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Allawi's Master Plan


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Wow! THIS is what Allawi has been up to this whole year. It seems to be a "Master Plan" for the return to glory for Iraq. IF ( big, big IF) he has a way, or already has everyone in on this, we truly may be at the end of our ride. (NOTE: this also may be his first campaign volley if they do early elections)

I've always wondered if the urban legend of "there will be mass confusion and misdirection immediately before the RV" stuff was true, or some past guru just opining about how it would actually go down at RV time. There was never any proof of misdirection, everyone just accepted it as fact. Maybe, just maybe, they're smarter than we gave them credit for, and this is how they'll get their act together.

The way this article talks about this plan, it is the works of the finest minds on the planet brought together, and what they came up with is the absolute best way to explode (in a good way) Iraq's true potential.

Baghdad (news) .. An advisor of the Iraqi List, Hani Ashour leader Iyad Allawi's list studying with experts in strategy, economics and development, education and law project of building modern democratic state of Iraq free from corruption, based on stability and economic advancement.

وقال عاشور في تصريح صحفي اليوم الاربعاء: ان لجنة من خبراء عراقيين كبار في الداخل والخارج تضم اساتذة مختصين في المجالات الستراتيجية والاقتصادية والتعليمية والاجتماعية والقانونية انجزت دراسة من 400 صفحة باشراف اياد علاوي زعيم القائمة العراقية استمرت لعدة اشهر وضعت خطط بناء الدولة العراقية على اسس الاستقرار والنهوض السياسي والاقتصادي و تحقيق السيادة الوطنية الحقيقية، وتابع :ان الخطة تتضمن عدة مراحل زمنية سيكون بمقدور العراق من خلالها بعد سنوات عديدة ان يتحول الى قوة اقتصادية فاعلة في المنطقة وسيكون مركزا صناعيا وسياسيا كبيرا، يتجاوز فشل السنوات الاخيرة ومعاناتها وتعويض العراقيين عن الحرمان الذي عاشوه . Ashour said in a press statement on Wednesday: that a committee of experts, senior Iraqi at home and abroad, including professors, specialists in the areas of strategic, economic, educational, social, legal, completed a study of 400 pages under the supervision of Iyad Allawi, leader of the Iraqi List, continued for several months and has plans to build the Iraqi state on the basis of stability and the advancement of political, economic and national sovereignty true, and continued: The plan includes several phases of time will be able to Iraq, which after many years to turn into an economic power players in the region and will be the industrial center and a major political, beyond the failure of recent years and suffering and compensation for Iraqis from the deprivation they experienced.

واوضح عاشور ان البدء بهذا المشروع تم بعد الانتخابات مباشرة وباشراف الدكتور اياد علاوي بعد تشكيل فريق عمل مختص من خبراء عراقيين معروفين في داخل العراق وخارجه، لمعالجة حالات النكوص والفشل الذي يشهده العراق، وقد تم انجاز المشروع الذي بلغ اكثر من 400 صفحة مع بيانات علمية قبل فترة قصيرة، وتم عرضه على مراكز بحوث وتطوير عالمية متخصصة اجرت بعض الملاحظات عليه واصبح جاهزا مع كافة ملحقاته الاحصائية والبيانية والصور التوضيحية . He explained Ashour said the launching of this project was immediately after the elections under the supervision of Dr. Ayad Allawi, after the formation of a working group dedicated to Iraqi experts known inside and outside Iraq, to ​​address cases of relapse and failure in Iraq was, was completing the project, which is over 400 pages with the scientific data before a short period, was presented to the centers of research and development of a global specialist conducted some observations upon and ready with all its accessories and statistical charts and illustrations.

