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Wall Street Pounded as Central Bank Hopes Fade


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President Obama has created more jobs in the first six months of this year than Bush did in three. Facts are facts.

Ten things President Obama managed to achieve within his first year:

■Ten: President Obama has slowed down the recession. Nobody is talking depression anymore, and some are talking recovery. Trying to catch this economy from crashing was like trying to catch a 100 ton boulder dropped off a 70-story building. The inertia alone is going to push you backwards until you can slow the force. Most wouldn’t even step in front of a boulder coming at them like this. Obama stepped in the gap and stuck to a measured recovery plan of stimulus dollars and labor force transition.

■Nine: President Obama saved Wall Street. And Wall Street tried to punk him by paying itself first. He exposed the absence of regulatory oversight on Wall Street, and economic and financial investment reform is being discussed like never before.

■Eight: President Obama saved the collapse of the American automotive industry. By making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry, he saved the industry. People want to make jokes about “cash for clunkers” but the automakers aren’t laughing. They’re thanking him.

■Seven: President Obama shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along-but now they want to say he’s making war, not peace. Well, at least he didn’t destabilize a whole region on a false premise. It’s better than what we had.

■Six: President Obama relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world. This was more serious than the previous administration was willing to let on. The President made good on his promise to make a major address on American-Muslim relations and he did it in a Muslim country, showing a good faith that America hadn’t shown in a while.

■Five: President Obama closed the prisoner “torture camp” at Guantanamo Bay. Holding prisoners for eight years without charging them was acceptable under the previous administration. It is not acceptable under this administration. Obama’s next challenge is what to do with the detainees.

■Four: President Obama has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation. The era of polluting industrialists is over, and with a President that understands the benefits of green conversion, America can become a leader in the industry of the future.

■Three: President Obama has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part. It’s what any President should be encouraging but Obama’s so popular, he was accused of trying to “socialize” or “proselytize” the children. It’s a sad day when the President of the United States can’t speak to school children because their parent’s views conflict.

■Two: President Obama is on the verge of passing universal health care, with a public option, to insure everybody in America has care when they are sick. He’s doing it, despite vilification of ideologues and while in the midst of an H1N1 epidemic where millions could get sick this winter. The people feel him on this.

■One: President Obama has restored credibility to the American Presidency where the world is looking to him to lead America out of unilateralism and back into multilateral global cooperation. The Nobel Peace Prize was an acknowledgment that Obama had led and is leading a non-violent cultural revolution in America. Everybody, except for a few in America, can see the change. Still, the world understands what happened one year ago, and they thought they’d never see such a shift occur. The election of Obama helped the world see the light that America wasn’t ready to self-destruct.

Not bad, for less than a year in office. People need to stop complaining that he hasn’t done enough. Obama was elected President. He wasn’t elected Jesus. Like Al Sharpton said on Meet The Press, “we now realize that Obama doesn’t walk on water, but he’s still the fastest swimmer in America


Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows

PDF of this report (4pp.)

By Chuck Marr

Updated April 2, 2012

Federal taxes on middle-income Americans are near historic lows,[1] according to the latest available data. That’s true both for federal income taxes and total federal taxes.[2]

■Income taxes: A family of four in the exact middle of the income spectrum will pay only 5.6 percent of its 2011 income in federal income taxes, according to a new analysis by the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center. [3] Average income tax rates for these typical families have been lower during the Bush and Obama Administrations than at any time since the 1950s, as Figure 1 shows. (As discussed below, 2009 and 2010 were particularly low because of the temporary Making Work Pay Tax Credit.)

■Overall federal taxes: Overall federal taxes — which include income as well as payroll and excise taxes — on middle-income households are near their lowest levels in decades, according to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

You know Carello, I thought you much smarter than that. I will only comment on # 8. So what if Obama made GM restructure before getting a bailout? He let them go BK also. Seems like a few seagulls fighting over scraps at the dump. How many people got F' ed over on the GM ride. Gee BK and a bailout, which do I start on first? And Ziggy, I'm rather disappointed in you. You have too much going on for comments like that. Oh well.

