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If a Redenomination Were to Occur, Just How Difficult are the Logistics?


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Lord ................we all know your view might be right. But after the MILLIONTH time it got a little old..........grammar boy.


Ain't no "tough times" here.................this ain't my 1st rodeo.................and my portfolio consists of much larger investments. 

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But to hear some LOPsters and the way they seems this is their 1st investment...........and they had to brake their piggy-bank to come up with the capital to invest.............and NOW aren't happy. 



Investing/Speculating ain't for kids.................let the adults handle it.............go back to your "jungle jim's" & "swing sets"  

Quit making up BS stories.................and SELL if you ain't happy. Ohhhh  that's right, it's not you that's vested.....................uhhh right-lol

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The church angle  has to do with "end times" spoken of in the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Revelation.  I do believe we are at or near those times, but I do not believe that money is part of the picture.  There are many kinds of faith, SocialD, faith in parents, faith in our doctors, some people actually have faith in government.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. A very necessary component of every dinarian!

are you saying the dinars a scam because of Jesus



What you say about Ewingnut & Rock/Paper/Scissors, is what I've been saying for a looooooooooooooong time. They squawk waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much and spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much time on a website for people not have vested themselves-LOL. They like many of their brethren(LOPsters) they create scenarios (multiple in some cases),& change their names frequently. All in the hopes of stirring the pot and crying like little babies. Most folk that sell out move on to bigger & better opportunities...................not LOPsters. There self proclaimed intelligence and the disdain they have for anyone that has differing opinions is mind boggling. I too am like SD, I come down here for the laughs that these self absorbed folks provide. I must admit it would get boring here at DV without a LOPster singing the blues post.

Caz with the amount of time they spend here I'm convinced they are paid shills. Each username is probably a team of people working shifts to keep the lop pretence up!
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You're giving them waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much credit-LOL

But I do believe Adam appreciates the value they provide in regards to traffic, which does equates to dollars. So in a roud-a-bout way they are doing the exact opposite of what they are trying to do. Now if they would approach things in a more respectful manner they just might achieve their intended goals. But their massive ego's restrict that from happening.

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Lord ................we all know your view might be right. But after the MILLIONTH time it got a little old..........grammar boy.


Ain't no "tough times" here.................this ain't my 1st rodeo.................and my portfolio consists of much larger investments. 

Good to know that you don't need an RV to fund your retirement. But suspect others are..

Always suspected you were smarter than the average dinarian. Can't believe I said that !!!!!!!

In the spirit of Thanksgiving good will, I do hope this "ride" ends soon so the believers can get on with their lives. 

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I agree, I look forward to the day this ride comes to an end...............regardless of outcome.

If folks spent more than they could afford..................there's a mirror on the wall, if you're looking for someone to blame. I've Googled the web for any instance of folks being forced at gunpoint to purchase Dinar......................nothing comes up in search engine. Personal responsibility can be a ****** at times.

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You're giving them waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much credit-LOL

But I do believe Adam appreciates the value they provide in regards to traffic, which does equates to dollars. So in a roud-a-bout way they are doing the exact opposite of what they are trying to do. Now if they would approach things in a more respectful manner they just might achieve their intended goals. But their massive ego's restrict that from happening.

Caz have you hear of the lopster team member southern shaker - that guy is not only rude but extremely ignorant as well as a racist fascist. He certainly does no good to the lopster humanitarian cause unless you want to join the kkk brigade !
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When all is said and done, the dinar "investment" will just fade into the history books of financial pitfalls to avoid.  Caz, you said the dinar was'nt your first rodeo, and that you have other productive investments.  So with that said, I'm assuming you've made tons of money off your other purchases of Viet Dong and Zimbabwe TP.  There is probably some penny stocks you've cleaned up on as well!  You are a legend in your own mind, my deluded brother.

