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1 hour ago, MyLadiesDaddy said:

You know how my mind thinks and I had a thought that shocked me. 

What is the possibility that the military is actually running the country?

There's far too many people who's current picture clearly shows that they're not the same person. The final giveaway was a video I recently watched, The person playing Biden scratches the back of his neck and as clear as day you could tell that the person was wearing a mask 😷

However, I cannot for the life of me understand why all the subterfuge. 

What do you think?


I think you're FINALLY getting a clue :D

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3 hours ago, MyLadiesDaddy said:

What do you think?

Very perplexing to say the least.


Back in the Day Eisenhower spoke of the "complex" and we should beware.


Then they went kinetic on Kennedy. Many fell "in line."


My hope is that some did not. If so, then a plan may have been put in place to take the

current cabal down with as few causalities as possible.


Far reaching too, but it could explain the masks.


I have heard that we may be in a devolution state too.


Way past my pay grade.


I know if the cabal is to fall, there are a lot of moving targets.


I just have to have faith in the Lord, be prepared and stand ready.




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Many people in my life think I'm crazy because I speak the truth. I see demons 😈, they're everywhere. And I have 2 things to say about that. 

1st, make no mistake about it, a demon possessed person also knows 100% when it sees a Holy Spirit filled person. 

2nd, Demons 😈 are, "like Satan ", absolutely stupid. 

From Lucifer to the lowest demon they've NEVER had an original thought. They want one thing only, YOU DEAD! 

But the most dangerous ones claim themselves to be Christian. They hide behind a false Christianity while subtlety attacking Holy Spirit filled Christians.

I could give you hundreds of scriptures explaining that anyone who claims to be Christian while hating another is a liar and the truth is not in them. They," have itchy ears,...


2 Timothy 4:3-4 New King James Version (NKJV)

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables.

They will justify following those who lie and say words that are in agreement with their own desires and lust. 


Nevertheless, those false Christians are so blinded by their demons that it's practically impossible for them to understand. 

This was prophesied by true prophets throughout the ages. "For there shall come a great falling away before the coming of the Lord ". 

Clearly that is the situation today. 

The BLOOD THIRSTY cop in this video unequivocally proves what I'm saying. He's probably considered a Pilar of the church he goes to. Like so many christians believing that simply going to church and saying, "praise Jesus", will get them to Heaven. But in the end he will stand before Jesus only to hear him say, "Depart from me you worker of sin, I never knew you". 

Not ONE SINGLE DAY PASSES wherein I don't beg my Savior to keep me from being so blinded. Forever questioning my own lot in life. And it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that all of the Apostles were the same way. 

1st Corinthians 9:27


Of course there's always the possibility that I haven't a clue. 





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11 hours ago, nstoolman1 said:

Then the old man should be held accountable as well.


3 hours ago, NMP2017 said:

I do believe he is.. I can't remember what he is being charged with bit you can google it. Iirc there are quite a few charges against him...

 Father of Apalachee High School Mass Shooter Arrested on MULTIPLE CHARGES, Including Second-Degree Murder


The charges against the father, according to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), include four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder, and eight counts of cruelty to children.


The state’s laws are clear: second-degree murder is a serious offense, particularly when children are involved, even if there was no direct intent to kill.

With sentences ranging from 10 to 30 years in prison, Colin Gray could face a lengthy stay behind bars for what many are calling his failure as a parent.


Apparently the mother is a real crack head too....

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