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The CBI Reveals The Reason For Depositing Iraqi Oil Money In America.


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Here's some articles of Dinarian interests...

GOI explains reason why the Budget delays.

Baghdad-Washington Dialogue: US Withdrawal.

The CBI Reveals The Reason For Depositing Iraqi Oil Money In America.

Treat as rumors.  Not verified.  Your opine.




TNT via CandyKisses:                  Parliamentary Finance: The Budget Tables Are Still With The Government & 20 Days To Approve Them In Parliament.

ARTICLE:  A member of the Parliamentary finance committee, Jamal Kojar, expected that the schedules will take 20 days in parliament after they arrive from the government for approval.


In a press statement, Koger stated that "the 2024 budget tables have not reached the House of Representatives so far because they are still on the cabinet table."


He added that "a tripartite Budget has been approved & we have given the authority to the government to spend the 2023 budget, while the 2024 & 2025 budgets must be reviewed by parliament because some projects ended last year, so they must be removed from the 2024 & 2025 Budgets," stressing that "the schedules are not fixed because oil prices & financial resources fluctuate & the number of employees & retirees is increasing."


Koger added that "any law must go through three stages until it is approved, the 1st stage begins in the concerned committee, the 2nd is public discussions in the council & the 3rd is voting," noting that "there is no approval or amendment to any law before it passes through the three stages."


Koger concluded by saying that "the general budget law takes (20-40) days," predicting that "schedules will take shorter."  A few days ago, the Council of Ministers received the Budget tables from the Ministry of Finance & work began on them to sign them & send them later to the House of Representatives.



Tishwash:                        Baghdad-Washington Dialogue: Will The US Withdrawal File From Iraq Be Resolved?

ARTICLE:  A new round of dialogue is being held between Baghdad & Washington, the fourth since last February, to discuss the issue of the American withdrawal from Iraq & ending the role of the international coalition to fight ISIS.  This tour comes ahead of the visit of Iraqi PM Muhammad Shia al-Sudani to the White House.



This round of dialogue faces many challenges, the most important of which are:

The lack of a clear consensus on the feasibility of withdrawal:  Iraqi views on withdrawal differ, between those who see the necessity of the withdrawal of all American forces & those who see the importance of some of them remaining to support the Iraqi forces in the fight against terrorism.

The position of the American administration:  The American administration did not announce a clear position on withdrawal, while the statements of its officials indicate their desire to redraw the coalition’s tasks or for the forces to remain for additional years.

Pressure from armed factions:  Some Iraqi armed factions continue their attacks against American forces, demanding their complete withdrawal from the country.


The discussions between Baghdad and Washington address many points, the most important of which are:

Evaluating the international coalition’s mission:  The 4th round evaluates the need for the international coalition’s presence in Iraq.

Setting a timetable for withdrawal:  Baghdad is demanding that a clear timetable be set for US withdrawal.

Determining the nature of American support for Iraq:  The tour discusses the nature of the support that the international coalition will provide to Iraq after its withdrawal.

The issue of the withdrawal of US forces from Iraq remains complex & requires further dialogue & negotiation between Baghdad & Washington.



CandyKisses:                      The CBI Reveals The Reason For Depositing Iraqi Oil Money In America.

ARTICLE:  The CBI revealed the legal basis for depositing oil revenues in the US Federal Reserve.


According to documents issued by the CBI, "the legal basis for depositing oil revenues at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in the IRAQ2 alternative account to the DFI account is the expiration of the extension of the US President's Executive Order No. 13303 issued in March 2003, which granted immunity over Iraqi funds deposited in the then DFI Iraq Development Account & the end of the United Nations protection over Iraq's funds that were granted to it under the UN Security Council Resolution No. 1483 of 2003 after the issuance of UN Resolution 1956 at the end of 2010."