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Costs and Risks of Currency Redenomination

Cost of printing new notes and minting new coins. In the long-run this cost may be offset by the reduced number of notes that will be printed in future due to the reduction in the amount of notes for transactions.


2.The cost of disposing of the old notes and coins. This is likely to be small but there is a risk that some of the old notes may be re-circulated or round-tripped. It has been reported in some countries that officials who were charged the responsibility of destroying the exchanged (old) notes and coins secretly “smuggle” then back into circulation to be re-exchanged into the new currency. This could result in multiple “round-tripping” of the old currency which can fuel inflation. Therefore, the banking authorities must ensure that notes and coins withdrawn do not find their way into circulation. 

3.The cost of public education and advertising the change to citizens. This could be substantial.

4.The cost of exchanging the old currency for the new currency in terms of man-hours lost in waiting in banking halls, changing records and dual accounting in both old and new currencies during the “interim” period.

5.Risk of massive disruption in the pricing mechanism in the economy and short-term inflationary pressure arising from the “announcement effect”. No matter the assurances from the CBN, a major economic policy like currency change is bound to trigger inflationary pressure due to the uncertainty such changes generate. However, the inflationary impact may be curtailed with effective public education and anti-inflationary policies, e.g. ensuring abundant supply of petroleum products and stable prices of petroleum products and government-provided services. In a country with a low level of financial literacy like Nigeria, determining new prices for goods and services could be a challenge for many traders, farmers and operators in the informal sector.

6. It took the European Union about five years from the decision to introduce the Euro currency to its full implementation, i.e. from 1998 to 2002.[v]

7.The uncertainty and instability that is inherent in major changes in economic policies in most developing countries could lead to increased speculation, capital flights, drop in foreign remittances, increased risk aversion, adoption of “wait-and-see” attitude by investors and increased sharp practices.

8.Likely short-term increase in the rate of armed robbery because robbers will flood banking halls and trail those who have exchanged large sums of old money for new ones. There is also a likely increase in other fraudulent activities and financial “scams”. For instance, since the announcement of the redenomination and the introduction into circulation of the new notes and coins in July 2007, several cases fake new Ghanaian cedis have been reported under spectacular headlines in their newspapers ”. You can trust that Nigerian fraudsters are already at work perfecting their strategies to take advantage of the proposed redenomination of the naira 


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I do believe we are in the '"end times" as described so clearly in scripture. 


So why does any of this matter if the end is near. Who cares if the family spent all their money on dinar.

Why even waste your time here when you could be spending it with your family.


If you saw a homeless man talking to himself and no one was there with him would you think he is mentally ill?


I probably would.

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You lose all credibility(if you ever had any to begin with) when you twists others words. If you plan on conversing on something I've said at least do all a favor READ what I write before responding. In terms of investments.....I've had some I've lost money & some I've made money.................typical investor. Of course my goal is to pick more winners than losers. On the ones I've lost .................I DON"T BLAME some children here seem to think is an excuse for their own inadequacies.



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The Lopsters are always looking for reasons that an RV cannot occur and they can find more reasons than carter has liver pills ( I know that's an old saying or maybe I'm just getting old). Some say this this is a man-made event,  I happen to believe otherwise based upon my faith which is another story that cannot be refuted. My eyes are open, my ears are open and my heart is open, I do not specifically know what has led me to this point, but from this point I will become wiser and stronger and all for the better from this journey. I don't understand why some people get pleasure from pissing on somebodies parade but then again I do not surround myself with those who act that way. I believe that 2015 will bring the great changes that most of us are here for, Iraq cannot enter into the world market without value to their currency unless they want to suckle on the USD. Ask yourself this question, if you had all of the oil that you could pump, your own country,natural resources out the wazzu, the power to shape your own future and government, what is power without your own money ? HCL will be completed in 2015 and if not, I have a whole year for you to prove me wrong !