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You know Carello, I thought you much smarter than that. I will only comment on # 8. So what if Obama made GM restructure before getting a bailout? He let them go BK also. Seems like a few seagulls fighting over scraps at the dump. How many people got F' ed over on the GM ride. Gee BK and a bailout, which do I start on first? And Ziggy, I'm rather disappointed in you. You have too much going on for comments like that. Oh well.

DWitte smile.gif Carrello may be sleeping. Shush.

Now as for #8... what is your point?

Yup. There was a bail out and then a bk. I know what you mean about "seagulls fighting over scraps at the dump." How many more people than the GM people got F'ed over on the GM ride? Gee... BK and a bailout... They got screwed. Could it be the judicial system and the banks are in one nice cushy bed together? Not only are the banks and the Gov too, it includes us also.

I am not speaking for Carrello or Ziggie. rolleyes.gif

I hear you DWitte. I am rather disappointed in the system.

You Know DWitte? I would have thought... you were much smarter than this.

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President Obama has created more jobs in the first six months of this year than Bush did in three. Facts are facts.

Ten things President Obama managed to achieve within his first year:

■Ten: President Obama has slowed down the recession. Nobody is talking depression anymore, and some are talking recovery. Trying to catch this economy from crashing was like trying to catch a 100 ton boulder dropped off a 70-story building. The inertia alone is going to push you backwards until you can slow the force. Most wouldn’t even step in front of a boulder coming at them like this. Obama stepped in the gap and stuck to a measured recovery plan of stimulus dollars and labor force transition.

■Nine: President Obama saved Wall Street. And Wall Street tried to punk him by paying itself first. He exposed the absence of regulatory oversight on Wall Street, and economic and financial investment reform is being discussed like never before.

■Eight: President Obama saved the collapse of the American automotive industry. By making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry, he saved the industry. People want to make jokes about “cash for clunkers” but the automakers aren’t laughing. They’re thanking him.

■Seven: President Obama shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along-but now they want to say he’s making war, not peace. Well, at least he didn’t destabilize a whole region on a false premise. It’s better than what we had.

■Six: President Obama relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world. This was more serious than the previous administration was willing to let on. The President made good on his promise to make a major address on American-Muslim relations and he did it in a Muslim country, showing a good faith that America hadn’t shown in a while.

■Five: President Obama closed the prisoner “torture camp” at Guantanamo Bay. Holding prisoners for eight years without charging them was acceptable under the previous administration. It is not acceptable under this administration. Obama’s next challenge is what to do with the detainees.

■Four: President Obama has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation. The era of polluting industrialists is over, and with a President that understands the benefits of green conversion, America can become a leader in the industry of the future.

■Three: President Obama has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part. It’s what any President should be encouraging but Obama’s so popular, he was accused of trying to “socialize” or “proselytize” the children. It’s a sad day when the President of the United States can’t speak to school children because their parent’s views conflict.

■Two: President Obama is on the verge of passing universal health care, with a public option, to insure everybody in America has care when they are sick. He’s doing it, despite vilification of ideologues and while in the midst of an H1N1 epidemic where millions could get sick this winter. The people feel him on this.

■One: President Obama has restored credibility to the American Presidency where the world is looking to him to lead America out of unilateralism and back into multilateral global cooperation. The Nobel Peace Prize was an acknowledgment that Obama had led and is leading a non-violent cultural revolution in America. Everybody, except for a few in America, can see the change. Still, the world understands what happened one year ago, and they thought they’d never see such a shift occur. The election of Obama helped the world see the light that America wasn’t ready to self-destruct.

Not bad, for less than a year in office. People need to stop complaining that he hasn’t done enough. Obama was elected President. He wasn’t elected Jesus. Like Al Sharpton said on Meet The Press, “we now realize that Obama doesn’t walk on water, but he’s still the fastest swimmer in America


Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows

PDF of this report (4pp.)

By Chuck Marr

Updated April 2, 2012

Federal taxes on middle-income Americans are near historic lows,[1] according to the latest available data. That’s true both for federal income taxes and total federal taxes.[2]

■Income taxes: A family of four in the exact middle of the income spectrum will pay only 5.6 percent of its 2011 income in federal income taxes, according to a new analysis by the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center. [3] Average income tax rates for these typical families have been lower during the Bush and Obama Administrations than at any time since the 1950s, as Figure 1 shows. (As discussed below, 2009 and 2010 were particularly low because of the temporary Making Work Pay Tax Credit.)

