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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2011 in Posts

  1. Just something I have to get off my chest folks. This site is beginning to get the reputation of being full of bashers and war mongers in chat rooms of other sites. What a shame someone cant bring intel they sincerely thought would contribute to our investment journey and post it for fear of being ripped apart by their peers. While it is true there have been many predictions and speculations (thats what we are here for isnt it?) turn out to be a false alarm, there is no reason to insult people, call them liars, talk about their real employment, and accuse them of working for dinar brokers. Each time I see a post with information I am grateful to hear, at the same time I cringe for the word beating they are about to receive. Many call themselves Christians, yet show no mercy or compassion. Many consider themselves learned, yet they have no tolerance for the less educated. While I am not one to sit around the fire and sing Kum By Ya to the flickering of the bon fire flames, I do hope at least we can start seeing more of the compassion and understanding that will make us worthy recipients of God's gift to us. Yes I know I am now in line for a word whip of my own but at least I said my piece. Go RV..... Thank you Lord ! I dont want to be filthy rich... only heavily soiled !
    49 points
  2. There is no auction today as it is a holiday for Iraq ... "Army Day". Don't go all conspiracy theorist on me now ... it is (and was) on the calendar. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut with tomorrow being a holy day and Saturday a normal closed or NO AUCTION day ... that is 72 hours of closure. There you go ... now the "just the facts man" crowd and the "conspiracy theorist" crowd both have something to chew on! ... lol The news continues to be sparse although our news-hounds are posting what there is like crazy ... again, I urge you to thank these folks ... have you ever tried posting this stuff ... then you know what I mean. Doctor Doctor give me the news! ... tell us Doc31 ... what's going to happen? ... when's it going to happen? ... is it really this coming Monday? ... is it the next weekend? ... is it (fill in the blank) Well, let's look at what we do know: This reflects oil at a lower level than my averaging of the prices ... let me show you what I mean As you can see only 2 of 3 are reporting at this hour ... however, WTI Cushing Spot is almost always within pennies of Nymex Crude Future ... so if we double the Nymex and add the Dated Brent Spot we will get a pretty good idea of the cross-section ... so, 275.48/3 is $91.82. You see my dilemma ... the other is clearly reporting nearly $2 cheaper ... what do I list for you! Dealers choice. Oil was up and rising ... then yesterday it plummeted as if to show that it is as easy to manipulate down as it is to hold it up well over a month ... pushing to levels that we haven't seen in years and that IQD holders assume is for the benefit of the Iraqi people. Well, I imagine that at least some of that is true ... but the world oil market is manipulated for many other means and by many factors. Oh, then by days end it recovered! My question would be ... why did oil continue to rise ... almost without noticing that OPEC refused to raise it's price at it's meeting saying (rough paraphrase) that oil was high enough and that world economies were already stressed? Why? Gold nearly set (perhaps it did ... don't recall) a new record around the beginning of January but then collapsed on itself and fell roughly $60 from then until now ... it is currently running in a $14 channel (give or take) which is about 1%. Gold is affected and manipulated much differently than is oil on the world stage ... it has an inverse relationship to the reserve currency of the planet (yes, I know I'm not accounting for the the other currencies in the SDR basket ... I am trying to keep it basic). Perception ... and I guess I should ad salesmanship are bigger factors with Gold (think it all the way through before you decide to correct me ... again, oversimplified). I get calls and emails every day from people who NEED this to happen (not just want) as do many of us ... I learned a long time ago I had to stay OFF of the emotional rollercoaster. I stay positive ... I watch dates that show OPPORTUNITY ... I don't set my watch by dates. A friend of mine, a pastor, told me yesterday that someone had taken a shot at me in rumors ... I didn't see it but he said that the guy implied that I was a pumper or something akin to it for being positive ... ordinarily it would have made me angry ... instead, I laughed and am chuckling as I write ... I'm wondering what my motivation would be as a pumper ... while we do buy every week as a group ... it is to cut expenses ... we acquire ... not sell ... I only wish I had set up a currency exchange business back when I started this ride ... I mean, don't you? Here's what I do when folks call me woeful (or whining) ... I ask them, "are you a seller now? because I'm a buyer"! It usually shocks folks into realizing that they are just impatient ... nothing more ... they were expecting a date to be "it"! ... when it didn't happen they were greatly disappointed. I guess that it really comes down to your "battle plan". How did you arrive at what you are doing? My wife and I originally bought at the urging of some friends ... not a lot. As I did my "due diligence" (notice it's after-the-fact ... lol) I realized that there was more to this than I imagined. The long and short of it was that my wife and I got in agreement about a plan after fasting and much prayer. Once that was settle ... the pressure was off of me ... I have a job to do and that is to continue to acquire IQD to feed kids internationally! I can't tell you how we have been provided for. I know that some of you just stopped reading and it's a shame ... faith ... peace inducing stuff ... it's a shame, because ... did you know that a study was done of Vietnam Vets who had been POWs ... I'll never forget this statistic ... did you know that a POW was 200 times more likely to survive if he was a Christian than if he wasn't? Not 200% ... 200 times ... that's 20,000% ... incredible isn't it?! Hah, I just looked at the % above and it sort of looks familiar doesn't it? ... lol I read Frank26 and Medic yesterday (among many others) and you can hear that both are crying out that "everything that needs to be done ... has been done ... so pull the trigger already". I believe that they believe that this is true. Me ... I simply don't know ... I tell my folks that there were probably 100,000 things that had to happen for RI/RV ... I knew 8! It would be so much easier with a countdown ticker wouldn't it? ... yeah, that's going happen. So you see ... I have no crystal ball, no intel, no imbeds, no boots on the ground ... nothing but common sense (which I'm told is uncommon ... lol), math and patterns to offer you. And, if I can help keep some folks head's straight about their investment with some perspective ... well, then I would count that as a blessing for me. The way I keep my head straight is that I buy AT LEAST a little IQD every week even if it's only $25 worth ... then I tell myself if that goes to $_.__ then it is worth $_____.__ . I tell myself that I am making them pay for dawdling (yes, I know that's absurd ... I know that they will never know ... but) it makes me feel soooooooooo much better! OMGosh ... maybe that's why the guy thinks I'm a pumper ... otfl ... Peace to all Doc31
    25 points
  3. First I'd like to say, this is my first passing of information to this group. This is from another Dinar forum, however, I would like everyone to PLEASE take stock of the FACTS in this article and how the puzzle is pieced together logically, unlike alot of the other Guru and Bozo postings we've seen here recently, this guy does not and has never claimed to be a Guru, but I've seen very few people spouting off information that sifted through all the facts, placed them into a timeline, and then as they pieced them together, the real story started to take shape and made perfect logical sense. I hope you all enjoy this...and please...this IS in the RUMORS section, but I think this guy is a Rubic's Cube Champion the way he pieces all of this together with FACTS. Towards the end he gives his own opinions and tosses out some dates based off of those facts, who knows whether the dates are correct, but regardless, I think he is dead on with the facts.....I think you will all enjoy this. Secondly, the last piece of information I am going to post here is about the Redenomination or "restructuring" that was put out in an article today. I would like everyone to keep in mind that the Rothschilds own the Central Bank of Iraq, as they did the first TWO Central Banks in the U.S...Please take into careful consideration the denominations of the notes that were in circulation in the U.S. and what the Rothschilds did when they "removed the 000's" from circulation in the U.S. Some of those notes are still in circulation, as you will see here shortly, and they DO STILL HOLD FACE VALUE if you walked into a bank with them today, however, collectors will pay far more than face value for these notes and that's why you will NEVER see that happen. Here is what is going on with Iraq and why we haven’t had an RV yet. Let me first say, the RV is a for-real deal ? all of these delays we have seen are explanatory and backed by media research; they are not made up excuses to why time frames come and go. We are not making excuses for an RV not occurring during a specific time frame, but considering the magnitude of such an event, it is in everyone’s best interest (ours and Iraq’s) that everything runs smoothly. Keep in mind, many of these investors have been waiting SEVEN YEARS for this time period. I myself have waited two years, and I can tell you, NOW is the time to get excited. We are approaching the end. Shabibi (the CBI director, the man in charge of the RV) has stated in more than 70 articles since last February that it is his intent to remove the 3 0′s currency from circulation “directly” upon the formation of the government. The reason why the government must be in place is one, for security after an RV; two, to authorize the release of the smaller denominations after an RV; and third, to be able to pass any necessary legislature that arises from an RV (amended budget laws, the cancellation of government subsidies for food, the release of finances for private sector development after Iraq transfers to a market economy, i.e., ‘free trade of the dinar’). The UN has removed ALL SANCTIONS pertaining to the dinar. The IMF has DEMANDED that Iraq switch from a contractionary monetary policy to an expansionary monetary policy for development of the private sector (an expansionary monetary policy is also called a market economy, allowing free trade of international goods and services, requiring an internationally recognized LOCAL currency ? not the USD, but the IQD ? this is in Article VIII of the IMF’s statutes). In order to remove the three zero bills, there MUST be a declared international value to the dinar (for us, that is an RV ? who knows what that declared value will be, but it will definitely be higher than 1170:$ 1; I personally feel it will be between $ 2-$ 2.50, from my own research, but of course, it could be as low as 1:1). On December 21, 2010, after nine months of stalemate, Iraq’s parliament was finally able to approve Maliki as the Prime Minister and accept 28 out of 42 of his cabinet members. The other 14 were assigned by proxy to be filled in as worthwhile candidates were put forth. Technically, Iraq constitutionally can allow this; however, their constitution states that a government is only formed when “parliament ratifies the prime minister and his cabinet.” This is why the RV has not occurred yet, because the cabinet is not officially formed. Now, since Dec. 21, Iraq has moved with lightning speed and has confirmed all but 3 cabinet members. So Maliki has 39 out of 42 finalized. The remaining three are Security, Interior and Energy ? three biggies. Keep in mind, Iraq must have security in place in order to RV; the Interior is huge because it deals with the land of Iraq and the development of it; and of course, Energy is important because a large portion of the finances will go to updating Iraq’s TERRIBLE energy