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Chuck Norris' dire warning for America


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Chuck Norris Fact No. 39: “Chuck Norris stared evil in the eye and it went into hiding.” :lol:

America’s favorite action star is doing just that this election – calling on evangelical Christians across the nation to join him in crushing the creep of socialism under President Obama.

Norris and his wife, Gena, have filmed a public service announcement, unveiled exclusively at WND, wherein the two urge Christians to help save the country in November.

“We are here to talk about a growing concern we all share,” Chuck Norris explains. “If we look to history, our great country and freedom are under attack. We’re at a tipping point and, quite possibly, our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don’t change the course in which our country is headed.”

Gena warns that voter apathy among evangelicals in 2008 may have contributed to Obama’s election in the first place.

“With our country at a crossroads, Chuck and I have asked ourselves what we can be doing to help support this great country we’re blessed to live in and how we can encourage our like-minded American brothers and sisters to unite and let their voices be heard,” she said. “It is estimated that in the 2008 election, 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on voting day and Obama won the election by 10 million votes.”

Chuck cautions Christians about the cost of doing nothing while the nation spirals into a state of socialism from which there will be no return.

“We know you love your family and your freedom as much as Gena and I do,” he says in his appeal to Americans. “And it is because of that we can no longer sit quietly or stand on the sidelines and watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse.”

Gena urged Christians to register and cast their votes on Election Day to ensure “our voices will be heard.”

Chuck recalled the cautionary words of great patriots on the subject of preserving liberty:

“As Edmund Burke said, ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing.’

“Our great president, Ronald Reagan said, ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same.’”

Likewise, Gena noted, “President Reagan went on to say that ‘You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.’”

Chuck Norris concludes the announcement by encouraging Americans to close ranks and defend their great nation “for God and country.”

“Please stand with us,” he urges. “Let’s unite for God and country. And may God continue to bless the United States of America. See you at the polls.”

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Chuck Norris Fact No. 39: “Chuck Norris stared evil in the eye and it went into hiding.” :lol:

America’s favorite action star is doing just that this election – calling on evangelical Christians across the nation to join him in crushing the creep of socialism under President Obama.

Norris and his wife, Gena, have filmed a public service announcement, unveiled exclusively at WND, wherein the two urge Christians to help save the country in November.

“We are here to talk about a growing concern we all share,” Chuck Norris explains. “If we look to history, our great country and freedom are under attack. We’re at a tipping point and, quite possibly, our country as we know it may be lost forever if we don’t change the course in which our country is headed.”

Gena warns that voter apathy among evangelicals in 2008 may have contributed to Obama’s election in the first place.

“With our country at a crossroads, Chuck and I have asked ourselves what we can be doing to help support this great country we’re blessed to live in and how we can encourage our like-minded American brothers and sisters to unite and let their voices be heard,” she said. “It is estimated that in the 2008 election, 30 million evangelical Christians stayed home on voting day and Obama won the election by 10 million votes.”

Chuck cautions Christians about the cost of doing nothing while the nation spirals into a state of socialism from which there will be no return.

“We know you love your family and your freedom as much as Gena and I do,” he says in his appeal to Americans. “And it is because of that we can no longer sit quietly or stand on the sidelines and watch our country go the way of socialism or something much worse.”

Gena urged Christians to register and cast their votes on Election Day to ensure “our voices will be heard.”

Chuck recalled the cautionary words of great patriots on the subject of preserving liberty:

“As Edmund Burke said, ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing.’

“Our great president, Ronald Reagan said, ‘Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same.’”

Likewise, Gena noted, “President Reagan went on to say that ‘You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this last best hope of man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness. If we fail, at least let our children and our children’s children say of us we justified our brief moment here. We did all that could be done.’”

Chuck Norris concludes the announcement by encouraging Americans to close ranks and defend their great nation “for God and country.”

“Please stand with us,” he urges. “Let’s unite for God and country. And may God continue to bless the United States of America. See you at the polls.”

Wow....Great post....Thanks for bringing it in.

Along with the Convention, this is exactly what America needs to hear :D

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Man...somebody really needs to wake that Chuck Norris up...jesh...he's in lalaland! Carlos

No you didn't ! No one disrespects Chuck Norris..... I still put my money on the 70 year old version of Chuck. Faster, stronger and most certainly WISER!