The documents added, "Accordingly, the IRAQ2 account was opened, which is used to deposit the funds of Iraqi crude oil exports & is transferred to the account of the CBI with the Federal Reserve Bank within a period of 24 hours from the receipt of these amounts to ensure that they are not exposed to the claims of creditors as they are funds belonging to the Iraqi government derived from the export of crude oil & this mechanism has been organized through a (memorandum of understanding) signed between the Iraqi Ministry of Finance & the CBI on 2/6/2014 for the purpose of organizing the work of the alternative IRAQ2 account. for the account of the Development Fund for Iraq & that this memorandum is the legal basis for the establishment of the said account."


"The immunity granted under these two documents covers sovereign funds only & does not include funds used for commercial purposes."


The documents explained, "With regard to the answer to the 3rd paragraph, foreign reserves may be deposited with several external parties, central banks & financial institutions & not only based in the Federal Reserve Bank & that interest rates vary according to the investment segment, the duration of the investment & the institution with which the investment is made, in addition to that the carrier company is Orient Company, which is contracted with this bank to transport Dollar shipments from the Federal Reserve Bank to Baghdad International Airport & with a security amount of (414,000) US Dollars (four hundred and fourteen thousand Dollars). US per shipment & transportation fees of (216,310) US Dollars (two hundred and sixteen thousand three hundred & ten US Dollars) Department of Parliamentary Affairs, Parliamentary Oversight Section.


She added that "it is not possible to transfer the revenues of the sale of oil to the interior because of the impossibility of carrying out financial operations for Iraq if the money is at home & closing our account with the Federal Reserve Bank can expose Iraq to the risk of international claims, in addition to the inability to settle our payments in US Dollars without an account in the Federal Reserve Bank or another US commercial bank."

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I think the reason they put their money in the US banks, is because theirs are so corrupt!  At least their money won't disappear into someone's pocket!   JMHO...:shrug:

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Depositing money into the US could also make the transfer of restitution from the war easier for Iraq and poentially demanded by the US if an immanent RV is on the horizon.

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I keep hoping I will come in here at some point and somebody will have made a post saying they have rvd and it is live on forex.  I don't care about the rate just some positive movement would be great

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I keep hoping I will come in here at some point and somebody will have made a post saying they have rvd and it is live on forex.  I don't care about the rate just some positive movement would be great



I agree, but it is also nice come on here, and get to hangout with you all, plus get some good information.   I know that when it does happen, Adam & the crew will be sending emails and texts letting us know.  So, I will be here with you all, and maybe while we are on here, it will happen!  We all know that Frankie thinks it is right around the corner!  :jester:

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All these so called articles are nothing but scuttle-butt from operatives that don’t know anything more than we do at this point. I read them and put it right where they belong,  in file 13! I agree with Betty, one day we come here and the RV/RI has happened and it’s live on the forex market. I believe that’s the reason we don’t hear anything from Adam. There is just no credible information coming out of Iraq. If he got on this site and spouted off like these poo-roo’s , his credibility would be shot with me, I can’t speak for anyone else, JMHO. He is doing the smart thing by not commenting on all of this fake news and information coming out of that $h!+ hole. Hopefully the April 16th date something may change. If it comes and goes like expect, then the chances of anything happening this year are very slim! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend celebrating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I know I did, despite the junkie trying to ruin it, with that disgusting and disgraceful proclamation transgender visibility day! The junkie will be held accountable!!! Case closed!🤠 

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4 hours ago, BETTYBOOP said:

So..... they are tied to Ameroca whether they like it or not?


This may explain why we are driving Iraq & the rest of the world into the arms of BRICS.  It's time to release all US restrictions on Iraq.

Thank you for nothing, Creepy.

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Here's some more articles related to the above...



FROM OTHER SOURCES:             Advisor to the PM: Budget Schedules Resolved In The Middle Of This Month.

ARTICLE:  The financial adviser to the PM, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, signed the approval of the Budget schedules in the middle of April.


“The budget schedules are supposed to be decided in mid-April probably,” Saleh said in a press statement.

He added that “the tripartite Federal General Budget, which was stated in Law No. 13 of 2024, did not be without the principle of its annuality in the issue of preparing the annual schedules & submitting them to the House of Representatives for approval, specifically for the two years (2024, 2025).”