constraints (currently most Iraqi’s only have electricity 5 hours per day). The reason why these three are so difficult to post is that there are very few qualified Iraqi’s to fill these positions. The ones that have been nominated so far were found to be fraudulent (they paid for their degrees and didn’t attend college). Further, the new Minister of Finance, upon looking at the budget and conferring with the Kurds, realized the budget had serious issues in it that have been overlooked in the past, so he asked for an additional week to fix these problems before presenting the budget to be passed by parliament. Lastly, Allawi’s new Security Council has had to be ratified by parliament as well (this is the new check/balance equation that was placed on Maliki as a condition of his retaining the prime minister office.) According to the constitution, Iraq’s last parliamentary session was required to close down for the end of the year ? it’s funny because they were only is session 10 days (December 21-31) since they wasted NINE MONTHS in declaring Maliki’s PM status. They were going to take a two week break, but the President of Parliament (is it Talabani, or the other guy ? I get the two confused) said no way, we’re going to continue working in “closed parliament” sessions and declare the new year’s opening session to begin January 9, 2011. They did this so that Maliki, Allawi, the Minister of Finance and parliament could continue working on the above three issues, so that when they meet in “open session” they can get this stuff done ASAP. Since the New Year, we have seen several articles: one stating that it appears Allawi is ready to have his council ratified by parliament on January 9; two, that at least two of the three missing cabinets members have been nominated and go to vote on January 9 (the newest article says they may have found all three, but we’re not 100% sure); third, that the budget is ready to go to parliament on January 10 for its first of three readings. So, God willing, the 9th and 10th should be very busy days for all of us. If Allawi’s council is set, if the three ministers are approved, if the budget goes to parliament, we could potentially see an immediate RV between the 10th and the 17th. Most likely, according to the history of when Iraq RV’d in the past, they mainly did it on Sundays and Mondays. Occasionally they did it on Thursday and Tuesday, NEVER on a Friday or Wednesday. So we favor each Sunday and Monday as the most probable time to see an RV. Can monkey wrenches be thrown in this? Absolutely. They might not approve all three ministers. Allawi’s council may hit snags. Technically, the budget must be read by parliament three times (January 10, 11, 12) before being voted on and becoming law. They are not required by law to read it three days in a row, so it could be dragged out. But the point is, FINALLY, Iraq IS working on this, they are getting this done and moving much faster than we’ve seen in five years. An article was released today saying that everyday they postpone the budget, they run the risk of upsetting the foreign investors (that’s you and I!) Well, no duh! Iraq is aware of the RV and they are working towards its completion. They know we are waiting for it just as they are. I have never been MORE CONVINCED that this RV is going to occur and occur in the immediate future ? NOT months away; weeks ? even days away, provided these three steps are solidified in an announced government. Yes, Shabibi said he intended to RV before year’s end. Except he has no more control over political junk than you or me. He, too, must wait for his country to get their government set and operational, fully, before releasing an RV of this magnitude. He has reiterated time and again, “directly following” the formation of the government will see the process of the RV begin. So, do I know this is going to happen? Yes. I have studied this for two years now ? an RV will occur in Iraq. What’s the rate? Who knows, and at this point, who cares? When will it happen? I believe very soon, as soon as within the next 7-14 days, provided Iraq finally solidifies a government that has been in limbo since Christmas 2009. Hang in there ? they are working, they will do this, and it’s quite possibly a lot sooner than you and I think. Information on Large Denominations and The Redenomination in the U.S. as carred out by the Rothschild and OUR Central Bank Please before you go here, I want you to remember that the ROTHSCHILDS own the Central Bank of Iraq as they did the first TWO Central banks in the US - PLEASE take notice of the of the large denomintions that were once in circulation in the U.S. and the NUMBER of these notes that are still presently in circulation - not many, but they STILL HOLD FACE VALUE I hope this makes someones day, because it sure did mine...
    20 points
  4. Here's a really good analysis that I also think is hopeful for the revalue happening at the beginning of next week: Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 11:05 PM Subject: Andrew's Update on Iraq I wanted to send out an update on what is going on with Iraq and why we haven't had an RV yet. Let me first say, the RV is a for-real deal -- all of these delays we have seen are explanatory and backed by media research; they are not made up excuses to why time frames come and go. We are not making excuses for an RV not occurring during a specific time frame, but considering the magnitude of such an event, it is in everyone's best interest (ours and Iraq's) that everything runs smoothly. Keep in mind, many of these investors have been waiting SEVEN YEARS for this time period. I myself have waited two years, and I can tell you, NOW is the time to get excited. We are approaching the end. Shabibi (the CBI director, the man in charge of the RV) has stated in more than 70 articles since last February that it is his intent to remove the 3 0's currency from circulation "directly" upon the formation of the government. The reason why the government must be in place is one, for security after an RV; two, to authorize the release of the smaller denominations after an RV; and third, to be able to pass any necessary legislature that arises from an RV (amended budget laws, the cancellation of government subsidies for food, the release of finances for private sector development after Iraq transfers to a market economy, i.e., 'free trade of the dinar'). The UN has removed ALL SANCTIONS pertaining to the dinar. The IMF has DEMANDED that Iraq switch from a contractionary monetary policy to an expansionary monetary policy for development of the private sector (an expansionary monetary policy is also called a market economy, allowing free trade of international goods and services, requiring an internationally recognized LOCAL currency -- not the USD, but the IQD -- this is in Article VIII of the IMF's statutes). In order to remove the three zero bills, there MUST be a declared international value to the dinar (for us, that is an RV -- who knows what that declared value will be, but it will definitely be higher than 1170:$1; I personally feel it will be between $2-$2.50, from my own research, but of course, it could be as low as 1:1). On December 21, 2010, after nine months of stalemate, Iraq's parliament was finally able to approve Maliki as the Prime Minister and accept 28 out of 42 of his cabinet members. The other 14 were assigned by proxy to be filled in as worthwhile candidates were put forth. Technically, Iraq constitutionally can allow this; however, their constitution states that a government is only formed when "parliament ratifies the prime minister and his cabinet." This is why the RV has not occurred yet, because the cabinet is not officially formed. Now, since Dec. 21, Iraq has moved with lightning speed and has confirmed all but 3 cabinet members. So Maliki has 39 out of 42 finalized. The remaining three are Security, Interior and Energy -- three biggies. Keep in mind, Iraq must have security in place in order to RV; the Interior is huge because it deals with the land of Iraq and the development of it; and of course, Energy is important because a large portion of the finances will go to updating Iraq's TERRIBLE energy constraints (currently most Iraqi's only have electricity 5 hours per day). The reason why these three are so difficult to post is that there are very few qualified Iraqi's to fill these positions. The ones that have been nominated so far were found to be fraudulent (they paid for their degrees and didn't attend college). Further, the new Minister of Finance, upon looking at the budget and conferring with the Kurds, realized the budget had serious issues in it that have been overlooked in the past, so he asked for an additional week to fix these problems before presenting the budget to be passed by parliament. Lastly, Allawi's new Security Council has had to be ratified by parliament as well (this is the new check/balance equation that was placed on Maliki as a condition of his retaining the prime minister office.) According to the constitution, Iraq's last parliamentary session was required to close down for the end of the year -- it's funny because they were only is session 10 days (December 21-31) since they wasted NINE MONTHS in declaring Maliki's PM status. They were going to take a two week break, but the President of Parliament (is it Talabani, or the other guy -- I get the two confused) said no way, we're going to continue working in "closed parliament" sessions and declare the new year's opening session to begin January 9, 2011. They did this so that Maliki, Allawi, the Minister of Finance and parliament could continue working on the above three issues, so that when they meet in "open session" they can get this stuff done ASAP. Since the New Year, we have seen several articles: one stating that it appears Allawi is ready to have his council ratified by parliament on January 9; two, that at least two of the three missing cabinets members have been nominated and go to vote on January 9 (the newest article says they may have found all three, but we're not 100% sure); third, that the budget is ready to go to parliament on January 10 for its first of three readings. So, God willing, the 9th and 10th should be very busy days for all of us. If Allawi's council is set, if the three ministers are approved, if the budget goes to parliament, we could potentially see an immediate RV between the 10th and the 17th. Most likely, according to the history of when Iraq RV'd in the past, they mainly did it on Sundays and Mondays. Occasionally they did it on Thursday and Tuesday, NEVER on a Friday or Wednesday. So we favor each Sunday and Monday as the most probable time to see an RV. Can monkey wrenches be thrown in this? Absolutely. They might not approve all three ministers. Allawi's council may hit snags. Technically, the budget must be read by parliament three times (January 10, 11, 12) before being voted on and becoming law. They are not required by law to read it three days in a row, so it could be dragged out. But the point is, FINALLY, Iraq IS working on this, they are getting this done and moving much faster than we've seen in five years. An article was released today saying that everyday they postpone the budget, they run the risk of upsetting the foreign investors (that's you and I!) Well, no duh! Iraq is aware of the RV and they are working towards its completion. They know we are waiting for it just as they are. I have never been MORE CONVINCED that this RV is going to occur and occur in the immediate future -- NOT months away; weeks -- even days away, provided these three steps are solidified in an announced government. Yes, Shabibi said he intended to RV before year's end. Except he has no more control over political junk than you or me. He, too, must wait for his country to get their government set and operational, fully, before releasing an RV of this magnitude. He has reiterated time and again, "directly following" the formation of the government will see the process of the RV begin. So, do I know this is going to happen? Yes. I have studied this for two years now -- an RV will occur in Iraq. What's the rate? Who knows, and at this point, who cares? When will it happen? I believe very soon, as soon as within the next 7-14 days, provided Iraq finally solidifies a government that has been in limbo since Christmas 2009. Hang in there -- they are working, they will do this, and it's quite possibly a lot sooner than you and I think.
