's already went up 300% since 2004 for those that invested then
  23. handy

    latest news

    conversion rate in my warka acct. still showing 1 dollar to 1170 iqd but I'm still hopeful . I trust Randalin is bringing us credible info. , hopefully this is it , if not , just be patient a little longer.
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