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    Full endorsement on this opportunity - but it's limited, so get in while you can!

Sigh, will these idiots ever quit lying?!


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Well aren't you the sweetest nugget in the box. So then why are you here? You aren't V.I.P. and you are not verified. So who really gives a flying hoot WHO you trust?

Most assassine and ludicrous statement I have read on here besides the Islamic apologetics on here that I have encountered. This is akin to saying in the gaming world, I am max level and you are a plebe because you are only level 5 but what is not known is the level 5 guy has about 4 other maxed out characters. Next thing you will be saying is that the guy is 12/13 y o and living in the basement of his mother's house. Oh please give it a break wuld ya... Two months before you joined? Hmm,,, something wrong with this one.


Please before you speak... remove foot from mouth next time.

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Most assassine and ludicrous statement I have read on here besides the Islamic apologetics on here that I have encountered. This is akin to saying in the gaming world, I am max level and you are a plebe because you are only level 5 but what is not known is the level 5 guy has about 4 other maxed out characters. Next thing you will be saying is that the guy is 12/13 y o and living in the basement of his mother's house. Oh please give it a break wuld ya... Two months before you joined? Hmm,,, something wrong with this one.


Please before you speak... remove foot from mouth next time.


It would be awesome if you worked on your comprehension skills. And I said two YEARS before I joined. So I'm not sure I understand where you are going with that. 



Well aren't you the sweetest nugget in the box. So then why are you here? You aren't V.I.P. and you are not verified. So who really gives a flying hoot WHO you trust?


My point is that for the ones complaining and being rude are the same ones that have absolutely no investment in the Dinars and desire nothing more but to stir things up or defend the pumpers. Nothing but trolls. Do you actually have a problem with the veterans warning others about the BS-ers and pumpers?


If so, you are the one coming off as having an ulterior motive. If you don't like people getting warned, and you don't trust anyone and not even Adam, why do you care to log into this site at all? Why waste your time?




SO TO CLARIFY, there is absolutely nothing wrong if someone is not a V.I.P. etc. But there IS something wrong when someone makes a comment like the one I was directing that comment towards. Which is this one:


Jaygo, on 07 Nov 2014 - 3:20 PM, said:snapback.png

That's a crazy stupid question. Don't trust anyone in Dinar world. Hell I don't trust Adam and I have been here for a while!! Do yourself a favor and look up your own info and don't trust anyone in any site. It's all speculation. Adam would tell you the same!


Rude. Trollish. Irrational. Crazy. Biased. So yea I would require him to at minimum prove he even holds Dinar before attempting to answer my original question, "Who does anyone trust as a guru?"  Duh.



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It would be awesome if you worked on your comprehension skills. And I said two YEARS before I joined. So I'm not sure I understand where you are going with that.



My point is that for the ones complaining and being rude are the same ones that have absolutely no investment in the Dinars and desire nothing more but to stir things up or defend the pumpers. Nothing but trolls. Do you actually have a problem with the veterans warning others about the BS-ers and pumpers?

If so, you are the one coming off as having an ulterior motive. If you don't like people getting warned, and you don't trust anyone and not even Adam, why do you care to log into this site at all? Why waste your time?

SO TO CLARIFY, there is absolutely nothing wrong if someone is not a V.I.P. etc. But there IS something wrong when someone makes a comment like the one I was directing that comment towards. Which is this one:

Jaygo, on 07 Nov 2014 - 3:20 PM, said:snapback.png

Rude. Trollish. Irrational. Crazy. Biased. So yea I would require him to at minimum prove he even holds Dinar before attempting to answer my original question, "Who does anyone trust as a guru?" Duh.


Nobody is going to show you proof big shot. Take a nap or read a book or something.