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Caz, you need to write a book called, " Smart Tips For Smart Investors", and then begin Chapter One with a dialogue about your most stunning success, ie,  when you bought Iraqi dinar.  See how many books you'd sell.  Nada.  The world thinks you boys are suckers.  That's because of the old axiom "if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its probably a.........DINAR", applies to your " too cool for school" investment strategies.  HaHaHa.  Have a good Thanksgiving, bread baker.

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Texstorm,  I agree with you that iraq has been blessed with natural resources, but if half your country is under the control of a bunch of beheading fanatics, what good is it?  No world commerce is going to go boldly into Iraq until the ISIS question is resolved.  With our current political climate in Washington, there will not be a determined, sustained, and intelligently targeted military strategy, and that is what it will take to drive the bad boys out permanently.  I fear you will be holding that near worthless currency for a long time to come.  That's your call to make, of course, because its your families money.  My people got suckered big time and they are now suffering, because they don't have the cash necessary on hand, AND, due to brainwashing, they REFUSE to sell any dinar to meet their needs.  It is very frustrating to see family members in that state of mind.  Trust me......they have a lot company in that mind set! 

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Iraq is now essentially composed of Baghdad  to Basra.  Anything north or west, other than your favorite people, the Kurds,  is in the hands of ISIS.  If you don't believe me you might want to see how long your head would stay attached if you traveled north out the garden city of Bagwag. 

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Ewingm, you have some very valid points! Our president and company don't have one clue about foreign policies much less domestic ones. And there ain't no way in hell that I would tour the beautiful corps filled countryside of Iraq.I value my head more than that. There is nothing more ISIS would salivate over than to come across a stupid infidel with a pocket full of dinars trying to find a bank somewhere's out in the desert for "cash-in", as dear ole Okie would say. The fact of the matter is that we have Adams DV site and it is the only site where the news can readily be attainable for a laymen like me. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you want but I find it very strange that Maliki was so easily removed from his thrown in face of the advancing ISIS situation. That whole situation was allowed to occure, quite simply ISIS could have been stopped way before they got within 15 miles or so of Baghdad. There are men of great power who will exploit Iraq, that's a given and that's where we are on this journey. Everything in life can be an opportunity and so I throw a couple of chips in the hat. So far everyone has gained something in this debenture, all the way from the money changers to the CBI. I'm simply following the money. Iraq may just be the dark horse that has the resources and backing to emerged like some of their neighbors have. And to sum this up for you....."The piper will be paid !"

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Says the guy who thinks the Swiss dinar revalued lol....pot calling the kettle black....

Your ignorance is showing as usual keep

I know you believe the central bank demonetized the swiss dinar in 1993 after the exchange period ended and remained demonetized through out eternity but that's isn't true keep

You lost the debate despite your lying for two years

It's in the books keep

You lose

On October 15 ,2003 the official exchange rate was revalued from zero to 150 times the saddam notes and the new iraqi dinar

Any one with Internet access can find the information relatively easy keep

So you continuing your charade really shows how ignorant you are and always have been since your speech about the United nations is going to revalue the dinar if iraq doesn't

So yep you calling out someone for speaking the truth is why you must stay hidden on dinar vets with your multiple screen names

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Yup,  we're back debating the Swiss dinar!  It's like debating air.  What did or didn't happen to the Swiss dinar has nothing to do with predicting the future course of the Iraqi dinar.  The game-changer as I keep saying, is the 90 Trillion that is in M2.  No country can revalue that amount of currency in a sudden RV.  It would create catastrophic economic inflation within its borders.  It would destroy any import/export agreements with favored nations.  Dinarians must look beyond the "RV mentality" to examine the actual economic affects such a radical sudden change in the value of a currency would do.  That is why the world thinks you're "nuts".  You refuse to realistically evaluate this factual consequence of a 100,000% RV.  It is also the reason there has NEVER been a historic precedent for such a financial move.  It simply won't work!  It would be economic disaster on a mega scale for the iraqis,  and they KNOW it! That's why they will NEVER do it.

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