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If a Redenomination Were to Occur, Just How Difficult are the Logistics?


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Exactly how much did YOU spend of your families retirement money on Dinar? Do they even talk to you anymore? And at what point did you go sour on this investment? 


Most LOPsters originated as Dinar investors then when nothing happened as quick as they believed it would..................they decided to do their homework. Believing they were deceived they formed a club if you will. And now create BS scenarios and blame everyone under the sun for their own decision making. They become NOW currency experts & belittle any that think differently than they do NOW.

I wonder what the Good Lord thinks of someone like yourself? must spend as much time in the confessional as you do here.

Edited by caz1104
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Nope, I have never owned dinar.  I have counted 25,000 dinar bills for my relatives whan they wanted to mail two million of them off to this scam or that scam, but I have never and WILL never own dinars, unless someone wills them to me, in which case I will be looking for a sucker (buyer) on whom to dump them on as fast as possible.  Because you see, Caz, I'm "savvy" enough to know a scam when I see one, and I'm looking at one right now.  How's that bread baking business going?  Stay with something you're good at.  Currency investment sure don't fit your pistol!

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The term lopster as defined by DV means that you do not believe in an RV. That's OK in itself, however when you force your ideas on others who are commonly united for a good cause, you then fall into the category of becoming what is known as an antagonist. No where in my search for the meaning of the word antagonist did i find the word "savior" in fact it was quite the opposite. Every synonym I traced down led me to a darker path of words. So that leads me to what are their motives ? Obviously they are not our saviors, when we are blamed for being stupid, gullible, weak,greedy etc.... the list goes on and on. These are words that comes from their mouths and instead they place guilt and blame and encouraged decention amongst us. We all know by now that the gurus are almost never right and their motives will most certainly come to light. What bothers me is that some of these lopsters are trying the very same tactics for purposes that they want to be our saviors as well. What an experience this has been...........

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TexStorm, I agree with you , my brother.  I have been guilty of being sarcastic and antagonistic towards dinarians on this forum.  It was not my choice to debate in such a way.  When I first entered this forum close to ayear ago, AFTER reading the lobster pit for 4-5 years before that, my intention was to argue/debate/discuss the pitfalls of the dinar thing with dinar believers who seemed to always ignore OR not understand these things at all.  My postings were immediately attcked by the guard dogs with abuse and sarcasm, calling me a liar repeatedly, etc.,etc.  So I decided that If that was the way it worked and was allowed, then I would respond *** for tat.  Probably not the most mature approach, but it did have some appeal to the "lesser angels" of my nature.  

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I give you a plus Ewingm ! Let not our new friendship allow that kind of language between us. I can get along with most anyone and as long as we can use intelligent language without malice directed toward each other and others, we can take a higher road  and get back to the civil conversations in this age of enlightenment. I just turned 57 in October and I can assure you that my whole way of thinking has always been in constant evolution. One thing I've learned about life is, it don't matter how smart you are, if you don't possess common sense it's going to be a hard road to travel. Thanks

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Tex:::: This is the tank, true believers like yourself should exercise  the OPTION of NOT entering.  You should know you will not find comfort in your investment here .

This is for seekers of TRUTH. And the TRUTH is the dinar could ReValue, it could go up or down a little over time. But a major adjustment overnight is not possible!

The intent is not to FORCE anything, but to provide alternate interpretations of the articles, intel and Guru spew.


Ewingm ::: I believe that calling someone a liar without providing immediate proof should be against forum rules.  Too bad the MODs don't' see it that way. 

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Then we are agreed, TexStorm.  I am older than you are, which makes me your "elder" (smile).  I wish you could have been around on the forum (maybe you were) when Legolais was posting.  He had a wonderful way of explaining the mechanics of how an RV can happen, and then showed the reasons why iraq imply can't/won't RV their currency in a 100,000% manner.  I keep using the 100,000% figure because that represents a 1 to 1 exchange with the dollar.  This is the most common figure that dinarians got into the speculation for.  To turn a $1000 dollar investment into a post RV $1,000,000 windfall.  Now five or six years later, with no RV, dinarians are lowering their expectations to a .01 (penny) RV, but that still represents a 1000% revalue.  History tells us that there has never been an RV above 50%, even though Donlop will argue the Swiss dinar was a 150% RV.  (it wasn't).

