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Everything posted by TexasMike1958

  1. site is back up......nothing niece wants to know what the !@@##$%$%^^%$ is going on
  2. lets see if this a news story tomorrow afternoon. i think it will be. i also think it will be all over the internet.....chapter 7....not rv
  3. if its $3.69 any time, the first thing on my shopping list will be depends.....
  4. in the words of the country philosopher Toby Keith......"lets's get on down to the main attraction with a little less talk and a lot more action."
  5. I am very sad to her this news. I always believed him to be very knowledgable in his analysis and research. I looked forward to reading his posts and felt he was not a pumper or had a hidden agenda. He will be missed by many here and in the dinar community. God Bless his family during this difficult time.
  6. they are at it again. this is an old post with old news. How do I know???? Colin Powell is no longer the US Secretary of State. John Kerry is. Please do not post this story again and gets people's hearts aflutter with false hope.
  7. would the key card be considered similar to the US ATM card or the debit card???? If so, then the next logical ? is....why would they be giving all these instructions on how to use it if they were going to wait to 2014 to RV their currency??? Would it not make sense to RV at this time if they are giving their people instructions on how use the card to get their money??? Just thinking out loud......
  8. If I understand it correctly then....the UN is ready to release them from Ch 7. Iraq has fulfilled all of their obligations to Kuwait...right??
  9. so we are screwed for another year then.....cause these idiots will keep dragging their feet????
  10. Can someone tell me if the DFI has been extended past May 23??? If it has, then for how long???
  11. It seems to me that our good ol' government was unprepared for what was coming down the road. Now that they have new rules in place......they might tell Iraq to go ahead and do their thing because the US is ready to take more of our money. Just a thought.
  12. Hey army03, I'm from Bay City and yeah baby, GO BLUE I live in Beaumont Texas....but born and raised in the BEAUTIFUL state of Michigan!!! How bout the MAIZE AND BLUE!!!!!
  13. The Bible is very clear....its wrong. The Bible is also clear that people who live that lifestyle and remain there will lose out on eternal life. The problem is that they are saying people who live that lifestyle have legal rights just as hetero married couples do. While that may be true legally, morally, they are wrong. There is no grey area there. Our planet is becoming more like Sodom and Gomorrah with each passing day. And we know what happened to them. But our SCOTUS seems to have no interest in God or supporting legal views that are as much moral as they are legal.
  14. that we know exactly what is in a chicken mcnugget.......what exactly is there left to know. We know the RV is going to be $3.21...orf $3.41....or $3.42.....or 10 cents.....or $1.00...we know its coming this weekend....or Monday.....or Tuesday....or sometime in 2014........
  15. Not only that......they can carry a knife on the plane now..
  16. #2 is just as interesting....."It is demonstrated in this context to call for assessing the dinar for less than (3.208) dollar (official exchange rate) when assessing project outputs and inputs of traded goods and exports, substitute imports and imports. . .etc." Then they list the justifications for using an exchange rate that is lower than the official one. I could be very wrong.....but it sounds like to me they want to start at say....$1.134 and then work their way over the next 3 years to $3.208. That is IF they were to implement this lower rate at this time. All this is a very, very uneducated in dinar type guess. Would like some feedback on this.
  17. Hello Adam....I was wondering since the Parliament announced it will distribute surplus of 7 million to the poor in June, and the meeting between Iraqi and Kuwaiti officials to sign an agreement to lift Chapter 7 in April (or has it been signed already and this meeting makes it official), do you believe we might see the end sometime during this window????
  18. On the XE currency home page the 1 USD is equal to 1155 has been at 1160 or higher for a long time now. Someone who is smarter than I am about this please tell me what this means. I am assuming it is very good for us.
  19. But there is a little bit of bad news.....i have read that the Kurds were absent from the vote and that they are going to challenge this in court. What have you heard about this Adam??? Do they have a chance to screw this up???? Will the court side with them instead of the wishes of the Iraqi people??? Can someone out there provide some accurate info on this??? don't forget....chocolate is a vegetable since it comes from the cocoa bean. Therefore this is highly nutritious.
  20. If tomorrow ever comes......seems like there is always something happening between now and tomorrow. the question is....what will it be next.
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