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Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times


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Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

Agustin Blazquez

Does anyone know the origins of Political Correctness? Who originally developed it and what was its purpose?

I looked it up. It was developed at the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany, which was founded in 1923 and came to be known as the "Frankfurt School." It was a group of thinkers who pulled together to find a solution to the biggest problem facing the implementers of communism in Russia.

The problem? Why wasn't communism spreading?

Their answer? Because Western Civilization was in its way.

What was the problem with Western Civilization? Its belief in the individual, that an individual could develop valid ideas. At the root of communism was the theory that all valid ideas come from the effect of the social group of the masses. The individual is nothing.

And they believed that the only way for communism to advance was to help (or force, if necessary) Western Civilization to destroy itself. How to do that? Undermine its foundations by chipping away at the rights of those annoying individuals.

One way to do that? Change their speech and thought patterns by spreading the idea that vocalizing your beliefs is disrespectful to others and must be avoided to make up for past inequities and injustices.

And call it something that sounds positive: "Political Correctness."

Inspired by the brand new communist technique, Mao, in the 1930s, wrote an article on the "correct" handling of contradictions among the people. "Sensitive training" – sound familiar? – and speech codes were born.

In 1935, after Hitler came to power, the Frankfurt School moved to New York City, where they continued their work by translating Marxism from economic to cultural terms using Sigmund Freud's psychological conditioning mechanisms to get Americans to buy into Political Correctness. In 1941, they moved to California to spread their wings.

But Political Correctness remains just what it was intended to be: a sophisticated and dangerous form of censorship and oppression, imposed upon the citizenry with the ultimate goal of manipulating, brainwashing and destroying our society.

PC Cuba

My first conscious exposure to Political Correctness was in 1959 – the first year of Castro's revolution in Cuba – while attending an indoctrination session at a neighborhood elementary school in Havana. There I learned for the first time of the claimed superiority of life in the Soviet Union vs. the U.S.

There I also learned that the word "compañero" (filtered version of the communist "comrade" – Fidel was denying his communist preferences) was the correct way to refer to the other members of the new Cuban society-in-the-making.

Mr., Mrs. and Miss were no longer acceptable, and their further use could reveal that you were not a Fidelista. Since repression and violations of human rights came roaring in right behind Castro's sweep down from the mountains in 1959, objection or rejection of Fidel Castro's revolution would (and still will) land you in a lot of trouble. You could easily lose your life in those summary executions at La Cabaña prison under the direction of Che Guevara.

But don't worry about Che. Che was later transformed and cleansed by the masters of Political Correctness. His likeness became a revered icon of the far left, with T-shirts and posters still adorning the campuses of America.

The same techniques were used to cleanse one of today's "heroes," Mumia Abu-Jamal (even if he was convicted, by overwhelming evidence, of killing a cop).

And under the pervasive guidance of Political Correctness that took hold from elementary school to university, from the media to the arts, from the country fields to factories and offices, Cubans learned to say what it was safe to say. Always in line with the overpowering state. Always following the dictums of the only political party left: the Communist Party.

The self-censorship resulting from Political Correctness easily trampled freedom of speech. Political Correctness has succeeded in Cuba by creating a uniform political discourse that has lasted for 43 years.

Political Correctness has given the state (Castro) complete control of speech. That is the main reason why the U.S. media cannot extract the truth of what Cubans really feel when they interview regular citizens and deceptively present their comments as valid to the American public.

The same was true in the former Soviet Union and the former satellite countries. The same continues in the remaining communist world.

It's nothing new. The U.S. media must know that, so why don't they openly report that fact instead of misleading the public? Perhaps that is the reason why the American people are so uneducated about the Cuban tragedy and acted regrettably during the Elian Gonzalez affair.

The PC U.S.

With profound dismay, I have seen how the scourge of Political Correctness has taken hold in the U.S. It is very well entrenched in our educational system, at scientific, religious and community levels, the media, the workplace and even our government.

It is changing the American society from within, and the citizens of this nation are increasingly censoring themselves and losing their freedom of speech out of fear of Political Correctness repression.

It is the nature of Western Civilization to be civilized – respectful of others and concerned with correcting injustices. We don't need Political Correctness to make us think we are not civilized on our own and must have our thoughts and words restricted.

In December 2001, in Kensington, Md., an annual firefighters Santa Claus festivity to light the Christmas tree was objected to by two families. The city council, in the name of Political Correctness, voted to ban Santa from the parade. Fortunately, due to citizen outcry, the decision was reversed in the end and many people protested by dressing up as Santa.

Logically and respectfully, how can one person's benign icon be objectionable to the point of banishment? Offer to add other people's icons. Make it a broader celebration. That's the Perfectly Correct American way.