Edited by ewingm
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I'm done arguing its proven

Either the kuwait dinar official exchange rate at their central bank was revalued or the swiss dinar was

Both have two day records to look at

One day they both had a low rate the next day they had a high rate

The kuwait dinar rate increased around 15,000% over night by decree

And the Swiss dinar can't be measured in percent since its stating rate was zero to around 6 cents over night by decree

Only a liar would say anything different

Especially if they actually looked at the exchange rates before and after the revaluations of the official exchange rates at the central banks

To deny it is lying

The Kuwait dinar was trading at 70 cents on the international exchange before it was shut down by the Kuwait govt

Then by decree the Kuwait govt reinstated the exchange rate at $3.45 by the swipe of a pen over night

What do YA call that a rd?

Edited by dontlop
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OK Gentleman I agree that history has taught us a lot of things what has happened in the past. But this is a new world now, it may have been reinvented over and over but not with the lightning speed of today. Virtually everything that we see in front of us has occurred in our lifetime, never has history been at it's economic and industrial pinnacle. Iraq can literally be catapulted  out of the stone age in a nano second so to speak. I would ask that you not look at history as a reason for it not to happen but rather open your eyes to the fact that most of what was a matter of fact when I was young is no longer the truth. I could go on and on with example after example, so I'll just give you one for the moment. DNA.....once they tied all of the computers and scientist together around the world most of the puzzle has been solved. Well lets apply technology to Iraq, they have the means to acquire it and exploit it to the fullest. I do not know if this will ever occur in my lifetime but certainly the possibility is there and may be it's closer than that.  There was a time in fact in our lifetime, that things were considered not doable or impossible and yet here they are today ! Another thing I learned through my journeys, was that you never say never because you might just find yourself in contradiction. I implore you to at least open your minds long enough to know that many things are possible, but to say that it is an impossibility is to have an unopened mind.   

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The Kuwait dinar was trading at 70 cents on the international exchange before it was shut down by the Kuwait govt

Then by decree the Kuwait govt  REINSTATED  the exchange rate at $3.45 by the swipe of a pen over night

What do YA call that a rd?

It's termed an RI ! They could do that because the EMIR said so!

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Tex:::: This is the tank, true believers like yourself should exercise  the OPTION of NOT entering.  You should know you will not find comfort in your investment here .

This is for seekers of TRUTH. And the TRUTH is the dinar could ReValue, it could go up or down a little over time. But a major adjustment overnight is not possible!

The intent is not to FORCE anything, but to provide alternate interpretations of the articles, intel and Guru spew.


Ewingm ::: I believe that calling someone a liar without providing immediate proof should be against forum rules.  Too bad the MODs don't' see it that way. 


Name calling is against the rules, we try not to get too involved in the Lopster tank because its like throwing chum in shark infested waters and then jumping in yourself.  People should know better...


The next time you complain about the Moderating, you will lose your posting priviledges for a while...



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The thing that Dontlop fails to consider is the unprecedented printing of iraqi dinar since 2004.  There has been no economic justification for this other than filling its CBI reserves with US dollars brought in through the sale of its untradeable currency overseas due to the speculation craze that swept the globe by internet in 2008.  Never in history, has a country's currency been sold overseas in PHYSICAL bills.  Since its not tradeable and pegged to the dollar, the dinar must be marketed over here as a "collectible".  When the M2 reached 90 Trillion dinar, with 35 Trillion out of banks, meaning it not being circulated in-country, the spector or a mega RV simply became an impossibility.  As TexStorm said, "everything changes over time", and that is what happened to the dinar.  As they hper-inflated the number of dinar through over-printing, the CBI realized that the only way to turn the dinar to manageable amounts was through a three zero lopping redenomination, citing Turkey's RD as their model.  There has been no ambiguity in their approach.  But the gurus successfully spun this in a number of ways, keeping the faithful followers in line, and even buying more.  That's the SCAM.  The perpetuation of a massive millionaire-making RV of the dinar, when it has been a physical impossibility for years.