    20 points
  5. I know there has been a lot of talk in the news, on the forums, and from person to person about Iraq pulling the big bills out of circulation, or lifting the 000s, or switching to lower denominations. Talk like this can get a person worried about the little bundle of 25k notes we are sitting on, waiting to RV (I know mine are all in 25k). I hope maybe I can help alleviate a little worry about what we're going to do will all our IQD, or answer any questions about whether or not our bills will have to be exchanged, or even worse, become worthless! First I want to say, our dinar is not in circulation. In fact, I'm sure a lot of them haven't seen the light of day since we squirreled them into the back of our sock drawers when we received them!! When there is talk about pulling the big bills or "deleting the 000s" what is meant is that when these bills come into the banks in Iraq, they are holding them and not sending them back out for purchasing transactions on the ground in Iraq. Does anyone remember the $2 bill? At one point the US Treasury thought that this would be a good measure to help we citizens not to have to carry around lots of paper money. I'm sure the men who carry wallets in their back pockets can attest to the fact that it is much more comfortable to be sitting on 25 $2 bills than a wad of 50 singles! However well intentioned, this bill never caught on with the American public, so the US govt decided to pull them from circulation. This does not mean, however, if you come across the $2 bill that your Aunt Sheila stuck into your 16th birthday card (cause you know that $2 was really going to get you far) that the guy at the 7-Eleven is going to take it when you come in for your daily Big Gulp. Instead, when this bill gets to the bank, they're going to pull it from circulation. That means when the same 7-Eleven dude comes in to cash his paycheck, they won't use the $2 bill as part of the cash he is given. Now, there's also the question of "will I have to exchange my big bills for smaller denominations?" NO! Again, your bills will be going into circulation in Iraq. Instead they will be held in some treasury somewhere for governmental purposes. Your 25k will never become worthless! Hope some of these explanations help. I encourage you folks who are either new to this investment, or who have not followed the process for cashing them in will read the threads in the forum. There is lots of good info there, and you can find that your questions are answered before you were even ready to put them into words. Keep the prayers going and the fingers crossed!!!
    17 points
  6. Possum, I appreciate your optimism, but its been a trying day for many here at DV. Many are tired and stressed. Not so much about rumors, but that we are so close as many, myself included, feel we are just about there. While I applaud you, some , even myself, would appreciate you give it a rest for a day or so. We need to all calm down and regroup our thoughts. Hope you understand, this is not a slam, just saying most, me included, need a breather. Thxs, pp
    16 points
  7. Enorrste: Where we are as of January 5 « The GET Team on 1/05/2011 at 09:49:42 PM » Quote Tonight I would like us all to look backwards before we look forward. I have no idea about the events that have led you to this investment. Only you and God know that. Only you and God know what has led you to the place in which you find yourselves. I have had, ultimately, nothing to do with this. TerryK has had nothing to do with this. Gankans has had nothing to do with this. Ultimately, this is a decision that has been made independent of any of us. We offer information as we see it. We do not represent the information that we present. We offer it. If, ultimately, it turns out to be incorrect, then so be it. However, as I have seen this amazing event come together I am in awe at the number of miniscule events that have both propelled this upcoming event forward and yet still have held it back. I have no need to review the history of the events that we have all endured, and most especially the strange events of the last 9 months, as the government of Iraq has slowly been formed. Most of us, probably, have endured them together. For those of you who are “newbies,” I am happy that you are here. You will be like the person who was hired by our Lord on the last hour of the day, and yet received the full day’s wage. Except, and I emphasize this, you will receive a great deal more than a day’s wage. We are now at the big event, in my opinion. How will we react to this amazing event? I will address this shortly, because it is extremely important that we react correctly. On the other side we might ask how will those who saw this as a scam react to it? I think it is safe to say that they will be pissed at having seen the truth and denied it. That has a very Christian tone to it, doesn’t it? I will leave that where it is, alone. But I will ask another question: will the world, or more specifically, will Americans, and even most specifically, will your neighbors even know what has happened? The answer to this question will depend entirely upon you, individually. What you do, individually, from this day forward, will determine whether you have learned from us or have not, quite frankly. We have presented this as a “God event”. If you have missed this, then you aren’t a member of the GET Team. Furthermore, if you are not ready to protect your newfound wealth, then you are not a member of the GET Team. By a fortuitous event, the 3 Amigos, and Ray, have been brought together. I have no idea why Ray, Tina, and Al aren't Amigos, but the reality is that he is a significant member of our team. NOT surprisingly, Ray came to us because all 3 Amigos realized that he needed to be here. Over the last several months he has made himself available, as a servant, if you will, to provide information, and a product, that will allow us all to avail ourselves of that anonymity that will be essential if we are to move into the next level of events that will, in my opinion, define how the world will work until the end. Oops, I let a cat out of the bag again, didn’t I? Well, you may believe me or not. Quite frankly, at this point in our journey whether you believe me or not is no longer my concern. I don’t say that to be trite, or brittle, but because I personally believe it is a fact. What is that fact? Now we get to it, don’t we? What is that fact? I have awaited evidence of this fact for the majority of my life. I have done so as a student of prophecy. I have done so as a believer. I have done so because I became convinced, a long time ago, that within my years the end times would occur, in my lifetime. I was born only 6 months after Israel was declared a state. I think that those of you who know anything about the “last generation” will understand what I am hinting at here. I believe that I am a part of that generation. I further believe that this generation, us oldsters, if you will, are about to take a ride that will define the next several years. Whoa! What did I just say? Let me say it again, but let me say it in a way that makes it relevant to our current circumstances: the next several years will be defined by our actions. Why would I say this? I say it because I believe that we are entering the end times, literally. I say it because our entry will not be recognized, in spite of what I am saying tonight, and that we need to enter into this last effort with a willingness to “go all in”, as I have stated before. Not surprisingly, I believe that there is now a shield of protection over us all, at least those of us who are believers and who understand what is coming about. For that reason, in spite of loving people who have emailed me to warn me about attendance at the upcoming party, I feel quite comfortable in assuring you all who have decided to attend that whatever happens at that party, God will be glorified in it. I did not say that because I thought we would all be martyred there. On the contrary, I believe that this party will become a “laying down of the gauntlet”, in some strange sense. In the middle ages, when forces came against one another, rather than go to war, which was very expensive and cost a lot of lives, instead they would “lay down the gauntlet” to determine whether the other side was serious or not in its desires. I submit that the party after the RV will be a “laying down of the gauntlet”. Instead of fearing our role in the ministry of God, I suggest that we lay it out clearly, just at TerryK and Al are doing, and literally “put it in their face” when it comes to recognizing just how America continues to be the greatest country in the world. I submit that this post RV party will literally throw it in their eyes, and that there will be a division among the people through it that will clarify, once and for all, those who are for America, and those who are not. I do not say that this will be recognized as such, because at the beginning it will not be apparent. But as things unfold, it will become more apparent. Behind this will be an even bigger issue, and while we will know it, they may not. That issue is this: this won’t just be about America. It will be a gauntlet laid out by God Himself. I submit that God is going “all in”. Now, you may think I am nutcase. So be it. But I believe more than I ever have that I am on track here. Who knows? I may even get Medic to GET it. Well, maybe. However, what I say here tonight is not piffle. Time alone will tell if I am on track or not. And, unfortunately for us all, it all depends on the RV. Who would have thought? Now for those of you who think that I have said that God is gambling, you need not concern yourself. God does not gamble. I believe that what we are dealing with is perspective, ultimately. How will we perceive the events that are about to occur? Will we see them