■Overall federal taxes: Overall federal taxes — which include income as well as payroll and excise taxes — on middle-income households are near their lowest levels in decades, according to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

You don't believe all this Crap do you? How about go ask your neighbor how they feel, go ask your co-worker if life is better!! Oh Crap, your neighbor lost his house, and your co-worker lost his job!! (you live in a State that bankrupt from the bottom to the top) My point is quit reading and digesting the B$ the media and what folks around this man dish out, and ask your fellow American how it is going!! I'm your Average small time business working 18 to 20 hrs a day to Keep the OPEN sign in the Door!! And this man is campaigning on raising taxes!! But your into that more Government and less freedom and Control!! How about go do some research on the what this man is doing to the Coal Industry which consist of alot of small communities that house your local store's that are surrounded by house's that contain Families and their neighbor are gone!! The disassemble of Small Town America. Another 4 yrs of this, (I'll go out on the Limb and he will try to change that 2, heck he already said he can't accomplish what he wants under the current time frame). What that saying: You ain't seen Nothing Yet!! :wacko:

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Yota My Dear.

Please know that I call you that about every day. smile.gif

Hugs Maggie.

Now it seems we will part? You really hate Obama so much? Ok. Ok. Ok.

I Still Love You Yota.

I love my Country, I will stand up for it, as I have in the Past!! Sry you feel that I have hate, just as folks that protest against Chick Fil-a thinking it about Hate!! It has nothing to do with Hate, It has do what Traditional Values. Just as I follow the Ten Commandments. You assume just as other an use word as Hate or Racism. Sry u feel this way, as I express myself!! I'm done with this!!

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You quote Al Sharpton that racist?

He instills hate with every breath he takeas.

I was reading your opinion with an open mind till you mentioned this evil man

Obama supports class warfare alongside this fanatic

In fact Sharpton instills race warfare

He hates the white man and thinks we owe for the past

I sure don't here my Irish relatives calling for reparations and they were

Treated far worse as Indentured servants than any black man ever was

It's the super rich against everyone now but it will be the

Middle class against the poor soon enough!

Goodbye capitalism I will miss you my old friend

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Yota, oleman, I always respect others veiws but you can't argue with a liberal. I'm with you fellas. As for item # 8 Obama could care less about GM as a corp. His bailout was for union votes only. Who owns GM now? That would be the UAW. His stimulas was a slushfund for the democrat party. The ugly details are starting to come out. This being a military member site, here's an example of how your president treats you. Have to copy and paste (sorry) but worth the trouble. Thanks, r carter

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You don't believe all this Crap do you? How about go ask your neighbor how they feel, go ask your co-worker if life is better!! Oh Crap, your neighbor lost his house, and your co-worker lost his job!! (you live in a State that bankrupt from the bottom to the top) My point is quit reading and digesting the B$ the media and what folks around this man dish out, and ask your fellow American how it is going!! I'm your Average small time business working 18 to 20 hrs a day to Keep the OPEN sign in the Door!! And this man is campaigning on raising taxes!! But your into that more Government and less freedom and Control!! How about go do some research on the what this man is doing to the Coal Industry which consist of alot of small communities that house your local store's that are surrounded by house's that contain Families and their neighbor are gone!! The disassemble of Small Town America. Another 4 yrs of this, (I'll go out on the Limb and he will try to change that 2, heck he already said he can't accomplish what he wants under the current time frame). What that saying: You ain't seen Nothing Yet!! :wacko:

Right on Yota,

How quickly people will trade their individual freedoms to follow what the vocal minority says.

We are told how to raise our children, what to eat, how to LIVE our lives etc...

The next generation will be easily controlled by the government IMO

Big government is more corupt, evil and non transparent than any large corporation ever will be.

Sure we all want a clean environment but alot of good this is if people are starving.

But this is where this country is heading.

Why on earth would they not sign the Canadian oil pipeline deal.?

We are killing our agricultural industry here in California to protect a delta Smelt?