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The thing that Dontlop fails to consider is the unprecedented printing of iraqi dinar since 2004.  There has been no economic justification for this other than filling its CBI reserves with US dollars brought in through the sale of its untradeable currency overseas due to the speculation craze that swept the globe by internet in 2008.  Never in history, has a country's currency been sold overseas in PHYSICAL bills.  Since its not tradeable and pegged to the dollar, the dinar must be marketed over here as a "collectible".  When the M2 reached 90 Trillion dinar, with 35 Trillion out of banks, meaning it not being circulated in-country, the spector or a mega RV simply became an impossibility.  As TexStorm said, "everything changes over time", and that is what happened to the dinar.  As they hper-inflated the number of dinar through over-printing, the CBI realized that the only way to turn the dinar to manageable amounts was through a three zero lopping redenomination, citing Turkey's RD as their model.  There has been no ambiguity in their approach.  But the gurus successfully spun this in a number of ways, keeping the faithful followers in line, and even buying more.  That's the SCAM.  The perpetuation of a massive millionaire-making RV of the dinar, when it has been a physical impossibility for years.


Why do you continue to include your opinions as fact when you have no way to prove what you are saying???  I have warned you already about this.  You want to win an argument fine, but stop including perspective as fact, 90 Trillion M2 is correct 35 Trillion out of banks is correct,  The US Dollar, Yuan, Ruble, Pound have all been sold overseas...



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The thing that Dontlop fails to consider is the unprecedented printing of iraqi dinar since 2004.  There has been no economic justification for this other than filling its CBI reserves with US dollars brought in through the sale of its untradeable currency overseas due to the speculation craze that swept the globe by internet in 2008.  Never in history, has a country's currency been sold overseas in PHYSICAL bills.  Since its not tradeable and pegged to the dollar, the dinar must be marketed over here as a "collectible".  When the M2 reached 90 Trillion dinar, with 35 Trillion out of banks, meaning it not being circulated in-country, the spector or a mega RV simply became an impossibility.  As TexStorm said, "everything changes over time", and that is what happened to the dinar.  As they hper-inflated the number of dinar through over-printing, the CBI realized that the only way to turn the dinar to manageable amounts was through a three zero lopping redenomination, citing Turkey's RD as their model.  There has been no ambiguity in their approach.  But the gurus successfully spun this in a number of ways, keeping the faithful followers in line, and even buying more.  That's the SCAM.  The perpetuation of a massive millionaire-making RV of the dinar, when it has been a physical impossibility for years.

I don't fail to concider anything so why do you lie like that ?

Why do you continue to include your opinions as fact when you have no way to prove what you are saying???  I have warned you already about this.  You want to win an argument fine, but stop including perspective as fact, 90 Trillion M2 is correct 35 Trillion out of banks is correct,  The US Dollar, Yuan, Ruble, Pound have all been sold overseas...



I agree I don't know what he thinks currency dealers do.

He must think currency dealers and exchanges just started in iraq

It's termed an RI ! They could do that because the EMIR said so!


Ah ha ha ha ha

What's the differance their was a calculated adjustment from where it last traded and the street value to the new rate which wasn't the same before saddams invasion

Close but not the same

The value of the dinar needed to be changed or it would t of been changed

If you change the value its revalued

Up or down the value changed

If it didn't need changed why are we talking about it being changed and who did the changing of it and how the change occurred ?