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No you said:


@ReinMan and everyone else who is contributing, ooooh boy am I grateful for this thread. If only I had found it three months ago, I would've been on top of the noise. Tony/DC are a given. Okie, Goat and Terry and especially Frank were on my Suspect-List. But now, my doubts are confirmed, as well as now I know to ignore from now on. Mad props to you for this, because you are absolutely right; Not everyone has been in the game for 5+ years and without any warning, it takes a while to know who's-who. We all deserve to know the truth as soon as it is available. 

Read more:


Been here for two years and you are just now figuring out who to ignore? Something ain't right here. Heck I knew who to laugh and ignore at in the first two weeks on this site. This thread isn't the only one of its kind.  Again just because you paid doesn't mean others haven't either. My remark was akin to having a husband and wife on the this site and it would be inefficient for both of them to pay for a VIP. So please keep the snobbishness to yourself because unless you have trillions of dollars in your bank account(s), you ain't got crap as far as money goes. 


Been how many years and posted how many times? I am not the only one who sees the lunacy of your game.

Its strange that you keep posting and yet you never go higher than 47 posts....

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No you said:


@ReinMan and everyone else who is contributing, ooooh boy am I grateful for this thread. If only I had found it three months ago, I would've been on top of the noise. Tony/DC are a given. Okie, Goat and Terry and especially Frank were on my Suspect-List. But now, my doubts are confirmed, as well as now I know to ignore from now on. Mad props to you for this, because you are absolutely right; Not everyone has been in the game for 5+ years and without any warning, it takes a while to know who's-who. We all deserve to know the truth as soon as it is available. 

Read more:


Been here for two years and you are just now figuring out who to ignore? Something ain't right here. Heck I knew who to laugh and ignore at in the first two weeks on this site. This thread isn't the only one of its kind.  Again just because you paid doesn't mean others haven't either. My remark was akin to having a husband and wife on the this site and it would be inefficient for both of them to pay for a VIP. So please keep the snobbishness to yourself because unless you have trillions of dollars in your bank account(s), you ain't got crap as far as money goes. 


Been how many years and posted how many times? I am not the only one who sees the lunacy of your game.

Its strange that you keep posting and yet you never go higher than 47 posts....


Okay, I'm not sure if you are blind, dumb, slow or all of the above, but I mentioned being on Adams newsletter for two years before joining here last month. 


So what is your problem? Your constant failure to utilize basic comprehension skills precede you. 

LOL and to make matters worse, you don't know how to read dates OR count. So get over yourself, kid. 

Edited by Shestarr
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Before finding this thread, I got pumped enough to finally get some dong.




Good news is that I didn't get nearly as much Dong as the Dinar that I have. Just an amount that I would've otherwise spent on shoes or a handbag. So no love lost there. And if Dong actually does RV, that's just icing on the cake.  My ducks are already in a row for post-RV. So as long as we receive the DV notification, I'm good.  :cheesehead:


Oh you got pumped with dong alright, you do realize that Adam Montana is not his real name, just keep listening to guru Reinman.........

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Oh you got pumped with dong alright, you do realize that Adam Montana is not his real name, just keep listening to guru Reinman.........

Aaah Good morning, dinarmite. How does it feel to watch the sunrise, roll out of bed and jump on the Troll-Let's-Bash-a-Stranger-Because-They-Appreciate-Confirmations-Of-Malice Bandwagon?

I sure hope there is enough room for that gang-banger ride!

Tell me, and what is YOUR real name? Is it Terry? Or DC? What about Millionday? Hmm maybe your other alias is Exogen?

Wait! Perhaps it's Tony?

If none of the above, you are certainly one of their minions. Because there is no other reason on this beautiful planet for anyone to attack a nobody like me, out from left field, the way you and your bandwagon has for the past two days.

Because I thanked someone for putting the truth out there that newbies otherwise would have taken a little longer to put together without thread like these?

Perhaps I should jump on the other bandwagon and begin to post the lies as well? Would that make you feel better? LOL

#Trolls #MinionCity #CorniestPumperJokeLOL

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Aaah Good morning, dinarmite. How does it feel to watch the sunrise, roll out of bed and jump on the Troll-Let's-Bash-a-Stranger-Because-They-Appreciate-Confirmations-Of-Malice Bandwagon?

