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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/26/2011 in all areas

  1. It is a very small amount but an even more significant number isn't shown ... that is the cash portion of the auction ... it was 1.538M. Over a year (and a half?) ago Zantac's UAE contact told him that until you saw no sale for at least 48 hrs you wouldn't see an RI/RV. He later postulated that since al-Maliki had been a fly in the ointment that "zero cash days" (or near zeroes as we have today) were possibly the new form that we might see it in. Think about it ... Auction totals haven't been this low since Dec 2007 ... in fact todays auction totals are the low end (18M-26M) of the CASH portion average prior to Oct 7th! Making 0 yesterday and 1.538M today less than minuscule to maintain liquidity and only 6 banks participated today (read that as had a need)... 7 yesterday. Oil and gold are perched perfectly according to Frank26's predictions for the past 2 years ... "Perfect Storm Brewing"? ... stay tuned and we'll see! I love this: Peace Doc31
    17 points
  2. I can't believe the things that are being said about Ali. Has he cheated you in the past and given you reason not to trust him. If you all are so damn worried about Ali, then don't use him. I have bought all my dinars from Ali. I have sent him money in advance via Fed-Ex. I didn't want to deal with the COD thing. As soon as my check was received Ali sent me an email verifying same and shipped my dinars out the next day and on occasion the same day. If Ali has never done anything personally to you to give you reason to distrust him then you should not be making such distaining remarks. If you don't want to use Ali, don't - I am sure he will not go bankrupt because you fail to cash in with him. I appreciate the service that Ali has offered. No one twisted my arm to buy from him and no one is twisting any arms to cash in with him. I have never seen such paranoia and hysteria manifested in one place in my life. Get your self set up with on-line banking and take your iPad or Laptop with you. Then you can tap right into your bank account and witness the transfer. Then if you want you can transfer the funds to another account to satisfy your paranoia.
    13 points
  3. I have been silent with respect to my political beliefs for years, but since 2006 the change of policy in Washington started...(Democrat Congress?) I started seeing a Statist attitude emerge. Now that we have seen the outcome of that "more Government" attitude I fear that our country will soon be at a tipping point on having no choice but to rely on what they tell us to do being our only option. Ah, but those of us that will fight the good fight and support those that are actually for the GOOD OF OUR COUNTRY instead of the good of a particular party, creed of ideaology should be the ones to see a slow return to Liberty and Conservative down the middle consideration. We have let our Country become the home of the double standard.... if we lie to Congress, it's a felony and if they lie to us it's just politics.... if we dislike someone of a different culture, it's racist and they dislike the other side, its their 1st Amendment right.. we spend millions to rehabilitate criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims. Public schools can teach that homosexuality is OK, but you better not use the word God in the process of teaching or for that matter in our "Justice" system (what an irony)... You can kill an unborn child, but its wrong to execute a mass murderer... We take money from those who work hard and give it to those who don't want to work. we all support the Constitution, but only when it supports our political ideology; we still have freedom of speech, but only if we are being politically correct; parenting has been replaced with Ritalin and video games. If you protest against the Presidents policies your a terrorist, but if you burn an effigy or our Flag it was your 1st Amendment right. A major crisis is handled by the government appointing a committee to determine who's at fault, then threatens them, passes a law, raises our taxes and tells us the problem is solved so they can get back to rasing their campaign dollars using our tax money to fly around the country... now let's spend our way out of debt... they must know something I don't... I thought of borrowing money when I was 18 to pay for another debt thinking I could pay it that way... even I figured out that just doesn't work....Makes you wonder how some of those idiots get up in the morning. Enough, just start paying attention and everyone try to use good old common sense... is that too much to ask?
    12 points
  4. Hold the phone everyone........let's assume there is some truth to this intel? A rather big assumption, but let's run with it for a moment. If the dinar were to RV to the $0.85US would also mean that the dinar is recognized and tradable on the world markets. So, you DO NOT have to worry about trying to exchange a portion or all of your dinar for smaller denoms in order to hold onto them for a while to make a better profit. You SIMPLY open up a currency account with any US brokerage firm and deposit your dinar in it. You can maintain your dinar balance indefinitely until the exchange rate rises to a level that you are happy with and then sell them for US dollars through your broker. Again, this would be only for those of you that think the initial $0.85US rate is going to get better, but you don't want to hold onto your large denoms of dinar for fear of losing out on any specified exchange period, if there is one. Once a currency becomes tradable on the Forex, the idea of physical currency becomes irrelavent. You deposit your dinar into a brokerage account and they become responsible for the physical currency, you get a monthly statement showing a balance and its market value. You don't pay any taxes until you make a profit, which would be when you sell them for a better rate. So there is no need to panic or worry about getting screwed out of a higher RV rate down the line because you think you have to trade in your dinar during the initial RV at a possible lower for the tax ramifications, you should talk to your accountant or attorney to find out in what name you need to open up a brokerage account in, ect...... I worked in brokerage business 13 years, this is all good
    12 points
  5. Fractional Banking 101 Making Sense Of the Numbers IQD CONCEPT EXPLAINED: First off, I’ll use the exchange of a 10,000 IQD note as my example. To help explain the economics of this cash-in example, I will use a 1:1 cash-in ratio between the USD and IQD, that is given a two-tier payout, and a 2% bank spread. What You Will Receive: If you were to cash in your 10,000 IQD note with a bank that charges you a 2% spread, you would personally receive a net take-home of $9,800 credited to your bank account. What Your Bank Will Receive: Your Bank will receive a $10,000 credit to its Federal Reserve Account. They will also be able to add the $200 profit to their “capital account”. If you don’t understand the “Fractional Banking“ concept that runs our country, you may want to, as that is what this is based on, and is what is behind this entire concept and plan. To learn more about this concept, I suggest you click HERE, and go to a video post I brought to the forum previously, and posted in my “Tidbits“ section. Ultimately, the bank wins because they are able to gain $2,000 in lending power under the 10% “Fractional Banking“ model. What the US Treasury Will Receive: First off, the US Treasury will receive $3,500 in estimated taxes in the quarter after the exchange, because you are now in the “rich” category and get to enjoy the 35% tax bracket. This lowers the “net cost” of the IQD exchange to the US financial system to $6,500 USD (i.e. $10,000 out – $3,500 in). Furthermore, the US Treasury’s rate is higher than the banking rate (we will use in this example 1.25), thereby further reducing their “net cost” from $6,500 to $4,000. Oil Now Enters the Picture: At some point, a Fed-appointed agent orders $12,500 worth of oil from Iraq. Payment will consist of a $12,500 transfer from the Fed’s foreign currency reserve IQD account to the IRAQ Oil payment account at the CBI in a form otherwise known as PetroDollars/PetroDinar. Even though the world spot price of oil is defined in terms of USD, the actual transaction may take place in any internationally recognized currency agreed to by the parties. For example, Iran only accepts Yen from Japan for their oil orders, because they don’t want USD in their foreign currency reserves. How the CBI “RECAPTURES” the Money: The $12,500 order is filled with 250 barrels of oil based on the spot price on the date of the sale (for this example we used a $50 USD spot price). What