We are tearing down our GREEN hydro electric plants in the NW

Im done

Have a great weekend all

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Oh come on folks, our economy has been going down the rabbit hole since Bush! You can't fix something overnight that took years to screw up!

Only true democrat die hards would make a statement like that, Obama lovers need to take off

The blinders cuz they surely cant see what he is doing or where we are headed unbelievable.

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You know Carello, I thought you much smarter than that. I will only comment on # 8. So what if Obama made GM restructure before getting a bailout? He let them go BK also. Seems like a few seagulls fighting over scraps at the dump. How many people got F' ed over on the GM ride. Gee BK and a bailout, which do I start on first? And Ziggy, I'm rather disappointed in you. You have too much going on for comments like that. Oh well.

Ahhhh, we feel terrible.

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Oh come on folks, our economy has been going down the rabbit hole since Bush! You can't fix something overnight that took years to screw up!

I have been echoing the same thing for years zig, but there are some folks who just don't get it.

Hell yeah bush left a mess! Obama isn't the best for the job but he's trying his best. The truth is no matter who takes office it will not be fixed overnight thats for sure.

Your right 50, but we seriously have Obama haters in our country. I can't think of any other president that has been hated on like Obama. Even when it's totally obvious that the US has had major problems under every president that's ran this country. Just remeber folks "if your not apart of the solution, then your part of the problem" Really Simple right?

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President Obama has created more jobs in the first six months of this year than Bush did in three. Facts are facts.

Ten things President Obama managed to achieve within his first year:

■Ten: President Obama has slowed down the recession. Nobody is talking depression anymore, and some are talking recovery. Trying to catch this economy from crashing was like trying to catch a 100 ton boulder dropped off a 70-story building. The inertia alone is going to push you backwards until you can slow the force. Most wouldn’t even step in front of a boulder coming at them like this. Obama stepped in the gap and stuck to a measured recovery plan of stimulus dollars and labor force transition.

■Nine: President Obama saved Wall Street. And Wall Street tried to punk him by paying itself first. He exposed the absence of regulatory oversight on Wall Street, and economic and financial investment reform is being discussed like never before.

■Eight: President Obama saved the collapse of the American automotive industry. By making GM restructure before bailing them out, and putting incentive money to help the industry, he saved the industry. People want to make jokes about “cash for clunkers” but the automakers aren’t laughing. They’re thanking him.

■Seven: President Obama shifted the focus of the war from Iraq to Afghanistan, and putting the emphasis on reducing terrorism where it should have been all along-but now they want to say he’s making war, not peace. Well, at least he didn’t destabilize a whole region on a false premise. It’s better than what we had.

■Six: President Obama relaxed Anti-American tensions throughout the world. This was more serious than the previous administration was willing to let on. The President made good on his promise to make a major address on American-Muslim relations and he did it in a Muslim country, showing a good faith that America hadn’t shown in a while.

■Five: President Obama closed the prisoner “torture camp” at Guantanamo Bay. Holding prisoners for eight years without charging them was acceptable under the previous administration. It is not acceptable under this administration. Obama’s next challenge is what to do with the detainees.

■Four: President Obama has made the environment a national priority, and a primary source for job creation. The era of polluting industrialists is over, and with a President that understands the benefits of green conversion, America can become a leader in the industry of the future.

■Three: President Obama has made education a national priority by putting emphasis and money behind new ideas like charter schools, but speaking directly to school children in telling them they have to do their part. It’s what any President should be encouraging but Obama’s so popular, he was accused of trying to “socialize” or “proselytize” the children. It’s a sad day when the President of the United States can’t speak to school children because their parent’s views conflict.

■Two: President Obama is on the verge of passing universal health care, with a public option, to insure everybody in America has care when they are sick. He’s doing it, despite vilification of ideologues and while in the midst of an H1N1 epidemic where millions could get sick this winter. The people feel him on this.

■One: President Obama has restored credibility to the American Presidency where the world is looking to him to lead America out of unilateralism and back into multilateral global cooperation. The Nobel Peace Prize was an acknowledgment that Obama had led and is leading a non-violent cultural revolution in America. Everybody, except for a few in America, can see the change. Still, the world understands what happened one year ago, and they thought they’d never see such a shift occur. The election of Obama helped the world see the light that America wasn’t ready to self-destruct.

