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  1. Wow, I figured this much. Thank you for the boots on the ground perspective. This will be a popular thread.
  2. I am interested. Please let me know how much per million. Thanks.
  3. Did Turkey or any other country, that did a lop, follow this same routine/mechanism that is mentioned in this article?
  4. "There is a photo of the new currency at this website" The photo is of the currency that we all hold now. Nothing new!!!! What is new is circulation #'s.
  5. After today, I find it hard to defend any guru/dinar expert/crook, They are all the same.
  6. I didn't post anything negative about Adam. I have always been positive about this site and this investment. If anything, you should be policing Dinar Buddy. I think Adam should check out what these idiots are saying. That's all!!!
  7. Texasgranny, Where is my post on this thread? Dinar Buddy posted a link and it was concerning Adam and this website (DV). This is all new to me. Does this not concern all that are a part of this site?
  8. I believe WE are at war with Islam because the extremists have hijacked the religion. Their agenda is not peace, but control, with misguided hate, as their main tool. I am not sure if we will ever we see a RV, but I am quite sure we will see a conflict with not only a country, but a region. There is no healing for this wound. It is time, WE all draw our own line in the sand, so to speak b/c if not; THEY will be drawing their lines in our country and we will be fighting THEM, here as well. JMHO.
  9. Tandy, My prayers are with Scott. Please keep us updated.
  10. Why do we (USA) choose to help those that want to kill us and blame us for their problems. I say, let them all die and choke on their religion on their way out.
  11. I have to say this because I am tired of all of the negative comments from the same people. Do not state your opinion as fact, anymore. If all of this is too much for you, get out of this investment and please get out of this forum. It is one thing to bring thought provoking statements or news; but quit pissing on everyone else if their opinions on this investment don' t match your own.
  12. DiveMaster, You can add my prayers as well, for Alex, you and the rest of your family. I admire your faith to come here and ask for prayer. I will certainly have Alex, on my mind, since I am one of those gentle giants, as well.
  13. Trinity, It is your work and effort that helps me remain confident in this investment. As I have read through all of your information, the recurring theme to me is; Iraq is like no other country in history that has had so much invested, by so many. My belief is that this will translate into their currency and we will see a favorable result. Thank you again for all of your hard work and incredible insight.
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