in the light of God, or will we become numbed by the overwhelming wealth? Who knows, really, how we will react? I’ve never known great wealth, and I suspect that I speak for the majority of you. So let’s just assume, for a moment, that this event really does happen? Are you ready? Do you have even a clue as to what to expect? Have you any idea how your life will change? Again, I am not a person who has any special intel. What I have is this, and I will say it as boldly as I can: I know God, and I know how He works. He has enabled me to speak now. Whether I speak for Him or not is for you to determine. Yet I believe that I am in His will right now. I would never dare to say that “God told me” to say anything. On the contrary, what I say is based entirely on my understanding of the Word. If I have misinterpreted His Word, then I will be the first to admit it. I have no axe to grind here, and I certainly do not see myself as a prophet of the Lord. No, what I see is, in my opinion, obvious to any student of His word. Really. It is obvious. But we have to accept one factor that most of us do not want to accept. That factor is one that most of us hold as a possibility in our minds every night when we go to sleep. It is the one thing that makes this scary. What if there is not going to be an RV? What if the RV turns out to be less than we expected? What if our dream is a pipe dream? Has any of you considered that you might be betting on the wrong horse? I know for a fact that some of you have thought about this, and some have even considered selling their dinar and taking their loss or at most settling for a minor profit. This is only my opinion here, and it is given with the best intention that I can give it. I am in. I am not only in, I am “all in”. I believe that what I have done, and what TerryK and Rodney have done, and then what Ray, Al, and Tina have done, makes a whole pie, if you will. I believe that we are in the will of God. I could totally be mistaken here, but I don’t think so. I’ve followed Him for over 40 years. He has led me down paths that I suspect are similar to the ones you have followed. We are all, in the end, at His disposal. Yet, tonight, now, I have this overwhelming sense, continuously, that we are truly at the cusp of an event that is totally driven by Him, and to which we will be held accountable. Of course I could be wrong on this, but I doubt it. Steve
    15 points
  8. RV NIGHT As I sit at my desk reading night after night My text alert rings, my chest begins to get tight The RV Meter status has now been changed It moved to the top of its cash-in range I think to myself, Oh my is this true or another prank from some sick guru. Then I see Mr. M appear on the screen surrounded by many, it's his entire team Then he announces that the RV is approved I jump from my chair and scream to my room Babe, it's done... come look for yourself she falls out of bed and knocks down a shelf we watch together, as he raises his hands he looks straight up, and gives thanks to our Lamb. we fall to our knees and we lower our heads The Lord has delivered His children, just like He said! Very soon, Stay thirsty my friends!
    14 points
  9. Good evening Family, My goodness ……..we sure did scurry around last night trying to quickly find a way to broadcast our CC. Turns out another forum was using the CC phone line and there was none for us. God bless this other forum……because I was told it was very informative. I wish to express my appreciation to DS who supplies me the access to his Media Player that he set up for me to use freely. So last night DS quickly made all the connections that allowed the world to listen to our CC. DEBTARHEELGIRL as always did a wonderful job in transcribing the CC. She should be called………SuperGirl! I am not sure if there is a recording of the CC but if I should be given one I will post it. I must admit …….we extinguished 6 rumors and introduced to you the last 24 hours of Iraqi TV. What you learned was huge. What you are about to learn from today’s 24 hours of Iraqi TV better cause you to lift your arms to God in Praise. Of all the info we gave last night I have to make one correction. When I said dealers in and out of Iraq are running out of dinars…………it is NOT because they cannot get them from the CBI…….but because their inventory ran low very quickly. I am sure they will replace them……..just as quickly. As I told you last night I have business friends that freely fly across borders to do business in Iraq with plenty of dinars in their wallet or briefcase. Borders are not being closed either for this purpose. But we clearly explained to you the significance of what soldiers are reporting……..they are dealing with SOFA regulations. IMO we gave out a mountain of info last night and I am sorry for those that missed the first 30 mins or were having trouble with their audio. I had plans of posting all of our info from last night ………today. But something of more value came in from my Team. So many of you missed DELTA last night and I told him so. He said ……..record me again and give them our conversation. Please enjoy! Frankie Frankie…….how are you today buddy? Half asleep. LOL…….you want me to wake you up? I mean really wake you up? LOL…… nut! Sure….but first let me ask you some questions to see if you have heard anything. I know that soldiers are reporting to their families that they are receiving LD’s as change. Have you heard anything about this? Nobody on Alpha’s Team has heard anything about the LD’s except what we reported to you last week. Some banks have told us they know they are going to release the LD’s but don’t know when. One bank told us to come back this week. Why do you ask…….is this a rumor now? Yes it is DELTA. Let me ask you something so that we can try to understand the soldiers. They cannot bring IQD’s home because of SOFA. Outside of the Green Zone they have to use dinars not USD. When they purchase something with a dinar they are getting back change in the form of ……..50….100…..250….500. What would you call these notes DELTA? You mean…….00’s? Yes Sir. The change that is NOW being given back is in 00 currency because 85% have been retrieved of the…………………000’s! What little there are is being hoarded by the Iraqis. IMO ……..the soldiers have always used 000’s when they now see 00’s they are rather new to them. Also these troops have not been there that long and are learning about the Iraqi currency. Frankie Frankie……..that’s a good one. They have said that they have 35 trillion dollars worth of oil in the ground. There are 32 million Iraqis. When you do the math at $70 per barrel it looks like every Iraqi will become a millionaire. That’s not even counting the natural gas and other resources. LOL……and that’s just with 10% of their land surveyed. You said you were going to wake me up. What does Team have to report? Frankie Frankie…….I wanted to save it for the end like good dessert. You sure you want me to tell you now? Yes…….. For 8 to 9 months A and M have been wrestling over the power of the GOI. As I told you yesterday the last two ministers were finally selected last night. One of the new ministers from last week selected by M is the Minister of Oil. Iraqi TV said that he had a message for the GOI today. Pause…….. And? Frankie Frankie……..the NEW Minister of Oil told the GOI today to pass ………..the HCL!!! EXCUSE ME???!!!! Yup………that’s what he said. Today? Yes he showed up at parliament and made it very clear that he wants investors to come in to Iraq without the fear of any consequences. He is trying to promote their goal for 2011 to bring in foreign investors to rebuild their infrastructure. Did he say anything about the Iraqi citizens receiving their share of the oil revenues with the HCL being passed? No. But IMO the people are talking about it because even I did simple math and just explained it to you. Hmmm. Then oil should go up dramatically today. The perpetual money making cow of gold vs. the USD will have to wait on the sidelines now IMO. With what you are telling me today……….oil prices will not be stopped tomorrow. It may even start today. This is huge DELTA. Get half of the Team to stay on the LD’s with banks and put the other half on following this M of O’s request. We may have to wait until Sunday. Why? Because Iraqi TV said today that on Sunday there would be three major events. First of all……..they will officially announce the GOI and read the 2011 budget along with ratifying the final three ministers. By the way Frankie…….they created a new position for A……remember? So on Sunday I believe they will also pass laws that will enact his new titles. This also has to be approved to make everything official. It really seems that they are working hard and long hours. It’s only a matter of time Frankie. I think S is very impressed with what he is seeing. I agree about S. I also believe the IMF is impressed too. They told them they need to reform their banking systems. They are doing it……..a redenomination with LD’s is accomplishing this. They told them to lift their 000’s. We know that 85% and maybe even more have been retrieved. This is impressive. Tell me more about this HCL that the TV spoke of. Well…….the minister of oil is a NEW guy that right away says get the HCL done!!! He kept repeating to pass the……………. “KANOON ALNFEET” !!! (first word means “law” prefix of second word means “gas”………suffix of second word means “oil”) They are really working hard and the TV is letting it be known to its citizens. The citizens know why the M of O is asking this of parliament because he expressed the need to build Iraq’s economy. But they also know ………IT’S FOR THEM !!! Did Iraqi TV say anything about additional laws needing to be passed before Sunday? They talk about the finance and oil committees……..that their work had to be done before Sunday for the final vote. There was talk that later on they would announce the