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Everything posted by yendor

  1. I am not caring what it comes out at. I would just like to see SOME kind of movement just to give us a hint that there really is a chance that this has been an investment that was/is worth the wait.
  2. Do you realize what your "chance" of winning the lottery really is? It is like there are 14 million race horses lined up for a race and you have to pick the winner. THAT is the "chance" that you have of winning the lottery.
  3. And you honestly believe that even if Maliki is removed and a government is formed and HCL is passed and all of these things that we have been told must happen and they DO happen, that there won't be more delays? Remember when we were told that the Chapter 8 had to be lifted and all the other stuff like the budget.... look, we have been "there" so many times that I'd hate to count them. About now, I won't let myself get excited any more. I am just going about my business and reading all of these "intel" stuff for entertainment only and try to keep some newbie from believing the hype and 'overbuying' their budget. Do I believe that it will happen? Well yes I do, and I can't figure out WHY it hasn't already happened. But we must have patience. Of course, this is JMHO !
  4. Should this surprise ANY of us? I think not....... We have come to expect these "setbacks" as the norm.
  5. I sure hope that people that haven't seen this BS before don't go out and buy more Dinar just because of this "stuff". This is what we have become to know as PUMPER DOO-DOO.
  6. So, is this just something else to drag this along with more "Hope And Change" with the same results ?
  7. I have said pretty much the same since I first got into this investment..... I said that it DOES sound too good to be true, but "just in case" , I will risk a few dollars that I wouldn't be hurt if it never came about. Just like the times that I would buy a lottery ticket. Did I think that I would hit the big one ? Not really, but who knows? Is there REALLY a heaven ? Who knows.... but "just in case", I will always try to do the best thing "just in case" HE is watching. Maybe this RV will never happen...... "just in case", I will be ready.
  8. Sorry, but just because all the banks move in there doesn't necessarily equate to an RV, They are there to reap on the "cheap". I hope that I am wrong, but I just watch what has been going on there as well as with these United States with the money grabber banks.
  9. So then, that means not this year and probably not even next year, either..... Right ?
  10. It gives me more comfort to know that people who know nothing about this investment are talking about it...... be it positive or negative talk..... They ARE talking about it. It would be nice if it happens this year, but I doubt that it will. I am prepared to wait a few more years, but I sure hope that my preparations are wasted and that it DOES happen this year. One thing is certain, I will not try to purchase any more than what I have right now (and that isn't a whole lot, just enough for comfort if/when it hits).
  11. You indicated that we should not expect an RV in'14..... Heck, I will be surprised if we see one before '16 !!
  12. I asked God, "What is a million years?" and God said, "A second". Then I asked, " what is a million dollars?" and God said, "A penny". Then I said, "Can I have a penny?" And God said, "In a second" !
  13. Does anyone really believe that there will be any movement this year or even 2015? ( OF COURSE I am speaking about the currency movement and not the Bowel movement.... Beat you to it all you wise crackers (lol)
  14. Wow, the rumor section has been so void of material for such a spell that once a nice and juicy rumor hits, EVERYBODY comes out of their shell and speaks out. I guess that shows how ;starved; we are for SOMETHING to happen, I'll bet that everyone is waiting to see what Adam has to say today. Very well said Texas1 ! I tend to feel the same way.
  15. And when is Ramadan??????????????
  16. The best advice is to expect the RV to NOT happen. Then if or when it does you/we can celebrate ! Other than that, just sit back and enjoy the ride....... And yes, it is an "any day","soon", " eminent " sort of a thing for the 5 plus years that I have been here.
  17. What did Iraq post , when and where ??? Are you sure that it was a legitimate post from Iraq or something some guru-type put up there for their own justification ????
  18. Kinda' have to wonder along with you, Easy. Don't want to believe it, but there sure hasn't been any indications to the contrary......... unless I've missed something.
  19. Stay tuned, Folks. The reason why it didn't/won't happen will be a real doozie !
  20. Jobug38, I haven't researched any of this, but I would bet that it is just that , "RUMOR" ! And I think that person in the Cayman's IS going by what these guru/ pumper people are putting in the garbage can just as you suspected.
  21. Well, that might be where it originated, just as the N word was created by the slave drivers who used it to classify the slaves that came from Nigeria. All the same, both are used today as derogatory racist terms !
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