does it cost Iraq to produce the oil to fill this order? Well they have negotiated productions agreements for approximately $1.50 USD/barrel. From that price $.50 USD goes to the national Iraqi oil company who is the partner in the field the oil came from. Out of the remaining $1.00 the other oil field partners have to pay the Iraq government a profit tax of $.35 USD (35%). The net cost to Iraq to produce a barrel of oil used in this scenario is $.65 USD. (i.e. $1.50 – .50 – .35) What does all that mean? It cost Iraq $162.50 to bring back a 10,000 IQD note! Can they afford that? I think so! So, instead of paying out $12,500 for a 10,000 IQD note, they only pay $162.50! That doesn’t add to the money supply much at all does it! They receive their IQD back and place it in the CBI, or destroy it. The transaction is completed with the Federal Reserve exchanging foreign reserve credits which are equal to $12,500 USD (which had a net acquisition cost of $4,000 USD for the US) for 250 barrels of oil (which has a TOTAL COST to produce of $162.50 USD for Iraq. More completely explained, and simply put, it cost Iraq $162.50 USD from their foreign currency reserve accounts to redeem the value of 10,000 IQD, which goes into their operating accounts. At the same time the US got $12,500 worth of oil for a net cost of $4,000. That’s how it was originally planned for Iraq to RV at 1 IQD = 1 USD, with the variable being the political element (i.e. UN Sanctions, GOI actions, IMF actions, World Bank actions etc.) Other Factors that Strengthen Iraq’s Position and Ability to RV: * DFI Funds Returned & Other Assets: $280+ Billion USD, plus other frozen assets (estimated at $100 billion) will be returned back to Iraq and added to their foreign currency reserve, bringing it up to $430+ billion USD. * CBI IQD Reserve Requirement Adjustment: The CBI will change the current fractional IQD reserve requirements from 100% to 15% at the appropriate time. As a result, the the total potential money supply will be raised in value to $2.8 Trillion (430 billion/15), while at the same time, the total physical IQD in circulation will be reduced by removing the large bills with the 3 zeros over a period of 2 years, as they have indicated. * Oil Production Increased: Iraq will also execute the plan they announced to increase oil production from 2+ million barrels/day to 10 million barrels/day with the resulting revenues flowing directly to the Iraq treasury. * Oil Futures & Forex Contracts Added: To further stir the pot, the CBI will continue to use it’s sales window to market oil futures and forex contracts. They have shown they can generate significant cash flow in the private market. Think of their impact in public markets. There, my friends, is how this plan will be enacted and made possible. Taking NOTHING, and turning it into SOMETHING, then bringing it back to a “manageable and reasonable something” that is accepted and supported by seeming endless supplies of oil. This is how the world’s ENTIRE NEW MONETARY SYSTEM will be regenerated and supported and backed, given, in essence, a re-birth and renewed for most governments and economic regions… even by “Black Gold”. So, here’s the summary for all the “players” involved, giving ballpark numbers, and not taking into account superfluous costs, fees, and other small details that don’t really affect the larger picture: * Investor’s Net Gain: $10,000 – $200 = $9,800 x .65 = 6,370 for an investment that cost $10 * Bank’s Net Gain: $200 added to “capital account”, plus $2,000 they can use to loan out. * US Treasury Net Gain: $2,500 from the .25 spread on top + $3,500 in quarterly taxes = $6,000 * CBI/GOI/Iraqi People Net Gain: $12,500 – $162.50 = $12,337.50 + Profits from “Other Factors” * Overall Net Gain for All Involved: $6,370+$200+$6,000+12,337.20 = $24,907.20 This is the wealth that was generated from a single 10,000 IQD note that was given an original value of approximately $10! Is that amazing or what?! You tell me… can Iraq afford NOT to RV?!!! Will the IMF allow them to NOT RV their currency, but simply replace their large denoms for smaller ones?!!! LOL!!! In this scenario, EVERYONE WINS… and the IQD is slowly (over 2 years) taken back in to the CBI… eventually destroyed, leaving a manageable M2 behind, having created HUGE WEALTH throughout the world to re-supply what was allowed to be destroyed in the “great bleed” over a period of just a few weeks a couple of years ago, even the greatest redistribution of wealth the world has ever seen. Believe it or not, it has happened for this very purpose, and it IS coming!
    11 points
  6. yes somthing is about to happen this is not normal if this goes again tomorrow everyone get ready for this ride to be over with Rv is a coming.
    10 points
  7. I think this might be a little sacrileges...I could be wrong...but it seems kind of selfish...shouldn't we pray for who it really involves and helps...which is the people of Iraq...I don't know about you but I have a roof, running hot and cold water, and electricity. I want this RV as much as anyone but I don't need it like they do. I for one like and have fresh water, showers and fresh food... I'm not bashing or being negative towards you or anyone else here, but praying for selfish reasons will not bring out the best in us and IMO is it's not God's best for us!!!
    10 points
  8. Space Cowboy Conference Call 4-25-2011 by: DebTarHeelGirl Darline makes a statement to Delta – she only wants to hear 3 little words - Delta states BING BAM BOOM!!! Tonight the CBI called Delta – and it could be an RI or RV or a Bing Bam Boom – its a win win no matter what says Delta…. Articles from Darline – This article spoke about increasing the amount of Money to be held.. State Consultative gives the Supreme Judicial authority to adjust the amounts provided for under the law of evidence Date: Monday 04/25/2011 13:43 Baghdad (News) has authorized the State Council amended the Evidence Act, including amending the value of the dinar current. A statement issued by the Judicial Council has received Agency (news) copy of it: that the State Council decreed to grant the President of the Supreme Judicial Council the authority to amend the amounts set forth in the articles ( 77) and (78) and (79) of the Evidence Act No. (107) for the year 1979. The statement added: the fatwa GATT against the backdrop of request of the Minister of Justice opinion of the State Council on the basis of Article (9) of the Code of the State Council No. (65) for the year 1979 regarding the proposal received from the Bar Association to amend the amounts set forth in the articles (77) and (78 ) and (79) of the Evidence Act and making them (5000000) five million dinars instead of (5000) five thousand dinars. The statement pointed to the proposed Bar modify the value of the dinar due to changes in current economic conditions and inflation, the huge sum which, as well as a decline in the purchasing power of acute as they no longer value compared to value the former, but a penny and that many of the litigants in the courts suffer harm and injustice for not documenting their transactions and their actions legal, as the lessors for all real estate (except residential) are at the mercy of tenants currently. Delta states that this has to do with Real Estate Law – in 1979 this was for rental properties charges… and changing the rate and this was adjusted on the 1170 rate and not for a new coming rate… Frank states with these adjustments now being brought up, that is the curious thing… Very interesting due to the currency about to be changed also… 2nd article from Darline – Tomorrow prepaid cards will work – Darline has article Delta said the $1100 rate loaded cards at 250 dinar is a rumor says Delta – they do not have access to any cash with these cards – there is NO SOLID confirmation that they are loaded now…. Frank says that HE DOES have confirmation about the Smart Cards at 11am today his team member stated an administer for a hospital in Baghdad called to say that he was told by his Janitor that he has a GOI smart card he got last week. The smart card was NOT loaded last week as you said but it is loaded NOW TODAY and was loaded in US DOLLARS and not Dinars as was the plan… Dinar amount was told to be 250 dinars but the US amount is considerably more sir – now its 1100 dollars on this card…so the GOI distributed these cards and as of today have certainly been loaded but NOT with IQD but loaded with American dollars – thats HUGE intel. Dr. Shabibi also met with the President at the White House while here also… John said that Shabibi stuttered and he paused and said "WE have decided to implement the lifiting of the 3 zeros to add value to our currency VERY SOON…" VERY SOON Means within days not weeks… Now smart cards were passed out last year and they did this on a FRIDAY their holy day – then they passed out part of the cards and they just finally passed those out…Darline says they had to stall this and Frank says WHY are they not being filled? and with American Dollars? they buy everything with American dollars – cause they can't use the IQD and there is not enough being horded by the people and the banks. Watchman's says Sales were in Japan currency only today is there any proof of that asks Darline… VERY SOON to add value to the IQD is what Shabibi said and Frank said FORGET ABOUT THE GOI – what did Maliki say to the CBI people in the articles? He is saying GIT IT DONE! Baghdad (news) .. Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki that Iraq is not a poor country, pointing out that the entities that between now and then wondering what the other provided by the Government, it must ask itself what is presented to the Iraqis? Maliki said while attending the first annual conference of the General Union of cooperation on Monday attended by the correspondent Agency (news) to: that "the citizen when he gives up on the performance of its role in carrying out its responsibility towards the nation, as an abandonment of all responsibility, saying:" The transfer of central management to the pot rope and stifling the will of the institutions, companies and businessmen, it means transforming the country into a paralyzed, "he continued:" When we talk about the state of modern democracy should be talking about clear concepts, and practices should be sound and correct. " Maliki has called for: to accelerate the advancement of the economy and raise the level of Iraq's income and per capita income through the optimal investment and expenditure of wealth, after that the sooner steps in the face of serious security challenges ". / Finished / (1. N. R). Franks says – He said he called for the acceleration of the Iraq economy and raise the per capita income – he is telling Shabibi to show me the money… You don't need the GOI so do it Shabibi…He said Iraq is not a poor country- Darline said bring it on and BING BAM BOOM Hillarious is where? FIND Hillarious says Frank Delta says SOON and it means VERY SOON for sure… he encouraged the people to keep their currency. The demand will be over when the development starts – and he said Iraq is a rich country but not rich in development and new infrastructures… they need investors and everything… now for him to say VERY SOON, wow this is it its a done deal…He is trying and has a plan for that and they have decided it and he will lift the 3 zeros soon. They are a very rich nation… Iraq needs help getting the oil out of the ground – they need new contracts – they need the Dinar recognized. This has been ravaged by years of war and the international sanctions are about to become history… GENX is a biochemist and a friend of mine and today Frank asked when towrard the end you stated there would be a dramatic change in the CBI auctions – and today there was a change = down to 18 million dollars in auctions down from hundreds of millions in dinar sales… so is the bank hording dinars why so low today? They have the lower denoms and they are loaded and ready to go… they are ready and primed and today this 18 million USD – tomorrow we are looking for this to be 12-15 million and by Wed 10 million or less and if this is 3 days with this low of sales this will be the day before the RV of the IQD …. Maliki is not a man of patterns he breaks them but its not M bringing out the RV – so watch the volume of these auctions real close – see if it goes down to 12-15 million and then Wed it goes down again then THURSDAY should be our RV – Its very quiet over there says Frank, Shabibi met behind closed doors with his staff… electricity has gone up and the 5.7% inflation … do not let it go to 7% then we will be in trouble… that was March's totals… So no wonder they are in a hurry cause April would be over 6%…. Delta got the call from the CBI contact today and…he states he is his personal friend for many years… Today early morning he called to say that Shabibi and all the BOARD met today and with an urgent meeting and he stated that the rate and it should happen as last Sept the program came out educating the people about the 3 zero denoms and that program at the end Shabibi advisors came out and he explained it and that rate starting 1000 dinar = .85 at 1170 rate but post revalue of dinar 1 dinar will be equal to 1000 dinar at that time… when this starts the revalue will be $.85 cents per dinar and he said why are they doing this…. Cutting zeros have exaggerated the devalue – it will ease payments and make it easy for calculations and reduce the money supply there… REVISIT more than one time happen… The rate might come out at $.85 for all the markets to adjust to the lower denoms…the CBI comes up with $.85 and they get 400,000 Dinars to each family and the revalue to $.85 then the 400 dinars it will equal $333.00 -they accomplised this by removing the 3 zero denoms without making a bad effect on the Iraq economy…. they come out first with a lower rate then they take till the end of this year and retrieve all the 3 zero denoms.. the CBI will bring back the IRQ higher by end of year. IF they come out at $3.-$4. will be too hard on the country… What about the MOP stating it could be $1.17 per dinar and he said its possible it could be… The rate should be no lower than $.85 to mid dollar range-….. the power of purchase – and there will be a time limit to educate their people… we may have 2-3 revaluations of the dinar says Delta…. Some GOV have 6, 7, 8 billion dinars… Darline states if that is going to be $.85 to $1 they will get my three zeros but I will not be cashing in but I will be putting it into lower denoms… Delta says it will be very hard to exchange for lower denoms for us at all per CBI… If the dinar goes one to one you can't even exchange your money….they are going to try to focus more and more on coins not paper money…when they know what ever the rate is you will have 95% of the people cashing in and they give us a time limit and they say 6 months we have not other choice…. Darline states SO Delta are you saying that our US Goverment and Iraq has found a way to screw us out of this blessing that YES GOD is giving us with this $.85 rate, what will the bank give to us $.25??? No Dinar Trade would give us the exact CBI rate the banks may go lower but you can negotiate with them… There is not going to be wealthy billionaires…but we will be happy – a smart way to do this is a win win for this for Iraq… The rate has to come up to at least $.85 an some will be rich but not that richer… they are doing it for their own people not for us – Delta says why they are doing this is there is so many people that have business an stocks in Iraq and if they come out with at $4 rate about 95% will take their money out of Iraq in a heart beat- Shabibi wants investors and so he sets the rate low and it guarantees Investors to come to Iraq…. Delta says the date of the CBI revalue was posted that the IMF will pay the commercial debts so that means that the revalue will take place anytime now and May 1st and the UNSC has to have a report on the plan from Iraq with the money and then they are due to loose immunity in June – they have to be engaged internationally before May 1st – that makes it this month… by end of June they will be totally out of Chapter 7 completely before they do that they have to finish the revaluation of the dinar way before that…. Play it safe from Shabibi's very soon we put the date a week or two weeks and it put us on May 19th at the DROP DEAD DATE for the revalue….. The auction today is a great thing today too…the auction today that is a wire transfer – that will never change but difference is the amounts – Darline states this whole manipulation of currencies by the IMF was nothing more than where the rich get richer and those of us who are getting blessed are just getting less than what was said… They predict this year the IRAQ stock exchange will increase by 200%.. Darline asks why we are in the US – if anyone needs money its the US – I won't be investing in Iraq and do it for my homeland and now with this low rate folks who have less than 1 million will not be able to do what they wanted to do… Delta says we are going to have to learn how to be good stewards and manage what we have…yes the Gov don't care about us so we have to learn how to be wise stewards and be careful… if you have 1 million dinars and you will get $.85 so pay off debts and then invest the remaining funds… Make your plans now and how to increase your profits of what you are going to get… Frank says we report to you our studies and take it to the Lord in prayers – DO NOT WRITE THIS IN CONCRETE as it may not be 100% true – and this phone call, yes it came from the CBI yes, and we listened – and