وذكر عاشور أن علاوي كلفه بمتابعة المشروع منذ عدة اشهر وقد تم الافادة فيه من تجارب عالمية مثل ( ماليزيا والصين وسنغافورة واسبانيا والبرازيل ) وتم وضع الخطط بشأن بناء عراق خال من البطالة والفساد وهدر المال العام والفشل في الاداء الحكومي والمهني ونقص السيادة . According to Ashour Allawi him to follow up the project for several months has been to utilize its global experience (such as Malaysia, China, Singapore, Spain and Brazil) have been developing plans on building an Iraq free of unemployment, corruption and wasting public funds and failure in the performance of government, professional, and lack of sovereignty.

واشار عاشور الى ان علاوي بدأ بمشروعه بعد الانتخابات وكان يرغب ان لا يكون قبلها لكي لا يكون جزء من دعاية انتخابية بل جزء من مخطط واقعي عملي، كما تم تأخير الاعلان عنه الى حين اقتراب الانسحاب الامريكي لكي تتم جهود البناء بخبرات عراقية خالصة في اجواء سيادة وطنية واضحة، وقد تم اختيار خيرة المختصين والخبراء العراقيين من الداخل والخارج، لانجازه بمعونة مراكز بحوث عالمية متخصصة لها تجارب في عدد من دول العالم ، وقد اصبح الان جاهزا . He said Ashour that Allawi began his project after the elections and he wanted not to be accepted in order not to be part of the electoral propaganda, but part of a planned and realistically, as a delay it was announced until the approach of the U.S. withdrawal in order to be efforts to build expertise Iraqi purely in the atmosphere of national sovereignty clear, has been selected the best specialists and Iraqi experts from home and abroad, to be done with the help of a specialized international research centers have experience in a number of countries in the world, and is now ready.

وقال عاشور ان المشروع في حال تطبيقه سيجعل العراق قوة اقتصادية عالمية بالاستفادة من ثرواته ومركزا صناعيا عالميا سيدعم القوة الاقتصادية الاقليمية، وان العراق بعد تطبيق المشروع على مراحل سوف يخلو من البطالة بشكل نهائي وسيشهد نقلة نوعية في الاستقلالية والعدالة والتنمية والتعليم والصحة ، وستكون المراحل المقبلة من عمر العراق نقلة مذهلة الى مصاف الدول المتقدمة/انتهى/ي.ن/. Ashour said that the project, when implemented, will make Iraq a global economic power to benefit from its wealth and industrial center, the world will support the economic power, regional, and Iraq after the implementation of the project in phases will be free of unemployment are final and will witness a qualitative leap in independence and justice, development, education and health, will be the next stages of the Omar Iraq spectacular leap to the ranks of the developed countries / End / d.


I would really, really encourage some of OUR finest minds here to break this down, or at least give the rest of us their persectives on how big ( or not...) this could be.

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As for your thoughts on confusion generated in the Iraqi media, certainly you wouldn't expect the leaders of an entire country to play their hand openly, ergo this has been more of a word of mouth investment rather than a Wall Street investment. Imagine an investor trying to explain all this to his boss.....yaaa right.

However, I tend to think highly of Shabibi and Allawi and I also think the news article sounds alot like a campaign speech, how very insightful of you! plus 1!

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Wow! THIS is what Allawi has been up to this whole year. It seems to be a "Master Plan" for the return to glory for Iraq. IF ( big, big IF) he has a way, or already has everyone in on this, we truly may be at the end of our ride. (NOTE: this also may be his first campaign volley if they do early elections)

I've always wondered if the urban legend of "there will be mass confusion and misdirection immediately before the RV" stuff was true, or some past guru just opining about how it would actually go down at RV time. There was never any proof of misdirection, everyone just accepted it as fact. Maybe, just maybe, they're smarter than we gave them credit for, and this is how they'll get their act together.

The way this article talks about this plan, it is the works of the finest minds on the planet brought together, and what they came up with is the absolute best way to explode (in a good way) Iraq's true potential.

Baghdad (news) .. An advisor of the Iraqi List, Hani Ashour leader Iyad Allawi's list studying with experts in strategy, economics and development, education and law project of building modern democratic state of Iraq free from corruption, based on stability and economic advancement.