He stressed, “The law on the approval of the tripartite Budget constitutes an expression of an exchange of trust between the legislative & executive authorities to manage public financial affairs in our country to ensure the continued implementation of investment projects & the communication in the adoption of new projects in an integrated and planned manner.”





FROM OTHER SOURCES:                 Sudanese For deputies: The Importance Of Passing Laws Aimed At Improving The investment Environment & Developing The Economy.

ARTICLE:  PM Mohammed Shiaa Al-Sudani received a group of members of the House of Representatives.



During the meeting, Al-Sudani stressed, according to a statement from his office, {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, “the importance of integration & coordination between the executive & legislative authorities; in order to support the work of the government and its program, which includes many priorities that concern citizens & state institutions, through its focus on service & reform aspects in various fields.”


The PM pointed out “the importance of proceeding with the adoption of laws aimed at improving the investment environment, developing the economy & meeting the terms of reform adopted by the government; in order to strengthen & diversify the resources of the state.”

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So if it takes 20 to 40 days to be passed in parliament  we are looking at may / June for the budget.... realisticly. Still wondering where this sudani  announcement came from or if it is real... somehow I doubt it

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Here's a little humor while we wait & wait....



MarkZ:  Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim.


Member: Looks like another quiet day on the RV Front.

Member:  it's the calm before the storm.

MZ: I think you are right.

MZ: It’s a nothing burger this evening. This is not a negative thing at all. It would be more fun if we had some real solid news like when to go, who to call & what bank to attend.

Member: The deep breath before the plunge.

Member: Jester said there has never been redemption centers.

MZ: I know a person in banking that helped to set up 3 redeeming locations. Now whether you want to call them redemption centers or redeeming banks …these are locations that have trained their personnel & has the equipment to handle the process. You can call it whatever you want.  One location in NC borrowed my currency & me to help make certain their staff was trained. For me they are very real.

MZ: Seems like everyone wants to call them something different .

Member: No word from your bond contact had a meeting at 3 pm today?

MZ: I tried to call & went straight to email.

Member: I wonder what day of the week do they usually like to RV?

Member: Have they already decided on a rate & date?

MZ: My contacts in the ministry in Iraq told me they have set the rate. We are just not privy to that or the date.

Member: Rumor is it's going this weekend. already increased rate in country?

Member: There is a dinar investors video saying it already revalued & a possible release this weekend? This would correlate with walking sticks report.

Member: Melanie seems to believe, through her contact that Iraq RV'd mid March & we go end of the week???

MZ: My contacts on the ground in Iraq have told me the rate has not changed there- yet Officially the rate is still 1310.

Member: Remember Sudani is coming to the US on April 15th. I believe it will be a post RV victory lap.

MZ: A lot of my contacts believe that as well.  Some contacts think tomorrow may be the day. We will see. It’s not coming from enough sources to put a lot of stock in it though.

Member: Ramadan ends April 9th or 10th….they 3 days of Eid El Fitr….where they like to give each other gifts…..

Member: It would make sense for Sudani to give it to the people of Iraq before Eid El Fitr

MZ: That would make sense.. that is the celebration at the end of Ramadan. It would make a lot of sense for Sudani to release it about then.

Member:  April 9th is the 159th anniversary of the end of the US Civil War. That would be a good date...

MZ: I found this interesting “After BRICS, 3 new countries ready to launch own currency”  These are some of my favorite African countries rich in mineral wealth… Niger, Mali & Burkina Faso. They are filthy in oil , minerals & gold deposits.   They are banding together to form their own currency. Completely untethered to the US Dollar.

Member: hello mark !!! do you hear about Zimbabwe just found 13 trillion tons of diamond & hope that will have enough gold to back Zim par 1:1 in USD.

Member: It is starting to look like we are going to have to pay our Federal Income Taxes on April 15th.

Member: I thought the white hats would not want billions of tax payer dollars going straight to the bad guys….guess I was wrong….& they don’t care.

