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Minister of Finance & Minister of Oil Agency- Ali Allawi @alimofirq

Walter Walter
48 mins ago
Minister of Finance & Minister of Oil Agency


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
وفقاً لما يتطلبه الوضع الراهن في العراق اجتمعت اليوم بقسم السياسات الاقتصادية في الدائرة الاقتصادية التابعة لوزارة المالية و قررنا تنفيذ فوراً ما يلي:
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As required by the current situation in Iraq, I met today with the Economic Policy Department of the Economic Department of the Ministry of Finance and we decided to implement immediately the following:


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
1. فرض ضريبة كمركية تقديرية مرتفعة على الرسوم والبضائع المنوي استيرادها الى البلد والمراد تحويل الاموال الى الخارج لغرض شرائها عن طريق شركات الاستيراد والتصدير والتامين على المبالغ المراد تحويلها والتاكد من دخول البضائع الى البلد وفرض كذلك التعريفة الكمركية المسبقة
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1. Imposing a high estimated customs tax on the fees and goods intended to be imported into the country The money is to be transferred abroad for the purpose of purchasing it through import and export companies Insurance on the amounts to be transferred, and ensuring the entry of goods into the country and imposing the tariff as well Advance customs


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
قبل ورود البضاعة واعادة الفرق بالضرائب والتامين والرسوم المفروضة الى التاجر عند ورود البضاعة الى البلد وذلك لمنع حالات تهريب الاموال وغسلها عن طريق الاستيراد الصوري.
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Before the goods are received and the difference is returned by taxes, insurance and fees imposed on the merchant when the goods are imported to the country in order to prevent cases of money smuggling and washing through Photo import.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
2. تطوير قوانين سرية للحسابات المصرفية وتدريب العاملين في المصارف والمؤسسات المالية وغيرها على الاساليب الحديثة لكشف محاولات غسيل الاموال والابلاغ عنها.
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2. Developing secret laws for bank accounts and training employees in banks, financial institutions, and others on modern methods of detecting and reporting money-laundering attempts.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
3. زيادة التعاون الدولي والمساعدة القانونية في التحقيقات والملاحقات القانونية المتعلقة بغسيل الاموال وتسليم وملاحقة المطلوبين في قضايا غسيل الاموال عن طريق الشرطة الجنائية الدولية (الانتربول) وكذلك عقد الاتفاقيات الامنية مع الدول وخاصة الاقليمية ودول المنطقة.
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3. Increase international cooperation and legal assistance in investigations and legal prosecutions related to money laundering, extradition and prosecution of those wanted in money laundering cases by the International Criminal Police (Interpol), as well as the conclusion of security agreements with countries, especially regional and countries of the region.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
4. ضبط الحدود الدولية لمنع اي حالة تهريب للاموال من والى داخل وخارج البلد منعاً لغسلها او استخدامها في تمويل عمليات الارهاب وذلك بتكثيف الجهد الامني والاستخباري والمفارز والكمائن واستخدام الاجهزة الالكترونية للكشف عن حالات التسلل والعبور للاشخــاص والعجلات.
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4. Setting international borders to prevent any cases of money smuggling to and from inside and outside the country in order to prevent them being laundered or used to finance terrorist operations by intensifying security and intelligence efforts, detachments and ambushes, and using electronic devices to detect cases of infiltration and transit of people and wheels.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
5. الاستفادة من تجارب وخبرات الدول المتقدمة في مواجهة عمليات غسيل الاموال.
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5. Benefiting from the experiences and experiences of developed countries in facing money laundering operations.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
6. يجب ان تكون التشريعات التي تم سنها لمواجهة غسيل الاموال تمتد لتغطي القوانين الاخرى مثل قوانين تسجيل الشركات والمؤسسات التجارية والمالية والتي يمكن ان تكون هدفاً لغاسلي الاموال للولوج من خلالها لارتكاب الجريمة.
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6. Legislation enacted to counter money laundering must extend to cover other laws, such as laws for registering companies and commercial and financial institutions, which can be a target for money launderers to enter through to commit the crime.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
7. ينبغي ان تخضع الشركات والمصارف غير الحكومية ( الاهلية ) بأنفسها وليس موظفيها فحسب للمسؤولية الجزائية وايضاً يجب ان تخضع لقوانين البنك المركزي أسوة بالمصارف الحكومية.
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7. Non-governmental companies and banks (private), not just their employees, should be subject to criminal responsibility. Also, they must be subject to the laws of the Central Bank, just as government banks do.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
8. اخضاع المؤسسات المالية غير المصرفية كمكاتب الصيرفة للقوانين واللوائح التنظيمية المتعلقة بمكافحة غسيل الاموال وخضوعها تحت طائلة المسائلة القانونية والجزائية.
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8. Subjecting non-bank financial institutions such as banking offices to laws and regulations related to combating money laundering and subjecting them to legal and penal matters.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
9. زيادة الحذر من تغيير انشطة الزبائن والتي لاتتلائم مع اعمالهم الاعتيادية.
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9. Increase caution in changing customers’ activities that are inconsistent with their regular business.
علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
10. محاربة ظاهرة البنوك الوهمية والتي تلعب دور خفي في عملية غسل الاموال بالتشدد بتراخيص فتح البنوك والمصارف وبشروط تعكس جديتها وشرعية نشاطها وهذا يشمل حتى البنوك الاقليمية والدولية المراد افتتاحه في البلد وشموله باللوائح والتنظيمات والغاء ترخيص اي بنك يثبت تورطه بالجريمة.
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10. Combating the phenomenon of phantom banks, which plays a hidden role in the money laundering process by strictly licensing the opening of banks and banks, and on terms that reflect their seriousness and the legitimacy of their activities, and this includes even regional and international banks to be opened in the country, including regulations and regulations, and revoking the license of any bank that proves to be involved in the crime.


