Popular Post coorslite21 Posted May 4, 2018 Popular Post Report Share Good Evening from the Swamp..... There are several who post here that seem to either dislike the GOP, or Trump, or both. I would ask.....Positive or negative.....? I have posted some positives.........I made sure links offered weren't Fox or CNN like......trying to keep it real or neutral For anyone, pro or con.........why do you think the first year has been bad.......or good......... Opinions are alright........but information with some support...(neutral please) would be better. ===================================================================== Lowest unemployment for some time....lowest for minorities as well https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cpsee_e16.htm =============================== Tax cuts Bonuses......more take home..... https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/03/05/tax-cut-long-lasting-economic-benefits-editorials-debates/111119270/ https://taxfoundation.org/benefits-tax-cuts-jobs-act-lower-middle-class/ http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tax-reform-plan-repatriation-14-us-companies-with-most-cash-overseas-2017-9 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/boom-164-companies-give-bonuses-lower-fees-to-millions-citing-trump-tax-cuts One child of mine......typical sized family, typical income......$6000 back at the end of the year.. ============================================= Regulation cuts In December 2018, President Donald Trump declared victory in the war on government regulation. His administration, he announced, had repealed 22 regulations for each new rule issued, and cut regulatory costs by $8.1 billion. There are 70,000 + federal regulations. It is believed the reduction has been about 1500 ====================================================== Excellent foreign relations again........and world respect China ........On Obama's last visit he had to crawl out of the belly of the plane....Trump was treated as Royalty Saudi Arabia.......Trump Treated like royalty........great relationship with Salman.....Obama bowed to them Israel......I shouldn't need to say anything about this one....... Iraq........Obama turned his back on Abadi and ignored him.....not Trump Japan......Abe and Trump.....close relationship France.......Macron.......Bromance and kissing cousins North Korea coming to the table........enough said......let's see where this goes ================================================= Illegal immigration #'s down.....and the wall hasn't even been built. https://www.usnews.com/news/national-news/articles/2017-12-28/5-facts-about-illegal-immigration-in-2017 ======================================================== $$ of business brought back to the US...$250 Billion estimated Corporations returning......many....here is just a few https://investorplace.com/2017/01/10-companies-bringing-jobs-back-to-america/ ====================================================== Military respect.....seems the Military loves Trump........can't say the same for President Obama Stock Markets +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I could go on........but .......it's your turn......... Convince me that the sky is falling, and the US is going down the crapper....... And please everyone........respectful exchange of ideas only......... CL 4 3 1 12 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share Positive for sure. I will try to get my list together later this evening. thanks CL21 1 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jg1 Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share I'm winning no thanks to Governor Brown and California. I am a winner since my president Trump won the elections he is doing a great job and could be doing a lot better if not for all the corruption. They all want to bring him down because they do not want to stop the money train. I wis.h the wall could have gone up a little quicker. But I know he is doing the best he can under the circumstances. The wall would stop the arms the drugs the terrorist and millions upon millions and millions of illegal aliens they have processed and have not been processed. California is overflowing with people millions of people that should not be here and is causing inflation. 1300 for a one bedroom , cheapest I can find, gas prices higher freeways full Hospital full medical insurance up. But no matter what I am winning because Trump is in office. I just gasp and think about the alternative and I'm thankful Hillarious is a loser and a pathetic thing. 2 2 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Popular Post bigwave Posted May 4, 2018 Popular Post Report Share Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court Stock Market reached an all-time high Consumer confidence at 17-year high More than 2 million jobs created Mortgage applications for new homes rise to a 7-year high Unemployment rate at 17-year low Signed the Promoting Women In Entrepreneurship Act Gutted Obama-era regulations Ended war on coal Weakened Dodd-Frank regulations Promoted buying and hiring American Investment from major businesses (FoxConn, Toyota, Ford and others) Reduced illegal immigration Bids for Border Wall underway Fighting back against sanctuary cities Created Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement Office Changed rules of engagement against ISIS Drafted plans to defeat ISIS Worked to reduce F-35 cost 5-year lobbying ban Sanctioned Iran over missile program Responded to Syria's use of chemical weapons Introduced tax reform plan Renegotiating NAFTA Withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Removed The United States out of The Paris Accord Created task force to reduce crime DOJ targeting MS-13 Signed an Executive Order to promote energy independence and economic growth Signed Executive Order to protect police officers Signed