Member: They gonna have to do something soon or all of us investors are gonna go on strike lol or riot (kidding).

Member: It will happen when we least expect it-BOOM.

Member: I thoroughly appreciate all the work mark puts into vetting his sources & withholding until he can fact check before he tells us things. Thank you for all you do mark z.

Member: Thanks to all the mods as well…..have a great evening everyone.

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10 hours ago, Artitech said:

Hopefully the April 16th date something may change

:praying:  the longer this takes the more excited I am it means more people would have sold and got out, it means iraq will be in a  better financial position! I am ready to go any time!

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9 hours ago, screwball said:

:praying:  the longer this takes the more excited I am it means more people would have sold and got out, it means iraq will be in a  better financial position! I am ready to go any time!


Over $100 Billion Iraq oil funds being held by the UST to protect it from being stolen or liens put on has been released.

The oil funds are being returned to Iraq.

This may help fund the RV-RI.   IMHO.

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12 hours ago, screwball said:

:praying:  the longer this takes the more excited I am it means more people would have sold and got out, it means iraq will be in a  better financial position! I am ready to go any time!

Sorry screwball you are 100% incorrect in your statement! It doesn’t matter how many people buy or sell outside of Iraq because this has zero bearing on what Iraq has to cover for an RV or RI… Iraq only has to cover what’s in country as far as value goes, none of what we hold of their currency outside of Iraq will ever go back to Iraq!

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Here's an article of interests...OBiden measures could throw the US into another Great Depression with the loss of nearly a million jobs. 

Will he blame Trump for his reckless actions? 

He has the votes from the majority Democrat controlled House & Senate with VP Kamala Harris  threatening to be the swing vote.



FROM OTHER SOURCES:              Biden's Tax-Hike Plan Would Cost The US Economy Nearly 800K Jobs.

ARTICLE:  Higher taxes on wealthy Americans, corporations could hinder US economy, jobs.

President Biden has pitched an array of tax hikes targeting corporations & wealthy Americans, but the steeper levies could weigh on the already-fragile U.S. economy, according to the Tax Foundation. 



Findings from the Tax Foundation, a group that advocates for lower taxes, found the higher taxes laid out in Biden's sweeping budget blueprint for federal spending in fiscal 2025 would reduce economic output by 2.2% in the long run, slash wages by 1.6% and kill about 788,000 full-time equivalent jobs.

The policies outlined in the plan would "make the tax code more complicated, unstable, and anti-growth, while also expanding the amount of spending in the tax code for a variety of policy goals not related to revenue collection," the report said.


As part of the proposal, Biden called for a 25% minimum tax rate on households worth more than $100 million, raising the capital-gains tax rate, quadrupling the corporate stock buyback tax to 4%, raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, increasing the Medicare tax paid by wealthy Americans, implementing a global minimum tax on multinational corporations and closing the carried interest loophole used by private equity and hedge fund managers.

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6 hours ago, Dinarrock said:

Sorry screwball you are 100% incorrect in your statement! It doesn’t matter how many people buy or sell outside of Iraq because this has zero bearing on what Iraq has to cover for an RV or RI… Iraq only has to cover what’s in country as far as value goes, none of what we hold of their currency outside of Iraq will ever go back to Iraq!

true yeah forgot about that 🤣

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On 4/3/2024 at 8:37 AM, Luigi1 said:


Over $100 Billion Iraq oil funds being held by the UST to protect it from being stolen or liens put on has been released.

The oil funds are being returned to Iraq.

This may help fund the RV-RI.   IMHO.

How do you know that this is true?

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6 hours ago, Artitech said:

How do you know that this is true?


It was in the news.

US has been holding most of Iraq oil profits ever since 2004.

The numbers are probably much higher after interest accumulations.

This is all part of Sudani's agenda going to Washington.

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Pimpy claimed yesterday that the DFI account was closed due to there being billion missing from it and they don't know if it was from the Iraq side or the US side. Nothing to do with EO 13303. Shows how uninformed that eejit is ! But we don't know if there is billions missing so who knows?

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