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CBI Daily Currency Auction - Thursday, 12 February 2015


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Currency Auctions

Announcement No. (2886)

The latest daily currency auction was held in the Central Bank of Iraq on Thursday, the 12-02-2015
The results were as follows: 

DETAILS ----------------------&-------------------- NOTES

Number of banks                                           20
Auction price selling dinar / US$                      1166
Auction price buying dinar / US$                      -----
Amount sold at auction price (US$)                  80,258,000
Amount purchased at Auction price (US$)          -----
Total offers for buying (US$)                           80,258,000
Total offers for selling (US$)                           -----

Exchange rates:

1. Note that: 

  #  The sale of remittances Price (1187) JD / dollar, including the commission of the Central Bank in the amount of 21 dinars per dollar.
  #  Cash sales price of the dollar (1190) JD / dollar, including the commission of the Central Bank in the amount of 24 dinars per dollar.

2. the quantity sold in the amount of cash (5.403 million) dollars and the quantity sold in the amount of remittances (74.855 million) dollars.

3. The CBI will continue to sell and buy the dollar and the price (1166) and receive the same commission mentioned above.

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Thanks Ron....Low central bank sales at the end of the weekly auction to $ 80 million

Thu, February 12, 2015 13:22




Central bank sales fell for foreign currency at the end of the weekly auction on Thursday, to $ 80 million after being hit on Wednesday, 93 million and 35 000 dollars.

According to a statement of the bank received by all of Iraq [where] a copy of the "amount sold by the bank the size of the auction price of the dollar today reached 80 million and 258 thousand dollars at the exchange rate in 1166 dinars to the dollar and with the participation of 20 banks."

He pointed out that "the quantity sold in cash amounted to five million and US $ 403 000, and the quantity sold Khawwalat amounted to $ 74 million."

The statement said that "the Iraqi Central Bank to continue buying and selling dollars at 1166 dinars," adding that "the sale of remittances price 1187 JD / dollar, including the commission of the Central Bank of 21 dinars per dollar, with total cash sales price of $ 1190 JD / dollar, including the commission Bank Central of 24 dinars per dollar. "

The central bank has sold in the past month, more than $ 2.8 billion.

It is expected that the dollar sales decline in the auction for this year, according to the law of the state budget, which began in Parliament on 29 January last, which was ratified by the Presidency on 10 February this to be put into effect after its publication in the Gazette facts after day.

The law stipulates that the central bank is committed to identifying sales of hard currency [dollar] in the daily auction ceiling does not exceed $ 75 million a day with the exercise of justice in the sales process, and calls for participating in the auction the bank providing the introduction of cargo documents and statements of tax settling accounts and savings Alkmarki within 30 days from the date of buy it for the amount and otherwise apply to the bank penalties stipulated in the Central Bank Act or regulations issued it, and use other banking tools to maintain the strength of the dinar against the Atar.anthy

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So does the $75 Million maximum only apply to Electronic Transfers?


Anyone have that info?




...The law stipulates that the central bank is committed to identifying sales of hard currency [dollar] in the daily auction ceiling does not exceed $ 75 million a day ...


From reading this... it only refers to "hard currency". Define "hard currency" and you shall have your answer.

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