Not bad, for less than a year in office. People need to stop complaining that he hasn’t done enough. Obama was elected President. He wasn’t elected Jesus. Like Al Sharpton said on Meet The Press, “we now realize that Obama doesn’t walk on water, but he’s still the fastest swimmer in America


Federal Income Taxes on Middle-Income Families Remain Near Historic Lows

PDF of this report (4pp.)

By Chuck Marr

Updated April 2, 2012

Federal taxes on middle-income Americans are near historic lows,[1] according to the latest available data. That’s true both for federal income taxes and total federal taxes.[2]

■Income taxes: A family of four in the exact middle of the income spectrum will pay only 5.6 percent of its 2011 income in federal income taxes, according to a new analysis by the Urban Institute-Brookings Institution Tax Policy Center. [3] Average income tax rates for these typical families have been lower during the Bush and Obama Administrations than at any time since the 1950s, as Figure 1 shows. (As discussed below, 2009 and 2010 were particularly low because of the temporary Making Work Pay Tax Credit.)

■Overall federal taxes: Overall federal taxes — which include income as well as payroll and excise taxes — on middle-income households are near their lowest levels in decades, according to the latest data from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO).

Nicely stated Carrello. "Facts are Facts"

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Only true democrat die hards would make a statement like that, Obama lovers need to take off

The blinders cuz they surely cant see what he is doing or where we are headed unbelievable.

So this big mess is all Obama's fault? So then your saying that all of our other president set Obama up with a clean slate? Please explain more!!!!!!

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Hello Crow. smile.gif

Might I say that when the banks crawled into bed with the US government over 10 years ago "Thats when we were condemned?

Maybe you actually think Obama had the keys to the back door clear back then? eh? rolleyes.gif

Oh my friend Maggie, it was 99 years ago. That evil empire of the Fed Reserve. All Presidents can be countrymen and patriots but in the end, the bankers are running the show. I have never liked it that our Country is a 2 party system. This has made it easy for the bankers to stay in charge. All of them are bought or threatened. We can never know what stress every US President has to endure. They not only have to worry about economy, but foreign policy, and foreign aid and why we do it. It's not all about being nice folks. Though the regular citizen of the US is a good people. The Presidents and some of his cabinets are puppets. Evil comes in many forms, and many times in the form or facade of good in which good folks would love to jump on the opportunity to help out. But in the end the bankers are getting our US President and Government to give away the store. The UN is about to own the US as their own asset.

By not letting the banks fail we put another nail in our own coffin.

If we need an economy boost we should not look for them to print the money. Let the crooks go into their personal accounts and give it to all the citizens. They have money they printed and call it rich. Well, if we let it fail it will. They have no value in their debt printed currency. Time to confiscate all the stolen assests of the US and put them where they belong. They have done this with the help of our Government and Presidents. All, not Obama and Bush, all of them.

Each President has the task of trying to fix it. The two party system has 2 different ways of doing it. Neither works. The only thing that worked was a revolution such as the Tech years. Hence, President Clinton has a surplus. This ticked off the Feds because their agenda slows down, hence they put their money into Bush, for the next election. It's a vicious circle. BTW, we have such bad voter fraud that I don't think the citizens have ever voted in the President. I think the feds do it. My mom stopped voting when they try to pay her to vote for Kennedy. Sad thing is, that would have been a good vote. He won anyhow, but that made her lose faith in the system. It was much deeper than that. If she only knew.

Edited by uncirculd
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Uncirculd smile.gif You are absolutely right! My vision was far too short.

It did start way back on Jeckell Island. I guess I was thinking about 2008, when the crimes were so blantantly thrown in our faces.

I also agree with you about our votes not mattering for a very long time, either candidate was fine by the banks, because they owned them both.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Hugs, Maggie

I'm trying to even you out Ms. Carrello. smile.gif Good for you... for saying what others are afraid to!

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Lemme just help Carrello. There is nothing wrong with the truth. In fact many of us prefer it. You know that sometimes the truth can make people crazy. We just move forward and hope they don't get left behind the lies.

BTW Maggie,

I did not straighten you out, I just reminded you. You are well educated on the shenanigans in our history.

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