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The U.S. Government Is Preparing For War Against The American People

February 8, 2013

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Source: Lee Rogers, Blacklisted News

At this point there should be very little doubt that the United States government is preparing to wage war against its own people. Earlier this week, news broke about how the Obama regime through the Department of Justice is claiming in a memorandum that they have the power to use drone strikes to kill American citizens under the guise of the so-called war on terror. In fact, the memorandum claims through the use of vague language that they have the power to kill Americans even if they do not have any sort of actionable intelligence confirming that they pose a threat. It has been proven time and time again that the war on terror is a hoax used as a tool to justify endless war and draconian anti-freedom policies domestically. The official story of nearly every alleged terror event that has transpired in the 21st century has been torn apart and criticized by many independent researchers. Not to mention, Al-Qaeda the shadowy terror organization we are constantly told that wants to kill Americans, actually originated from within American intelligence circles. We have also seen the United States, Israel and other Western governments financing and supporting Al-Qaeda type entities. Western support of Al-Qaeda linked rebel groups in both Libya and Syria is well documented and shows what a big joke the war on terror is.

It is no secret that the Department of Homeland Security was originally setup as a force to be used domestically against the American people. In the early 2000s, propaganda was used to sell the formation of this organization as a more effective way to protect the American people from Al-Qaeda. Over time this has been proven to be a complete and total lie considering all of their policies have been directed towards the American people instead of so-called foreign Al-Qaeda terrorists. They’ve left the border wide open, setup unconstitutional checkpoints at airports with naked body scanning devices and have even gone so far as to setup unlawful security checkpoints at bus stations, highways and train stations. In 2012 they purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to their stockpile. The amount of ammunition that they have ordered is enough to wage a war for many years. Since they are not a military organization and they are based domestically here in the United States, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the ammunition is being stored in case they need to use it against the American people. This is all happening at the same time Congress is attempting to shove through several gun control laws that would restrict the average American from purchasing firearms and ammunition. Since the Obama regime and the assorted control freaks in Congress are attempting to dismantle the second amendment on every front, it is entirely hypocritical to see them purchase such a large amount of ammunition.

Going back to the DOJ drone memorandum, the White House Press Secretary Jay Carney actually referred to the policy as legal, ethical and wise. Essentially the Obama regime is claiming that it is lawful and ethical for them to exercise the power of judge, jury and executioner against an American citizen through a drone strike just because they say a person represents a threat. As mentioned previously, they are claiming that they don’t need to have any sort of concrete actionable intelligence. They are basically saying that they can just kill you just because they believe you represent a threat. This is the type of behavior that you would see from war criminals. In fact, numerous reports have confirmed that some of these Obama ordered drone strikes have actually killed innocent women in children proving that they are war criminals. Of course we never saw Obama or the corporate media attempt to humanize the death of the people they killed in these drone strikes in foreign countries. That’s because they’ll only humanize an event if it benefits their agenda. This is why Obama used the alleged Sandy Hook shooting incident and staged a public relations stunt with children when he signed his executive orders on gun control. Humanizing that event enabled them to push their ridiculous gun control program.

Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism John Brennan who is widely considered to be the architect of this disgusting drone strike program has been nominated by Obama to be the next Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Apparently if you agree to participate and engage in war crimes you are elevated to positions of greater authority within the Obama regime.

Let’s not forget that prior to the Obama regime coming into power; the Bush 43 regime implemented U.S. Northern Command which currently claims military authority over North America. This is an institution that would absolutely be unleashed against the American people in the case of mass civil strife. There has even been a bill proposed to implement FEMA camps under the guise of National Emergency Centers in Congress. This would actually help expand the number of government run facilities that are capable of being used to house large numbers of people. Essentially, we are talking about facilities that could be used as concentration camps. Although this particular bill has yet to be officially passed, it was actually just proposed again in the U.S. House of Representatives.

So why is the federal government doing all of these things? The answer is actually very simple. It is no secret that the economy around the world is having severe problems. In the United States there are roughly 50 million people now on food stamps. Students graduating college find themselves in debt and can’t find a decent paying job. Inflation is running wild because of 0% interest rate policies and rampant monetization of debt from the Federal Reserve as well as out of control spending from the criminals in Washington DC. As a result, the cost of goods and services is going through the roof despite absurd claims that inflation is low. People are having an increasingly difficult time getting by and the American middle class is being systematically destroyed because of these policies. It is obvious that this economic system is unsustainable and when the day of reckoning comes, you are going to have millions of angry people out on the streets. Therefore, it is in the interest of the power structure to buy vast quantities of ammunition, set legal precedence for drone strikes against American citizens, expand the authority of the Department of Homeland Security and implement whatever gun control laws they can push through.

There will be a day when the economic system completely unravels and when that happens, millions of Americans who are currently obsessed with breads and circus spectacles, reality television and other junk will immediately become aware of how badly they’ve been screwed. They will direct their anger and outrage towards the federal government and this is why they are preparing for war against the American people. The chances of a civil war happening in the United States is unquestionably becoming a more likely possibility by the day especially when there is zero possibility of any real change happening in Washington DC.