The rulers of Political Correctness reach absurd levels when they refer to the betrayal of America by the spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg – executed in 1953 – as "non-traditional patriotism"!

We see shameful situations created in our schools and universities in America that have fallen prey to Political Correctness. Some professors, students and publications are being attacked for expressing a point of view that differs from that imposed by a fanatical far left, under the guise of Political Correctness.

In schools and workplaces we see that "diversity" has degenerated into reverse discrimination, where often the less qualified are admitted and the incompetent cannot be fired. We have seen characters like Rev. Jesse Jackson shamelessly blackmailing and threatening to boycott entire corporations if they don't hire those selected by him or simply make "donations" to his organizations.

The Double Standard Emerges

Our Constitution requires the separation of church and state, which has always discouraged our public education system from teaching religion. However, in December 2001, while Christmas cards, symbols and decorations were being objected to for the first time in American public schools in Georgia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Minnesota and Oregon, in an elementary school in Texas, a girl was allowed to give to her classmates an overview and show a video about her Muslim religion.

And in January 2002, a public middle school in San Luis Obispo, Calif., had its students pretend to be warriors fighting for Islam. Another school near Oakland, Calif., also encouraged 125 seventh-grade students to dress up in Muslim robes for a three-week course on Islam.

This arbitrary double standard was applied in the name of Political Correctness following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

According to Ellen Sorokin's "No Founding Fathers?" published by the Washington Times on its front page on Jan. 28, 2002, even our Founding Fathers have fallen victim to the travesty. The article says of the New Jersey Department of Education's history standards,

"The latest revisions to the state standards have disappointed educators across the country, who said the board's exclusion of the Founding Fathers' names is 'Political Correctness to the nth degree.' "

Sorokin points out that "the standards specifically note that students should identify slavery, the Holocaust and modern Iraq as examples in which 'people have behaved in cruel and inhumane ways.' " Conveniently, communism is absent from that short list.

In another article by Sorokin, published by the Washington Times on March 10, "Report Blames Anti-Americanism on College Teachers," she presents two examples of upcoming courses for next spring and fall. They are " 'The Sexuality of Terrorism' at University of California at Hayward; and 'Terrorism and the Politics of Knowledge' at UCLA, a class that, according to its course description, examines 'America's record of imperialistic adventurism.' "

Recently, a historic photograph of the New York firefighters raising the American flag over the ruins of the World Trade Center was going to be made into a sculpture as a memorial.

But history's revisionists used Political Correctness to dictate that other minority faces replace some of the faces in the historical photograph! Fortunately, in the end that didn't fly either, due to the outcry of firefighters and the public.

The Goal of the PC Dictators

For people with the background and firsthand experience of living inside a totalitarian communist society, the tilt and goal of the dictators of Political Correctness in America are obvious.

The beneficiaries in the end will be the fanatic believers in the totalitarian state, who, in spite of the dismal failure of communism and the 100 million people exterminated pursuing that criminal system, have not given up.

Political and religious fanatics, as demonstrated by the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and the subsequent war in Afghanistan, are extremely dangerous in today's world.

All citizens who cherish liberty must reject the scourge of Political Correctness. Freedom of speech must be preserved in America if we are to continue to be free.

Let's say it: Castro is not a 'president,' as the U.S. media's Political Correctness calls him. Castro has not been democratically elected to anything in Cuba. The correct word to define him is 'tyrant.' He is not just a 'leader,' as the U.S. media also calls him. He is more of a criminal Mafioso-type character.

Why criminal? Because he has caused the deaths of more than 100,000 Cubans. Thousands have died through his support of guerrillas in Central and South America. Thousands of blacks were killed by Castro's soldiers in Africa. Castro in the 1980s introduced the use of bacteriological weapons to kill blacks in Angola.

How many thousands have died in America as a result of his drug trafficking into the U.S.? How many thousands have died all over the world due to terrorists trained in Castro's Cuba?

Former Soviet colonel Ken Alibek, who defected to America, was once in charge of the Soviet Union's production of biological weapons. In Alibek's 1999 book, "Biohazard," he revealed that with the help of the Soviet Union, in the 1980s Cuba created laboratories to produce chemical and bacteriological weapons of mass destruction – just 90 miles from U.S. shores.

The information about Castro's involvement with bacteriological weapons also comes from various independent sources. We must not forget either that Cuba is on the U.S. State Department's list of terrorist nations.

Why Mafioso? Well, Castro is like an untouchable godfather, surrounded by bodyguards and thugs and a private army of about 40,000 soldiers for his personal protection (roughly the size of the entire army of Cuba prior to 1959).