list of parliament members along with a list of laws. I truly feel the 7 to 10 days needed for these laws is occurring right now and will not be needed past the 10th. If there is no new rate in the budget on the 10th and we are still at 1170 then it can only mean that we still need……….the 7 to 10 days. Anything else on TV? They said they have a holiday tomorrow called Army Day. Banks will not be open tomorrow in Iraq. So tell the Family if they see the CBI not up………not to panic or create a rumor. DELTA these guys take more holidays than I blink. I am pleased that this is the last holiday until February 17th. Interesting…….that’s the day that the GCC is asking Iraq to join them. It’s the date of their next meeting. Anything else on Iraqi TV? Frankie……..they explained what they were doing with the budget. They had some adjustments done because it was based on $70 per barrel. That’s not what oil costs now. So they made amendments to their 2011 budget. Hmmm……..fascinating. DELTA………there was a rumor yesterday that M and A had a bit of a disturbance………did they fight about something? Oh they are always fighting. But when you see them holding hands in a picture or kissing then you know they have resolved their argument. Yes they had a little debate about the defense ministry yesterday but why shouldn’t they…… you said on the CC last night these were two very important and dangerous positions to fill. Frankie Frankie everything is done they just got to get it together this Sunday! Did they talk about the S cards? No. As I told you yesterday M finally allowed the grants to over 4,000 workers……journalists……groups that he promised months ago. This 4,000 is the testing ground to the rest of the 32 million population of Iraq. I’m glad that’s done successfully because they are now ready for the HCL. Citizen’s share can be put on these cards if they choose. Yes Frankie Frankie everything is looking very done. Thank you for your report DELTA. You take care and I will talk to you in the early morning hours. Yes Sir……….take care. Is there anything else you want me to do? Yes………buy me a car in Iraq………before the RI. LOL! You funny Frankie………they are pretty cheap. Take care Sir. Aloha. Family below is an example of a pm from an individual in Iraq. I share it with you so that you can see what they are sharing with us for the first time and how I reply to them. I welcome all that wish to do the same to pm me. I welcome anyone to my Team that is willing to help us. Frank, It is o315 here in Ramadi, Iraq and the military has been moving around a whole lot more. I am in night dispatch so I don’t know about the dinar turn in as I don’t see anyone during the day. But I can say there is much more activity here in the past 16 hours, even in the air. We are right against the city so close we can hear their prayers on the speakers. Any way if I hear a bunch of shooting and yelling (as long as its not another car bomb) I will be sure to let you know. Fire22...... Sir ........can I welcome you as part of my team? Please let me know. I will use your pm without your name on my front page tonight. I need to know if you wish to join me much mobility do you have? What bank is near you? Do you have transportation to get to banks and perform some homework for me? Activity is very high and I will share with you why and where but I need your permission first. God bless you Sir safe in all you do and I eagerly await your reply. KTF, Frank ps ....can you find a translator to help you me? Family yesterday I told you on the CC that many nations are joining hands with Iraq. We talked to you about Jordan. The article below will inform you more. Family below is the link to the GOI listing of positions that was broadcast today. If you did not see it …… can be rather informative to Sunday’s proceedings. Thank you for being with me on the CC last night and thank you for taking the time to read my post today. God bless you all and may your strength come only ……….from God. My Christian love and Aloha. KTF, Frank __________________ Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
    12 points
  10. 1st of all a chimpanzee... like a gorilla, orangutan, etc.... are APES... not monkeys... learn your biology... this is a monkey. second of all it wasnt even funny, nor does it have anything to do with the Dinar or anything. It didnt get a chuckle. If you were in any way implying something racial, then you
    12 points
  11. There I was is sitting at the bar staring at my drink when a really big, trouble-making biker steps up next to me, grabs my drink and gulps it down in one swig." Well, whatcha gonna do about it?" he says, menacingly, as I burst into tears. "Come on, man," the biker says, "I didn't think you'd CRY. I can’t stand to see a man crying." "This is the worst day of my life," I say. "I'm a complete failure. I was late to a meeting and my boss fired me. When I went to the parking lot, I found my car had been stolen and I don't have any insurance. I left my wallet in the cab I took home. I found my old lady in bed with the gardener, and then my dog bit me." "So I came to this bar to work up the courage to put an end to it all, I buy a drink, I drop a capsule in and sit here watching the poison dissolve. Then you, you a$$ hole, show up and drink the whole thing! But enough about me, how's your day going?"
    11 points
  12. Is it really that hard to post logical information on the forum. Either you have logical information to contribute or you don't. I see several posts on here about people cracking jokes on dates and rates and everything else. If you find yourself that funny go join a comedy act. If I had a legitimate question or info to contribute I would, otherwise what else is there to post. Everyone on here wants to see that specific date and rate, of which is not going to come ahead of time or people would be buying up all the reserves. The date and rate is coming so just let it happen. Posting stupid stuff is of no value other than wasting people's time drawing them in to read it. If the date was tomorrow or Monday, what would it matter?? To me, until I get that rate, trade in my money and have cash in hand or in an account I can touch I am not going to live a different life.
    9 points
  13. Restructuring of the Iraqi currency without issuance of new categories Posted 05/01/2011 12:00 PM Baghdad (Alaa Youssef): denied the Iraqi Central Bank Consultant Dr. Mohammad Saleh appearance of press reports that the Iraqi version of a new class of Iraqi currency worth one hundred thousand dinars, indicating that this is not the Central Bank programs. He said that the central bank is considering the restructuring of the currency in terms of specifications and forms, not including the issuance of such a category, where it is currently thought to reduce the zeros in the Iraqi currency, and not increase as stated in the news. And saw the Iraqi currency inflation significantly after the first Gulf War in 1991, and the deterioration of Iraqi dinar exchange rate for up to three thousand dinars per U.S. dollar. Apparent contradiction The expert considers economic, financial and managing director of the Iraqi Islamic Bank as Kamal Mehdi, the draft version of the paper reviews a class of one hundred thousand dinars, contrasts with the project raise zeros from the Iraqi currency. He added that what is subtracted from the issuance of such category of currency will increase the volume of currency inflation, and inflation zeros in the currency, and this leads to a decrease in price. He stressed that the Association of Iraqi banks and bankers, some Iraqis did not support the well-known version of the currency of this category and that the central bank linger on this subject. And the reflection of this project on the Iraqi currency Mahdi says, it will increase the degradation and decline in market disbursement, and calls for reducing the zeros for the purpose of raising the value of the Iraqi currency against foreign currencies. Correct decision And supports the financial and economic expert and director of the Warka Bank Muhammad al-Samarrai version of such a category, pointing out that the correct decision and the Iraqi economy is needed for some time. He said the island revealed that the Iraqi economy witnessed a version of a new currency after 2003, and became a need to reduce the vast amount of paper currency issued during the recent years. He adds that the issuance of currency greater value will be an important factor, especially in banks and cash dealers mass of banking companies, traders and even citizens. And confirms that the effect is not al-Samarrai domain only economic, but the process of facilitating the circulation of cash and reduction of the currency and give more prestige to the Iraqi banknote, especially that there is a trend for the next phase after obtaining the financial and economic stability and even the political situation in the country. He points out that there is an urgent need to initiate steps, to precede the process of lifting the zeros from the issuance of currency in terms of size the largest value and the creation of other circumstances relating to the general situation of the State as some already know, and some wont believe the rv process has started. when large notes are working there way back to the banks they are not going back out. there is a contractor over there that we talk to, and he says that when you go to the market now all change is coming back in 50 and 500 dinar notes, not 25,000-10,000-5,000-1000 being given back in change, and when the contractors are being paid they run there @sses off to go and get dinar, dealers over here may still have 25,000 notes but they are reserves that they still have......... we arent far off from the rv, they are cash starving there people, and making them use large amounts of paper currency to buy things, a new rate isnt far behind.....