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wheres obama going to be living once he starts a war against america ?.. if that guy starts killing americans with drones . whats next ,, tanks ,, tomahawk cruise missles ?.he wont be able to live in the whitehouse any more .

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This has been a long time in the making.

I know you are aware of the many EO's starting with Bush Sr. that have brought us to this point in history.

our only hope is for Americans to realize there is no Democrat or Republican, there's only the "commoners" vs the elitist politicians(Americas new monarchy).

United we stand, divided we fall...

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THE CIA HANDLES THESE DRONES .. im sorry but if any president orders to go to war against americans ..he best have a reason .. like he heard of somthing like a major militant style strike from some anarchists.. or group of some terrorist group .. . .. because if the president just starts killing people just for the sake of going to war against americans .. i know the cia would eliminate that president . no military leaders would follow those orders .. think about it .. what they go thru just to get one man.. like bin ladin .. or that guy in california right now . could you imagine a couple hundred thousand trained citizens in america out in those hills .... we would control every military base by the end of a busy afternoon and there would be a nation wide man hunt for that president. :salute:

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In 2012 they purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to their stockpile. The amount of ammunition that they have ordered is enough to wage a war for many years. Since they are not a military organization and they are based domestically here in the United States, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the ammunition is being stored in case they need to use it against the American people.

R2D2..agreed, valid excuse. But, lets ask ourselves, since this was BEFORE THE ELECTION,..why did voters not question these actions and vote differently????

Agreed Bush/Bush may have started the slippery slope,...but no one worried much about a Texan trying to suppress America and develope a police state. Obama, that is the first president in my lifetime that I really believe would do it.

We need to get rid of Dept of Home Land Security (cut the spending) and put the responsibility back with the FBI. Dept of Home Land Security is way out of control.......1.6 billion rounds of ammunition and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition

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This has been a long time in the making.

I know you are aware of the many EO's starting with Bush Sr. that have brought us to this point in history.

our only hope is for Americans to realize there is no Democrat or Republican, there's only the "commoners" vs the elitist politicians(Americas new monarchy).

United we stand, divided we fall...

Just like in my Country...In any Country infact.

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You think it cant happen, think again. You got an Obama ass kisser, yes man so to speak about to be the man in charge of the pentagon folks, his word controls our milatary. Poof gone at his comand.Thease Libbs better open there eyes and see whats getting ready to go down.

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...and what's coming down the pike is NOT GOOD FOR PATRIOTS.

we're at the top of his 'search & destroy' list.

F- him & his drones... :angry:/>

and the very EO pen he used to annoint himself with the personal power to murder US.

Turns out their great messiah is nothing more than a bomb-dropping terrorist. <_</>

***///***///***/// Wake up, America!

Edited by SgtFuryUSCZ
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wheres obama going to be living once he starts a war against america ?.. if that guy starts killing americans with drones . whats next ,, tanks ,, tomahawk cruise missles ?.he wont be able to live in the whitehouse any more .

Why do you think they have built an underground city just out of Denver? Certainly not for us common folks!

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Why do you think they have built an underground city just out of Denver? Certainly not for us common folks!

if they built nothing people would say they werent prepared ..i understand that theres not enough room for everyone to go underground and it wouldnt work for everyone it depends on where an asteroid would hit . denvers elevation is one good reason why they built there .. theres several other places . you wont see one at sea level or below sea level at a beach somewhere .... if a huge asteroid is coming and they know it , and theres a chance to prevent humans from being 100% wiped out ..they would need something like this .. not to go to war against america ..they have fema camps built .. what would we do if our country was invaded ..? where would they put prisoners ... if they had none built .. the people would say why werent you prepared .. no matter what .. someone can turn it into fear

what if it was a direct hit on that bunker in denver ? ,, it would be nice if they had more in other locations ..i dont worry about our govt trying to take on its citizens . it would be over so fast like a fart in the wind.

if your lucky you will be in a 747 if a asteroid hits.. up off the surface with a full tank of feul

the only way our govt can seize control is the way democrats are doing it step at a time .. thats why they call themselves progressives .

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after katrina ya gotts admit it would of been nice if the people had a place to be relocated to .. with power and running water ..i think that in an emergency the govt should use superwalmart stores for a starting point ..they have nice sized facilities , they have ordering methods and shipping facxilities .. they got everything peope need for survival and can ship to those aresa that have disasters .

One of the minimum requirements of a national emergency center as defined by the bill is that it is capable of meeting for an extended period of time the housing, health, transportation, education, public works, humanitarian and other transition needs of a large number of individuals affected by an emergency or major disaster

ive lived here for over 50 years .. never did i see so much distrust for our own govt ..the only thing we need to keep an eye on are the progressives in the democrats party .

so they are talking about turning some military bases into fema camps ..

people post things on the internet degrading our countrys govt for so long ,, no one trusts the govt any more ..what if someone ,, or groups of people constantly posted degrading things about an individual .. it would be against the law .. i think if someone has proof of something ,, fine you can post bad things about your government.. but to just pass on things that crazy people dream up in their head is sabatoge .