وقال عاشور في تصريح صحفي اليوم الاربعاء: ان لجنة من خبراء عراقيين كبار في الداخل والخارج تضم اساتذة مختصين في المجالات الستراتيجية والاقتصادية والتعليمية والاجتماعية والقانونية انجزت دراسة من 400 صفحة باشراف اياد علاوي زعيم القائمة العراقية استمرت لعدة اشهر وضعت خطط بناء الدولة العراقية على اسس الاستقرار والنهوض السياسي والاقتصادي و تحقيق السيادة الوطنية الحقيقية، وتابع :ان الخطة تتضمن عدة مراحل زمنية سيكون بمقدور العراق من خلالها بعد سنوات عديدة ان يتحول الى قوة اقتصادية فاعلة في المنطقة وسيكون مركزا صناعيا وسياسيا كبيرا، يتجاوز فشل السنوات الاخيرة ومعاناتها وتعويض العراقيين عن الحرمان الذي عاشوه . Ashour said in a press statement on Wednesday: that a committee of experts, senior Iraqi at home and abroad, including professors, specialists in the areas of strategic, economic, educational, social, legal, completed a study of 400 pages under the supervision of Iyad Allawi, leader of the Iraqi List, continued for several months and has plans to build the Iraqi state on the basis of stability and the advancement of political, economic and national sovereignty true, and continued: The plan includes several phases of time will be able to Iraq, which after many years to turn into an economic power players in the region and will be the industrial center and a major political, beyond the failure of recent years and suffering and compensation for Iraqis from the deprivation they experienced.

واوضح عاشور ان البدء بهذا المشروع تم بعد الانتخابات مباشرة وباشراف الدكتور اياد علاوي بعد تشكيل فريق عمل مختص من خبراء عراقيين معروفين في داخل العراق وخارجه، لمعالجة حالات النكوص والفشل الذي يشهده العراق، وقد تم انجاز المشروع الذي بلغ اكثر من 400 صفحة مع بيانات علمية قبل فترة قصيرة، وتم عرضه على مراكز بحوث وتطوير عالمية متخصصة اجرت بعض الملاحظات عليه واصبح جاهزا مع كافة ملحقاته الاحصائية والبيانية والصور التوضيحية . He explained Ashour said the launching of this project was immediately after the elections under the supervision of Dr. Ayad Allawi, after the formation of a working group dedicated to Iraqi experts known inside and outside Iraq, to ​​address cases of relapse and failure in Iraq was, was completing the project, which is over 400 pages with the scientific data before a short period, was presented to the centers of research and development of a global specialist conducted some observations upon and ready with all its accessories and statistical charts and illustrations.

وذكر عاشور أن علاوي كلفه بمتابعة المشروع منذ عدة اشهر وقد تم الافادة فيه من تجارب عالمية مثل ( ماليزيا والصين وسنغافورة واسبانيا والبرازيل ) وتم وضع الخطط بشأن بناء عراق خال من البطالة والفساد وهدر المال العام والفشل في الاداء الحكومي والمهني ونقص السيادة . According to Ashour Allawi him to follow up the project for several months has been to utilize its global experience (such as Malaysia, China, Singapore, Spain and Brazil) have been developing plans on building an Iraq free of unemployment, corruption and wasting public funds and failure in the performance of government, professional, and lack of sovereignty.

واشار عاشور الى ان علاوي بدأ بمشروعه بعد الانتخابات وكان يرغب ان لا يكون قبلها لكي لا يكون جزء من دعاية انتخابية بل جزء من مخطط واقعي عملي، كما تم تأخير الاعلان عنه الى حين اقتراب الانسحاب الامريكي لكي تتم جهود البناء بخبرات عراقية خالصة في اجواء سيادة وطنية واضحة، وقد تم اختيار خيرة المختصين والخبراء العراقيين من الداخل والخارج، لانجازه بمعونة مراكز بحوث عالمية متخصصة لها تجارب في عدد من دول العالم ، وقد اصبح الان جاهزا . He said Ashour that Allawi began his project after the elections and he wanted not to be accepted in order not to be part of the electoral propaganda, but part of a planned and realistically, as a delay it was announced until the approach of the U.S. withdrawal in order to be efforts to build expertise Iraqi purely in the atmosphere of national sovereignty clear, has been selected the best specialists and Iraqi experts from home and abroad, to be done with the help of a specialized international research centers have experience in a number of countries in the world, and is now ready.

