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Finished at my bank

The RockStar

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after reading that there are "...29 trillion..." in dinar in circulation in IRAQ ALONE, i doubt we will see a RV this year or even next. there most assuredly has to be some more stability in that country in order for them to take on such a monumental project--not just for them, but globally--such a a currency re evaluation. Can you imagine the lines at their banks and currency exchanges! And then with fewer american soldiers to assist .... no way this year....

RV is just another day in Iraq only thing that would change is when they buy that new M-16 on there're credit card .......Its alot cheeper

So right now you're having 2 ID's? Why? Or you canceled your randalln ID?


I will let the mods explain that ....................

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On the LaGrange currency scale 0 is still better than 1170. lol

Hmmm.......Won't debate with Prof. LaGrange. ...Ok.

RV is just another day in Iraq only thing that would change is when they buy that new M-16 on there're credit card .......Its alot cheeper

I will let the mods explain that ....................

Oh.. Ok.. Sorry if I meddled into something then.

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MY screen name is randalln i don't hide

I thought you got that screen name banned. Under this name you joined yesterday and have what, 30 posts already? You're just a BS artist here to rile up our site. Go away.

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I thought you got that screen name banned. Under this name you joined yesterday and have what, 30 posts already? You're just a BS artist here to rile up our site. Go away.

What ?are you the ban police i see you have 4 screen names Registered to your IP HMMMMMM

MacBook Pro got to love it it dose it all

Edited by The RockStar
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Just called my BOA and no information and no alerts and not even on their screen...either I have the worst branch on planet or there is no continuity in BOA interbank communicaitons., which is possible. It still may be true.

God Bless America!

My BofA does not have it on their screen either....just left there.

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I still dontunderstand this.

How did they give you a rate onpaper if its not incomputer?

Seems to me your blowing smoke. My bank, BoA has nothing.

Because he is a construction contractor with a business that is investing in Iraq. His business is doing some of the rebuilding in country and thus qualifies for a special contract through the Trade Bank of Iraq. This was revealed in an older thread that is since buried. lol

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Because he is a construction contractor with a business that is investing in Iraq. His business is doing some of the rebuilding in country and thus qualifies for a special contract through the Trade Bank of Iraq. This was revealed in an older thread that is since buried. lol

Not sure how that entitles him to a huge rate like tht.

I mean were talking millions of dollars the bank isputting up. Doesnt soundlegit.

Because he is a construction contractor with a business that is investing in Iraq. His business is doing some of the rebuilding in country and thus qualifies for a special contract through the Trade Bank of Iraq. This was revealed in an older thread that is since buried. lol

Not sure how that entitles him to a huge rate like tht.

I mean were talking millions of dollars the bank isputting up. Doesnt soundlegit.

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It's a contract rate for investing in Iraq. The funds must be spent on constuction etc, it is incentive to offset the risk. You might want to check out some of the earlier companies that lined their pockets with money meant to be spent in Iraq. First one that comes to my mind is Custer Battles.

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