He stole foreign and national properties in Cuba. He has become one of the richest men in the world, according to Forbes magazine. He has created a despotic and corrupt elite to exploit the Cuban people and keep himself in power. He has made the Cuban people hostages and slaves of his corrupt regime.

The U.S. media do not call Al Capone "the former leader" of the Italian Mafia. Why the double standard with Fidel and other far-left regimes? The answer can be traced to where the sympathies lie – with the elite dictating Political Correctness in America.

It's one thing is to be educated, considerate, polite and have good manners, and another to be forced to self-censor and say things that are totally incorrect in order to comply with the arbitrary dictums of a deceiving and fanatical far-left agenda.

Let's preserve our freedom and say NO to the scourge of Political Correctness.

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Political Correctness: The Scourge of Our Times

Let's preserve our freedom and say NO to the scourge of Political Correctness.

yep, I'll second that. Lets bring back independent thinking and freedom of speech.

I might not agree with what you say but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

On the lighter side....

Boss sees the the shop assistant arguing with a customer. So when the customer leaves he pull the assitant up saying "I thought I told you never argue with a customer, anyway what was she saying?"

Assistant replies, "She said you were a f@&%king clown!"

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"It is the nature of Western Civilization to be civilized – respectful of others and concerned with correcting injustices. We don't need Political Correctness to make us think we are not civilized on our own and must have our thoughts and words restricted".

I thought this was an interesting topic and quote, so I'd like to bring something to this debate. The above statement looks good in black and white, but I find it does not resemble reality. First, I'd like to know how many of you have ever faced discrimination? I mean personally? Unless you are a member of a minority, and atleast in your 50's, chances are you haven't. You live your day, going to work, watching TV, sitting down with your family's at dinner, going to Church, and life goes by day by day, right? Then you read in the newspaper or watch FOX News and hear about how some nut case organization is trying to change things.

Atheist trying to get a Christmas scene taken down, G A Y S taking to parades with their shocking attics kissing and holding hands in front of youngsters, or women studies that still show the fairer sex get paid 75 cents on the dollar to do the same job as a man. And boy are you ticked, and you get on forms like this and tell others how you are sick and tired of these organizations trying to change American life. Then you get a few positive points from like minded people, and then go back to work, watch TV, sit down with your family's at dinner, go to Church and life goes on by day by day. Yawn...until you read something that again upsets you and the cycle goes on. Does this seem about right? That is, does anything that these organization actually do, ever personally make a difference in your life? My guess, is probably not. :blink:

What if you are a young black man or better yet black woman. How do you think your life is different than someone of your race, say 50 years ago growing up in the 60s, before Civil Rights and "I had a Dream". Separate drinking fountains, seats on a bus, enter/exits......think they felt PC? Or in the 1860's prior to the civil war when you had white masters that made you pick cotton 7 days a week, or as a young black girl possibly getting impregnated by your master, while the white women in the Big House, turn their heads and looked the other way. :o

Or how has your life change if you were a woman, before the time you could vote? I shudder to think where we would be as a sex if WWII hadn't happen and the fact that women were need to work the farm and factories...if it wasn't for women that pulled their weight, do you think we would have won the War?

Or what about the non-Christian in America today, let alone 200 years ago. As a Christian can you even imagine what would go thru your mind if you read "In Allah we trust" each day when you look at your money? Does berserk come to mind? :mad: And the sermon you heard last Sunday of turning the other cheek and that Jesus was the Prince of Peace is just words then.

I think I read somewhere in some document that "All men are created equal", yea I'm almost certain I read something about basic human rights are allowed to all Americans. Yea it's all coming back to me now.

I, on the other hand, have faced discrimination as a woman, a lesbian and an atheist all my life. In college, in my MBA program in Colorado Springs, I was in classes with mostly military officer in the Major (O-4) and LTC (O-5) ranks. The professors knew that the military members were the bread and butter of their programs, so they decided that to keep them happy and graduating, they would set the curve on who made the highest grade, the bell curve. Guess who it was that ended up setting the curve...a woman civilian in her early 20s....well, they couldn't have that, so they actually put a rule in that it was the highest grade of a military student that would set the curve. Hmmmm....not really PC, huh?

I've taken part in Rainbow parades where Christians actually threw paint balls and slime at me...held up their bibles and told me I'd burn in Hell....Hmmm....not really PC, huh?

You need look no further than some members on this site on how they view my postings when I put up positive Atheist particular female "Christian" poster makes it a point to give my postings negatives everyday when she logs in, till she shoots her load for the day. Hmmmm...not really PC, huh?