وقال عاشور ان المشروع في حال تطبيقه سيجعل العراق قوة اقتصادية عالمية بالاستفادة من ثرواته ومركزا صناعيا عالميا سيدعم القوة الاقتصادية الاقليمية، وان العراق بعد تطبيق المشروع على مراحل سوف يخلو من البطالة بشكل نهائي وسيشهد نقلة نوعية في الاستقلالية والعدالة والتنمية والتعليم والصحة ، وستكون المراحل المقبلة من عمر العراق نقلة مذهلة الى مصاف الدول المتقدمة/انتهى/ي.ن/. Ashour said that the project, when implemented, will make Iraq a global economic power to benefit from its wealth and industrial center, the world will support the economic power, regional, and Iraq after the implementation of the project in phases will be free of unemployment are final and will witness a qualitative leap in independence and justice, development, education and health, will be the next stages of the Omar Iraq spectacular leap to the ranks of the developed countries / End / d.


I would really, really encourage some of OUR finest minds here to break this down, or at least give the rest of us their persectives on how big ( or not...) this could be.

I will try to add my voice to this later, but lightning has moved in and i have to turn my computer off now. But just for converstation now, I think, if we decide that this is for the best for us, for Iraq, and for the world, we need to rethink, and so do the Iraqis, the American troops that will stay until more security can be provided by the Iraqis, for and by themselves. At this point, if we leave, it won't be a month before Iran has moved in, taken over the Iraqi natural resources, killed any chance of survival for the Iraqi fledgling democracy, and the Middle East will be thrust back iin time for another thousand years.

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I will try to add my voice to this later, but lightning has moved in and i have to turn my computer off now. But just for converstation now, I think, if we decide that this is for the best for us, for Iraq, and for the world, we need to rethink, and so do the Iraqis, the American troops that will stay until more security can be provided by the Iraqis, for and by themselves. At this point, if we leave, it won't be a month before Iran has moved in, taken over the Iraqi natural resources, killed any chance of survival for the Iraqi fledgling democracy, and the Middle East will be thrust back iin time for another thousand years.

If I was a Super Power wanting an excuse to pounce on Iran and turn it into a democracy........that is just what I'd do. So Says................DayTrader

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If I was a Super Power wanting an excuse to pounce on Iran and turn it into a democracy........that is just what I'd do. So Says................DayTrader

A great ploy for the US. We "quote" withdraw from Iraq. Then as soon as Iran moves in we go back and annihilate them. Now we have two countries in disaray, two currencies we can wait to rv. It wouldn't surprise me to see the US do something like that.

Here little pink piggy piggy :eyebrows:

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At this point, if we leave, it won't be a month before Iran has moved in, taken over the Iraqi natural resources, killed any chance of survival for the Iraqi fledgling democracy, and the Middle East will be thrust back iin time for another thousand years.

Agreed, but only if the US leaves. That said I doubt very much that the US will leave. They may draw down a few more thousand troops, but all the posturing going on in Washington and Baghdad concerning troop levels and security will ultimately have enough US troops staying there to keep the peace while the training of the Iraqi Army and Police continues. To not do this would be the biggest mistake and would literally mean all blood and treasure was for not!

Allawi's supposed plan mentioned here is very interesting. It's like a Plan B, since Plan A doesn't seem to be working very well. We may yet see a non-confidence motion in parliament and a vote for an election. They could also try once more to secure a coalition government in Allawi's favour. I doubt the latter, there's too much water under the bridge. They would have to go to the public to try for a new mandate to form a majority.