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No you didn't ! No one disrespects Chuck Norris..... I still put my money on the 70 year old version of Chuck. Faster, stronger and most certainly WISER!

Here's what you're up against Carlos. (I couldn't resist ;) )

* Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Problem is, Chuck Norris never cries.

* Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups. He pushes down the world.

* Chuck Norris is the only man that can survive a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris.

* Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

* Chuck Norris can get blackjack with just one card.

* Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

* Chuck Norris can split the atom, with his bare hands.

* Chuck Norris uses a stunt double, for crying scenes.

* Chuck Norris never sleeps well, because Chuck Norris never sleeps.

* Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked a $10 bill into 200 nickels.

* Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.

* Chuck Norris can clap with one hand.

* When Chuck Norris wants an egg, he cracks open a chicken.

* Chuck Norris can believe it's not butter.

* It only takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch "60 Minutes"

* When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.

* Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

* Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.

* Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

* When Chuck Norris was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. No one slaps Chuck Norris.

* Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.

* Chuck Norris runs with scissors because he never falls.

* Chuck Norris can pat his head, rub his stomach, and roundhouse kick you at the same time.

* Chuck Norris is not allowed to fly because every part of his body is on the "restricted items" list.

* Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.

* When the bogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

* When Chuck Norris crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways.

* In fine print on the last page of The Guinness Book of World Records, it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever gotten.

* Chuck Norris doesn't drink energy drinks. He sweats them.

* When Chuck Norris had surgery, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors.

* Chuck Norris is what Willis was talking about.

* Chuck Norris ordered a Bic Mac at Burger King, and got one.

* Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.

* Chuck Norris beats rock, paper, and scissors.

* If Superman and The Flash race around the earth, Chuck Norris would win.

* Chuck Norris is Luke Skywalker's real father.

* Chuck Norris does not use spell check. If he happes to misspell a word, Webster simply changes the actual spelling of it.

* Chuck Norris got a perfect score on the SAT simply by writing Chuck Norris for every answer.

* The Manhattan Project was not intended to create nuclear weapons, it was meant to recreate the destructive power in a Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick. They didn't even come close.

* Chuck Norris can strangle people with a cordless phone.

* Chuck Norris was once put on the wrapper for a toilet paper company. The company field tested it but it didn't work because Chuck Norris doesn't take crap from nobody.

* Darth Vader dresses up as Chuck Norris for Halloween.

* Aliens do exist. They're just waiting for Chuck Norris to die before they attack.

* Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

* Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

* Scientists have recently conceded that if there were a nuclear war, all that would remain are cockroaches and Chuck Norris.

* Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.

* Whatever you do, don't misspell Chuk Norris' name or you'll die before you can finish the sen...

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Here's what you're up against Carlos. (I couldn't resist ;) )

* Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer. Problem is, Chuck Norris never cries.

* Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups. He pushes down the world.

* Chuck Norris is the only man that can survive a roundhouse kick from Chuck Norris.

* Chuck Norris counted to infinity - twice.

* Chuck Norris can get blackjack with just one card.

* Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

* Chuck Norris can split the atom, with his bare hands.

* Chuck Norris uses a stunt double, for crying scenes.

* Chuck Norris never sleeps well, because Chuck Norris never sleeps.

* Chuck Norris once roundhouse kicked a $10 bill into 200 nickels.

* Chuck Norris is the only man to ever defeat a brick wall in a game of tennis.

* Chuck Norris can clap with one hand.

* When Chuck Norris wants an egg, he cracks open a chicken.

* Chuck Norris can believe it's not butter.

* It only takes Chuck Norris 20 minutes to watch "60 Minutes"

* When Bruce Banner gets mad, he turns into the Hulk. When the Hulk gets mad, he turns into Chuck Norris.

* Some people wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas.

* Chuck Norris can set ants on fire with a magnifying glass. At night.

* Chuck Norris can win a game of Connect Four in only three moves.

* When Chuck Norris was born, the only person who cried was the doctor. No one slaps Chuck Norris.

* Chuck Norris is the reason Waldo is hiding.

* Chuck Norris runs with scissors because he never falls.