So, my point is, not being PC, means that you don't really care about others that are different from yourselves. You simply don't want change because you are the King of the Hill. Well, History points out that discrimination and bias behavior is dying. America is the Greatest Nation on Earth, because it set in action a Government that runs on checks and balance, watches out for minorities and does the Right thing, instead of the most Popular thing supported by the Majority.

That's why I love her...and that is PC. :)

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Again you totally missed the point of the article.. Personally I don't care what happened a millennium ago..

There was a time that being politically correct meant speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others. Now it means speaking and acting in a manner acceptable to the Hollywood and politically left wing Elite who have appointed themselves as the arbitrators of what is proper and what is not proper.

For instance Christmas is a legal holiday and was made a legal holiday in order to celebrate the birth of Christ. It is now, however, politically incorrect to say Merry Christmas because you might insult non Christians and atheists. We are told that the correct greeting is now Happy Holidays. Department and other stores that make most of their money selling Christmas gifts now advertise Holiday gifts, wish us Happy Holidays and play Holiday music that does not mention Christmas, Christ or God. God forbid they should insult anyone and lose a sale. It doesn't matter that they are insulting Christians, because Christians, by nature of their beliefs, are forgiving. Teachers are teaching young students to say Happy Holidays because many teachers now believe that it is politically incorrect to bring religion into school and that it is okay to deny God but it is not okay to irritate atheists.

A janitor is now a custodial engineer and a garbage hauler is now a sanitation engineer even though neither has an engineering degree. An American Indian is now called a Native American. A person who is deaf is now hearing impaired. A blind person is now visually impaired. A handicapped person is now physically impaired. A fat person is now called weight challenged or weight impaired (I am fat but I am not challenged nor impaired and I resent the use of those words. . A pet is now called an animal friend. A person who is slow to learn is now mentally challenged. Orientals are now Asians. Anno Domini (AD) is now Common Era (CE). A prison is now a House Of Corrections. An illegal alien is now an undocumented immigrant or an undocumented worker. Terrorists are now called insurgents even though the definition of an insurgent is a rebel and a rebel does not usually kill innocent people. Punks and delinquents are now called environmentally challenged youths. People are no longer laid off, they are now downsized. Merry Christmas is now Happy Holidays. Happy Thanksgiving is now Happy Turkey Day. Even Valentines day is now being called Friends Day.

Don't say "under God" when saying the Pledge of Allegiance, because you might make an atheist uncomfortable and then the atheist might sue.

It's funny when Whoopi Goldberg, Barbra Streisand, Jay Leno, David Letterman and others insult President Bush and call him stupid, but it's not funny if you make fun of Whoopi Goldberg. The fact that President Bush is the elected leader of this country and that when they insult him they are insulting the Office Of The President and thereby insulting this country, doesn't seem to matter. The fact that their insults are read and heard by people in other countries who use the insults as fodder to justify their dislike of us, doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that they don't like President Bush and they hope that if they insult him enough, people will start believing that the insults are true facts and not just jokes.

Drug addicts are victims not criminals, even though they broke the law by using illegal drugs and even though they are aiding drug pushers by giving them money, because many of the Elite also use illegal drugs and they don't consider themselves to be criminals.

Don't call God a him, because certain women will be angered. The fact that no one has ever actually seen God and the fact that no one really knows if God is a he, she or it, doesn't matter. The fact that Christ is alledged to have said that God was his Father, doesn't matter. All that matters is that certain celebrities and activists don't like to hear God called a he and since they don't like it they feel insulted.

It's not only okay, it's comical, to lump all Priests together and label them pedophiles like Jay Leno does, but don't you dare say a teacher might be incompetent. If you do, a teacher's union will jump down your throat. It doesn't matter that the vast majority of Priests are kind, caring and honorable men or that a large percentage of teachers can't teach their way out of a paper bag. All that matters is that Priests won't fight back so it's okay to lump the good ones with the bad ones and make fun of them.

We are no longer Americans, we are now African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Hispanic-Americans, Asian-Americans, Italian-Americans and a whole bunch of other -Americans. How can we hope to remain 'one country, under god or not under god, indivisible' if we are already dividing ourselves by ethnicity and prior nationality. I am solely an American. My ethnicity or the nationality of my ancestors does not effect my being an American. I can be proud of my ancestry without hyphenating my Americanism. My wife was born and raised in Mexico. She says that she is an American of Mexican decent. She is proud of her Mexican heritage but since she is now an American citizen she answers to American or American of Mexican decent not Mexican-American. And what is with this African-American bit. According to most biblical scholars and most scientists, the human race started out in Africa. If that's true, then all of us are descended from people who lived in Africa and all of us could be called African-American. Additionally, what do you call a person, of African decent, who lives permanently in this country but is a French citizen and not a citizen of this country. You can't call him an African-American as he is not an American. Do you call him an African-Frenchman or do you call him an African-Frenchmen who resides in America? You can't call him a Black because no one is actually black. What if he is dark brown or light brown, do you call him a Brown. I am called white but in actuality no one is white and some so called whites are darker than some so called blacks. Why do we need to use color or ethnicity in order to tag people. I can see using complexion, ie: pale, dark brown, olive, etc. as a person's description, but I can't see using it as part of their identity.

