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Lopster tank bound?


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The usa must deflate the dollar to keep the debt to GDP numbers in line

They now have a 18 trillion dollar gdp because it costs more to buy things since the dollar was deflated

We now spend 4 dollars for a gallon of milk that used to be 1 dollar therefore our gdp is 4 times the amount it used to be so that keeps our debt to GDP figures in line so more dollars are now being spent which gives us a higher gdp number to work with

If Iraq experienced a 1000% debt to GDP after rving to a dollar they would have to deflate the value of the dinar to 10 cents to cover the spread

They cannot sustain anything over 100% debt to GDP without adjusting for the losses in their debt accumulated from the trade deficit

Recently iraq has been experiencing trade surpluses but if they enter into trade deficits they must print money and dilute their currency accordingly to maintains debt to GDP under 100% of its soveriegn income

These things are spelled out in its soveriegn credit rating

If you don't adhere to policy your credit rating goes down and investments to away and your debt esculates

The reasoning solidly sits on Iraqs trade balance

It has nothing to do with religion, or magic,


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  Dr. Fudge,


You still haven't answered my question...........why is that?  Is it because even when you use your own logic/reality you get confused? tongue & cheek of course-lol.


I'm not angry............seems you are for you started off this topic crying about being put in DA Tank.


I'm not angry..........I'm vested, and don't feel the need to question others that are also. Now if I wasn't vested.....................I WOULD'NT BE HERE...AS MOST SANE that's logic/reality.


I'm not angry...........I've mentioned this story before, here it is again. I mentor a youth group at the local Boys/Girls club ages 12-17. I mentioned the LOPster  phenomena and their a person they all 1st laughed then asked if they don't believe, and stop me if you've heard this before.... WHY ARE THEY THERE?  IT SEEMS LIKE SUCH A WASTE OF NOT ONLY THEIR (LOPster) TIME BUT EVERYONE ELSE'S.......Funny how they and every other SANE person gets it, but Monday morning new born currency experts who claim intelligence(but clearly lack common sense) NOT vested can't. Priceless

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More dollars are being spent but nothing is being gained , you still only get a gallon of milk . But now there's 4 dollars involved instead of 1

See how the gdp numbers can be minipulated to compensate ?

Central Banks with govt cooperation can just alter their numbers and balance the books without paying their debts by artificially growing the gdp numbers to accommodate

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Dontlop, don't know what you're trying to pull here.  It's not possible for every country to have a trade surplus unless we were trading with Mars.  Even in a robust, thriving, world economy some countries will have a trade deficit because it's mathematically impossible not too.  And no country is even steven every year and it not does reflect poorly on a nation just because it bought more imports than were exported.  Just means they got money to spend which stimulates the economy.    

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Trade balance

You may have a trade surplus with one country and a trade deficit with another but in the end it's balanced

Iraq and most oil exporting economy's have trade balances so we sell them expensive military equipment to compensate

If they don't need expensive military equipment we make sure they do

Just arm the terrorists

They will need them

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25 trillion dollars? you're being metaphoric right?  Who is going to force anyone to give up dollars for dinars?

You don't get it do ya

It's just an example the numbers are not what's important

Well you just keep bouncing around in circles be argueing about things that make no difference

I guess your just here for entertainment and pissing contests

But wages go up so it's the same leverage.

That means nothing when balancing debt to GDP numbers

Bottom line is the GDP numbers must go up to keep the percentage of debt to the GDP Under 100% debt to GDP or you can't show sustainability on an audit

If your gdp is a million dollars you can't show a debt that's more than that

Ever notice how our gdp goes up to match our debt?

When our debt is 50 trillion our gdp will be 50 trillion

What's. The USA debt right now and what's our GDP right now

Both right around 18 trillion right ?

Imagine that

Just by accident or cooincidence?