Executive Order to target drug cartels Signed Executive Order for religious freedom Sending education back to The States Fixing the Department of Veterans Affairs SCOTUS upheld parts of President Trump's temporary travel ban Executive Order Authorized the construction of The Keystone Pipeline Created commission on opioid addiction Combating human trafficking (both EO and action) Rollback of Obama's Cuba policy Food Stamp use lowest level in 7 years Reduced White House payroll Donating Presidential Salary Executive Order on Obamacare subsidies Would not certify the Iran Nuclear Deal Successful trip to Asia Signed trade deal with China Designated North Korea a terrorist state ISIS lost virtually all of its territory Recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital Passage of Tax Reform Bill Signed 130 bills into law Made 136 Presidential Proclamations Signed 64 Executive Orders More on the way.... 3 4 1 8 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share Release of 3 prisoners held in North Korea. 2 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bostonangler Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Lowest unemployment for some time....lowest for minorities as well A trend that started several years ago, and what happened to all those under employed and those off unemployment. Remember during the election the media left and right said the unemployment numbers were not accurate because the people I mentioned were not counted... They are still out there so I would say the unemployment numbers are still inaccurate. 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Tax cuts Bonuses......more take home.... I have posted many economic stories showing where the tax cuts are going... To share buybacks for the investors. For example, Apple just announced a 100 billion yes BILLION dollar buyback... And let's not forget that individual tax cuts will expire, corporate will not. The long term effect is reduced revenue, increased spending and an ever increasing debt. But I do hope Americans enjoy there tax relief, which might buy them a new refrigerator. https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2018-03-30/ask-an-economist-what-have-tax-cuts-done-for-the-economy 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Regulation cuts Here is a history of regulation and deregulation.. Some good, some not so good. https://money.howstuffworks.com/10-effects-of-deregulation.htm 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Excellent foreign relations again........and world respect Yeah, I don't see this one. http://news.gallup.com/poll/225761/world-approval-leadership-drops-new-low.aspx 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Illegal immigration #'s down.....and the wall hasn't even been built. Immigrations numbers have been going down since "W" http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/27/5-facts-about-illegal-immigration-in-the-u-s/ 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: $$ of business brought back to the US...$250 Billion estimated Much too early to see if this happens as hoped https://qz.com/1144201/under-trump-us-jobs-are-moving-overseas-even-faster-than-before/ 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Military respect Divided just like the public https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2017/10/23/military-times-poll-what-you-really-think-about-trump/ 11 hours ago, coorslite21 said: Stock Markets Seriously? The Bull Market has been going on for nine years https://www.marketwatch.com/story/is-this-bull-market-really-9-years-old-2018-03-09 CL, thanks for bringing this thread. It should be an informative look at facts and not just hearsay or political speak.... You started by saying some here don't like the GOP or Trump. Personally I have to say Trump. He is simply full of it. He lies when there is no reason to lie... I think he suffers from some type of truth disorder. http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/ B/A 2 1 1 15 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coorslite21 Posted May 4, 2018 Author Report Share 14 minutes ago, bostonangler said: A trend that started several years ago, and what happened to all those under employed and those off unemployment. Remember during the election the media left and right said the unemployment numbers were not accurate because the people I mentioned were not counted... They are still out there so I would say the unemployment numbers are still inaccurate. I have posted many economic stories showing where the tax cuts are going... To share buybacks for the investors. For example, Apple just announced a 100 billion yes BILLION dollar buyback... And let's not forget that individual tax cuts will expire, corporate will not. The long term effect is reduced revenue, increased spending and an ever increasing debt. But I do hope Americans enjoy there tax relief, which might buy them a new refrigerator. https://www.usnews.com/news/the-report/articles/2018-03-30/ask-an-economist-what-have-tax-cuts-done-for-the-economy Here is a history of regulation and deregulation.. Some good, some not so good. https://money.howstuffworks.com/10-effects-of-deregulation.htm Yeah, I don't see this one. http://news.gallup.com/poll/225761/world-approval-leadership-drops-new-low.aspx Immigrations numbers have been going down since "W" http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/04/27/5-facts-about-illegal-immigration-in-the-u-s/ Much too early to see if this happens as hoped https://qz.com/1144201/under-trump-us-jobs-are-moving-overseas-even-faster-than-before/ Divided just like the public https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2017/10/23/military-times-poll-what-you-really-think-about-trump/ Seriously? The Bull Market has been going on for nine years https://www.marketwatch.com/story/is-this-bull-market-really-9-years-old-2018-03-09 