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Rev:17 ......y'all might want to read this one, it talks about the rise and fall of Babylon. Everything that it refers to lends credence to a world market place with Kings and riches and becomes the mother of all whores. Where do the Kings live ? Well certainly not here in the U.S. like it was inferred by some, Pudge. In fact the restoration of Babylon has already commenced. How long it will take I do not know. Sometimes really smart people want to take things out of context and read between the lines and put the Bible up for debate. What is written has already been written and Gods word will go unchanged. God allows us all free will but he also gave us the 10 Commandments and they are plain and simple. For me and plenty of others this is biblical and we are in those times and know body knows the day or time. However the restoration of Babylon has commenced. Thanks

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"As far as motives I'm here to know why Dinarians believe what they do".......................really?  LOL LOL  I could reverse that very easily on LOPsters and it would be a much more valid question. How many other investment/speculation sites are you a member of in the quest of the same? And how many of those are you actually vested into? To answer your question, for me it's not so much about believe it's hope. Just like it is in all my ventures...............there are no guarantees & and I know this. 

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I'm starting to think there is going to be magic involved and it's being practiced right now in iraq and believed by many backwards people according to the link I posted earlier on "Jinn"

Here's a small snip of the article

The report shows people running, startled because of the rising smoke from their houses, and shouting that it is the jinn’s doing

Saleh al-Salihi, a professor in the sociology of religion at the University of Al-Qadisiyah, told Al-Monitor on Dec. 30 by phone from Al-Diwaniyah that this phenomenon has become widespread in Iraqi society in an unprecedented way. Salihi said that this is due to the increasing backwardness in Iraqi society, which is gripped by economic, cultural and civilizational poverty. Therefore, it is only natural for superstition to spread like fire. The less awareness people have, the more they seek magic and superstition to solve their problems.

Read more:

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"As far as motives I'm here to know why Dinarians believe what they do".......................really?  LOL LOL  I could reverse that very easily on LOPsters and it would be a much more valid question. How many other investment/speculation sites are you a member of in the quest of the same? And how many of those are you actually vested into? To answer your question, for me it's not so much about believe it's hope. Just like it is in all my ventures...............there are no guarantees & and I know this. 

Caz::: SO you have learned that there is no logical reason for an RV! You know you should get out .. But you  will just hang on and HOPE! For WHAT????

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How do come up with that?.............nowhere in my response was any of which you state posted. Please don't twist my words to fit your premise & agenda. I quoted you and you twist................priceless. I tried to have a nice intelligent conversation with someone who is lacking in that bad. Lesson learned.

Goodmorning Shabs!


Hope you had a Happy & Safe Holiday season.

Edited by caz1104
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Dinar investment website, 1600+ posts, 0 Dinar.....and you're questioning Caz's logic.   :huh: 


GO RV, and NO BV

YES.   Admits his "investment " only rides on HOPE... Not logic or reality. As an investor, my rule is when i know i have a looser sellout asap and put the money in something else... Hanging on only delays the inevitable when you could profit somewhere else.

ARE YOU still praying for the MIRACLE??

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Good Morning, Caz.


Yes, it has been a good holiday season thus if the Buckeyes lose, it will be complete.  LOL   :lol:  Here's to a prosperous new year.   :cheesehead: 


GO RV, and NO BV

YES.   Admits his "investment " only rides on HOPE... Not logic or reality. As an investor, my rule is when i know i have a looser sellout asap and put the money in something else... Hanging on only delays the inevitable when you could profit somewhere else.

ARE YOU still praying for the MIRACLE??


I pray for all sorts of things, Mr Logic........always have.   :shrug: 


GO RV, and NO BV

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Texstorm, I appreciate your passion on the subject but a Christian has to "rightly divide the Word of truth".  There are multitudes of allegories, parables and symbolisms in the Bible as well as literal events.  The word Babylon, as you can see from this passage, is a "*****" who has corrupted herself and is guilty of the blood of the saints.  She will fall at the hands of the Beast and Anti-Christ. It is NOT a literal city!  It does not day anything about the 'rise' of Babylon but only the fall.