I hope an RV could still be done now, but without excellent security in country, Shabbibi has said he won't go ahead with currency reform. Interesting times ahead. How long and how much is still the big question. Hang tight, we're still in a favourable position with our investment. Rebirthing a nation is a huge undertaking!!

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If you read the articles.... not postings..... Maliki is again making a power play against Allawi and Shabibi...He is trying to bury both... If an Rv is coming soon, I wonder what soon means...... soon to me right now is 2 years.... I find it differcult to believe if the power struggle keeps up in their GOI, why would they RV? they have maga bucks coming in every day... The only thing the RV will do is make a more usable currency for the people of Iraq... bring the people back from poverty. The removing of the zero's is to use a lower denomiation for local trade..... If they have to pay a contractor..... do they care if they give them 3 trillion IQD rather than 3 billion in new IQD???? I don't think so.

Does anyone see it this way???.... they are selling oil..... bringing in revenue everyday.... no inventory .... out of the ground... on the ship or put in the pipe to another country

Sell 1 bb to US.... times that by 85 US/ b ... US sends them US dollars..... now Iraq has to pay contractors for services..... They has US dollars to pay with..... Why do they need Iraqi Dinar????? They take the Yuan from China, Euro and the Pound from others buying oil ... I fail to see where the IQD comes into play other than within Iraq..... That is why the US banks want to be in Iraq..... have them do business in US Dollars......

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A great ploy for the US. We "quote" withdraw from Iraq. Then as soon as Iran moves in we go back and annihilate them. Now we have two countries in disaray, two currencies we can wait to rv. It wouldn't surprise me to see the US do something like that.

Here little pink piggy piggy :eyebrows:

Our present leadership would not consider doing that. It would be a good ploy.

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Well if this isn't supposed to happen until the troops leave we're looking at 2012. That sucks. Maybe rv now, and get inflation back under control while Shabbs is still around. I guess we'll wait and see.

I think it's a BS article from the sand box. US troops aren't leaving Iraq. What will happen is that they will be called something other than "troops." But with three air bases in Iraq and an embassy that employs/houses 9,000 Americans, US troops aren't leaving.

This is a bunch of posturing and everyone knows that if the Americans leave, the riff raff will circle back through Baghdad. No one wants that.

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This basically says "once Implemented" it will make an instant leap into the role of Economic and Industrial Power free from Unemployment and Corruption as Sovereign Citizens...the reality of this is, Maliki he wanted to come in to show the people where the corruption was, while he worked on a plan to show the people he cared for them all along. I have felt Maliki was was losing political power more and more as he showed his true colors over the last few months, while Barzani and Allawi are gaining yet Allawi still has not taken his position so should they vote Maliki no confidence and hold elections early he would be the hands down favorite for PM and they would not need a part of the Arbil agreement which gave Allawi his position so it would all come together at that point, Barzani and Allawi would only have to deal with Sadr and well we know he'll get expelled by the US if he keeps playing fire he'll get burnt!!

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Ghaud! That does sound like a plan. Pretend to pull out so as to sucker the enemy into a lined up gun sight. Perfect. Pop! Prolem resolved. And just think of the oil! Whooee!

I think your analysis fails to consider who the current Commander In Cheif is. The O Admin would probably invite Ahmadinejad to the Whitehouse for negotiations, blame the whole thing on Bush era policies, and celebrate the invasion as a continuance of Arab Spring...

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He said Ashour that Allawi began his project after the elections and he wanted not to be accepted in order not to be part of the electoral propaganda, but part of a planned and realistically, as a delay it was announced until the approach of the U.S. withdrawal in order to be efforts to build expertise Iraqi purely in the atmosphere of national sovereignty clear, has been selected the best specialists and Iraqi experts from home and abroad, to be done with the help of a specialized international research centers have experience in a number of countries in the world, and is now ready.

Read more:

I think they could be referring to events last year. The withdrawal was in Aug 2010, the remaining forces were renamed advisors or something.

