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Iraq: the next few days will be pregnant with surprises and the initiatives


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Iraq: the next few days will be pregnant with surprises and the initiatives


Iraqi leader confirmed list Iyad Allawi, Monday, that its decision to boycott any Government led by Al-Maliki to state law, software prefecture which differs understandable for Iraqi programme, confirming that the next few days will be pregnant surprises political initiatives.

Iraqi leadership said Ezzeddine State in an interview for "Sumerian news", "Iraqi province of any Government headed by Al-Maliki is a personal decision, but released after a search topic menu where", stating that "the decision to boycott the law State Coalition programme differs understandable" program.

And the menu has already met in Amman, Jordan, Oman, headed by its leader Iyad Allawi and attend ALA Maki Rep. Tariq al-Hashimi, Attorney Tawfiq Al-Saleh Al-mutlaq, leadership, and Attorney Jamal Alkerboli, Talal Alzobei, leadership Osama Alngivi, Hussein Al-Sha'lan, Hani ' Aashour, Adviser list announced by its refusal to participate in the coalition Government headed by the leader Maliki law States, reiterating their attachment to her constitutional right to form a Government.

State referred to "a pressing need for change in the policies pursued by the outgoing Government, parliamentary reform, Government and judicial, to create balances and develop joint visions of national partnership", stating that "the next few days will be pregnant with surprises and political", he said.

Members of the Iraqi list was held, yesterday, Monday, a meeting with the leader's Office in Baghdad, Allawi to study existing exit toward establishing a Government position, Member of the Iraqi list in an interview for winning labidi "Sumerian news, earlier, the willingness to resume dialogue with a coalition of State law in the absence of any candidate for the next Government, on renewed Iraqi, refusal to participate in the Government led by outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

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Thank God.. at first I thought they were at an impass, but now I KNOW that they are pregnant with new ideas..

Let's go out & start spending our Dinars!!!! Our wait is over do to the reasonable leaders of the blocks in Iraq.

Iraq: the next few days will be pregnant with surprises and the initiatives


Iraqi leader confirmed list Iyad Allawi, Monday, that its decision to boycott any Government led by Al-Maliki to state law, software prefecture which differs understandable for Iraqi programme, confirming that the next few days will be pregnant surprises political initiatives.

Iraqi leadership said Ezzeddine State in an interview for "Sumerian news", "Iraqi province of any Government headed by Al-Maliki is a personal decision, but released after a search topic menu where", stating that "the decision to boycott the law State Coalition programme differs understandable" program.

And the menu has already met in Amman, Jordan, Oman, headed by its leader Iyad Allawi and attend ALA Maki Rep. Tariq al-Hashimi, Attorney Tawfiq Al-Saleh Al-mutlaq, leadership, and Attorney Jamal Alkerboli, Talal Alzobei, leadership Osama Alngivi, Hussein Al-Sha'lan, Hani ' Aashour, Adviser list announced by its refusal to participate in the coalition Government headed by the leader Maliki law States, reiterating their attachment to her constitutional right to form a Government.

State referred to "a pressing need for change in the policies pursued by the outgoing Government, parliamentary reform, Government and judicial, to create balances and develop joint visions of national partnership", stating that "the next few days will be pregnant with surprises and political", he said.

Members of the Iraqi list was held, yesterday, Monday, a meeting with the leader's Office in Baghdad, Allawi to study existing exit toward establishing a Government position, Member of the Iraqi list in an interview for winning labidi "Sumerian news, earlier, the willingness to resume dialogue with a coalition of State law in the absence of any candidate for the next Government, on renewed Iraqi, refusal to participate in the Government led by outgoing Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki.

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I suggest we name the offspring....Romeo Victor!

I hear the new arrival is expected to be somewhat larger than the normal size. Somewhere around 3.86 (feet long)!

They expect such ahead of hair that they will cut 000 inches of his hair off shortly after introducing him to the world as the new prodigy of the Middle East.

THREE CHEERS FOR MR. ROMEO VICTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (or RV as his new found global friends may refer to him)

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