    9 points
  14. * Kaperoni Chat: DDC 1/5/11 January 5th, 2011 03:28 pm · Posted in CHATS / POSTS kaperoni: most of you i think have read this article that i put together last night kaperoni: here is a link kaperoni: /kaperoni-the-dinar-process-has-started-shabibi-has-met-his-“by-end-of-year”-promis kaperoni: this is the best news in 7 years kaperoni: and i want to take a minute to explain kaperoni: please dont type kaperoni: so i can keep going kaperoni: this article and the audio file kaperoni: talk to regular iraqis in the street kaperoni: about there frustration kaperoni: with the currency kaperoni: and they just by accident give us details to Shabibi’s plan kaperoni: those are the details kaperoni: we know now there is no Lop kaperoni: period kaperoni: we also know the definition kaperoni: of the words “delete 3 zeros” kaperoni: they are talking about drawing in the larger notes in circulation kaperoni: those notes being the 3 zero notes 25,000, 10,000 and 5,000 and 1,000 kaperoni: they are not cancelling them kaperoni: they are real and will be honored kaperoni: they are simply removing them kaperoni: from the streets of Iraq kaperoni: as if they left them, and the Rv occured kaperoni: these would be of huge value kaperoni: and risk of getting in the hands of terrorists kaperoni: or robberies kaperoni: etc kaperoni: so they are transitioning kaperoni: the people of iraq kaperoni: hence the words from shabibi himself kaperoni: that this would be gradual kaperoni: so the people of iraq are little by little losing there larger 3 zero notes as they come into the banks kaperoni: the banks refuse to give them back out kaperoni: and offer 500, 250 and 50′s are replacement kaperoni: so the people are buying goods kaperoni: with these notes at the same 1170 to 1 rate kaperoni: that is the reason for the article and audio kaperoni: as they are unhappy with that kaperoni: and that makes sense kaperoni: its like u and i kaperoni: using .50 and .25 to buy here in the kaperoni: Usa kaperoni: not a problem for a $1 item kaperoni: but when u buy $100 worth of stuff kaperoni: and have to pay with.25 it not good kaperoni: so the iraqis want there big notes back kaperoni: well, they not going to get them kaperoni: period kaperoni: gone kaperoni: why kaperoni: cause at some point kaperoni: Shabibi will rv the rate kaperoni: and the buying power will come into play kaperoni: it is a great plan kaperoni: and the people will go stand in line at the banks kaperoni: with there 50s kaperoni: or 250s kaperoni: and get change kaperoni: the new smaller denoms…1/2, 1s, 5, 10 ect kaperoni: so this is a 3 part plan kaperoni: Imo kaperoni: first what we see now kaperoni: the big notes kaperoni: 2. the Rv kaperoni: and 3 the smaller denoms kaperoni: cool kaperoni: wow fun kaperoni: done
    8 points
  15. I heard this from two different sources via telephone this afternoon and now its posted on DD. Lord, let this be true so we can start doing good with the $!!! January 6, 2011 02:47 pm · Posted in CHATS / POSTS · Comments Off 10:25 AM [Topguner] 7:21 AM [mjwagg] The was on PD call at 2:30 this am …… basically said the rv will be announced in the mosques fri. They said if they don’t rv very soon the imf and the UN are going to do it for them. They said the rv should be announced by the 7th. I guess Tony heard it from his senator friend the imf is going to force the rv fri. if they don’t getter done on their own. The goi is going to make a big announcement on fri. which is unusual on a holy day. They only do it for big events. I believe that’s everything I’ve heard that was mentioned on the cc at 2:30 this am
    7 points
  16. I hardly ever post here anymore because of the biased opinions and comments I see going on here. But after what I read yesterday I had to speak up. If it gets me a warning then so be it. I am not trying to start something but merely voicing my opinions and feelings about this whole dinar thing. I come here because it is familiar to me. I have been to many other sites but this one just feels like home and family. But then even I get really ticked off at my brothers and sisters at times. We all have our opinions and theories about this and should be allowed to express them but when someone time and time again makes false claims and is allowed to continue like they never said anything it just doesn't seem fair that when someone comes in and tries to tell another side of this they get warned. Why should they be warned for expressing their opinions and own personal experience? I have heard so many things from this web site, some good and some bad. And some of the things I have heard when I checked it out I found out it was all a lie. I thought the whole point of having a forum was so we ALL could discuss what we have heard and decide for ourselves, not be spoon fed bits and pieces of what some think we need to know. I for one, would rather hear everything, even if it depresses me. There has been a few different posters who would come here and post their opinions, even if it wasn't what I wanted to hear, but at least I appreciated their honesty. I am glad some of them have stayed through all the + - , although most of them got -'s. So much for my opinion on how people get treated here at times........... As far as my dinar I am scared as heck I won't make as much as I had hoped but I will still hope for the best. I do feel. I just think sometimes we need to remember that besides us are a lot of Iraqi's that are also waiting and hoping for this as well. They deserve a better life too. We all do.
    7 points
  17. Doc the pumper, now that is funny. Thank you for your efforts. They are greatly appreciated and I look forward to your daily cbi posts.
    7 points
  18. Asking in the rumor section is always a good start.
    7 points
  19. When it comes to making money I have found the last 2 types of people that you want to listen to........bankers and stock brokers. They will keep you broke most of the time !! Actually your story is very common.
    7 points
  20. Are you new here? Most of the "reports" are wrong in case you haven't noticed. Adam has said that his contact at the CBI confirmed the existence of lower denoms. To me the issue here isn't their existence, but whether or not they have already been issued. Blaino said his source has a lower denom "in hand". That would mean that they have already been issued, wouldn't it? All I'm asking for is evidence to support that claim. So far none of the people saying this have been able to produce one lousy photo. I wonder why? Okie said that they were already being distributed at ATMs in Iraq. When asked for evidence he said that he didn't know how to upload photos to the web, and then he said the photos he had of the lower denoms were too blurry. Come on, guys! How hard is it to snap a photo and attach it to a post? If you don't know how to do it find somebody who does. When did I ever say I believe in the lop theory? Never. My position has always been the same as Adam Montana's. I think a lop is possible but unlikely. The issue here isn't me. I'm not the one making claims of intel in Iraq. I'm just asking people like blaino and okie to back up their claims. If lower denoms are being distributed in Iraq that would be great news. I'm sure we would all love to know about it. Help us out. I also believe than an RV will occur soon. But "soon" might mean next week, next month, or next year. Who knows? We've been told it would happen "soon" for years now. I want this as much as the next guy but I'm not willing to be fed any BS or drink any koolaid along the way, that's all.
    7 points
  21. "I don't always believe the posters on Dinar Vets, But... When I do....I believe Possum!!" "Thanks Possum for the encouraging posts!" "Stay thirsty my friends!"
    6 points
  22. I think the whole chat episode could have been avoided, if a different tack was taken. I think that MI17 came in to chat with a perspective, that, what Sonny1 was espousing was myth. In actuality, they were probably both right. Sonny1's understanding is from his contacts in the ME while MI17's is from experience. Both, those perspectives will differ, to an extent. I think the talks about the larger denoms being phased out is accurate. I just don't think it's at an urgent level, yet. So, the larger bills will still be in circulation, once they reach the bank, be taken out. I don't think it's a good idea to confront in such a way that you may be calling someone a liar, inadvertently. I think the way to approach a subject in the future where your information differs from someone else's, is to do so in an inquisitive manner. Not make bold or brash statements in order to humilate or to quell the other person's communication. MI17 could have said "I am in Iraq, and my experience, here is different, this is what I am seeing...." To come out and state "Not, true"~ can make one feel that they are being called a liar. I don't think this should be limited to the guru's or the experts, it also should include all members of DV. We should try to respect one another and try to treat everyone one in a civil manner.
    6 points
  23. We knew long before hand, there was not going to be a LOP
    6 points
    6 points
  25. Everyone is missing the simple key element to the RV. Yes, the RV was set to already supposed to happen, but then stopped due to a simple problem. The one and only factor that stopped the RV..... no matter what intel is posted...... and no matter what new issues still seem to come up... is this. FACT! They can not RV until they have an approved GOVERNMENT! There were many officials kicked out due to lying and not being suitable for the positions. 12 officials were fired and need to be replaced. From what I gather from all research and intel is that every position has been filled except for one. They have now selected this person, and as soon as he is voted in, They will RV. Nowm this is were it is confusing. Do they work on friday or not. Many say they don't work on friday due to religion. Many say they are working around clock to meet dead line. Who truely knows facts? The fact is......AS SOON AS THE LAST POSITION IS FILLED AND APPROVED, THE GOVERNMENT WILL BE COMPLETE AND OFFICIAL AND THEY WILL RV. This is why everyone is shooting for the 10th. So here we go, we are coming down the home stretch! We will see the RV next week. God bless everyone, this has been one awesome ride. GO RV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    5 points
  26. No, but maybe I should have. It would have saved from having to answer "did it rv yet?" every morning when my wife sees me sitting at the computer.
    5 points
  27. It does, because it is just going to make people angry. I would hope that was not the intention of FG, but maybe rather, he was trying to be funny. Regardless it will probably upset more people than it will make laugh.
    5 points
  28. Or maybe keep it open awhile to see how many negatives he gets.
    5 points
  29. Thanks Doc for all you do each day. I hope the end is near. GO RRRVVV!!!
    5 points
  30. I'm not following you. The lower denoms that Adam is talking about are the ones below the 50s. There's no need to confirm the existence of 50s and higher because they've been out for years and are on the CBI website. Blaino's "source" claimed to have a 5 IQD note. That was the whole point of mentioning it in his post that I quoted at the top of this thread. If the 5 is in circulation then the RV is happening. If it's not then this claim is bogus. As okie would say "nuff said".
    5 points
  31. I do!! Ready??? You sure??? Ok..... Here goes..... It will happen on a certain date, at a certain rate!! Best news ANYONE HAS!!!! Best of luck and GO RV!!!