Political correctness is fine to a point, but like anything else, take it too far and it becomes ridiculous. We have taken it too far and it is now ridiculous. Stop listening to the Hollywood elite and start thinking for yourself. Don't be stupid. Oh; I apologize, should I have said don't be mentally impaired? Be kind, be polite and have empathy for others. Don't, however, let others tell you what to think and say.

Edited by trooper
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I evened you out because I never think speaking your mind should be reprimanded. Guuurl, you got hit with paintballs at a pride parade...its sad when people use force to get their point across. Have you ever thought about being an advocate for the LGBT community? Not trying to make light of your situation but from what I see it seems to me you would do a lot of good. Just my thoughts plz don't feel offended I come in peace :)

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Trooper, if I missed your point, then I think the same is true of you.

Ever hear: For evil to triumph good men need to do nothing

Do you think drug abuse may lead on to something more? That little transgressions if unchallenged lead to bigger ones?

Next, all the examples that you listed, did any of them personally effect you? Is your day different because we now call Asians, Asians instead of Orientals? Or call black people African Americans instead of Blacks or going back a ways, colored or even further N e g r o?

I'm guess it doesn't make a hill of beans different to you in your every day life...but it DOES to them. It makes them believe that they are part of a society that values their differences. That people really believe we are all equal.

i DO get your point about how it's PC to make fun of Obama but not someone else. I agree, I seldom think making fun of him personally is funny...his ideology is open game however. But as you can see from recent events, I thought taking a shot at the First Lady was out of bounds.

Another thing is, I don't understand the jest of your argument, what we label them is a matter of semantics...that's all. G A Y S prefer that over homosexuals. That is now perfectly acceptable. So if a group wants to call themselves by another name, what's the diff?

Really, I'd like to know why this seems to be a big thing to you? How is your life changed by people wanting to be called something different...really, I'm interested why you picked this topic.

Edited by Tiffany23
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Great, great post Trooper...Tiffany I think his whole point is why claim to be equal and all the same if people are constantly labeling themselves. And why is it okay for everyone to publicly celebrate their differences EXCEPT the white Christian??

Bama, you actually made my point exactly, who do you think named all of these people? The majority, which are mainly White Male Christians (I was going to leave the Christian part out, but if the shoe fits). So tell me again, why does the majority get to name what doesn't apply to them?

The Native Americans called Whites, why didn't that stick? Guess what?? America was theirs first, but guess that doesn't matter.

Hawaiians call white people Haole, it literally means without breath, pertaining to how the early settles didn't take breaths before they prayed, but now a days, it means something different. i'll leave it to you on whether you would like to be called a Haole.

If you go to Japan, you would be called Gaijin...Alien.

Europeans call us....Ugly Americans

And Koreans....well, let's just say it won't make you very happy

Vietnam soldiers were called "baby killers", something I'm pretty sure they weren't too comfortable with.

So I again ask, why not allow the people in that race, religion, creed, nationality to make up their own names? I don't see why that should even be an issue.

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Well Tiff, labeling has never been an issue with hubby calls me baby, my kids call me mom, and my friends call me Renee' (except on here I'm Bama). If me and you were neighbors I wouldn't think of you as 'that lesbian atheist girl' yes, we would probably debate our beliefs but we'd do it over a beer or a glass of wine, not as enemies. Anyways my point is the people that are offended over labels are usually the ones that label themselves...

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Well Tiff, labeling has never been an issue with hubby calls me baby, my kids call me mom, and my friends call me Renee' (except on here I'm Bama). If me and you were neighbors I wouldn't think of you as 'that lesbian atheist girl' yes, we would probably debate our beliefs but we'd do it over a beer or a glass of wine, not as enemies. Anyways my point is the people that are offended over labels are usually the ones that label themselves...

May I call you Renee?? I promise, if we ever meet, I'll bring the beer...although after all the two of us have discussed, I think the hubby of yours can drop us off at the local pub and the two of us can shoot tequila and try to figure out if it is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all? I'm in the camp that it's better never to have loved, heart broke too many times. ;)

Thank you for atleast engaging me, and for those of you who take exception to my way of thinking...atleast you didn't cream me with negatives. :) Listen, I know I'm not going to change any of your minds...all I'm asking is that you be willing to read and listen to someone elses point of view. What you decide to do with it is up to you.