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
11. اعتماد سياسة التقارير الدورية حول النشاط المصرفي وتحليل مخرجاتها والتحرك الفوري اذا ما تبين وجود فعل غير مشروع واحالتها الى الجهات المختصة بالرقابة.
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11. Adopting a policy of periodic reports on banking activity, analyzing its outputs, and immediate action if it is found that there is an illegal act and referring it to the competent authorities.


12. ادخال البرمجة الالكترونية والانظمة الخاصة بادخال المعلومات والبيانات لاصحاب العقارات والاراضي بدوائر التسجيل العقاري وعقارات الدولة والتي ممن الممكن عن طريقها الكشف عن مرتكبي جريمة الفساد المالي والاداري وغاسلي الاموال.
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12. Entering electronic programming and systems for entering information and data for real estate owners and lands in the real estate registration departments and state real estate through which it is possible to reveal the perpetrators of the crime of financial and administrative corruption and money launderers.
2:02 PM · May 25, 2020·Twitter for Android


علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
13. انشاء وحدة استخباراتية مالية متخصصة تعمل ضمن مكتب مكافحة غسل الاموال وتمويل الارهاب وتكون على درجة عالية من حيث امتلاك التقنيات الحديثة والخبرة العالية وتشريع قانون خاص بها يتيح لها العمل بحرية .
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13. Establishing a specialized financial intelligence unit operating within the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Office, which will be of a high degree in terms of possessing modern technologies, high experience, and legislating its own law that allows it to operate freely.
علي عبدالامير علاوي Ali.Allawi
14. انشاء وحدات متخصصة في البنك المركزي والمؤسسات المالية الرئيسية في الدولة بالتنسيق مع وزارة العدل والاجهزة الامنية بحيث تباشر جميعها بتطبيق ما ورد أعلاه.
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14. Establishing specialized units in the central bank and the main financial institutions in the country in coordination with the Ministry of Justice and the security services so that all of them start implementing the above.
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I'm not all that smart when it comes to Iraq, but it seems like MAYBE they are finally getting ready to go international.   I'm afraid to be too positive about it after all the disappointments.  It looks like they are putting a lot of rules in place to make things work within the law.  

Also, I liked this a lot:


10. Combating the phenomenon of phantom banks, which plays a hidden role in the money laundering process by strictly licensing the opening of banks and banks, and on terms that reflect their seriousness and the legitimacy of their activities, and this includes even regional and international banks to be opened in the country, including regulations and regulations, and revoking the license of any bank that proves to be involved in the crime.

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Haha Floridian, you are plenty smart and plenty intuitive.  We’ve been talking about what you stated in your post all weekend.  There have been a lot of great news stories and things appear to be going the way we want them since we got the new PM.  

My quote is “ it just seems different this time”.  I agree with your statement about being disappointed, we’ll see what shakes this time.  


Rules to fight corruption.  Who is in charge of accountability?  

We’ll see how the rules are enforced. Two things that needed to be corrected are Corruption and Iranian militia’s-Isis.

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1 hour ago, Pitcher said:

Haha Floridian, you are plenty smart and plenty intuitive.  We’ve been talking about what you stated in your post all weekend.  There have been a lot of great news stories and things appear to be going the way we want them since we got the new PM.  

My quote is “ it just seems different this time”.  I agree with your statement about being disappointed, we’ll see what shakes this time.  


Rules to fight corruption.  Who is in charge of accountability?  

We’ll see how the rules are enforced. Two things that needed to be corrected are Corruption and Iranian militia’s-Isis.


WOW!  Thanks for the nice compliment, Pitcher.

