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Everything posted by robboys33

  1. Why on earth would I listen to a congressman on a issue as big as the dinar. His time would be better spent trying to explain ObamaCare to the good folks of Mississippi!! It's just as confusing !! No one has a clue. Especially‎ not congress!
  2. Sounds like money!!!!!!!!!! If kuwait wants a piece of the action then , I guess I made a safe investment! Down with the lopsters!!!!
  3. Its true!!
  4. WHAT IS THE IBBC? IBBC facilitates business, trade, investment, human resources, training and transfer of technology and know-how into the Republic of Iraq, seeking to bring together Iraqi, British and international companies and public sector bodies through a joint platform identifying mutual interests and common goals. This has got to be a step in the right direction. link
  5. This whole thing is just a mess. If the US troops go back in there then not only will there be no RV but WE THE TAXPAYERS get to pay for yet another Iraqi cluster f@#k. For the life of me I can not understand why we just don't Raise an American Flag in Iraq and take the entire country as a whole.
  6. Why would any company stop money of any kind from coming in? The money they we getting just through reserve orders was not small or they would have stopped long before now! There is something up. This just does not add up. This goes against what a bussiness is for and that is to make money. Remember what they are doing is legal and they were authorized to do so. So why stop now? Something is about to happen good or bad who knows but something is going to happen soon!
  7. In the link above they are saying that there is truth to Jeff Thompson (owner of Tampa Dinar) claims that the currency of Iraq will change in value. Don't shhot the messenger please!
  8. After this amount of waiting who really needs more than 7 days to cashin ..Speaking for my self I am all in at .86 and i would not care if the very next day it went up to 3.22 ...I planned ahead so i only need .86 to 1.00 to make every damn dream i have come ture..So if you need more than 30 days to cash in shame on you!!!!
  9. He is refering to a safe keeping reciept..itś a guru driven rumor that they will all meet up at the bank for a pre agreed rate of exchange for a larger rate..I say lets see what happens...saturday will be here soon enough to start a good bash session !!!!
  10. How can anyone on this site knock larry for just stating the 100 percent truth..Not one Guru has been right yet
  11. robboys33


    Even if your a newbie these guys call it so much and are wrong so much so fast ..They would talk me out of buying dinar insted of putting hard earned money in to it..THIS TONY IS GIVING THE PUMPERS A BAD NAME
  12. i ll take it back with you but im sure we pretty safe ..cause this 11.63 is not going down that a way
  13. it would be better if he was killed..but put in jail sounds far fetched. If the prime minister of Iraq was placed in jail. The world media would have to report it. So far CNN,CBS,NBC nor BBC has reported this so I for one treat as Rumor.
  14. i just called as well not truth to this at all..."i am not suprised"
  15. Who is "his people"..Because it's not the african american people ..We want him gone . Today if possible
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