Bottomline: American are fair minded people...we LOVE to root for the underdog. And we are softies when it comes to helping others...we are a very generous lot. All I ask is that you walk in someone elses shoes for a while, if you stil believe the way that you do, then hey...that's your right.

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@ Tiff..... I find your post to be most level headed, engaging a thought process, before.... the typing began.

IMHO PC or not! When people stand before GOD.......If you're told "YOU'RE NOT ON THE LIST" no method of political correctness will change that. Just Saying

Edited by detroitjazzman
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@Tiffany, yes you may call me Renee...I do believe we are done with the offended stage and moved towards friends...But you gotta realize the more people come to care about you the more they will worry about you and your soul, I will ALWAYS try to bring you to Jesus, he loves all, even sinners like me. P.S. It is never better to not love at all...sometimes you have to go through heartache to get to the prize.

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Thanks are very kind. I'm honored that you would be that concerned. The thing is, I DO believe in the words of Christ, I just don't believe in his divinity. Let's see if I can provide an allegory.

I LOVE Thunderstorm...always have...when we lived in Kentucky when I was little, my mother would run into my room after a big thrunderclap to see if I was scared..and she won't find me there...I'd be outside on the front porch with a blaket wrapped around me. I simple LOVE the force and beauty that comes when Mother Nature wants to show off her stuff. Now, for centuries, mankind thought these storms were caused by Gods (Zeus/Jupiter in Greek/Roman days) (Norse & Egyptian as well), and I believe even in the Old Testament..(but don't quote me..and I'm too lazy to look it up). However, now we know exactly why and how Thunderstorms happen. And guess what, some of the mystery is gone, but it's still beautiful and terrifying. That's how I feel about Christ. I'm not convienced he is the Son of God, there is too much that is known and the God of the Gaps continues to shrink, but that doesn't mean I don't love the message that he preaches. If there were more Christians like you, EMS, Mitch10, Nelg, Manskari, Pappy and my Furball, then we won't need a Heaven above, as it would already exist here on Earth. :hug:

Detroit...touche'. My writing style is to use the first part of the sentence as fact....and afterwards my own interpertation or thoughts. So what you are saying is.. you love my brains but not my soul. ;)

Santanna...if you are still out there. No, I have never really thought of taking that up. One, I never stay in one spot for long, and to be honest, I think G A Y S are just about there as far as equality. The right to marriage isn't a big deal for me, as I doubt anyone could put up with me for all the long. :P And that part of it is more for legal/government reasons than anytype of symbol of a relationship. Since I work for the Government already, most of my rights in that area are already protected. Actually, I more enjoy engaging people on this site. Think about it, where else would I possibly meet the diversity of individuals we have here. If I were to go to any other site of like people, I'd get like opinions...and I'd neither learn or enlighten others. This is a chance to meet intelligent people that look at life differently than me and many of them are becoming my friends.

Anyway, with this post, I think we've run this particular stallion to death.


Edited by Tiffany23
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Great, great post Trooper...Tiffany I think his whole point is why claim to be equal and all the same if people are constantly labeling themselves. And why is it okay for everyone to publicly celebrate their differences EXCEPT the white Christian??

Well said. The way I have always understand it too.

Bama, you actually made my point exactly, who do you think named all of these people? The majority, which are mainly White Male Christians (I was going to leave the Christian part out, but if the shoe fits). So tell me again, why does the majority get to name what doesn't apply to them?

Tiffany, I'm really just curious as to where you get that, "The majority, which are mainly White Male Christians"..."get to name what doesn't apply to them".

It has always been my understanding groups change their labels themselves, so you have piqued my curiosity.

The word Ne-gro is used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not. The word ne-gro literally means 'black' in Spanish and Portuguese, and from the Latin ni-ger,'black'.

One well-known example is the identification by Martin Luther King, Jr. of his own race as 'Ne-gro' in his famous 1963 speech 'I Have a Dream'. The usage was accepted as normal, even by people classified as Ne-groes, until the later Civil Rights movement in the late 1960s. During the American Civil Rights movement, some African-American leaders in the United States, notably Malcolm X, objected to the word 'ne-gro', preferring 'Black', because they associated the word 'ne-gro' with the long history of slavery, segregation, and discrimination that treated African Americans as second class citizens, or worse.

Labels play an important role in defining groups and individuals who belong to the groups. This has been especially true for racial and ethnic groups in general and for Blacks in particular. Over the past century the standard term for Blacks has shifted from “Colored” to “Ne-gro” to “Black” and now to “African-American.” The changes can be seen as attempts by Blacks to redefine themselves and to gain respect and standing in a society that has unjustly held them to be subordinate and inferior.