CL, thanks for bringing this thread. It should be an informative look at facts and not just hearsay or political speak.... You started by saying some here don't like the GOP or Trump. Personally I have to say Trump. He is simply full of it. He lies when there is no reason to lie... I think he suffers from some type of truth disorder. http://www.politifact.com/personalities/donald-trump/statements/byruling/false/ B/A Looks like your glass is half full............too bad......you have at least 3 more years of Trump ahead.......I pray for his success... that will be good for the country, and all of us.......CL 1 4 12 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bostonangler Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 1 minute ago, coorslite21 said: Looks like your glass is half full............too bad......you have at least 3 more years of Trump ahead.......I pray for his success... that will be good for the country, and all of us.......CL Politicians are not our friends... But facts are facts. Lies are lies. I wish our president would stick to doing his job and not worry about making up stuff to serve his ego. I agree, we do have 3 more years and I hope he doesn't crash us. Many of those who appose him think he won't finish out his term, but I think he will. I don't think he will get another... JMHO B/A 2 2 14 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coorslite21 Posted May 4, 2018 Author Report Share 6 minutes ago, bostonangler said: Politicians are not our friends... But facts are facts. Lies are lies. I wish our president would stick to doing his job and not worry about making up stuff to serve his ego. I agree, we do have 3 more years and I hope he doesn't crash us. Many of those who appose him think he won't finish out his term, but I think he will. I don't think he will get another... JMHO B/A I agree....not our friends.....supposedly they work for us....they are our paid employees........ You're not calling me out as a liar.....are you??........Facts are facts.....I supplied them in the 1st post. With the list of accomplishments in the original post... you are telling me Trump and the Senate and House are not doing their jobs???...... Why would he not finish his first term.........it's the Mueller gang that won't be there at the finish line......Unless prison is the finish line........ 2 11 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shabibilicious Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share .....and this.... ....while ignoring this.... Other than those things, he's a fairly competent former reality star. GO RV, then BV 2 4 14 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bostonangler Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 10 minutes ago, coorslite21 said: You're not calling me out as a liar.....are you??. No not you... I was talking about politicians... Pick one, any one. I think the list of honest politicians would be far shorter than crooked ones. B/A 1 3 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coorslite21 Posted May 4, 2018 Author Report Share 16 minutes ago, Shabibilicious said: .....and this.... ....while ignoring this.... Other than those things, he's a fairly competent former reality star. GO RV, then BV I understand that Trump is a flawed Human.........this post was intended as a "report card' on how the first year has gone for the US, with the GOP holding both the House and the Senate, with Trump as the President..... What happened to....."when they go low, we go high"...... Stormy Daniels has nothing to do with the past year Trump University......ditto Businesses go under........nothing to do with anything today Women coming out of the wood works just before the election....where are they now? Employees come and go..... The US and Russia hold 90% of the Worlds nukes........is it better to get along?? I'll stop there for now....... The sky is not falling......unless you buy into the MSM.......... 4 11 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shabibilicious Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 11 minutes ago, coorslite21 said: I understand that Trump is a flawed Human.........this post was intended as a "report card' on how the first year has gone for the US, with the GOP holding both the House and the Senate, with Trump as the President..... What happened to....."when they go low, we go high"...... Stormy Daniels has nothing to do with the past year Trump University......ditto Businesses go under........nothing to do with anything today Women coming out of the wood works just before the election....where are they now? Employees come and go..... The US and Russia hold 90% of the Worlds nukes........is it better to get along?? I'll stop there for now....... The sky is not falling......unless you buy into the MSM.......... And I noticed in your original post you kept mentioning perceived Obama failings which also have nothing to do with Trump's first year. Here's another current revelation concerning this somewhat disturbed potus who felt it necessary to dictate a ringing health letter about himself.....Who does that? GO RV, then BV 2 3 12 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coorslite21 Posted May 4, 2018 Author Report Share 1 hour ago, Shabibilicious said: And I noticed in your original post you kept mentioning perceived Obama failings which also have nothing to do with Trump's first year. Here's another current revelation concerning this somewhat disturbed potus who felt it necessary to dictate a ringing health letter about himself.....Who does that? GO RV, then BV Nope......just the facts.........not a "put down" to Obama....in the original post.........he did bow to the Saudi King....the Chinese did make him crawl out of the bottom of the plane..... As for this Dr.s note.......If that's all you got.....try again......this thread is about the first year, and why it has been a success, or failure....next you'll be saying the dog ate your homework... Who knows where that note really came from........no proof......in today's world I could take a picture of your face and photoshop it onto Kate Upton's Body photo....and even the FBI would have trouble determining if it was real........especially in this new and different transgender kind of world... Upton........wasn't she the one who married your pitcher....Verlander.....???...... 