Sabotage is a deliberate action aimed at weakening another entity through subversion, obstruction, disruption, or destruction.

which is borderline treason.. back up facts with facts not a conspiracy theorists story.

so ya post a report that the govt bought ammunition .. but others accompany that report with conspiracys .. that there going to use that ammunition to kill the americans .. a big order like that isnt dont over the internet .. it could take years to supply that to them .. they dont call them up and say gimme a billion rounds of ammo .. and they say ill send it over today ...i wonder how many cia .. fbi .. sherrifs .. police .. and the military target practice /. where is the ammo going thats being bought to one specific location .

Edited by dontlop
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Really? Whoever thinks that America is going to war against their own people has lost their minds!

Oh I will grant you that there might be a few crazy groups out there that pose a threat against America which MIGHT require action taken against them but America as a whole? What are you smokin?

America is the people which makes it a country!

If you are living in America and think that you can go against it's laws and established government without the consent of it's people - you are a criminal.

If you want to live by your own rules, and make your own laws, then do so outside our borders!

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If you are living in America and think that you can go against it's laws and established government without the consent of it's people - you are a criminal.

If you want to live by your own rules, and make your own laws, then do so outside our borders!


Hey, obummer.... GYMRAT says you're a CRIMINAL!

You broke Our laws... now you gotta go make your own laws back in Kenya or wherever! :P


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gymrat76541, If walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck.....IT COULD BE A DUCK!!

In 2012 they (Dept of "Homeland" Security) purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (hollow points?) and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to their stockpile.

The amount of ammunition that they have ordered is enough to wage a war for many years. Since they are not a military organization and they are based domestically here in the United States, it doesn’t take a "rocket scientist" to figure out that the ammunition is being stored in case they need to use it against the American people.

gymrat76541, I assume, like myself, that you are not a rocket scientist either,...but we should all ASK OUR CONGRESSMAN why are they spending this money?? Why is this domestic stockpile warranted??? Now that wouldn't be so crazy....maybe even wise.

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Really? Whoever thinks that America is going to war against their own people has lost their minds!

Oh I will grant you that there might be a few crazy groups out there that pose a threat against America which MIGHT require action taken against them but America as a whole? What are you smokin?

America is the people which makes it a country!

If you are living in America and think that you can go against it's laws and established government without the consent of it's people - you are a criminal.

If you want to live by your own rules, and make your own laws, then do so outside our borders!

wow you must truly live in a cave or your head is stuck so far in the the sand that you see no evil hear no evil .

Better wake up man

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In 2012 they (Dept of "Homeland" Security) purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (hollow points?) and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to their stockpile.

The amount of ammunition that they have ordered is enough to wage a war for many years. Since they are not a military organization and they are based domestically here in the United States, it doesn’t take a "rocket scientist" to figure out that the ammunition is being stored in case they need to use it against the American people.

Ok, so the US government ordered ammo?

I served in the US Army for 20 years. I am an American born & raised. I believe in the values in which I was brought up with.

Even if, there is a plan to force the American people to go against it's beliefs, laws, and faith - who will enforce it?

Certainly NOT our military, nor the police departments which serve us! Wake up and smell the coffee.

In uncertain times I think we all need to believe in our faith and the fundimentals in which this country was founded.

Edited by gymrat76541
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1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (hollow points?) and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds

gymrat76541, that is a lot of bullets in the "hands of the military" (not the local police or sheriff depts) stored around the country at Social Security offices (as reported).

Maybe I missed it, What Say You the "reason" for that????

That is what we all need to be asking our elected officials in DC.

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In 2012 they (Dept of "Homeland" Security) purchased 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition (hollow points?) and just recently ordered another 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to their stockpile.

The amount of ammunition that they have ordered is enough to wage a war for many years. Since they are not a military organization and they are based domestically here in the United States, it doesn’t take a "rocket scientist" to figure out that the ammunition is being stored in case they need to use it against the American people.

Ok, so the US government ordered ammo?

I served in the US Army for 20 years. I am an American born & raised. I believe in the values in which I was brought up with.

Even if, there is a plan to force the American people to go against it's beliefs, laws, and faith - who will enforce it?

Certainly NOT our military, nor the police departments which serve us! Wake up and smell the coffee.

In uncertain times I think we all need to believe in our faith and the fundimentals in which this country was founded.

+1 gymrat You have my total respect and gratitude for time served. Its good to know that a man of your caliber will be there when the shat hits the fan. Cause when everything you ever have belived in comes crashing down . you will be right beside us.

You do not have to belive. You just told me what I needed to know about you. For country and family you WILL grab a rifle and fight.

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