    5 points
  32. LOVE IT!!! Thank U Sir!!!! I am involved with Ministry and where i go 2 do Godz work most would only go if they wanted to buy drugz. Look at my home page and u will see a group of kidz that we have helped thru Muzic and Ministry showz for kidz that are poor and most dont have both if any parents. 2 me itz about going where i believe Jesus would go 2 the lost and lonley who have nothing. The gettoz the lost soulz ect. When this RV takes place the first thing i am gonna do iz build a homeless and rehab center in my city and i believe that will take place soon! I Believe many involved with this invest was called by God 2 do PoZiTiVe thingz with this Blessing/ Pay it forward!!! Next will be helping the troops who have gave so much in this war and so on... This post iz 4-REAL and i thank U for sending it out!!! it iz the time we all do some soul searching and get our mindz right 4 what iz about 2 take place!!! i gave u a +1 and if i could have it would have been a +100 Thank U and God Bless us all!!!!!!! Go RV>>> AcTiOn316...
    5 points
  33. I got this in my email and it makes some sense. So I would like to share. January 1, 2011 This is a perfect time to look at a few news articles over the past several days that are now connecting things together very nicely. First would be the December 31 article called: Economist: delay approving the budget would reduce the incentive for private sector investment <-- PD Link Recap of that article: Financial expert warned Hamad Bashir Alwan of the delay in approving the budget for the financial Szbbh to reduce the incentive for private sector investment in the country. He warned of the delay in approving the budget more than that causing a reduced incentive for the private sector to invest in the country, which generates therefore prevail has the spirit of pessimism because the investor is always looking for opportunities for profitable and safe if not fired budgets they certainly will expect that there is nothing will reduce the motivation for investment, indicating that there is another negative aspect is the low levels of income for all segments of society because the budget allocation process is a way to enter the government as that government spending is part of the application which is a special and spend a year, which in turn is divided into consumer and government spending and investment in particular. *********************************************************************************************************** Secondly would be regarding need for re-evaluation of the Iraq currency. Back in February of last year, Maliki's quote was "The Iraqi dinar has all the reasons to grow stronger thanks to an increase in revenues and development of the economy," Recap of that article: The Iraqi dinar's exchange rate is suffering from low value against foreign currencies as a result of decades of wars and economic embargo that brought the local currency's exchange rate to the rock bottom from three dinars per dollar in the late 1970s and 1980s to 3,000 dinars per dollar after the 1990 invasion of Kuwait, followed by a 13-year crippling sanctions regime. *********************************************************************************************************** Lastly, we have this new article dated December 31 where Maliki is quoted “We have no restrictions on their [foreign investors] entry. We want them,” Maliki told The Wall Street Journal. “We need speed. We need money.” <-- PD Link Recap of that article: Maliki last year gave the nod to a series of oil deals aimed at boosting the country’s oil production to more than 12 million barrels of crude oil per day in less than a decade. Exports and production, however, are limited in part by a lack of infrastructure at southern ports and a slow-moving political system. Oil production has lingered at around 2.5 million barrels per day from Iraqi fields for years. Maliki said four new oil-exporting terminals off the coast of Basra, however, could push Iraq’s export capacity past the 3 million barrel mark by September, a first since the U.S.-led invasion of 2003. *********************************************************************************************************** Here is a recap of what we know: 1. We know that when Saddaam was in power and took the IQD basically off the market and put in place his own currency. Two things happen, one - the IMF dropped the IQD’s rate of $1.00 IQD to $3.22 USD and gave a temporary program rate of $1,170.00 IQD to $1.00 USD. Also, Iraq was dropped from the international community financially and every other way. 2. We know that Iraq is a proud nation and desperately wants to regain its position as an upstanding member of the international community once again. They have worked diligently and made great strides to accomplish this. 3. We see Iraqi dignitaries traveling around the globe having investment conferences to showcase the new Iraq and trying to draw in as much investment opportunities and business help as possible. <-- PD Link 4. We have even verified that Shabibi, the head of the Central Bank of Iraq, fly over here and meet with Ben Bernanke in New York. If nothing were going to happen with the IQD and it would remain a non international currency with a worthless value, what would Ben Bernanke and Shabibi have to talk about for a complete day here in New York. My opinion, what they spoke about is how the US is going to release its Trillions of IQD’s in Foreign Currency Reserves back to Iraq over time. 5. We have seen hundreds of contracts being signed for international companies to move into Iraq for everything from Oil production to rebuilding the infrastructure. 6. We know that they have all the final steps in place to trade Iraq stock on the international market through IXS. 7. We know the issues between Iraq and Kuwait sanctions have been resolved. 8. We saw the UNSC lift all but one sanction posed against Iraq a couple of weeks ago, bringing them out of chapter 7 protection. The only thing left to completely lift chapter 7 is the RV, the promise Iraq made in the back room deals. This is being held over them as collateral for the Paris Club agreement. 9. The 2011 Draft Budget was developed around the new rate. 10. Also fact is that until they, at a minimum reinstate there currency back to the $1.00 IQD to $3.22 USD as it was before Saddaam took over. The IQD is not internationally recognized, that means no other banks outside of Iraq recognize it as legal tender. Which means it cannot be deposited into an account nor can there be any electronic funds transfers into the international community outside of Iraq. Why is that important, well we know Iraq has been working hard to develop relationships globally. As it stands right now, if Iraq buy a ship load of Toyota's, because of the low value of the IQD, Toyota would need that same ship to carry the tons of IQD back to their mainland and then find someone to convert the IQD to their YEN, then they could bank it. Another huge problem with this is Iraq does not have enough printed IQD to work this way, nor do they want to. 11. We have Dr. Sinan al-Shibibi in news interviews and articles, on more than one occasion throughout the year telling us they are going to raise the value of their currency this year. 12. We know that Maliki wants our troops to leave. 13. We know that a couple of months ago the US sent 20,000 heavy Armor troops back to Iraq at a time when we are supposed to be winding down our occupation in Iraq. We have seen pictures where they have been putting huge concrete barricades that appear to be 12’ tall around all the banks in Iraq. 14. We believe that all of the auctions in Iraq over the last several months was to move the lower denomination bills to the Iraqi banks preparing for the RI/RV, for the Iraqi citizens. This is so they don’t have to carry a $5,000.00 bill to go and buy a loaf of bread, and how do you make change for that when you lowest bill is a $1,000.00 or a $5,000.00 IQD note. The reverse of that is they pass out the lower denomination notes but don’t RI/RV. Now you need a wheelbarrow to carry enough cash to buy that same loaf of bread… By the way I have seen pictures of these new notes, so I know they do exist. 15. We heard Maliki in his address last week, tell the GOI to revalue the IQD as soon as they can. 16. We know the 2011 budget will be passed into law very soon. 17. We know that Baker Jaber AL Zubaidi states that the Iraqi Dinar Value should be Raised. <-- This is a great article with solid government links. 18. We know that the CBI Adviser stated that "We have a government surplus of 29 trillion dinars ($25B)". 19. We know that Iraq has the oil to backup the new elevated currency. Related Documents: Iraq: Paris Club Debt Relief - PDF Format So with all of these facts that are verified, it only leads to one conclusion. Iraq will, at a minimum reinstate their currency, they really have no other option if they are going to deal with the international community or deal with anyone outside of their borders… The unconfirmed word is that because this is the plan to relieve the Global Financial crises we are all faced with that the UN/IMF/UNSC will wait no longer because many of the world economies cannot go another moment without this. The IMF has the power to step in and revalue the IQD on their own and they will at last resort. Remember, this isn’t just Iraq’s ballgame, it is a carefully designed plan for the global economy… Blessings to all. Steve
    5 points
  34. how awesome would it be if this actually happened this time.... Thank s for the post!
    5 points
  35. Reading "Okie Dokie's" chats are like watching a train wreck. You dont wanna look but you just cant help it. Everyone always wants to know just how bad it is gonna be.
    5 points
  36. 4 points
  37. Hammy put out a news article this morning that stated the investment budget is less than 20% of the total budget instead of the 30% published when this thread started..... The director of the private banks in the Central Bank of Abdul Aziz al-Hassoun of the island has it that what the budget is exhausted items operational for more than 80% of the allocations. Read more: K98 put out another article today that I cannot find right now that states Investment budget is approximately 20% of the budget and another place in the article stated that the Investment budget is now less than 30% of the budget... If I find this other link, I will post it as well.. SO...... This changes the math slightly... So 20% of the 93 trillion dinars is 18.6 Trillion dinars If 18.6 Trillion dinars = 29 Trillion dollars from the combination of the two articles (IF they are even accurate or True...... ha ha) Then 1 IQD = 29/18.6 USD or 1 IQD = 1.55913978 USD SO: 1 MILLION IQD = 1,559,139.78 USD IF THIS MATH WAS USED..... Read more:
    4 points
  38. Here's my take on go to the store and buy what you need. they total up your purchase and you give them a 25,000 note. they give you your change in small notes and remove the 25K note from circulation. As the value of the dinar goes up there is less need to have a armored car follow you to the grocer to buy a loaf of bread...