also understand what I just said – this person DOES NOT make the decisions of the CBI but he is in a position to listen to what they are planning… Frank says BE STRONG and STRONGER and do not let this blessing CHANGE YOU…Shabibi told us VERY SOON and that means this blessing no matter how much the rate is its VERY SOON… Frank states some one from our forum states he does not buy that low of a rate report and too many will sharks will come out and cause hyper inflation… Why the rich man will purchase dinar when its $.85 when he can buy the Whole Iraq right now if he wanted too… Keep in mind the big people rich people got involved since day one when the dollar was = to 3500 dinars…. and if Iraq gives you only 3 months to cash in how can they do that? The whales are already taking advantage of this… The exchanging into lower denoms can run into a problem and then they give us a set time limit of one or two months – Frank says is this coming out really at $.85? Not sure as last year they voted on $3.22 with 20% increase to $3.86 but this source told us different – Frank says it would be an ingenious move on their behalf if it did come out at $.85 if they locked it into a time frame… MOP wants this come out low, educate the people and lock it into a time frame and retrieve the higher zeros… Frank says if they come out $.85 to $1.18 and I got 3 million dinars in my possession and thats it and nothing else THEN I will cash out only 1/2 million now and wait 3-6 months to cash out more.. unless they tell us 3 months for total cash out with NO INCREASE then we have to decide what to do… I listened to this and before they said they would REINSTATE the currency and Frank says I still say $3.22 of the reinstate the rate… Delta said there would be a time limit on this rate… to educate the people – its a valid conclusion and give everyone a limit…so this low rate will help – the market will increase and possibly get reinstated back to $3.22 – no one knows…. What happened to THE PLAN – its done and they have raised the value of the currency with this plan… Frank says that lots will have to pray they are depressed with this information – and this source is suggesting this is what he heard there today from the meetings…. TAKE THIS TO THE LORD IN PRAYER and I Frank do not agree with the $.85 as the contracts have been shown to me a different rate… Delta says you are right Frank we are just a messenger and we are having to study this too… Frank says this could be a china syndrome – so many are listening and China said WE ARE NOT REVALUING and then BAM THEY DID……… so just wait and see – Delta and Frank says we are only giving you the message of what this CBI Rep heard today to tell us… Darline says lets find about the date? What is the 2 weeks out for a RV now? Frank states IF we see Tues and Wed with the auctions the same as today's, then Thursday has a high chance of the rate coming out – if not we will see the parliament come back and the rate being released next week… The caller from the CBI told Delta – he said the rate would be in the $3. range by the end of the year…if it comes out now at $.85 – they have to do this for their economy – it may take 2 years to phase out this old currency says Delta… Darline says the word we promised we would never say is said – and in essence the $.85 is a LOP but no Frank says this is an increase as it won't take long for this to increase… and many companies are going to flood this country and I say it will only take 3 months to increase…. Delta says it won't take long for the rate to increase. Darline says that ….I now say Shabibi is not a man of his word in making this so attractive to the US as he promised and I call him a liar now… Delta says he is planning to revalue MORE THAN ONCE and REVISIT the rate is his statement do to this more than once…….the guy that said this to me today I trust him and He has the knowledge of this… SCENARIO lets try this scenario: Frank says let pretend I have 3 million dinars and if it comes out at $,.85 and I will take my 3 million dinars and deposit them in an Iraq bank- they give me their rate of $.85 – its electronic money inform of IQD's now they sit in Iraq bank waiting for the rate to go up 3-6 months later – do not worry folks…. Darline says I dont' trust that country to have my money…. and its not $850,000 that is not the problem I am mad at the fact for two years of studies and the contracts show for $3.22 and other higher rates and the rate that MED has said is $.85 for two years… the contracts says frank they are NOT being honored right now and they will not be honored till they GET to that rate of the IQD when it goes up… Delta says that if you take your money into Iraq bank as Shabibi wants – could they revalue at $3.22 you would not take your money in Iraq ever would you? Frank says HECK no I will not so Delta says that is the point of the low rate….the issue is we have helped Iraq by buying these dinars and our country is on their last leg and is being controlled by crooks and now it looks like the whole world is corrupt….The authors of The PLan is from the US and they controlled this and the UST will know how many dinars we have…they don't want billionaires all over the place they want this money IN IRAQ not in our hands….. Darline says I am mad at the former promises… the corrupt world – THIS LOW rate will not help the country The re denomination is what they are doing – they can't come out high and I agree I do not agree with this – and RE-DENOMINATION is what they will do… Review ok Guys tell me your opinion on the date and the rate: Darline states: this week for RV and Delta I love you and your friend but I believe that rate will not be under $2.76 what it was before Saddam took it to $3.22 Delta states date will be May 4th or earlier – and rate would be $2.65 and $2.70 and now he says $.85 and $1.17 and in less than two weeks… Jesus states: this week for the date and T-3 days – and rate what ever it comes above $1 I will be happy but I believe the RI value of $3.22…. 3 days 3 dollars Debbie states: its time for GOD's best of HIS finances be poured out on his children, for HIS Kingdom to be advanced and prospered and we have been in training for reigning by the trials and tribulations and this has caused us to be good stewards so I do not accept a low rate as GOD wants us to prosper in this end time wealth transfer therefore I believe that the rate will be the reinstated rate as promised $3.22 and I believe the RV to be this Thursday due to the last day of April each year to be for baskets of currencies to RV… AMEN Frank states: its an RI and Chapter 7 says it would be reinstated to the value of previous times and Shabibi said he would bring it out at the 70' 80's and chapter 7 reinstatement rate should be $2.60 to $3.22… and it they are stupid enough and they have waited so long to do this and come out at a low ball rate they deserve it and they will get torn apart like a lava pit hole and eaten apart nd contracts will wait – the people of Iraq don't care about the rate and they want the GOI come sit and get things going….I say put it in an Iraq Bank at $.85 if it does, contact a broker…. the auctions make me think that Thursday may be the RV… if the auctions are at the same level Tues and Wed… DO NOT BE disappointed at a low rate please…. Darline says it is the frustration that we are still being controlled by other people and the economy is being controlled by other people and its time for us to stand up – do some investigating and its nto the issue of the rate level and we as Christians do nto stand up for ourselves – and delve into politics and bring this nation back under God….Darline is your voice and I Frank say its an RI of $3.22 and i do not see them going into any other direction… and Delta says that when this CBI rep told me as HE IS THERE and this is what he heard from their meeting today… and Frank said we will see the Dinar to be above $3-5 dollars before we go to heaven… Iraq will be the mecca of the world once again.. and become a 9th wonder again….Frank says I will pay attention to my team studies and I remain on my opinion from the studies…. Three banks stopped selling Dinars and we may not have a call on Thursday but will study that if so but if next two days are like today where the auctions are concerned I will change on Wed to 9.99% for this RV to begin and if not then I say between now and the 18th of next month…because of Shabibi stated very soon to calculate week to two weeks up to one month…not past that time… If they have no auction tomorrow I will go to 9.99% tomorrow…and get very nervous….and the Author's plans is not for a low rate and the IMF rate that was agreed upon was not $.85 at that time… If the blessing happens and I will be here on the forum for you… Frank ends with a song and a prayer…. END OF CALL!!
