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Another Okie post


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Here is another Okie post. As always, you know it's from Okie, if you don't like him that is your business, I'm just putting this out here for those who want to read it. If Okie makes your eyes bleed, then move along to the next post...

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* Okie Post: GET 1/26/2011

January 26, 2011 12:51 pm · Posted in CHATS & POSTS (Iraqi Dinar Info) · Comments Off

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] too much to post–maliki and shabbi now in power struggle–code words last nite indicated at least a week till r/v-if then-more to follow-will post more when i can wade through intel in from D.C. Last night–imf and world bank heavily involved and it’s a very convoluted situation-don’t start with the rate and date crap–who knows for sure–will share more as day progresses …. nuff said

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] maliki possibility of a no confidence vote which would remove him

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] obama will not re-new 13303 after deadline of may 12-2011

OKIE_OIL_MAN] not removal only concerns investing and buying–nothing to do with our dinar we hold now

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] non renewal of 13303 has nothing to do with the dinars we now hold or our ability to cash in–parlament re-convenes feb 1-may or may not have implications on r/v

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] imf now in position to control situation–they have gone as far as they want to go–crunch time

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] i can not post and answer questions at the same time–what do you want answers or intel?

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] if you want exact date and rate–seek answers elsewhere

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] the dfi funds are to be released no later than june 30-2011 that’s why 13303 will not be applicable that is due to expire 5-12-2011

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] obama will not have to re-new 13303–will be moot point at that time

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] do not worry about your investment-it is legal and binding on iraq to honor the value of their dinar internationally–

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] simply stated–your dinar is to have value-period–

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Here is another Okie post. As always, you know it's from Okie, if you don't like him that is your business, I'm just putting this out here for those who want to read it. If Okie makes your eyes bleed, then move along to the next post...

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* Okie Post: GET 1/26/2011

January 26, 2011 12:51 pm · Posted in CHATS & POSTS (Iraqi Dinar Info) · Comments Off

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] too much to post–maliki and shabbi now in power struggle–code words last nite indicated at least a week till r/v-if then-more to follow-will post more when i can wade through intel in from D.C. Last night–imf and world bank heavily involved and it’s a very convoluted situation-don’t start with the rate and date crap–who knows for sure–will share more as day progresses …. nuff said

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] maliki possibility of a no confidence vote which would remove him

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] obama will not re-new 13303 after deadline of may 12-2011

OKIE_OIL_MAN] not removal only concerns investing and buying–nothing to do with our dinar we hold now

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] non renewal of 13303 has nothing to do with the dinars we now hold or our ability to cash in–parlament re-convenes feb 1-may or may not have implications on r/v

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] imf now in position to control situation–they have gone as far as they want to go–crunch time

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] i can not post and answer questions at the same time–what do you want answers or intel?

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] if you want exact date and rate–seek answers elsewhere

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] the dfi funds are to be released no later than june 30-2011 that’s why 13303 will not be applicable that is due to expire 5-12-2011

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] obama will not have to re-new 13303–will be moot point at that time

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] do not worry about your investment-it is legal and binding on iraq to honor the value of their dinar internationally–

[OKIE_OIL_MAN] simply stated–your dinar is to have value-period–

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Thank you spy...the one line above in bold, that is finally

a good thing to hear old Okie admit to. I wish he would have also

admitted that he has been wrong by trying to predict or state

any kind of rate or date, as this can only come from CBI and Iraq.

At least I hope he has learned to stop the rate/date circus.

Appreciate your effort. :)

All my best!



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I knew what it said before I even read it.

1) I cant tell you anything I have to protect my sources

2) Dont ask me anything It is either questions or Intel

3) Have to sort through all this

4) Things are getting close

How close was I .... Do you want to know why I asked.... because I didnt even read his post. Amazing I think not.

Just his same o lamo

Where ever there is 1 lamo the other is usully right behind.

So TerrK should be around soon to spout his new found nothing

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Have any of you stopped to think about what is actually happening behind the whole story in Iraq? With the IMF and the world bank and who really controls all that oil? There exists the very real possibility that the "intel" being dispensed ACTUALLY DOES REFLECT WHAT IS HAPPENING and that it is all in a state of flux with the globalists working overtime to maintain control of a very volatile situation what with the three warring factions involved along with the plan agreed on long ago to control the denomination of oil in dollars only...the truth is that the dinar COULD HAVE RV'd many times in the recent past but the conditions were not completely set up the way the controllers wanted them to be so it gets postponed yet again. And that is not Okie's fault per se. Just this week we are made aware of the power struggle between Shabbibi and Maliki. Well who is S? He is the point man for the CBI which is the visible arm of who? The IMF and the Worldbank. Who runs those organizations? Wasn't Maliki trying to do an end run around the CBI by taking away its independence? Wouldn't that upset the globalists and their plan to extract Iraq's oil so they could rape the country of its wealth? Would that interfere with getting an RV of the dinar? Well WOULDN'T IT? You people need to pull your head out and start to understand that there is a lot more going on here than you know or care to learn about. Quit trashing people who are trying to relay a little info and start to do a little research on your own to learn the truth.

