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Everything posted by md11fr8dawg

  1. Not normal Slapant, get her some help now.
  2. Or perhaps solely on what the Constitution says. How refreshing that would be.
  3. Matthew, what a whining, mentally deranged, liberal pig. How's that leg tingle now Chris???
  4. Right you are BA, the people that caused the problem then want us to keep them in power to solve the problems they caused. If the Fit hits the Shan, these spineless cowards will run like the dogs they are with their tail tucked between their legs. Most in Gov don't give 2 shites about any of us. Period!
  5. I agree with what you said about the evidence he presents. Then this morning I received an email from Agora's Bill Bonner and he says almost EXACTLY the same thing Bauman says. Now that's got me worried. He says the country's currency is getting ready to be replaced with a new one and that all debts will be forgiven. However, someone has to pay that bill and can you guess who it is? Yep, the good ole American taxpayer, through their savings, IRAs, 401Ks and stocks and bonds. Again, they too are trying to sell a newsletter, but the evidence they present is pretty convincing, because there is just a feeling in the air of this country that something is not right. It's almost like a slow fog moving in, the tension that is present today.
  6. So BA, did you watch this? I subscribed to his newsletter and it expired last year. Enjoyed it and it was pretty informative. So are you going all cash based on this guys warning?
  7. You might be on high alert Botzwana and have a bug out bag ready. With the rhetoric ratcheting up everyday things are very unstable. The lid could blow off this thing at anytime if something or someone does not intervene on behalf go mankind. These Elitist have no soul, or moral compass. They worship money and Power and will stop at nothing to get it, unless stopped by good guys.
  8. The Hilldawg must be in Target shopping!!
  9. "Carnak the Magnificent " to be exact. Man I miss those wonderful years when late night shows were funny and so were comedians. And Carson WAS THE BEST!!!
  10. Pretty scary BA. DO you happen to have the link to this video? I want to send it to some friends. Thanks
  11. Why did you ask Rmc10? You own any SING?
  12. Good point BA, there are many ways to solve this problem and my take would be to explore all of them and use a combination to stop illegal immigration, but unfortunately neither party seems to want to do this. The Repubs want the money from companies that employ that cheap labor and the Dems want the votes from the welfare they give them, so nothing gets done, as we watch our tax money being flushed down the drain along with our country.
  13. Patty, my condolences for your loses. You are correct it is a difficult journey when your parents become old and unable to care for themselves. Lost my Mom in Feb. Two strokes and in a nursing home. Two 88 yo in laws, one with prostate cancer (spreading) and the other, severe short term memory loss and severe COPD (20%lung capacity). Right now in an assisted living facility, but we have to take care of all their needs except what the facility does, which relieves some of our duties. Hope you can grieve and rest to get back your strength and resume as normal a life as possible. God Bless You!!
  14. You are right about the hypocrisy, neither side can or won't curtail SPENDING, which is the root cause of all our fiscal problems. Reagan's tax cuts fill the federal coffers with $$ and it was all spent and then some. And the same thing is happening here. The tax cuts and the increased taxes coming from more people working will once again bring in more revenue and it will be spent on ANYTHING to buy votes especially the Dems. And the Repubs piss me off also because to many of them are not fiscally responsible either. They live the "Vita Loca" and we pay the bill.
  15. Trillions of dollars in fresh tax cuts from the "fiscally responsible" party will have that effect, girljulieta. As always, just my opinion Yeah, Shabs, let's conveniently forget the doubling of our debt to 20 trillion that Obama single handedly accomplished, while growing our economy at <2% per quarter. At least with a booming economy we stand a chance of recouping some of that money. Not so under "The One"!!
  16. BA, most good honest people don't run for office because of the sewer that has been created in politics today (but has been going on for many many years). Who wants to lower your standards and expose your family to all the disgusting Kathy Griffiths, Whoopi and the skanks on the view and the LSM who know NOTHING but act as if they are the unquestioned authority.
  17. And it is a DAMN shame that it is that way BA, but history is replete with lying A$$HOLES many hundreds to thousands of years back. Now you know why politicians have less respect than used car salesmen.
  18. You Da Man!!! Must be an old man like me!!! Happy Father's Day!!
  19. Hey, CSM (R) Thackrey, A Nod is as Good as a Wink to a Blind Horse!!!
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