I sure hope there is enough room for that gang-banger ride!

Tell me, and what is YOUR real name? Is it Terry? Or DC? What about Millionday? Hmm maybe your other alias is Exogen?

Wait! Perhaps it's Tony?

If none of the above, you are certainly one of their minions. Because there is no other reason on this beautiful planet for anyone to attack a nobody like me, out from left field, the way you and your bandwagon has for the past two days.

Because I thanked someone for putting the truth out there that newbies otherwise would have taken a little longer to put together without thread like these?

Perhaps I should jump on the other bandwagon and begin to post the lies as well? Would that make you feel better? LOL

#Trolls #MinionCity #CorniestPumperJokeLOL

I'll jump on that Bandwagon with YA Dinarmite.. It will be fun!!!

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Okay, I'm not sure if you are blind, dumb, slow or all of the above, but I mentioned being on Adams newsletter for two years before joining here last month. 


So what is your problem? Your constant failure to utilize basic comprehension skills precede you. 

LOL and to make matters worse, you don't know how to read dates OR count. So get over yourself, kid. 

Apparently you can't read... I was referring to the x number of months before you found this thread. 


Apparently my beef is with you and your snobbish remarks to think that anyone that has not paid to be a VIP member of this site 1) is beneath you or 2) doesn't have any investment in Dinars and want them to prove to you that they do? So what are you now the Dinar Investment Police? Everyone in the world has to prove to you and you alone they hold dinar? How much dinar do they have to hold before they satisfy your simple minded view? Yes you thanked someone then made derisive comments following that were condescending to a couple of individuals. That sir / ma'am is why you were called out. You have an entitlement mentality and I hate people with entitlement mentality unless of course their entitlement was duly earned. Yours was not. 


I can read and I do read well. I can also smell and when I smell BS I tend to try call it out. I smell and continue to smell BS wafting from your direction.


Have a nice day.

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Apparently you can't read... I was referring to the x number of months before you found this thread. 


Apparently my beef is with you and your snobbish remarks to think that anyone that has not paid to be a VIP member of this site 1) is beneath you or 2) doesn't have any investment in Dinars and want them to prove to you that they do? So what are you now the Dinar Investment Police? Everyone in the world has to prove to you and you alone they hold dinar? How much dinar do they have to hold before they satisfy your simple minded view? Yes you thanked someone then made derisive comments following that were condescending to a couple of individuals. That sir / ma'am is why you were called out. You have an entitlement mentality and I hate people with entitlement mentality unless of course their entitlement was duly earned. Yours was not. 


I can read and I do read well. I can also smell and when I smell BS I tend to try call it out. I smell and continue to smell BS wafting from your direction.


Have a nice day.


And this is why it is counterproductive to run into ammo solely intended for someone else. Had you not taken what I said out of context, you would had seen my words for what they were and realized that my words were twisted. 


In cased you missed it, due to the consideration that words are often lost in translation in cyber-world, I did take a moment to clarify here (scroll up, or as a courtesy here it is again, broken down to you and whoever took it out of context...

SO TO CLARIFY, there is absolutely nothing wrong if someone is not a V.I.P. etc. But there IS something wrong when someone makes a comment like the one I was directing that comment towards. Which is this one:


Jaygo, on 07 Nov 2014 - 3:20 PM, said: That's a crazy stupid question. Don't trust anyone in Dinar world. Hell I don't trust Adam and I have been here for a while!! Do yourself a favor and look up your own info and don't trust anyone in any site. It's all speculation. Adam would tell you the same!



Rude. Trollish. Irrational. Crazy. Biased. So yea I would require him to at minimum prove he even holds Dinar before attempting to answer my original question, "Who does anyone trust as a guru?"  Duh.



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