It's intentional

When our GDP is 50 trillion our 4 dollar gallon of milk will be around 10 to twelve dollars

The consumer price index isn't that hard to use if your a businessman

Same gallon of milk no gains there , except in the number of dollars it takes to buy it

And that's how our GDP goes up every year as we accumulate more and more debt

Eventually our dollar will be worthless but hey who cares as long as the rest of the world keeps devaluing their currency along with the dollar so they don't lose any of their exporting business

If they don't play then our exports will go up and we win again

It's a win win situation for America they set this whole thing up during world war 2

To the winner go the spoils

Strange magic

I remember Greece gdp numbers hitting110% debt to GDP and the world going nuts on how they are broke

They rewrote their numbers adjusted their consumer price index and now are good to go

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I don't like Church's I don't go there.

I don't bank with I don't go there

I don't care for Rachel (mad cow) I don't watch her TV program

I don't care for church's that spend more time asking for my money then teaching the word of the I don't attend.

I'm not vested in Delta I'm not a member of any Delta forums(if there is such a thing)

Call me whacky I guess, for this seems so easy to understand.


LOPsters aren't vested..............................but preach/degrade/laugh to and at others that are.

Call me whacky, but this is INSANE, ILLOGICAL, and totally useless. Even KIDS GET IT-LOL 

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This is where it's going to get tricky

Only a part of the Iqd was revalued in 2003, the part that was previously demonetized

And it was remonitized at the same value it was in 1993 when it was demonetized

About 18 dinar to the dollar

Or 150 to one against the new iraqi dinar

While the rest of the dinar was only recognized at one to one

So it seems one part of the (IQD)dinar wasn't devalued as the debt to GDP grew out of proportion

Legal tender laws were tossed aside

And our allies got a ton of money for aiding in the removal of saddam

But will iraq ever get any compensation from that exchange since the majority of iraqi debt was removed since then?

Iraq moved from 600% debt to its gdp to 30% debt to GDP without any adjustments

They improved their gdp numbers significantly by increasing their dinar by 1000 adding three zeros now why would they do things in iraq in dinar just locally that is

How does maliki justify his 50 billion dollar bank account ?

Barzani net worth of 48 billion?

Dollars that is not dinar ,,, dollars

The top 15 iraqi polititions who were supposedly living under a dictatorship the top 15 polititions have a total of 331 billion dollars

But the central bank only has 67 billion dollars in its reserves and 80 trillion dinar in its m2 money supply meaning when the dinar gets revalued these polititions can cash out about 500 billion dollars worth if they adjust the legal tender laws in iraq and de- dollarize iraq

Not to mention the rest of Iraqs 360 polititions and what they have accumulated in the last ten years

They claim the private sector only produces around 10 billion dollars a year the rest comes from oil

10 years of private sector activity adds up to 100 billion dollars , yet the polititions have managed to pocket around 500 billion dollars

Where could they accumulate that much money unless it's stolen ?

From the oil fund? ( the dfi )

Eventually ya got to figure that if they are making money in iraq it's being stolen


This dinar stuff is none of our business

Iraq will do what ever it does

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You don't get it do ya

It's just an example the numbers are not what's important

Well you just keep bouncing around in circles be argueing about things that make no difference

I guess your just here for entertainment and pissing contests

That means nothing when balancing debt to GDP numbers

Bottom line is the GDP numbers must go up to keep the percentage of debt to the GDP Under 100% debt to GDP or you can't show sustainability on an audit

If your gdp is a million dollars you can't show a debt that's more than that

Ever notice how our gdp goes up to match our debt?

When our debt is 50 trillion our gdp will be 50 trillion

What's. The USA debt right now and what's our GDP right now

Both right around 18 trillion right ?

Imagine that

Just by accident or cooincidence?