    8 points
  9. Keepm will be here to argue with you soon.
    8 points
  10. Currency Auctions Announcement No. (1883) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 25-APR-2011. The results were as follows: DetailsNotesNumber of banks7 Auction price selling dinar / US$1170 Auction price buying dinar / US$----- Amount sold at auction price (US$)18,550,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$)----- Total offers for buying (US$)18,550,000 Total offers for selling (US$)----- Exchange rates Dollar's exchange rates / in Baghdad markets This is the lowest auction since December of 2007 ... the first $0 in the cash portion since Dec 2, 2010 ... I know we've had tons of near zeroes but as of late their normal cycle includes low first day of the week (Sunday) and sometimes low Monday. Sunday was average ... today ... minuscule. What do we make of it? Have we seen it before ... yep (Oct 7th 2010 until Dec 2nd 2010 was zero) ... but the auction total was NEVER this small during that time frame ... as I said you have to go back to December of 2007 to find one this small ... was it the perfect setup for the clowns to RI/RV ... yep ... did it signal Shabbibi's intent ... I believe so ... what does it mean now? ... I'm like you ... it HAS to have some meaning/explanation but without a bigger picture it is difficult to put your finger on. We know that inflation is on the rise because Shabbibi has tried to corner al-Maliki by tightening up the money supply ... has he (and the powers that be) finally got him cornered? ... stay tuned ... the next few days might tell us what we need to know. Okay boys and girls ... Oil is obscene and IMO not because of unrest in the ME Silver obscene as well Gold more obscene than silver or oil ... indeed using silvers relationship to gold for the past 100+ years we see that in a worse case scenario gold should be hovering at about $1000 compared to silver ... OR ... silver is so greatly undervalued that it should be between $75 and $101 ... I think even the biggest silver enthusiast would agree that this is beyond reason. We can argue all day about the strength of the dollar ... sending $700B out of the country for close to $30 years to people who hate us ... fear/metals ... etc. ... let's take a peek at how the MAJORS are doing against metals. Yes ... I realize that it is only reflective through Dec 31, 2010 ... here's the relationship the other way And while you can see separation between the currencies the theme is identical ... gold is disproportionately high against ALL currencies. That means either that ALL the majors are in trouble OR ... simply put ... gold is whack! I can't find a silver chart done this way but our math above tells the story For you conspiracy theorists ... I recognize that this next chart is often blank in spots ... well ... today either someone took the day off or ... well, you be the judge ... A quick look at the news tells us that if this was a soap opera and we hadn't read anything on DV for months ... in a minute or two you could pick right back up on the story ... translation ... same crap (being offered up) ... different day. Topics of interest Paris Club Debt ... apparently triggered Jan 1st, 2011 ... due ... what June 30/July 1st or was it June 1st ... was it payable in oil or cash? ... IMO heck of a way to shock your economy ... RI/RV at or near the same time you have to begin paying off this massive debt. On my re-read I seem to have opened up more things for question rather than answering them ... I guess it's just one of those days ... I haven't even gotten to what I wanted to talk about but I'm out of time. To summarize ... lots of stuff that makes you want to go hmmmmmmmmmmmmm! To the clowns ... tic ... toc As always ... Peace Doc31
    8 points
  11. Announcement No. (1884) The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on the 26-APR-2011. The results were as follows: Details Notes Number of banks 6 Auction price selling dinar / US$ 1170 Auction price buying dinar / US$ ----- Amount sold at auction price (US$) 17,038,000 Amount purchased at Auction price (US$) ----- Total offers for buying (US$) 17,038,000 Total offers for selling (US$) ----- Normal??? Auction
    7 points
  12. * ChiefV Rumor: PTR 4/25/11 12:15 am April 25th, 2011 02:08 pm · Posted in RUMORS (Dinar Revaluation) A rumor is burning thru camp right now that it has RV’d in Iraq this morning at over $ 3.00. XXXXX.X.XXXX| FLUOR | Quality Technician II Afghanistan Government Group | XXXXX.X.XXXX | TF Patriot, FOB Shank| Office: xxx. xxx. xxxx |————————– … ———- The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain proprietary, business-confidential and/or privileged material. If you are not the intended recipient of this message you are hereby notified that any use, review, retransmission, dissemination, distribution, reproduction or any action taken in reliance upon this message is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of the company. ———————————————————— This guy and I worked together in Iraq at Korean Village, he’s invested as well and has been waiting for this to hit as well. You fellas over in Iraq hit the streets and find out what’s up…this could be it today!!
    7 points
  13. * Scooter Post: “The Fed” and the Supreme Court April 23rd, 2011 09:27 pm · Posted in RUMORS (Dinar Revaluation) DD TEAM, This is not my typical post but after further review, I was so outraged by the theft that’s occurring I found myself compelled to post. I must forewarn you, this isn’t pleasant information to digest. Secondly, I love my country and I’m damn proud to be an American, but I am not proud of the people running our country, this includes both sides of the aisle. I am not a Democrat nor Republican, but I am a staunch conservative with a brain that knows that “WE THE PEOPLE” are being RIPPED OFF!!!!! I personally can’t stand the swine less wimps in the Republican Party and find it hard to stomach many of the ideas of the left. I’M A MAN WITHOUT A PARTY AND I’M 100% ALRIGHT WITH THAT!!!! PLEASE USE THIS LINK FOR THE FLASH VERSION WITH VIDEO SUPPORT: With that said, the post below is not meant to scare anybody but meant to raise awareness of what’s occurring with our tax dollars. BRING ON THE BASHING!!!! SCOOTER —————————————————————————————
    7 points
  14. I am in Iraq and welllllll It hasn't happened.. Nope didn't happen... No Rv today.... yup like I said It didn't Rv... I hope this is clear enough NO RV Sorry But wouldn't that be cool if you were to hear about it before the world did and you were able to get a 2nd mortgage on the house, sell the car, and the truck., sell the motorcycle and borrow all the money you could so you could buy more dinar before the banking world found out what you were doing so that way you could just sell it all back and make 3000 times what you invested.. but that's not how it is going to happen when this RV's you will notice it on all of the currency converters out there.. so don't believe anything you hear until you see it on the currency convertors and plus I am sure Adam Montana will get it posted as soon as it happens... Go Rv God Bless America
    7 points
  15. I have always looked at this investment as "the ultimate penny stock IPO" with one dinar being akin to a share of stock of a company that is just about to "go public." The difference here is that this particular company has a known inventory of 550 billion barrels of oil, as well as (a) one of the (if not, the) world's largest supply of natural gas and ( untold amounts of other natural resourses that have yet to be discovered on the 52% of it's property which has thus far NOT been explored. Carrying this analogy further, let's look at the current "market capitalization" of this company. If we take the current exchange rate of $.00086/dinar and multiply it by the 29 trillion dinar outstanding (or in circulation, if you will), that mean the market value of the ENTIRE money supply of Iraq (including every dinar owned by us private investors, the US Treasury, China, and what sits in the CBI) is worth a total of $24,94 billion. That's all, folks...the entire money supply is worth less than $25 billion. If they do the dreaded LOP, the value of the money supply doesn't change one iota. It would be like a reverse-split. It won't change the value of our holdings, nor would it change the market capitalization of the "company" in which we've invested. The situation is that the FMV of this company's assets far exceed it's market valuation. At $100/per barrel, this company will get $95/profit (after deducting the $5/barrel production costs). So just from the KNOWN reserves of oil alone, our penny stock company will yield under this scenario $52.25 TRILLION DOLLARS. So just from the value of the oil alone, we're looking at a value of $1.80/dinar...and that's per every dinar that currently exists. Yeah, I know there are other factors to look at like time value of money, future potential market fluctuations (which can go both ways), changes in government policies, variations in production costs, yada, yada, yada. I'm just trying to point that there is way too much money in the ground for them to do anything other than a straight-up RV.
