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Ali from Dinar Trade says.....I hope he is lying


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* G.E.T. Conf. Call Interview w/ Ali (Dinar Trade) 4/10/11

April 11th, 2011 08:36 pm · Posted in CHATS & POSTS (Iraqi Dinar Info)

[Caller] Q: … so if it revalues at $3.00, what does that equate to?

[Ali/DinarTrade] …it’s NOT going to revalue at $3.00, I’m pretty sure of that sir, …overnight.

[Caller] Are you inferring that this [RV] will come out low and gradually go up in value?

[Ali/DinarTrade] No sir, as I’ve explained, right now the dinar is valued at 1/10 of one cent. For example, that’s about $1,000 per million dinars. It will be a slow progression. It will go probably to 1,200, 1,400, 1,500 and when it reaches that $10,000 mark, that’s for us, as a company [the number] has put in its head. Then, we’ll open up our satellite offices to start having people walk in, if they want to do it. So, in my eyes I think it’s going to be a slow progression, step-by-step as the economy improves in Iraq. I mean everybody has to realize they cannot revaluate at $3.00 overnight, that’s insane! I mean it’s not a lottery ticket, it’s an investment.

[Caller] Q: So your opinion is that this is long range rather than…

[Ali/DinarTrade] very long range…

[Caller] Q: I heard what you said about the dinar RV’ing slowly coming up – let’s say $4/dinar – are you able to handle the transaction at this rate?

[Ali/DinarTrade] If it does sir, but it is very unlikely… …but, I’m 99.9% sure that it’s not going to come out at $3.00 or $4.00 like people are saying out on the internet. It’s a currency; it takes awhile for it to grow.

[Caller] Q: Everyone is ‘kinda hyped up’ about it coming out at $3 – based on when it will RV – what do you think it may come out at, 22 cents, 80 [cents] or higher?

[Ali/DinarTrade] What I think is truly going to happen is, the dinar today, like I’ve explained, is at about 1/10 of one cent. I think it will be a slow progression, it’s not even going to 22 cents, it’s going to go probably to $1,000 to $1,050, to $1,100 like that, slowly up as the economy progresses. It’s not going to have a jump and then stay there and then jump up again. It’s very, very unlikely. You’ve got to realize it’s [iraq] a country with nearly 30M people in it, it will not going to do it overnight because it doesn’t work like that, …it is a long term investment. You don’t buy a house today and think in four months it’s going to be worth a million dollars, something worth $200,000.

[Ali/DinarTrade] I truly don’t think it will be one rush, it will be a progression over time.

[Caller] Q: One of the things that also lured me into this investment about this hopeful event is to ‘re-boot’ the world’s economy. With your opinion of it coming out very slowly, I personally can’t see it doing that [world economy re-boot].

[Ali/DinarTrade] Well sir, as I’ve said before, I’ve been saying this for seven years, it’s going to progress slowly, I don’t know why people… I would like it to reboot the world’s economy, but I don’t think that’s the case to tell you the truth. I mean you’re buying a currency of a country that is oil. Eventually the country is going to come out of debt, come out of war, and yes it’s going to improve, but it takes years and years and years to do that.

[Caller] I’m looking on the Forex now and it looks like a slow progression

[Caller] Q: Ali, nice to talk with you… no disrespect, I’ve only been in this a short period of time and in the beginning–several months back–I heard things about how this all going to come about and I’ve seen how you people that are traders–that will exchange these kind of things were setting up to be ready. There’s this mass rush, there’s going to be thousands of phone lines brought on and all of these [exchange] locations… and now, we hear that you are saying that “no”, this will be a slow process that’s brought out. And I don’t know about other people that have questions, but question I have to me, is that I heard you just say “that isn’t how it happens”. I recall you saying your family was involved in Kuwait… didn’t Kuwait happen that way?