The interpretation of who the ***** is has progressed and changed throughout the last two thousand years of Christianity.  Because of the reference to the seven hills early Christian Jews thought of Babylon as the spiritual adultery of the Jewish religion and its unfaithfulness to Christ.  Most scholars today believe that Babylon is the metaphor for the Roman Empire when it was persecuting Christians early 4th Century and Rome is also referred to as the woman on the seven hills as mentioned in Rev 17.  Roman coinage shows a woman sitting on seven hills.  Rome also ruled over the Kings of the earth.  The characteristics of the Babylon of Rev 17 fit the Roman Empire perfectly.  But then again all the Reformers, including Martin Luther believe that the '*****' is the Catholic Church who has throughout the ages ruled over Kings.  Some people just think that the ***** of Babylon is just a symbol of spiritual idolatry.


But I have never heard or read anything about the Babylon in Rev 17 being said to mean the ancient ruined city in the middle east under Hammurabi.  At least Rome is still a city and home to the Vatican so I would think that has a far better chance of being Babylon if you're thinking of resurrected cities.  I mean I know Iraq is taking care of the ruins of ancient Babylon and are trying to make it interesting to tourists but I doubt they will start building any skyscrapers there anytime soon and turn it into a financial center like London, New York and Tokyo which people will mourn when it falls.


And what does this have to do with an RV anyway?

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It's all tied to the Mayan calendar the world is going to end and its definatly the global warming that's going to make us into canibals by 2040

Ted turner swears by global warming and says we will be canibals by 2040

Obama will fund it

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The problem with the Dinar scheme is that it will be a slow and painful death as hope fades. Good news for dinarians is it will never really die because there is no official end to where they would all say at once. "It's over".  Like when you buy a lottery ticket at least they have a drawing and it's done. Your hope is gone and you move on.  But the RV will always be soon and it will take decades for people to finally give up and move on and this is the trap.

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Using your own logic/reality "My rule is when I know I have a looser(sic) sellout ASAP.....................Hanging on only delay's the inevitable"............So why are you still here?


And yes part of investing/speculating is based on "hope"............................even with all the research & contacts...........NOTHING is guaranteed. Yes I "hope" my investments are profitable.............if you don't that's on you.   

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"it will take decades for people to finally give up and move on"...................sound advise, maybe you should listen/adhere more to yourself.



And of course you don't answer simplistic questions.............but cry when others don't play your silly games. Again just another regurgitated  LOPster......................nothing new. It's never ones fault for their own actions/words is it? Sane Logic/Reality, Priceless..........LOPsters the gift that keeps on a giving.

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Only if you didn't get $200 in assets in return.  And you can't spend two hundred if you only had one hundred

Any computer geniuses here?  Everytime I try to reply to a particular post it won't. It just posts by itself with no reference to who I was responding to.  Also, my file, edit, view tabs are grayed out and don't function.  WTH?

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Most of the comments here are tongue in cheek but you seem a little angry.  I understand hope is a powerful and important emotion which without there would be no use living.  Not trying to extinguish your hope but Dr. Fudge is attempting to heal your hope.

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Trade deficits aren't necessarily bad.  

They are net losses for the current account

How is this good in any way ?

Balanced trade is good

A trade surplus is better

Do you think it isn't bad if your monthly bills are 1000 dollars but you only make 300?

If iraq brings in 100 billion from exports and spends 200 billion on imports

That's a trade deficit

That's what the usa has been doing and it shows in our debt

What I'm getting at is

If iraq rvs and the citizens of iraq now have 25 trillion dollars in their hands and go on a spending spree and spend a trillion dollars In the first year while their infrastructure only allows a hundred billion in one from exports they woukd have a debt to GDP of 900% debt to GDP

Saddam destroyed iraq with 600% debt to GDP taking a 3 dollar dinar down to a 3000 dinar to a dollar

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