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Texstorm last won the day on October 14 2015

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About Texstorm

  • Birthday 10/14/1957

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    GOD,family and good friends,southern style living,horseback riding,hunting,fishing and most everything else !

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  1. Good morning DV ! Well my wife and I are blasting off for Punta Cana ! It's cold this morning....and I'm ready for some sunshine. Sorry if I've got to disconnect for awhile and hopefully we will come home to an RV party. And no we won't be good.... just good at it !
  2. Good morning Yota! And all of DV ! .........Priceless Yota ! Build the wall !
  3. Thanks Indraman ! I know it's unbelievable that everyone of the libs are dumber than a box of rocks. As crazy and off the cuff as President D-REX Trump is .....they are 100 times dumber ! It don't even make sense what the hell they are about. Mark my words ! If Trump gets our wall....we will all win 2020 ! Stick a fork in it ! Last election Trump destroyed 26 Republicans , any and all of the independents , and holy sheite ....the one and only crooked hillarious Clinton. God has truly blessed America ! Open your eyes ! This may be our last chance at taking back our nation back for the people. God bless 🙏
  4. Thanks Indraman ! I know it's unbelievable that everyone of the libs are dumber than a box of rocks. As crazy and off the cuff as President D-REX Trump is .....they are 100 times dumber ! It don't even make sense what the hell they are about. Mark my words ! If Trump gets our wall....we will all win 2020 ! Stick a fork in it ! Last election Trump destroyed 26 Republicans , any and all of the independents , and holy sheite ....the one and only crooked hillarious Clinton. God has truly blessed America ! Open your eyes ! This may be our last chance at taking back our nation back for the people. God bless 🙏
  5. Thanks Indraman ! I know it's unbelievable that everyone of the libs are dumber than a box of rocks. As crazy and off the cuff as President D-REX Trump is .....they are 100 times dumber ! It don't even make sense what the hell they are about. Mark my words ! If Trump gets our wall....we will all win 2020 ! Stick a fork in it ! Last election Trump destroyed 26 Republicans , any and all of the independents , and holy sheite ....the one and only crooked hillarious Clinton. God has truly blessed America ! Open your eyes ! This may be our last chance at taking back our nation back for the people. God bless 🙏
  6. Thanks for your input Botswana ! I believe that this is going to be a "Star Spangled Banner Night" too. I can say without a doubt 😉.....if I ever get on another rollercoaster please kick me in the ass ! LOL ! I must love the ride ! As a top salesman for my company in the State of whole damn life has been a rollercoaster. We all will see how this turns out , I don't have any room in my life for negativity , I can't afford it ! LOL ..... just sayin....where there's a will , there's a way ! Bring it on ! Or come and take it ! Works for me. May God bless DV !
  7. President D-Rex Trump does it again ! He made a promise to the American people and he will make his promise good ! Well you got to start somewhere I say take the measly 1.8b and start the wall , the rest will come from other re-directed sources. What a glorious victory !
  8. I greatly appreciate all of your post ! I want the wall ! I voted for the wall ! The Republicans are not holding DACA , it's the left who carries their hate for President D-REX Trump ! And they are willing to sacrifice DACA over winning a political pont. If they give him the wall or he wins the wall....2020 is done. And President D-REX Trump will win again ! That's what this is all about. Stuff that into your peace pipes ! All is fair in love and war. Make no mistake we are at the greatest political war in our lifetime. This is it ! We are front row ! Just like the Roman days of gladiators and Lions. Some one will die and someone will prevail. For me it's evil against good. For what does it really matter for those to win , if God is not your life ! There are those who will make it and there are those misguided souls who want. Sorry !
  9. Thank you Umbertino ! The year was 1973. There was 4 of us that camped out at a log cabin in Bastrop State Park just east of Austin. It was hot as hell ! We made Willie Nelson's first picnic over in the area of Austin out on a big ranch. We partied our ass off ! Need I say anymore ! But I can still remember rocking on MTB.....all night long. I really appreciate this blast from the past. Take care !
  10. Hello Umbertino ! And yes sociallibtardsm is. We are free people over here and maybe you don't know what that is. Umbertino the average or elite American citizen doesn't need government control, we are smart enough or rich enough to figure it out. If you are poor , get off your ass ! If you are challenged , I don't mind ! If your lazy....go to hell ! I wasn't born with anything other than the drive to succeed and that's what I do. I can't really afford insurance with 8 mouths to feed and that ain't including the three damn dogs ! So I will continue at 61 yoa until there is no me ! WTF ! I'm not asking for a damn thing ! But woe to big government that tries to take my guns or ability to protect all that I hold dear to my heart ! I hope this helps you to understand America. God bless !
  11. Good morning 🌞 Yota ! And all of DV ! Now if they can raise the peg of the IQD to the Petro dollar, like their surrounding neighbors....we might be on to something ! I don't know I'm still on my first cup of coffee. Y'all have a great day !
  12. Ladies and gentlemen..... There is a battle so deep rooted that most of us will never get it. The battle is Good verses Evil ! I welcome this battle because everyone , everything , everywhere , everyday , from here on out will see it. All you have to do is open your eyes and hearts. If you have to justify something it could be wrong. " That's different from reinforcing of what you know to be right ! I truly believe God has opened all of this up. Everything is on the table Transparency is here ! and there is no where for evil to hide anymore. I would suggest that y'all take and make your stances now. For what you sew you shall reap ! Non of us are without sin ! But our choices are upon us now ! Thank you my Lord ! ..... just for the chance. Amen
  13. When you wait for something so long that it really doesn't matter anymore. " SUDDENLY " ! Thanks LGD ! " This is what I'm talking about ! "
  14. Thanks Adam 👍 This is the 2nd best post in my opinion that you have ever delivered. I'm still waiting on the first ! LOL .....may God bless all of DV !
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