[Ali/DinarTrade] Kuwait took about 2 years to actually go up, I mean yes, but Kuwait, as I explained before was a country taken over by Saddam but already had the infrastructure. For them to come back to norm took about 2 years. Iraq was a country that was taken over by Saddam for 40 years, so that will take longer. And we did say yes, we have the same plans to put the phone lines in once the dinar reaches a value of $10,000. I think that would be our “go ahead time” to start putting them in there. I’ve also said over the last 5 years since these conference calls that its always going to be a slow progression. I don’t think it’s an overnight thing. It was never an overnight thing…

[Ali/DinarTrade] …Kuwait never went over 3 years… sorry $3.00… on the internet there’s a lot of blogs that hype it…

[Ali/DinarTrade] it was never like that, people who say it will go to $4.23–what the ‘hell’ does he know, I would like to know what he’s on?

[Caller] Q: Thanks for debunking these fools that have been saying it is going to RV at $3, $4, $5 or $6…

[Ali/DinarTrade] Sir, I have said that always said that I don’t do drugs, but what drug are you on to think this, it’s amazing, and how could somebody believe you? And I’ve always said that, it doesn’t make sense.

[Caller] Q: if this is still a long ways off, why come onto the conference calls?

[Mod2] Al-Zubaidi, in 2005: “we want to return to $3.33″ His words, not mine

[Mod2] Confirmed by Shabibi in 2005

[Caller] Q: will you [Ali] put this on your website that it will be another year or so? …

[Caller] Q: My thing is, back to that rate, I am sure you are tired of discussing it. There is such a buzz on it – people with hard Intel – that is what they call it – info under the radar – you have bank documents floating around stating these higher rates…

[Ali/DinarTrade] …I have been in the business for 7 years I have heard it was happening this weekend, I am only giving in my opinion, it is not written in stone, yes it could happen but not in my opinion. I think it is a long term investment….

[Mod] Ali makes money a nickel at a time

[Mod] he looks at buy/sell rates

[Mod] Ali makes money a nickel at a time but he makes millions of nickels at the same time

[Mod] he expressed at the end of his conversation that this was in his opinion

The * G.E.T. Conf. Call Interview w/ Ali (Dinar Trade) 4/10/11 by another site's Tidbits, unless otherwise expressly stated, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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His opinion is one of the few that actually make some sense. It's kinda strange hearing him express it quite so specifically this time.

yea but why? why now? it makes one think is someone on his back possibly the U.S treasury we all know these sites are watched and if you think otherwise you are very niave. Ali has his opinion and that is all.

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yea but why? why now? it makes one think is someone on his back possibly the U.S treasury we all know these sites are watched and if you think otherwise you are very niave. Ali has his opinion and that is all.

Excellent point Easyrider. But I would think a more likely voice of caution would have come from his attorneys. Ali has always called it a "long term investment," but this is the first time I've noticed him very specifically downplay the likelihood of a large, one-time RV of $4, $3 or even $1. I think people are FINALLY beginning to ask some serious questions and there is concern that action may be taken on some level. Should have happened long ago. :rolleyes:

Edited by Legolas
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yea but why? why now? it makes one think is someone on his back possibly the U.S treasury we all know these sites are watched and if you think otherwise you are very niave. Ali has his opinion and that is all.

One question for Ali.........pass it on to him please! Is it Rock, Paper, or Scissors?

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Well that news sucked,if it goes on the forex market low like hes saying people will drive speculation threw the roof because theres only one way it can go up,this is big risk now because were invested in a non tradable currency once tradable no more risk,there not gonna do that

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Oh Oh! Bet there is going to be trouble tomorrow at DD's site and Ali's store.

DD hyped it

Ali sold it

Ali just let the air out of the hype.

Wonder what DD's cut was? There was a song, oh ya.."The Nickle Song."

They must know something is coming real soon and it is not as advertised.

I think they are doing some CYA.

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He's always had that opinion. It would come out at a dime or 15 cents. Then float up over time.

But I don't really know whether or not he really knows that much about it. He basically buys and sells currency. Is he an expert on currency? I doubt it.

Rudolph Cohen thinks it will have to start at over a dollar. And he is known as an expert on currency.

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Well he is not lying in my opinion.. Here is what I posted December 2010 and I got bashed to h e double hockey sticks...