    6 points
    6 points
  17. Ron Paul's Three Notable Advantages in the 2012 Presidential Campaign Email Print Play Video Presidential Transition Video:Obama to Appoint Health Care Advisory BoardFOX News Jeanne Rose – 1 hr 12 mins agoContribute content like this. Start here.COMMENTARY | The National Journal reports that Texas Rep. Ron Paul will officially announce Tuesday that he will pursue the Republican ticket in 2012 by forming an exploratory committee. Paul is a libertarian who has previously run for president two times in the past without much luck, most recently in the 2008 election. Daily Caller reports that when it comes to politics and policies, Paul is both supported and opposed on many key issues. One notable advantage Paul has is that he wants to end the War in Iraq and bring our troops home for good. This is something that increased his popularity because, as a Republican contender, he was the only one to suggest that we end the Iraq War all together. At a time when there is a situation in Libya and the economy is still very weak, we should not be engaging in a seemingly never-ending Iraq War. There has been a lot of support within the past few years for the war to come to an end because there is no real mission anymore and it seems that there is not even a strategy to exit the country successfully. This is one area that Paul will have a lot of support on both from some Democratic and Republican voters. Paul is also considered a constitutionalist, which means he would make sure all of his policies would line up with the values and beliefs of the Constitution. Paul is a supporter of the right to bear arms and believes that the government is expanding its authority. The Tea Party has supported Paul for the fact that he is willing to stand up for the Constitution and wants to limit the powers of the government, such as getting rid of the Patriot Act, which he believes is in violation of the Constitution. Paul is also a believer in states' rights to determine the free market and provide regulation on social issues, instead of using the government to determine those rights and regulations. Paul believes in smaller government with limited powers and wants the states to have rights over their own policies, which is aligned with the ideas of the Tea Party and other true conservatives in America. [ For complete coverage of politics and policy, go to Yahoo! Politics ] Paul is also a conservative in every aspect of the word, especially when it comes to fiscal responsibility and balancing the federal budget. Paul has always stood behind getting rid of individual income taxes and installing a flat tax across the board. Paul has stood behind reducing the deficit by ending most foreign aid programs and also cutting out programs like Medicare and Medicaid. The Tea Party supports Paul and his quest to end a lot of government programs and entitlements which are all programs that Democrats and Republicans do not want to get rid of. The fact that Paul is willing to step up and finally reduce the budget in a manner that will actually mean something instead of small cuts here and there will help him gain popularity this time around. More American people are realizing that these programs are a huge reason why the deficit is so high; with Paul running to get rid of them all together, he will become a huge deal for people who support the Tea Party.
    6 points
  18. Trump is shooting at the h ips just to get coverage, the one thing he knows most about is boosting his own ego
    6 points
  19. Less banks participated Less in value for auction results Only miniscule however, but now the CAD is back on the predictive rates. Lets try & look at the bigger picture of thing(s) that one can wonder about... Last Friday, BofA went national on no longer offering IQD sales, whether it was to speculative investors or those traveling to the M.E. About a month ago, DT removed the buy-on-reserve program Last week, Shabbs made the comment "soon." - However, we can no determine his definition of "soon" Adam had a contact that stated within a 7-day time-span or some, a deadline was to be met to some degree. We were looking over this past weekend to hopefully hear an update in that regard. All other guru's spew their intel/gossip/rumors as normal (Not much change there! LOL) But, stepping back and plugging information that points to this time-frame.... One may become more optimistic. Now, with the removal of 3 zeros articles all over -- We can only really look at this and think, I think the ride is coming to an end. (Lets just hope it is what we wish it to be at the end)
    6 points
  20. another site 25 April 2011 Just wanted to let you know I had attended as a member the International Business Council of Iraq. A great meeting and lots of discussions. another site just recently attended the International Business Council of Iraq (IBCI) meeting. I met with the Iraqi Government Official Ministry of Communications, Mohammed Allawi. In fact, I frequently attend meetings with Ministries as well as Central Bank officials. Since I have been getting more and more photo requests from my readers I decided to include some today. There are a few pictures of the Minister of Communications and I have the itinerary of the IBIC. I have also been recently made aware that there are a few naysayers that frequently try to cast doubts that the another site is in Iraq. Hopefully, this will open the eyes of some and remove all doubt. I have absolutely nothing to gain by pretending to be someplace that I’m not. Do not doubt me, doubt the ones who have misled you for months on end (and continue to do so) of the countless RV dates that come & go and the promises of $3 & up rates. (Photos of meeting IBC of Iraq agenda and Ministry of Communications – Mohammed Allawi attached in the email)
    5 points
  21. LOL. Your Dinar sales must be down for the month too!
    5 points
  22. Hey. That's just the way things look around there. They don't do meetings like we do here in the States. Look how they're living on a daily basis. Can't really expect much more than that. AC is short for Amer. Contractor. Had to abreviate the 'American' (they block it out here when joining the two words together, not really sure why).