2 1 3 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shabibilicious Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share (edited) 49 minutes ago, coorslite21 said: Nope......just the facts.........not a "put down" to Obama....in the original post.........he did bow to the Saudi King....the Chinese did make him crawl out of the bottom of the plane..... As for this Dr.s note.......If that's all you got.....try again......this thread is about the first year, and why it has been a success, or failure....next you'll be saying the dog ate your homework... Who knows where that note really came from........no proof......in today's world I could take a picture of your face and photoshop it onto Kate Upton's Body photo....and even the FBI would have trouble determining if it was real........especially in this new and different transgender kind of world... Upton........wasn't she the one who married your pitcher....Verlander.....???...... Now you're questioning the actual doctor's note?....a note Trump himself touted as proof of his exceptional manliness. In all seriousness, I understand Trump's base having serious doubts about the validity of the evidence proving Donald's awful character flaws. No human has ever had such a mountain of character issues come to light.....So how could it possibly be true?....I get it. As to Verlander, he was a Tiger, now an Astro.....I'm an Indians fan....have been since the Reds broke up the Big Red Machine in the 70's. GO RV, then BV Edited May 4, 2018 by Shabibilicious 1 3 11 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coorslite21 Posted May 4, 2018 Author Report Share 28 minutes ago, Shabibilicious said: Now you're questioning the actual doctor's note?.... GO RV, then BV Yes........any Physician I know would have dated the document.....where' the date........ and that light pale, blue/gray vertical line just to the right of "To whom it may concern".....any idea what that's all about?? Now.......don't photoshop a date on it just for me.....CL 4 1 2 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share Lowest Fed hand out since 1973. 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shabibilicious Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 35 minutes ago, bigwave said: Lowest Fed hand out since 1973. And most of us remember who was POTUS in 1973.......the similarities to today's political spectrum are astonishing. GO RV, then BV 2 1 8 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
patrickgold Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share (edited) *Protect and support Religious freedom. *Stands firm on marriage between a man and women. *Pro-life and supports nonabortion services *Targets convicted criminals, fraud, abuse of public-benefits programs, use of fake social security and those who pose a risk to national security. Edited May 4, 2018 by patrickgold 9 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 6 minutes ago, Shabibilicious said: And most of us remember who was POTUS in 1973.......the similarities to today's political spectrum are astonishing. GO RV, then BV Your a funny dude. He took out 17 minutes of tape and your hero Hillarious, took out 33K e-mails, bleached bit her hard drive, smashed her phones with a hammer, set up the U deal, suspected in numerous other crimes that are unpunished. I see the similarities. 10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shabibilicious Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 18 minutes ago, bigwave said: Your a funny dude. He took out 17 minutes of tape and your hero Hillarious, took out 33K e-mails, bleached bit her hard drive, smashed her phones with a hammer, set up the U deal, suspected in numerous other crimes that are unpunished. I see the similarities. Actually, my dad is my hero......and HRC lost the election, old news, get over it already....sheesh. GO RV, then BV 2 1 7 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Synopsis Posted May 4, 2018 Report Share 1 hour ago, Shabibilicious said: Actually, my dad is my hero......and HRC lost the election, old news, get over it already....sheesh. GO RV, then BV And he spawned You? Not my definition of a hero in any regard. Maybe YOUR hero, though. 2 5 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted May 5, 2018 Report Share First President that has donated his salary - and is the 1st president since George Washington who did not take a dime either. https://www.abcactionnews.com/newsy/trump-isnt-the-first-president-to-give-his-salary-to-charity 2 2 1 4 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bigwave Posted May 6, 2018 Report Share Just re-opened Gitmo Trump’s Pentagon Opens Up Guantanamo Bay to New Prisoners Gitmo is back in business, fulfilling a campaign promise for Donald Trump, who pledged to refill the detention facility with ‘some bad dudes.’ https://www.thedailybeast.com/trumps-pentagon-opens-up-guantanamo-bay-detention-to-new-prisoners?ref=home 6 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shabibilicious Posted May 7, 2018 Report Share On 5/4/2018 at 3:39 PM, Synopsis said: And he spawned You? Not my definition of a hero in any regard. Maybe YOUR hero, though. May you one day find peace and happiness. GO RV, then BV 1 3 1 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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