* Chuck Norris can pat his head, rub his stomach, and roundhouse kick you at the same time.

* Chuck Norris is not allowed to fly because every part of his body is on the "restricted items" list.

* Chuck Norris will never have a heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him.

* When the bogeyman goes to sleep, he checks his closet for Chuck Norris.

* When Chuck Norris crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways.

* In fine print on the last page of The Guinness Book of World Records, it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone has ever gotten.

* Chuck Norris doesn't drink energy drinks. He sweats them.

* When Chuck Norris had surgery, the anesthesia was applied to the doctors.

* Chuck Norris is what Willis was talking about.

* Chuck Norris ordered a Bic Mac at Burger King, and got one.

* Chuck Norris frequently donates blood to the Red Cross. Just never his own.

* Chuck Norris beats rock, paper, and scissors.

* If Superman and The Flash race around the earth, Chuck Norris would win.

* Chuck Norris is Luke Skywalker's real father.

* Chuck Norris does not use spell check. If he happes to misspell a word, Webster simply changes the actual spelling of it.

* Chuck Norris got a perfect score on the SAT simply by writing Chuck Norris for every answer.

* The Manhattan Project was not intended to create nuclear weapons, it was meant to recreate the destructive power in a Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick. They didn't even come close.

* Chuck Norris can strangle people with a cordless phone.

* Chuck Norris was once put on the wrapper for a toilet paper company. The company field tested it but it didn't work because Chuck Norris doesn't take crap from nobody.

* Darth Vader dresses up as Chuck Norris for Halloween.

* Aliens do exist. They're just waiting for Chuck Norris to die before they attack.

* Chuck Norris has already been to Mars; that's why there are no signs of life.

* Chuck Norris’ hand is the only hand that can beat a Royal Flush.

* Scientists have recently conceded that if there were a nuclear war, all that would remain are cockroaches and Chuck Norris.

* Chuck Norris can sneeze with his eyes open.

* Whatever you do, don't misspell Chuk Norris' name or you'll die before you can finish the sen...

Oh Snotrocket, you are good, you go girl. All were just fun to read. :D

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Chuck cautions Christians about the cost of doing nothing while the nation spirals into a state of socialism from which there will be no return.

“As Edmund Burke said, ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing.’

“Please stand with us,” he urges. “Let’s unite for God and country. And may God continue to bless the United States of America. See you at the polls.”

He is a good guy for sure

Here's what you're up against Carlos. (I couldn't resist ;) )

OK, double + to you.

It takes a special lady to bring both wise advice and laughter in the same post.

Thanks for the "chuckle"

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I had no idea there were so many...

Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.

Crop circles are Chuck Norris' way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the f*ck down.

A Handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there.

There is no such thing as tornadoes. Chuck Norris just hates trailer parks.

When Chuck Norris was denied a Bacon McMuffin at McDonalds because it was 10:35, he roundhouse kicked the store so hard it became a KFC.

If you want a list of Chuck Norris’ enemies, just check the extinct species list.

Chuck Norris once walked down the street with a massive erection. There we no survivors.

When you open a can of whoop-ass, Chuck Norris jumps out.

When Chuck Norris calls 1-900 numbers, he doesn't get charged. He holds up the phone and money falls out.

Scientists have estimated that the energy given off during the Big Bang is roughly equal to 1CNRhK (Chuck Norris Roundhouse Kick)

In honor of Chuck Norris, all McDonald's in Texas have an even larger size than the super-size. When ordering, just ask to be Chucksized.

When an episode of Walker Texas Ranger was aired in France, the French surrendered to Chuck Norris just to be on the safe side.

Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee. Except Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris grinds his coffee with his teeth and boils the water with his own rage.

If you Google search "Chuck Norris getting his ass kicked" you will generate zero results. It just doesn't happen.

Little known medical fact: Chuck Norris invented the Caesarean section when he roundhouse-kicked his way out of his mother's womb.

When Alexander Bell invented the telephone, he had 3 missed calls from Chuck Norris.

Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, fear of Chuck Norris is logic.

The only time Chuck Norris was ever wrong was when he thought he'd made a mistake.... by admonishing his fellow Christians to vote for Romney and send Obama packin'! ;)

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