    4 points
  39. It's a RV Clark! Mind if I park it in your driveway? Eddie
    4 points
  40. I am new to this but have been following different sites. I chose to register here because you seem to be the most realistic bunch so far. I figured out the b.s. ers after about 2 weeks. My husband is in Iraq so i usually ask him for verification of rumors. my favorite was okie saying they were dancing in the street in iraq. the r.v. had happened. this was around christmas. I knew this was b.s. as verified by my husband. I just haven't figured out why some of these people put such crazy stuff on there. I thought i was the only one who didn't believe his stuff til i got on here. I enjoy reading all the posts. As to trading dinar for dollars. My husband says military only deals in usd. haven't been able to take dinar out of country for a long time. so that is nothing new. I do believe it is going to happen soon and my feeling is it could happen around the 10th to the 17th but thats just a feeling nothing more. could just be wanting it to happen. hope it happens sooner. so i will keep checking. we have had our dinar for 7 years and figured it would be 10 years before anything happened. so if it happens now we will be very happy. by the way... okie oil man probably means he works at a schell station in oklahoma city. just kidding. i like to read all the rumors. sometimes they are right. hopefully they are right this time. never know..,....
    4 points
  41. I had this buried in a reply to another post but I'd really like to see what other people think on this. I know alot of people, including myself, FREAK OUT when they think about the revalue and "WHERE IS ALL THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?" Well, I personally don't think it is going to come from ONLY oil, because the payout of an RV at $3.22 would be more than both the US and Iraqi's GDP combined. Just remember, no matter what happens, those notes will still be legal tender or the IMF and world community that is invested in their dinar will NEVER recognize it as an internationally traded currency. Everyone asks where is the money going to come from to pay all of this out...and IMHO a $3.22 RI is out of the question, but, I think things will play out like this. We are currently seeing, as reported by contractors, that they are no longer being paid in the large denominations, and as those large denomination come back to the bank, they are being destroyed, or kept in reserves for Government Transaction - which are mostly done in digital these days. Very soon I think we will see a very low-ball revalue of the dinar, just enough to make it a legitmately traded currency around the world - just enough to be recognized by the IMF - 10 - 50 cents to the dollar. This will bring in the first wave of people cashing out and thus the Central Bank of Iraq will buy back their Dinars at 10 - 50 cents on the dollars...and if you KNOW like everyone else they are going to revalue much higher, they just made a buttload of money off the first wave of suckers. Then after that wave starts to ebb, we'll see another revalue, which will bring in another wave of people cashing in...this time maybe 60 - 80 cents on the dollar. This just made the Central bank another buttload of money, and knowing the potential value of their currency tells you that without a doubt. Think about it....if they intend on RVing anywhere above $2 they just made $1.50-$1.90 per dinar they bought back from the first wave. Then they made another $1.40-$1.20 on the second wave. While still they had fence-sitters still buying more through both waves. . Lets just say they exchanged 1 billion dinar in the first two waves - well you do the math - they made a BUTTLOAD OF MONEY of the suckers, buying back their currency, far below what the REAL POTENTIAL exchange rate of the DInar will eventually be. This Revalue plan would generate enormous revenues for the Central Bank of Iraq. I think this is how we will see things played out...but that's just IMHO... As one guy from this forum explained - while some people are cashing in, still others who have been the "naysayers" all this time, or fence sitters will suddenly jump in and start BUYING dinar, allowing the CBI to generate even MORE revenues.... So anyone have any thoughts on this?
    4 points
  42. not saying this in a bashing type way but curious.....why do you say this?? whether you say its God or the Holy Spirit..i say ive heard the Holy Spirit tell me its not all profound this and thou like in the king james version but just like you and i are may call me crazy but i know what it is..and dont be like some of the other people who say "well if you hear from God why dont you just ask him when its going to happen?" because that would be similar to the devil tempting Jesus in the desert.. so again i ask why do you say no one hears any voice today?? isnt HE the same yesterday, today, and forever??
    4 points
  43. I should have say I doubt he's wrong! And AMEN!
    4 points
  44. May I tell one? John and Jessica were on their way home from the bar one night and John got pulled over by the police. The officer told John that he was stopped because his tail light was burned out. John said, "I'm very sorry officer, I didn't realize it was out, I'll get it fixed right away." Just then Jessica said, "I knew this would happen when I told you two days ago to get that light fixed." So the officer asked for John's license and after looking at it said, "Sir your license has expired." And again John apologized and mentioned that he didn't realize that it had expired and would take care of it first thing in the morning. Jessica said, "I told you a week ago that the state sent you a letter telling you that your license had expired." Well by this time, John is a bit upset with his wife contradicting him in front of the officer, and he said in a rather loud voice, "Jessica, shut your mouth!" The officer then leaned over toward Jessica and asked. "Does your husband always talk to you like that?" Jessica replied, "only when he's drunk
    4 points
  45. Hey FlaDinar, I know you look like a HUGE guy in your picture and probably do not fear anyone but I do NOT think it is wise to broadcast WHO you are on Facebook and that you have Dinar. You are making yourself a huge target. Just a word of caution.
    4 points
  46. Amen brother. People got to realize that it's all out of our hands. I could get all worked up over what certain people claim or say, but at the end of the day, it only makes time drag on more slowly. It's similar to being a kid before Christmas, you get yourself all worked up in anticipation for Christmas, it seems like it takes a week for a day to pass, then when you get there, Christmas blitzes by in the blink of an eye. For us, Christmas comes up in the blink of an eye because the hustle and bustle of preparation eats our time and we can't enjoy the buildup of Christmas like we used to. Apply the inverse to the equation, and grown ups, who all know a RV is going to happen, begin to obsess about the negative which causes each day to drag on because not only do they want an RV, but this "blow hard" online who is probably invested too, and just as excited, decides to post information he alleges to have from the inside. Now people are all worked up, demanding evidence and fact and are angry because Oakie, TY, Blaino, Medic and whoever else I failed to mention, have not come though.... Like the thread said, "Do You Feel Taken By Okie And Others?" Heck no, I didn't buy because of them, they made nothing off me, and I refuse to blame the lack of an RV on anyone of those people because THEY have no control over the RV, and neither do I....they can't force me to buy, and they can't stop the RV from happening, so THEY are not stealing my money nor keeping it from me. I am a Christian, I am a constant work in process...but it's time for people to read rumors for what they are, rumors until proven...nothing more. TPR Amen brother. People got to realize that it's all out of our hands. I could get all worked up over what certain people claim or say, but at the end of the day, it only makes time drag on more slowly. It's similar to being a kid before Christmas, you get yourself all worked up in anticipation for Christmas, it seems like it takes a week for a day to pass, then when you get there, Christmas blitzes by in the blink of an eye. For us, Christmas comes up in the blink of an eye because the hustle and bustle of preparation eats our time and we can't enjoy the buildup of Christmas like we used to. Apply the inverse to the equation, and grown ups, who all know a RV is going to happen, begin to obsess about the negative which causes each day to drag on because not only do they want an RV, but this "blow hard" online who is probably invested too, and just as excited, decides to post information he alleges to have from the inside. Now people are all worked up, demanding evidence and fact and are angry because Oakie, TY, Blaino, Medic and whoever else I failed to mention, have not come though.... Like the thread said, "Do You Feel Taken By Okie And Others?" Heck no, I didn't buy because of them, they made nothing off me, and I refuse to blame the lack of an RV on anyone of those people because THEY have no control over the RV, and neither do I....they can't force me to buy, and they can't stop the RV from happening, so THEY are not stealing my money nor keeping it from me. I am a Christian, I am a constant work in process...but it's time for people to read rumors for what they are, rumors until proven...nothing more. TPR
    4 points
  47. HEY MED, IF THE RV HAS HAPPENED THEN WHY ISN'T IT SHOWING ON FOREX??????? come on I may have been born at night but it wasn't lastnight? and another thing, what is the rate to cash in those large denoms if the RV has started? Oh, dollar for dollar swap huh, they are just trying to get rid of the large bills in circulation!!!!! Yea sure MED. Hey med thats not an RV that is an exchange in currency. here is the example. Mr Iraqi walks in to the bank and gives them a (single) 25,000 note. The bank then turns aroung and gives him 25,000.00 one dollar dinar. That is a currency swap not an RV. ohhhhh what med, your saying they are swapping out the large bills for small bills, so when the rv occurs the smaller bills are worth more Sorry bro one step ahead of your lies. I would love a link that you have stating that the RV has begun.....Oh whats that med, did you just say that they need to do a dinar swap out. Oh really med according to who??????? Shabbss. I guess we all need to call Ali at Dinar Trade! med said the RV has begun!!!! Med what is the rate???????????
    4 points
  48. My husband's Army buddies in Iraq. MP's, say they have not heard anything of this.
    4 points

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