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THANK YOU, COMMTRD! Personally, I like reading Okie and TK. They give us hope and something to look forward to.

This is a tough ride, especially when some of us are losing our homes, cars and jobs, refusing to return dinars for cash and just sitting and waiting for this RV. I know of famiilies fighting and marriages falling apart because of one spouse wants to sent dinars back to the dealer and the other spouse so sure this will happen any moment.

Stop the bashing. Sit tight. Get on with it. Personally, I need and want more Okie, TK and Thing One and Thing Two info. Love it. One more day is one more day closer.

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One has to wonder if this Okie makes the same "glorious" predictions about daily lotto tickets?

The guy's credibility is mute at best, fascinating entertainment gossip at best but unworthy of being taken seriously. Okie, if you're reading this please give the "Intel" euphemisms a rest, OK?

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Spy... Don't assume that everybody that makes a comment actually reads this garbage. By the way did you know where garbage comes from.... yes! garbage. Momma said hi and stop supporting liars who affect the weak. Some of us have more pride and are stronger than others, please help support positive post not inconsistencies from liars. Is obvious why some of you many view this as entertainment.

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THANK YOU, COMMTRD! Personally, I like reading Okie and TK. They give us hope and something to look forward to.

This is a tough ride, especially when some of us are losing our homes, cars and jobs, refusing to return dinars for cash and just sitting and waiting for this RV. I know of famiilies fighting and marriages falling apart because of one spouse wants to sent dinars back to the dealer and the other spouse so sure this will happen any moment.

Stop the bashing. Sit tight. Get on with it. Personally, I need and want more Okie, TK and Thing One and Thing Two info. Love it. One more day is one more day closer.

You are aware that TK and Okie spread lies knowingly just to get a kick out of you??? What they say is absolutely NOTHING close to being true......EVER.......there are people here on this site that actually know those two almost personally and have spilled the beans on those clowns......they make up things on purpose......just FYI.....

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THANK YOU, COMMTRD! Personally, I like reading Okie and TK. They give us hope and something to look forward to.

This is a tough ride, especially when some of us are losing our homes, cars and jobs, refusing to return dinars for cash and just sitting and waiting for this RV. I know of famiilies fighting and marriages falling apart because of one spouse wants to sent dinars back to the dealer and the other spouse so sure this will happen any moment.

Stop the bashing. Sit tight. Get on with it. Personally, I need and want more Okie, TK and Thing One and Thing Two info. Love it. One more day is one more day closer.

If you really like reading TK and okie I can start making up a bunch of Crap that has no basis to it and tell you not to ask for sources cause they are protected and then give out Simply unrealistic rates and tell you that it will happen on a day and when that Day doesn't come I can etll you why it is okay and why it didn't happen. And you wont even have to go to another site to do it. I can manufacture all of it from right here on DV what ya think?

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Spy... Don't assume that everybody that makes a comment actually reads this garbage. By the way did you know where garbage comes from.... yes! garbage. Momma said hi and stop supporting liars who affect the weak. Some of us have more pride and are stronger than others, please help support positive post not inconsistencies from liars. Is obvious why some of you many view this as entertainment.

Again... someone with a negative reputation on this website (-2 to be exact) has a lot to say. You must really be bitter about having to work that second shift at Burger King before Christmas so that you could afford to buy a few more dinars before it revalues.

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Have any of you stopped to think about what is actually happening behind the whole story in Iraq? With the IMF and the world bank and who really controls all that oil? There exists the very real possibility that the "intel" being dispensed ACTUALLY DOES REFLECT WHAT IS HAPPENING and that it is all in a state of flux with the globalists working overtime to maintain control of a very volatile situation what with the three warring factions involved along with the plan agreed on long ago to control the denomination of oil in dollars only...the truth is that the dinar COULD HAVE RV'd many times in the recent past but the conditions were not completely set up the way the controllers wanted them to be so it gets postponed yet again. And that is not Okie's fault per se. Just this week we are made aware of the power struggle between Shabbibi and Maliki. Well who is S? He is the point man for the CBI which is the visible arm of who? The IMF and the Worldbank. Who runs those organizations? Wasn't Maliki trying to do an end run around the CBI by taking away its independence? Wouldn't that upset the globalists and their plan to extract Iraq's oil so they could rape the country of its wealth? Would that interfere with getting an RV of the dinar? Well WOULDN'T IT? You people need to pull your head out and start to understand that there is a lot more going on here than you know or care to learn about. Quit trashing people who are trying to relay a little info and start to do a little research on your own to learn the truth.

thank you

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