    5 points
  23. From Pilot for Okie MONDAY APRIL 25 , 2011 « on: April 25, 2011, 10:22:15 PM » [10:36:52 PM] [pilot] Have been with okie all day and night--boy is he beat--he did receive several calls from his sources and seem's very satisified this will be his last week administring 40 years experience to all the smart college boys--he said after this week the only thing he is going to tell people about oil is--that you can buy it at wal-mart in quart can's and just said he had given his all and he was going to stop and smell the roses that he has been flying so fast over the last 40 years that he wondered what they smelled like. He said before the 1st of may he is going to enjoy the fruits of his labor and his investment in the iraqi dinar. He said he had been in the dinar thing going on his 8th year and that was equivilent to 56 dog years and just laughed . This was A Post from PILOT for OKIE
    5 points
  24. [b]Yeah we all know that What Okie says is 100% true...ROFLMAO[/b]
    5 points
  25. Well I guess he told us didn't he?
    5 points
  26. ECB: restructuring Iraqi currency money supply inflation works 16.04.2011 Ahmed Al-Zubaidi Iraqi Central Bank Adviser Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh said the Bank maintained its policy on deleting three zeros from Iraqi dinar currently working. He said in an interview to radio free Iraq to apply political restructuring Iraqi currency would fix management problems facing the country's money supply inflation of 28 trillion dinars, the currency structure is no longer commensurate with current prices and costs in Iraq. The Iraqi Central Bank Adviser to the current situation to start this project, which would strengthen the Iraqi economy, but this project should first obtain the consent of the Iraqi Government, which in turn report to the Iraqi Council of representatives for approval. The proposed deletion of three zeros from the currency has sparked controversy among economists Iraqis highlight differences including on the possible impact on the economic sector, especially if implemented suddenly and rapidly. This disagreement has led the Economist as Brahimi previously was for years the Economic Adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank to show fear of execution of the project at present despite the completion of all studies on the economic situation is not conducive to that. The Central Bank Adviser explained the appearance that these fears Muhammad Saleh, Iraq's economic situation is good and capable of carrying this project, and this experience has been applied in countries like Turkey that has six zeros from the currency deleted not long ago. ------------ Attached audio file translation.. Kap, For the audio link, they are saying exactly what the article was stating about removing the 3 zeros to reduce the physical money supply and facilitate the transactions and help strengthen economic growth and stability. Saleh from the CBI was interviewed in the link and that is exactly what he said, that the CBI intends to remove the 3 zeros for all the reasons that we are aware of, etc and that it's the CBI's job to control inflation and reduce the money supply, which he currently reports as being 28 trillion Dinars. Then, the report talks about other people, such as economic experts, who support the change in the currency but feel that Iraq is not quite ready for the change in currency, etc and that they need to wait for more economic stability and more private sector development before they bring changes to the currency. The reporter then states that Saleh of the CBI stated that those comments by the economic experts are unfounded and that the Iraqi economy is in excellent shape and can adjust and withstand with no problem a change to the currency and that changing the currency would be for the better. He goes on to say that Saleh of the CBI also said that Turkey recently changed their currency in recent terms by removing 6 zeros from their bills and that it worked out fine and they were able to adjust very quickly with no issues (I checked and the Turkish RV happened in 2005 where in 2004 1 US Dollar equaled about 1,350,000 Lira and in 2005 1 US Dollar was now equal to 1.29 Lira, so they had a LOP and small RV in Turkey). Saleh goes on to say that CBI really doesn't care about all the speculative opinions of the economic experts and whoever wants to be scared of the change can be but that the change for the Dinar is indeed coming soon. Saleh finishes by saying that Iraq is not rushing to RV because they desperately need it to save the economy or something like that, but he says that they will RV/remove the 3 zeros soon because the big currency and low value are no longer suitable to Iraq's economic growth and that system of money with large bills is antiquated and out of practical usability in this day and age. The audio is promising because it stresses yet again that CBI is planning to RV/Remove the 3 zeros and this time we have it in a live audio recording in a interview, with the CBI actually stating that they will do it soon, and that the info is not just coming from some news article or press release. This time, we have it in direct audio confirmation from the CBI that they are going to RV and RV soon and that they don't care about those who feel the time is not right because they feel it is the most appropriate time to RV. So I think this is excellent. The other stuff we already knew, about the benefits of the RV and why they want to do it. So yet another confirmation that it is going to happen. No Date or Rate, but at this point I don't care so long as they go ahead and just get it done!
    5 points
  27. This was just a test of our weekly emergency RV broadcast system, If this was an actual RV you would be advised to tune in to any CBI or forex website for instructions for rate information, you may also look for special instructions from your E-mail from Adam that it actually happened................ This concludes our weekly RV test................ Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppppppppppppp Aloha my friends, lets keep hoping
    5 points
  28. My status just changed from Newbies to Member due to the excitement !!!
    5 points
  29. Now....raise your hand if you think that they will accomplish this with a LOP............I don't think so! All the best, Lgraham Baghdad morning وضعت الحكومة خططاً ستراتيجية تهدف الى زيادة متوسط دخل الفرد عن طريق تفعيل عدة قطاعات في مقدمتها القطاع الخاص. The Government has developed strategic plans aimed at increasing the average per capita income through the activation of several sectors in the forefront of the private sector. وتأتي هذه المعلومات في وقت طالب فيه رئيس الوزراء نوري المالكي الجهات المعنية بالاسراع في النهوض بالاقتصاد الوطني وزيادة متوسط دخل الفرد من خلال الاستثمار والانفاق الامثل لثروات البلاد. This information comes at a time in which he called Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, the concerned authorities to expedite the advancement of the national economy and increase the average per capita income through investment and spending, optimization of the wealth of the country. وقال المالكي في كلمته التي ألقاها امس في المؤتمر السنوي الاول للاتحاد العام للتعاون: ان "العراق ليس بلدا فقيرا، ولكن يجب الا يدار ادارة غير حكيمة ويتخلى المواطن عن اداء دوره في تحمل مسؤوليته تجاه الوطن". Maliki said in his speech yesterday at the first annual conference of the General Federation of cooperation: "Iraq is not a poor country, but it must be managed administration is wise and give the citizen the performance of its role in carrying out its responsibility towards the nation." واشار رئيس الوزراء الى ان "ادارة الثروات والخدمات يجب الا تكون مركزية فقط، وانما على الحكومات المحلية ان تشارك بها كما يشارك بها المواطن، من خلال العطاء الذي يمكن ان يقدمه في مجال الخدمة التي تحتاج الى جهود متكاملة ومثابرة ومبادرة"، داعيا الى العمل بمبدأ التعاون في جميع مجالات الحياة الاقتصادية والسياسية والأمنية والاجتماعية والتربوية. The prime minister noted that "wealth management and services should not be centralized only, but local governments should share it as part of the citizen, through a tender that can be made in the area of ​​service that need to be integrated efforts, perseverance and initiative," calling to action the principle of cooperation in all spheres of economic, political, security, social and educational. من جانبه، قال عضو اللجنة الاقتصادية في مجلس النواب عبد الحسين ريسان: ان "لدى الحكومة خططاً ستراتيجية من شأنها ان ترفع دخل الفرد ". For his part, said a member of the Economic Committee in the House of Representatives Abdul-Hussein Resan: "The government has strategic plans that will raise the per capita income." وتفيد المعلومات بشأن متوسط دخل الفرد ، بحسب احصائيات شبه رسمية بان معدل الدخل السنوي للفرد العراقي يبلغ 4 الاف دولار. According to the information on the average per capita income, according to the semi-official statistics that the average annual income of the Iraqi people is 4 thousand dollars. واضاف ريسان في تصريح لمندوب"الصباح" مهند عبد الوهاب، ان "من ضمن هذه الخطط خصخصة بعض المؤسسات وطرحها للاستثمار، وتنشيط القطاع الخاص، اضافة الى جذب الاستثمارات وانعاش التبادل التجاري وزيادة الرواتب". Resan said in a statement to the representative of the "morning" Muhannad Abdul Wahab, said, "Among these plans to privatize some institutions and put up for investment, and stimulate the private sector, in addition to attracting investment and revive the trade and increased salaries." وتابع: ان "زيادة متوسط الدخل تعتمد ايضا على الناتجين المحلي والقومي والقوة الشرائية للدولة وحجم الاحتياط النقدي والميزان التجاري". He continued: "The increase in the average income also depends on the local and national outputs and the purchasing power of the state and the size of the monetary reserves and balance of trade."