Come on people. I own 15.5 mil dinars. I plan on buying more in 2011,12,13,14 and so on... Lol catch my drift? The dinar will increase in value over time. This is my big risk investment and I believe everyone should see it that way. Diversify! Forget all these gurus, you don't need them. Watch cbi, join forex chat rooms and talk to people who make there living from trading currency, and last but not least live your life as if there will never be an rv. Currency will increase in value and will produce a great return, but it will be over a large span of time....

Read more:

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I find the "it isn't going to "22 cents" and "when it reaches the $10,000 mark,we will start opening up sattelite offices" to be highly disturbing. Ali seems to be backpeddling in his responses. He is in this business for one reason and that is to make money. Sorry folks,I am not a big fan of his. What I take from his comments leaves me doubting any imminent RV that would generate any real income for any of us as investors.

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The next time Ali is interviewed, would someone enquire as to the addresses of his potential sattelite offices? Many of the locations don't exist or are vacant pieces of land? Also,could he elaborate from a logistical standpoint as to how he could open multiple offices at the time of an RV on a moments notice if the IQD RV'd at lets say $1.00. I am all ears. Talk to me.

Edited by sheik
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I never buy from DT and I'm a bit wary of them because of the pumping and the fact they are the biggest dealer out there...But despite that, I agree with a lot of what he said in this chat.

Yes slow appreciation...

I started gravitating towards this idea more and more after the new year.

I also asked myself honestly, how could it re-value overnight? Think about the chaos that would ensue in Iraq if it went down like that? People instantly killing off whole families for their very valuable Dinar? This would be insane.

Plus it my opinion that they can not do this without any announcement to the public or legislation to support any change to the currency...yada yada yada... to me that's just common sense....

If I can just see the dinar go from 1170 to the dollar to say like 900 or 800 then I will feel great because now I see their intentions to allow the dinar to appreciate provided that the economic conditions continue in their and also our favor. We would also be able to move away from the LOP scenario.

I normally don't pick out anything great in the rumor section but this wasn't too bad. Thanks ianjohns for sharing.

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Of course I hope he is wrong, or purposefully misleading us, but a small part of me wants him to be right...just to see all the gurus fall on their faces. It's a good investment either way, but waking up a millionaire on a few hundred dollar investment just isn't likely.

I'm of the opinion, that there is no real "intel" at all. You can research and arm yourself with knowledge, or you can have some anonymous ego-star tell you what you want to hear. The choice is yours...

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I have to say this is all suspect to me. I have read every thing I can and i fallow the CBI they are saying some thing completely different then Ali. Read you news guys, the CBI is talk about RI'ing at the 1980's rate and history said it was 3.22. IMF wants 20% added according to what I have read there. ($3.86) If you ask me it's smoke and Ali has to have a reason for the down play. it could be that his Dinar supply is slowing and he wants to buy it up, or He was backed in a corner. We just don't know, but I for one am following the news from iraq/CBI. We get so little as it is. but if you ask me something is going on with the dinar or all these rumors and smoke in the news wouldn't be surfacing. Ali is just one more link in that chain. He seams like a nice enough guy, but I have to say I have not and will not do business with him if it can be helped. I follow my gut and follow up with research.

As for the CBI having the clout to back up the RI/RV has any one notice the auctions Do you really think the iraqi people have that much USD that they can buy $166,609,000 in dinar and that was just today. That has to be sales to other banks and countries. That and OIl revenues they have it in the bag. And now you have the WB stepping in to build the privet sector. DFI currency and lord knows how much in off shore accounts. Along with that missing $40 bil it's looking good for Iraq. NOW lets see if they can do this before June when the loose there securities from the UNSC.

Hang in and think positive.... GO RV!!!!

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Does it make you want to sell back your Dinars? Bet a lot do. If you were not involved in this investment and had never heard of a dinar would you trust this person by name -- Ali Agha ? Don't think so.

I would think just over a dollar cause they want our money off the their streets. Let’s not forget that they are a proud country.

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