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I think your analysis fails to consider who the current Commander In Cheif is. The O Admin would probably invite Ahmadinejad to the Whitehouse for negotiations, blame the whole thing on Bush era policies, and celebrate the invasion as a continuance of Arab Spring...

This is true, yet how you say it is so unexpectedly funny that it made me (normally a bit serious) actually laugh out loud. With O's guidance and blessing, I can see these steps occurring in just this very way. :lol::D:P

When the troops leave who is going to protect Iraq from Iran and Kuwait? Dont trust either one of those countries to leave Iraq alone. I dont believe Iraq is prepared to withstand a major attack. Not without America's help.

You're right. There's been so much infighting among those countries for so many centuries that it will take quite a bit of time to unwind all the bad history among them. Saddam's invasion of Kuwait is only one of the last of those events, and Kuwait seems to have a long memory and to feel a bit of jealousy toward Iraq. After all, we didn't spend a lot of time in Kuwait after liberating them from Saddam, so they didn't get all those American perks that Iraq received.

If you read the articles.... not postings..... Maliki is again making a power play against Allawi and Shabibi...He is trying to bury both... If an Rv is coming soon, I wonder what soon means...... soon to me right now is 2 years.... I find it differcult to believe if the power struggle keeps up in their GOI, why would they RV? they have maga bucks coming in every day... The only thing the RV will do is make a more usable currency for the people of Iraq... bring the people back from poverty. The removing of the zero's is to use a lower denomiation for local trade..... If they have to pay a contractor..... do they care if they give them 3 trillion IQD rather than 3 billion in new IQD???? I don't think so.

Does anyone see it this way???.... they are selling oil..... bringing in revenue everyday.... no inventory .... out of the ground... on the ship or put in the pipe to another country

Sell 1 bb to US.... times that by 85 US/ b ... US sends them US dollars..... now Iraq has to pay contractors for services..... They has US dollars to pay with..... Why do they need Iraqi Dinar????? They take the Yuan from China, Euro and the Pound from others buying oil ... I fail to see where the IQD comes into play other than within Iraq..... That is why the US banks want to be in Iraq..... have them do business in US Dollars......

I have no way to know this for sure, but I would think that a common currency is one of the most basic ways of tying a country together and creating national unity among the people. If this is true, Iraq needs their own functioning currency, one that is acceptable on the world stage, so that the country can grow and the people with it.

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Ghaud! That does sound like a plan. Pretend to pull out so as to sucker the enemy into a lined up gun sight. Perfect. Pop! Prolem resolved. And just think of the oil! Whooee!

I have no way to know this for sure, but I would think that a common currency is one of the most basic ways of tying a country together and creating national unity among the people. If this is true, Iraq needs its own functioning currency, one that is acceptable on the world stage, so that the country can grow and the people with it. And it's pretty clear that someone is going to have to get rid of Maliki. He has become a huge liability for his fledgling country. He has now tried more than once to force the banking system ( CBI) under his control. He has to leave, and the sooner he goes, the better it will be for Iraq and its people, and especially for this new democracy. Maliki is still tribal-oriented, and he exhibits the sure signs of being a controller, so his policies will always be destructive since they will, of necessity, nearly aways be oriented in some way to give him more control.

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I have no way to know this for sure, but I would think that a common currency is one of the most basic ways of tying a country together and creating national unity among the people. If this is true, Iraq needs its own functioning currency, one that is acceptable on the world stage, so that the country can grow and the people with it. And it's pretty clear that someone is going to have to get rid of Maliki. He has become a huge liability for his fledgling country. He has now tried more than once to force the banking system ( CBI) under his control. He has to leave, and the sooner he goes, the better it will be for Iraq and its people, and especially for this new democracy. Maliki is still tribal-oriented, and he exhibits the sure signs of being a controller, so his policies will always be destructive since they will, of necessity, nearly aways be oriented in some way to give him more control.

Sorry for the part of this that is a repeat.

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