    5 points
  30. If I find 1 more post from you promoting ACs dinar site I will ban you from posting! Last warning
    5 points
  31. WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so what if hes in Iraq. WTH does that mean there are people on this site that are in Iraq also i have also heard from delta that has a CBI contact that it will come out at .85 cents with no LOP and will happenby the beginningof May but do i believe that is set in stone no i dont so why should i believe AC everything he says is truth? makes no sense we wait and see.
    5 points
  32. infinitepower, sorry, but I never pray for material gain. That is just wrong. JMHO, pp
    5 points
  33. AkinNAUY, great response. My church has set up an orphanage and a church, also a library in the Philippines. Twice a year we send teams there with supplies and we work on those buildings we help fund. I must admit that I havent been able to join them on any of the trips, I really cant be away for 3 weeks from my family and business. Contrary to what a lot of people think, not every church passes the plate just to fill their own pockets. Like your unselfish attitude, I will pray that you get that opportunity to help. +1
    5 points
  34. 1. Become Debt FREE 2. Set funds for my little girl 3. HELP CHARITIES IN THE PHILIPPINES (Especially Orphanage) 4. Honor families of my FALLEN Comrades 5. Invest
    5 points
  35. Don't know who this is (Kaperoni)... Don't know if this has been posted yet or not... I haven't seen it so sorry if it has. I wanted to share with the folks here and get your feedback on what they are saying... I think it's a good read. April 26,2011 ECB: restructuring Iraqi currency money supply inflation works This article also has Saleh in audio (right side of article) Below is the article and my Arabic friends tranlation...Very good read! ECB: restructuring Iraqi currency money supply inflation works 16.04.2011 Ahmed Al-Zubaidi Iraqi Central Bank Adviser Dr. Mazhar Mohammed Saleh said the Bank maintained its policy on deleting three zeros from Iraqi dinar currently working. He said in an interview to radio free Iraq to apply political restructuring Iraqi currency would fix management problems facing the country's money supply inflation of 28 trillion dinars, the currency structure is no longer commensurate with current prices and costs in Iraq. The Iraqi Central Bank Adviser to the current situation to start this project, which would strengthen the Iraqi economy, but this project should first obtain the consent of the Iraqi Government, which in turn report to the Iraqi Council of representatives for approval. The proposed deletion of three zeros from the currency has sparked controversy among economists Iraqis highlight differences including on the possible impact on the economic sector, especially if implemented suddenly and rapidly. This disagreement has led the Economist as Brahimi previously was for years the Economic Adviser to the Iraqi Central Bank to show fear of execution of the project at present despite the completion of all studies on the economic situation is not conducive to that. The Central Bank Adviser explained the appearance that these fears Muhammad Saleh, Iraq's economic situation is good and capable of carrying this project, and this experience has been applied in countries like Turkey that has six zeros from the currency deleted not long ago. ------------ Attached audio file translation.. Kap, For the audio link, they are saying exactly what the article was stating about removing the 3 zeros to reduce the physical money supply and facilitate the transactions and help strengthen economic growth and stability. Saleh from the CBI was interviewed in the link and that is exactly what he said, that the CBI intends to remove the 3 zeros for all the reasons that we are aware of, etc and that it's the CBI's job to control inflation and reduce the money supply, which he currently reports as being 28 trillion Dinars. Then, the report talks about other people, such as economic experts, who support the change in the currency but feel that Iraq is not quite ready for the change in currency, etc and that they need to wait for more economic stability and more private sector development before they bring changes to the currency. The reporter then states that Saleh of the CBI stated that those comments by the economic experts are unfounded and that the Iraqi economy is in excellent shape and can adjust and withstand with no problem a change to the currency and that changing the currency would be for the better. He goes on to say that Saleh of the CBI also said that Turkey recently changed their currency in recent terms by removing 6 zeros from their bills and that it worked out fine and they were able to adjust very quickly with no issues (I checked and the Turkish RV happened in 2005 where in 2004 1 US Dollar equaled about 1,350,000 Lira and in 2005 1 US Dollar was now equal to 1.29 Lira, so they had a LOP and small RV in Turkey). Saleh goes on to say that CBI really doesn't care about all the speculative opinions of the economic experts and whoever wants to be scared of the change can be but that the change for the Dinar is indeed coming soon. Saleh finishes by saying that Iraq is not rushing to RV because they desperately need it to save the economy or something like that, but he says that they will RV/remove the 3 zeros soon because the big currency and low value are no longer suitable to Iraq's economic growth and that system of money with large bills is antiquated and out of practical usability in this day and age. The audio is promising because it stresses yet again that CBI is planning to RV/Remove the 3 zeros and this time we have it in a live audio recording in a interview, with the CBI actually stating that they will do it soon, and that the info is not just coming from some news article or press release. This time, we have it in direct audio confirmation from the CBI that they are going to RV and RV soon and that they don't care about those who feel the time is not right because they feel it is the most appropriate time to RV. So I think this is excellent. The other stuff we already knew, about the benefits of the RV and why they want to do it. So yet another confirmation that it is going to happen. No Date or Rate, but at this point I don't care so long as they go ahead and just get it done!
    4 points
  36. Grandma, get me my boots I gotta get to town
    4 points
  37. 4 points
  38. I find the conversation about Ali fascinating. Ali may have had one indiscretion regarding his RV philosophy, but I have had great service from DT. Some of you are complaining about DT making money, front door, back door. That's capitalism at its finest. What do you think the banks, the oil companies, are doing? The oil companies get overpaid for the gas, and then we give them subsidies to keep doing it. Bank of America, and 98% of the other major financial institutions, have been cheating the American people for decades. Look at the debacle called a recession we are currently in, and have been in. It did not happen because of currency traders. It was the big banks, among others. They overcharge us, they foreclose on our homes because we don't have a job, they take our tax payer dollars, but won't loan it back to us to get the economy moving. Anybody have a credit card or two or three that charges 35%? Have you ever figured out how much it costs to buy a home, or wondered why the interest is loaded on the front end? And you have a problem with Ali...... The too big to fail scenario is a crime at its finest - they make all the money, but if they fail, we pay to bail them out. Hell, I never even got kissed. You might have no other choice but to cash out at a local big bank, but it you keep with them you are a fool. Put your money into a small, local community bank, or credit union, or anyplace that is not a big screw-you-American bank. If you keep your money in a big bank, never complain again about what is wrong with this country, because you will be supporting it. It is worse than not voting.
    4 points

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