It's intentional

When our GDP is 50 trillion our 4 dollar gallon of milk will be around 10 to twelve dollars

The consumer price index isn't that hard to use if your a businessman

Same gallon of milk no gains there , except in the number of dollars it takes to buy it

And that's how our GDP goes up every year as we accumulate more and more debt

Eventually our dollar will be worthless but hey who cares as long as the rest of the world keeps devaluing their currency along with the dollar so they don't lose any of their exporting business

If they don't play then our exports will go up and we win again

It's a win win situation for America they set this whole thing up during world war 2

To the winner go the spoils

Strange magic

I remember Greece gdp numbers hitting110% debt to GDP and the world going nuts on how they are broke

They rewrote their numbers adjusted their consumer price index and now are good to go


You talking Gov debt to GDP ratio or National debt to GDP ratio?  Of course a growing GDP which is good will increase the money supply and vice versa which is debt.  But it's not just government debt it's consumer debt. The government doesn't purposely devalue it's currency to match GDP.  If it's the same it is coincidental.  Japan has a debt ratio of 243%.  Most advanced countries have high debt ratios. You do know that two thirds of US public debt is owned by private US citizens and corporations?  According CIA world fact book our debt to GDP ratio is under 72%.


Besides, a country's currency is only devalued when its external debt is in foreign currency not domestic currency.


You said yourself that Iraq has 80 trilliion dinar and 37 billion dollars in reserve well hells bells that is right around 1166 to 1.  Right where it is supposed to be.  But what does this have to do with you walking into Wells Fargo tomorrow to cash out?


Maybe you can finally tell me, a dinar novice, how it is that Iraq dedollarizes the economy by by declaring it 1000 times more valuable than it currently is.  I'm just thinking that if I were an Iraqi citizen I would take my million Dinars and get a million dollars cash from the CBI. In other words nobody would want Dinars anymore they would want dollars. The dinar would disappear in the vaults. Am I wrong? I suppose they could reexchange them back into Dinars at the new rate but why would they?  If Iraq wants to stimulate the economy why not just double the currency to 160 trillion dinar? Well because of hyper inflation.  Economies are always delicate balances.


You talk much of fiat currency but at least it IS backed by debt.  How does Iraq just say they are wealthier with an RV and go on a spending spree by using dollars.


Don't know why you say the US dollar will eventually be worthless.  That's just internet chatter nonsense.  If anything it will just take more of it to buy what you need.  There will always be a convenient medium of exchange in the US.

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Man your just looking to argue with nothing to back you up just bs

What's Japan doing to get out of this mess

Exactly what I said they have to do

Print money to the tune of 80 trillion yen a year

Devaluing their currency because of its debt to GDP ratio

Here I'll prove it to everyone , you rocky don't have a clue you just make things up


Here’s the problem. Japan has spent the last 35 years burying itself in debt, off-shoring its industrial economy and getting old. There is no conceivable real growth rate, therefore, that can overcome the runaway fiscal debt burden that it has accumulated since 1980. As shown below, its public leverage ratio has risen by 5X relative to its national income during that period.

Historical Data Chart

In this context, the BOJ’s 2% inflation target come hell or high water is a little more understandable, even if profoundly incendiary. At 2% inflation forever, all of Japan’s $12 trillion mountain of public debt would have to be monetized or the carry cost—which already consumes 25% of its revenues—–would soar. That, in turn, would drive Japan into literal fiscal bankruptcy or transform its vast retirement colony into a poorhouse owing to savage tax increases and benefit cuts.

But, of course, there is not a shred of evidence that 2% inflation generates any more real output growth than 0.5%, but that’s not the point. The pro-inflation policy of Japan is about nothing other than depreciating its towering public debt. And Kuroda’s madcap 80 trillion yen per year money printing campaign is just a naked pretext for monetizing the prodigious flow of Japan’s budgetary red ink.

There have been two articles in the last two weeks showing the amount of money maliki has and the top 15 iraqi polititions together those top 15 hold 331 billion dollars

Woukd that sway your thinking to see that is true ?

I can and will prove it but I'll let you sweat and make a fool out of yourself for awhile pretending your a wealth of information on iraq and monetary policies

Yes they will print up money till they can sustain the usa is constantly doing it

7 years ago we had about 800 billion dollars in circulation

Obama printed up 3.1 trillion dollars in we 1, two , and 3 they run that press 24 seven they increased the m2 money supply from 9 trillion to 12 trillion

And yes everything in America went up in the number of dollars you pay but the value of those dollars were less

Just an adjustment of the confetti money system

The world is paying very close attention to these guys except for you I guess

Report reveals the richest 17 political figure in Iraq ... the whole of the oil money.