I really wish I could remember the name of a great motivational speaker I once saw years ago. He was a black man, he was highly ranked in the armed forces, prior to his motvational speaking engagements. To paraphrase, he 'was tired of these few black people, that re-named his race every so many years and he rejected being called an 'African-American', because, he is an American, who happens to be black.

Note: hyphens added to the words that would otherwise be edited. I hope in the context to which they are used, it would be except-able, because if the xxx's were there, the point would be lost.

No offense intended.

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Thanks you for engaging me and in a very nice/friendly way, challenging my thoughts. I guess my first thoughts are that when you are first trying to right a wrong, you do it with honey vs. vinegar. So MLK may have used the terms that were acceptable at that time in order to pull in the ranks of modern open minded people like you. As time went on, and his ideas became more acceptable, I think the Civil Rights movement felt like they could make more radical changes. It's kind of an evolutionary stage by stage process. I do not know if this is true of Civil Rights and am open to learning more…but this is the way that the G A Y rights have taken place…at least from my understanding.

This is my off the cuff answer, but thank you for asking it in such a non-threating way.


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my reference is made to; "Labels play an important role in defining groups and individuals who belong to the groups. This has been especially true for racial and ethnic groups in general and for Blacks in particular. Over the past century the standard term for Blacks has shifted from “Colored” to “Ne-gro” to “Black” and now to “African-American.” The changes can be seen as attempts by Blacks to redefine themselves and to gain respect and standing in a society that has unjustly held them to be subordinate and inferior

just an FYI....... blacks never named themselves "Colored" as this was a label handed to them by slave masters as well as the reference of Ne-gro which is the root word for the more dastardly "N" word. Perhaps those are words that you grew up with, however, when you are in the minority some names handed out by the majority sometimes stick, and sometimes they are rejected. Take Indian for example.just saying

Edited by detroitjazzman
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Tiffany, you just amaze me at times. Your intelligence is super high, have a great wit, and know how to be extremely charming. I encourage you in your debate to continue with an open mind. I understand where you are coming from, it is just some such as I, believe that PC taken to the limit will kill us as a nation. My goal is to try to curtail this before we start calling Mao a hero.

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"It is the nature of Western Civilization to be civilized – respectful of others and concerned with correcting injustices. We don't need Political Correctness to make us think we are not civilized on our own and must have our thoughts and words restricted".

I thought this was an interesting topic and quote, so I'd like to bring something to this debate. The above statement looks good in black and white, but I find it does not resemble reality. First, I'd like to know how many of you have ever faced discrimination? I mean personally? Unless you are a member of a minority, and at least in your 50's, chances are you haven't. You live your day, going to work, watching TV, sitting down with your family's at dinner, going to Church, and life goes by day by day, right? Then you read in the newspaper or watch FOX News and hear about how some nut case organization is trying to change things.

Atheist trying to get a Christmas scene taken down, G A Y S taking to parades with their shocking attics kissing and holding hands in front of youngsters, or women studies that still show the fairer sex get paid 75 cents on the dollar to do the same job as a man. And boy are you ticked, and you get on forms like this and tell others how you are sick and tired of these organizations trying to change American life. Then you get a few positive points from like minded people, and then go back to work, watch TV, sit down with your family's at dinner, go to Church and life goes on by day by day. Yawn...until you read something that again upsets you and the cycle goes on. Does this seem about right? That is, does anything that these organization actually do, ever personally make a difference in your life? My guess, is probably not. :blink:

What if you are a young black man or better yet black woman. How do you think your life is different than someone of your race, say 50 years ago growing up in the 60s, before Civil Rights and "I had a Dream". Separate drinking fountains, seats on a bus, enter/exits......think they felt PC? Or in the 1860's prior to the civil war when you had white masters that made you pick cotton 7 days a week, or as a young black girl possibly getting impregnated by your master, while the white women in the Big House, turn their heads and looked the other way. :o

Or how has your life change if you were a woman, before the time you could vote? I shudder to think where we would be as a sex if WWII hadn't happen and the fact that women were need to work the farm and factories...if it wasn't for women that pulled their weight, do you think we would have won the War?

Or what about the non-Christian in America today, let alone 200 years ago. As a Christian can you even imagine what would go thru your mind if you read "In Allah we trust" each day when you look at your money? Does berserk come to mind? :mad: And the sermon you heard last Sunday of turning the other cheek and that Jesus was the Prince of Peace is just words then.

