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Everything posted by gbesley

  1. This man is demented. It must be in the water because what I am hearing on this forum tells me that many, many, are effected by dementia.
  2. How dramatic! "Willing to die to expose the devil!"
  3. Enlighten me. Is Power Generation KKK? Inquiring minds need to know.
  4. Those looking for SIMPLE minds have found a gold mine here. The simplest of minds have enough sense to know that this is all a scam. Folks should be ashamed of playing with the minds of those less mentally alert!
  5. Site is being taken over by wantabe revolutionaries. I am sick of the people who come on this site to get an audience for their belly aching disenchantment with the world and current events. This is the only place where anybody will listen to them....and their audience is diminishing daily. This once was an information site with intellectual discussions about investment in the dinar and how we would prosper after the RV. I only come here to see if anything is changing, and I leave it to the Obama bashers. Obviously, the majority are not of the same persuasion since, President Obama won the election. That should tell you how many are with you in the effort to overthrow the government, impeach Obama, and enforce supremacy. I have more important things to do. Good-bye.
  6. In case you don't know, it will be 4 more years before another presidential election. I thought everybody knew that!
  7. Serously, is this the first time your chosen candidate did not win? For years, I have voted for candidates that did not win and .....what's the big deal. When you say, "we didn't win. Are you talking about White people? rich people? bigots? or what? Somebody did win by majority vote and electoral college votes. We have a president that the people chose. What's up with this???????
  8. In 2008, America began to live up to its name.......United States of America. There are still some who wish to keep OUR country the Divided States of America. Fortunately, the intellect of America have shown its presence. With increased education we can resurrect a dying country and instill principles that will make America truly strong in spirit and resources! There are more things that unite us than divide us. Can we ALL work to achieve unity and strength?
  9. Add me to your list of interested customers. I have been researching alternative energy for some time. Sounds good!
  10. Since I have been given all the negatives for asking folks to think SANE, everyone in favor of NOT having an RV until after Obama is out of office, give me your postives now. Go ahead. Make my day!
  11. Carello, What is wrong with this site? I love the way you think.........with clarity and logic. For once, can't we ALL be happy that there will possibly be some positive movement. It always has to be about hate and anger!
  12. Wow! That really shows the mentality of the people of this country. I am reading news from other countries about the racial mentality of Americans-------that they will vote for a convicted criminal to get a Black man out of the White House.
  13. TO SAVE THE U.S. - 1). Abolish the IRS. This would save trillions of dollars in salaries, employment taxes, benefits, and overhead expenses. Initiate a flat tax that eliminate taxes for individuals who earn less than $25,000. 2). Housing Crisis: Distribute the inventory of foreclosed, vacant homes to real estate property management companies with experience in maintenance and management, allowing them to bulk-mortgage the properties with a 1% interest rate. This would allow the properties to be renovated, rented or sold. As the properties are sold, the mortgage balance would be paid down ----eventually eliminating the debt. One of the options would be to rent the homes back to the original owners (provided they can afford a reasonable rent), allowing the foreclosed owners to re-establish their credit over a 2-3 year period, secure a better job, and qualify for a new mortgage. 3). Entitlements - Eliminate most of the current entitlements that include "free money". A tax break for those earning less than $25,000 allows those individuals and families to take care of their children----eliminate CHILD TAX CREDIT. Individuals or couples earning over $25,000-$60,000 would receive an earned income tax credit. This would encourage people to work! 4). Encourage Free Enterprise System - Encourage business development by eliminating the first $25,000 of business NET PROFIT from taxation. This would encourage "shadow businesses" to come out of the shadows and establish a presence. So much revenue is lost because small businesses earning less than $25,000 cannot afford to pay tax on net profits. They cannot maintain a reasonable existence after paying the "double taxation for medicare and social security" which small businesses face. 5). Security - Armed forces could be reduced if the U.S. would train and house our troops on U.S. soil. We are investing too much in foreign countries. How many countries are established in the U.S. and investing in our economy? If we eliminated the bases that we maintain in Iraq and Afghanistan alone, we could save trillions of dollars annually. Our borders are NOT secure. 6). Reduce Crime - Build more schools, not prisons! Improve our education system. Increase teacher pay to attract more good teachers. Provide after school programs such as Boys Clubs. School system could regulate after school programs with businesses to expose youth to multiple occupations that are not visible in some communities. Many youth have no where to go after school. 7). Job creation - employers are struggling with paying experienced workers. Paying inexperience workers is a hardship. Government could establish a training wage of 50% of the minimum wage for student trainees and eliminate the benefits requirement for the first 90 days.
  14. Why do we need a political forum on an investor site? I may be putting myself out there......but I would think that we all have the ability to interpret media, investigate, and draw our own polititcal views. We are relatively intelligent and would prefer this forum sticks to the topic of dinar investment.
  15. Who cares? Get a life. This is of no interest to dinar investors. Stop wasting our time with ridiculous media garbage!
  16. Dinarlarry, Are you old enough to be on this site? I cannot believe you are more than 5 and scheduled to start school next week. What are you saying.....
  17. gbesley


    I will plead ignorance.......I can't read!
  18. Until you have lost a loved one in a useless war...... until you have seen your world implode from the vacuum left when someone you love is lost forever, don't sit on this site with little concern other than your own political agenda. This has nothing to do with President Obama's campaign! How selfish, mean spirited and hateful can one be? Shame on you. This is a momentus time for these war heros and their families.
  19. Prayer changes everything! There is power in prayer. I will join in prayer for a positive change in her condition and a speedy recovery. God Bless.
  20. DETARD, it is best to remain silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!
  21. It is with a heavy heart that I pray for these young men, their loved ones and families. This should serve as a reminder to ALL that freedom is not free. There is a price, and our young men and women are paying it.
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