It was revalued

15,000 % increase from its street value a day earlier

You lopsters go out of your way to call a rv anything but what it is

A revaluation

Didn't kuwait revalue its currency after saddam stole billions of kuwait dinar

But YA don't think iraq can revalue theirs since Isis stole some of theirs


Is that some kind of new logical thinking

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OK Gentleman I agree that history has taught us a lot of things what has happened in the past. . Iraq can literally be catapulted  out of the stone age in a NANO SECOND? so to speak. I would ask that you not look at history as a reason for it not to happen but rather open your eyes to the fact that most of what was a matter of fact when I was young is no longer the truth. I could go on and on with example after example, so I'll just give you one for the moment. DNA.....once they tied all of the computers and scientist together around the world most of the puzzle has been solved. Well lets apply technology to Iraq, they have the means to acquire it and exploit it to the fullest. I do not know if this will ever occur in my lifetime but certainly the possibility is there and may be it's closer than that.  There was a time in fact in our lifetime, that things were considered not doable or impossible and yet here they are today ! Another thing I learned through my journeys, was that you never say never because you might just find yourself in contradiction. I implore you to at least open your minds long enough to know that many things are possible, but to say that it is an impossibility is to have an unopened mind.   

Tex:: If you take OIL off the table. What technology would be developed in Iraq?  The country's development is crippled by  . dependance on oil. There are no incentives.

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Tex:: If you take OIL off the table. What technology would be developed in Iraq? The country's development is crippled by . dependance on oil. There are no incentives.

you have not done your research rocky. What about the gas Iraq possesses or the massive gold mine they found just outside of baghdad. How about the massive amounts of rare earth minerals. Oh one more thing agriculture - the Tigris river pal.

How about the 5 year plan rocky?

Iraq knows they have to diversify away from oil they are planning for the long term rocky

They are planning to reduce their reliance on petrodollars to 70% rocky

They are planning massive agriculture - Iraq will be the number one producer of dates

Without the oil Iraq is still a very very very rich country rocky


How about tourism rocky

How about in ten years time they plan to be bigger than Dubhai

How about you lopster actually research

Edited by dinarbeleiver
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Well DB I am with you on the rare earth minerals, not to mention the vast reserves of oil and gas which you so eloquently stated. When I think of Dubhai I can't help thinking about what Babylon will become.  In fact efforts are underway at this time to restore one of the greatest multi-cultural city of all times. I also believe in scripture and so the grand plan has already been put forth and I am firm in my beliefs that it's resurrection has already started.  

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you have not done your research rocky. What about the gas Iraq possesses or the massive gold mine they found just outside of baghdad. How about the massive amounts of rare earth minerals. Oh one more thing agriculture - the Tigris river pal.

How about the 5 year plan rocky?

Iraq knows they have to diversify away from oil they are planning for the long term rocky

They are planning to reduce their reliance on petrodollars to 70% rocky

They are planning massive agriculture - Iraq will be the number one producer of dates

Without the oil Iraq is still a very very very rich country rocky


How about tourism rocky

How about in ten years time they plan to be bigger than Dubhai

How about you lopster actually research

First ,at this time there are NO gold or rare earth mines in Iraq. If possible ( which there is no proof) 4-6 years till could be profitable. The find you think they found was unsubstantiated. A lot of unexplored areas in the North but that has taken second place to oil. Makes good sounding GURU spew though,

iraq is currently a food importer .  It would be a good thing to become more self sufficient. I think the best part of Abadi's plans. 

I think any 5 year plan is in suspense due to drop in oil price.

Last i read were 95% dependent on petrodollars, with nothing to replace them yet?

Religious tourism ! Not a money maker. Would you take your kids to Iraqi Disney World?

To be able to even compete with Dubai 20 years would be an accomplishment.. The Kurds might come close if Bagdad kept out of the way 

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Yeah, I'm booking a cruise to Basra to see the enchanting land of the beheading.  I wouldn't be in Iraq right now , no matter what the defense contractors paid.  They're (ISIS) is just looking for westerners to kidnap and extort.  We are years away from anything in the way of dinar reform, no matter what form you think it will come in as.  (just my opinion, of course)  It will be very difficult to stop this "caliphate" ideology in an area of the world that is fanatical about its religion. Its in the Koran.  They want this thing to happen.  

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