I appreciate that.  😊

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10 minutes ago, nannab said:

Thank you Karsten,Floridian and Pitcher. :twothumbs: Once we see Maliki's name along with his family, flunkies

and the Kurdish crooks on warrant's then we will know for sure the new MP is serious about cleaning house.


Nannab.....So is this good for US?



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It looks to me like Iraq Financial is, indirectly, going after those who perpetrate crimes related to the currency auctions and fake banks who then channel US dollars to private accounts, out of country and used for false purposes. The problem is they have corrupt folks assigned to track down and prosecute other corrupt folks. Iraq isn't short of laws and regulations, but to date, there's little enforcement and even less consequences. Let's hope Kazammi pushes his people for less talk, more action.


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21 hours ago, Karsten said:

Minister of Finance & Minister of Oil Agency- Ali Allawi @alimofirq

Allawi Is The US Educated Finance Minister Who Has Been Kazemi’s Point Person In Shutting Off The Reliance And Energy Supply Lines From Iran And Opening Them Up With Saudi Arabia As Well As The Rest Of The Gulf ! :o 



Now U Can Start To See Some Of The Results From All Of The US Backing ...

:D  :D  :D 




Biog of New Finance Minister, Ali Abdul Amir Allawi



14th May, 2020

Mr. Allawi was born in Baghdad in 1947


A Shia Muslim, Allawi, went to school in the UK and graduated from MIT in the United States with a BSc in Civil Engineering in 1968. He completed an MBA from Harvard Business School in 1971, and studied at the London School of Economics.

After completing his MBA, he worked in international development for the World Bank. In 1978, he co-founded the Arab International Finance merchant bank.In 1992 he founded the Fisa Group which manages hedge funds. Between 1999 and 2002 he was a Senior Associate at St Antony's College, Oxford. 

After 2003, he held the positions of Minister of Trade and Minister of Defense in the Interim Iraq Governing Council from September 2003 to 2004. From 2005 to 2006, he was Minister of Finance in the Iraqi Transitional Government.

He is also the author of several books including the widely reviewed "The Occupation of Iraq - Winning the War: Losing the Peace in 2007.  In it he says, "The situation in Iraq is complex, dangerous and fraught with poor alternatives. But it is not hopeless." In 2009, he published his second book, "The Crisis of Islamic Civilization", and in 2014 he published the first major biography of King Faisal I, "Faisal I of Iraq".

The New York Times Book Review called The Occupation of Iraq "...the most comprehensive historical account of the disastrous aftermath of the American Invasion." In October 2009 the Washington Institute for Near East Policy announced that The Crisis of Islamic Civilization was awarded the Silver Prize of its annual book prize. In December 2009, The Economist named The Crisis of Islamic Civilization one of the Best Books of 2009.

He was elected as a Senior Visiting Fellow at Princeton University for 2008-2009 and has held several visiting scholar positions since.

Mr. Allawi started serving as both finance minister and acting oil minister in Mustafa Al-Kadhimi's government.

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2 minutes ago, DinarThug said:

Allawi Is The US Educated Finance Minister Who Has Been Kazemi’s Point Person In Shutting Off The Reliance And Energy Supply Lines From Iran And Opening Them Up With Saudi Arabia As Well As The Rest Of The Gulf ! :o 


From Saturday ...


On 5/23/2020 at 12:30 PM, DinarThug said:

The CNN Editorial Board (Led By Forrest Gump) Says That These Next Two Articles Go Together ! :o 



:D  :D  :D 




From Saudi Arabia .. Allawi announces the abandonment of importing gas and electricity from Iran


23rd May, 2020

Finance Minister Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi announced, on Saturday, that he would give up importing gas and electricity from Iran

Allawi said in a tweet on Twitter, "In implementation of the decisions of the US Treasury, we have decided to abide by not extending the exemption granted to Iraq from the sanctions imposed on the import of gas and electricity from Iran

This tweet was written by Allawi during the visit to Saudi Arabia, and comes hours after he announced an agreement to activate the electrical connection between Iraq and Saudi Arabia



Finance Minister: Agreement to activate the electrical connection between Iraq and Saudi Arabia


23rd May, 2020

Finance Minister Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi announced, on Saturday, an agreement with Saudi Energy Minister Abdul Aziz bin Salman, to activate the electrical connection between Iraq and Saudi Arabia

Allawi wrote in a tweet on Twitter: "During my meeting with Prince Abdulaziz bin Salman, it was agreed to activate the electrical connection between Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and to develop the energy market in addition to investment and participation in financing projects for the generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy (renewable and conventional) in Iraq
It is noteworthy that the Finance Minister Ali Abdul-Amir Allawi arrived in Saudi Arabia yesterday, Friday, on a visit that he said includes three axes to develop relations between the two countries



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