Nuri Kamal al-Maliki .. $ 50 billion, in cash .. and immovable property in the form of real estate .. Form revealed receivables, say, half a billion dollars ..

Massoud Barzani .. .. $ 48 billion, bonds, real estate and stakes in companies, in Switzerland, Germany and Italy .. not detect discharged never ..

Osama Najafi .. .. $ 44 billion shares and real estate group in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates .. and farms and breeding Arabian horses, and a partner in the coefficient of productivity ..

Ayad Allawi .. $ 35 billion .. apartments in the inner rotor in Jordan, and the British, construction companies, small production plants ..

Ammar al-Hakim .. .. $ 33 billion assets and investments in oil companies and Real Estate in Iran, Beirut, London and the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia

Muqtada al-Sadr .. .. $ 25 billion assets and investments, and real estate in Beirut, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates and Turkey

Jalal Talabani .. .. $ 16 billion and real estate in the form of hotels, palaces, and an apartment in Turkey, the other in America, registered in the name of his son ..

Hussain al-Shahristani .. .. $ 15 billion oil investments and real estate in London, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates

Hiro, Talabani's wife .. .. 9 billion dollars and the value of gold coins, and stocks and bonds, and palaces in the city of Sulaymaniyah and Erbil ..

Abbas al-Bayati .. $ 11 billion .. contracting company, and stocks and bonds in Turkey .. benefited from al-Maliki, in several fictitious trades ..

Bahaa al .. .. $ 10 billion and immovable property in the form of, Apartments And luxury homes, and gold coins, worth millions of dollars, and Contracting Company

In the United Arab Emirates ..

Ahmed Karbouli .. 9 billion dollars .. investments and assets in Jordan, Beirut and America

Saleh al-Mutlaq .. .. $ 8 billion in investments and assets and properties and farms in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Beirut

Hasan al .. .. $ 8 billion of cash and property in Lebanon .. and profit from Many trades, when he was a member of the parliamentary defense and security ..

Saadoun al-Dulaimi, Farhan .. $ 4 billion .. modern palaces, and apartments in Jordan And Saudi Arabia and the UAE arms dealer from the first-class, enterprise companies in Riyadh

Oman ..

Adnan al-Asadi .. .. $ 3 billion bonds and equities and real estate in Denmark and the UK .. sparked rare gold coins .. and has a modern company ..

Adel Abdul-Mahdi .. 3 billion and a half billion dollars .. cash and luxury apartment in the Paris suburbsحتلال-منذ-2003/

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You think those thieves care about Forbes magazine ?

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Last time someone said I'll see ya this summer he was using the name sandstorm

I expected way more of a battle pudge

Hey do ya think obama will extend 13033 again may 22?

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Caz & DL ;;; I hope you haven't run off  pudge with your nonsense!  I don't get it with you guys ,  You complain about us lopsters , yet keep comming back to mess up the tank. WHY  GO AWAY. 

We lopsters / nonRVers  need a place to talk between ourselves. OK to peek , but remain quiet. YOU might learn something.


PS: I am still working on the book ... That way I might make some money off this ...

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Be quiet

Ah ha ha ha ha ha

That's a good one you don't have anything to say to each other ya never do

What do ya have to talk about ?

no one runs any one off

They get tired of making things up then they go change their names

You know the drill , how many names have you used rockfla ?

Your nonsense is exactly the same as the other screen names , you can't all think the same things over and over but you do

First you say your not a lopster then you refer to yourself as a lopster

And you say you don't get us guys

Talk about nonsense

Here's you rockfla

You complain about us lopsters , yet keep comming back to mess up the tank. WHY GO AWAY.

We lopsters / nonRVers need a place to talk between ourselves

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