I think I read somewhere in some document that "All men are created equal", yea I'm almost certain I read something about basic human rights are allowed to all Americans. Yea it's all coming back to me now.

I, on the other hand, have faced discrimination as a woman, a lesbian and an atheist all my life. In college, in my MBA program in Colorado Springs, I was in classes with mostly military officer in the Major (O-4) and LTC (O-5) ranks. The professors knew that the military members were the bread and butter of their programs, so they decided that to keep them happy and graduating, they would set the curve on who made the highest grade, the bell curve. Guess who it was that ended up setting the curve...a woman civilian in her early 20s....well, they couldn't have that, so they actually put a rule in that it was the highest grade of a military student that would set the curve. Hmmmm....not really PC, huh?

I've taken part in Rainbow parades where Christians actually threw paint balls and slime at me...held up their bibles and told me I'd burn in Hell....Hmmm....not really PC, huh?

You need look no further than some members on this site on how they view my postings when I put up positive Atheist particular female "Christian" poster makes it a point to give my postings negatives everyday when she logs in, till she shoots her load for the day. Hmmmm...not really PC, huh?

So, my point is, not being PC, means that you don't really care about others that are different from yourselves. You simply don't want change because you are the King of the Hill. Well, History points out that discrimination and bias behavior is dying. America is the Greatest Nation on Earth, because it set in action a Government that runs on checks and balance, watches out for minorities and does the Right thing, instead of the most Popular thing supported by the Majority.

That's why I love her...and that is PC. :)

Let's be realistic, PC is the equivalent of baking 7 different dozen cookies for 7 different people. Remember the Slogan Melting Pot, yes a mixture of one and all to live together in harmony, Not to cater to each individual who has a gripe. Have you never been teased when you were a kid for wearing crappy clothes? Or having a cheesy lunch box, How about a two dollar hair cut,? It's all the same now, just because we are older don't mean we have to take it to heart, Always consider the source. It was never deemed Melting Pot"s, that would bring us right back to communism, Tiffany if you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and say I am happy with myself, In my Humble opinion , thats all you need to get yourself thru anything or anyone who throws a rock under your bus, I could care less of your beliefs or sexuality You Are Who You are, there's no need to explain it or fight for it. I respect you for the beautiful human being you are.............

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Thank You for that in depth explination,

it sould open the eyes of many True Americans.

Many Amercans mean well,

but have become complacent and don't

act feeling some one else should do that

sort of thing "I'm too comfortable".

If enough americans catch that attitude,

then surely Political Correctness shall Win! :rolleyes:

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my reference is made to; "Labels play an important role in defining groups and individuals who belong to the groups. This has been especially true for racial and ethnic groups in general and for Blacks in particular. Over the past century the standard term for Blacks has shifted from “Colored” to “Ne-gro” to “Black” and now to “African-American.” The changes can be seen as attempts by Blacks to redefine themselves and to gain respect and standing in a society that has unjustly held them to be subordinate and inferior

just an FYI....... blacks never named themselves "Colored" as this was a label handed to them by slave masters as well as the reference of Ne-gro which is the root word for the more dastardly "N" word. Perhaps those are words that you grew up with, however, when you are in the minority some names handed out by the majority sometimes stick, and sometimes they are rejected. Take Indian for example.just saying

Today it is generally no longer regarded as a politically correct term. However, even that is debatable, due to its continued accepted usage, most notably its use in the acronym NAACP. Carla Sims, communications director for the NAACP in Washington, D.C., said "The term 'colored' is not derogatory, [the NAACP] chose the word 'colored' because it was the most positive description commonly used at that time. It's outdated and antiquated but not offensive.

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Hmmmm.... I thought we had put a stake thru this particular posting, but to show that I do have a sense of humor on the subject and to give an other opportunity to my many nemeses to shoot their load of negatives at me today, I thought I'd post this.

Due to the climate of political correctness now pervading America ,

Kentuckians, Tennesseans and West Virginians will no longer be referred to as 'HILLBILLIES.'

You must now refer to them as


And furthermore



1. She is not a 'BABE' or a 'CHICK' - She is a


2. She is not 'EASY' - She is


3. She is not a 'DUMB BLONDE' - She is a


4. She has not 'BEEN AROUND' - She is a


5. She does not 'NAG' you - She becomes


6. She is not a 'TWO-BIT HOOKER' - She is a




1. He does not have a 'BEER GUT' - He has developed a


2. He is not a 'BAD DANCER' - He is


3. He does not 'GET LOST ALL THE TIME' - He


4. He is not 'BALDING' - He is in


5. He does not act like a 'TOTAL ASS' - He develops a case of


6. It's not his 'CRACK' you see hanging out of his pants - It's


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