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Wow. Didn't think this site was all that bad. Seems to me someone is headed out to make some money on their own new site and has already pumped it on the way out the door. Bye.

They must have some sinister motive right? It can't be for the reasons stated. They must want to make money from starting their own site. What a tool. I would expect nothing less from you.

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Bumper just received an email something going on here. I was hoping for good news. Bumper, can yoiu ttell me please, what is going on?

God Bless America!:o

Hey Jac,

Not good news at this time!! sad.gif

I think if you read post #1 in this thread it will give you a good idea of whats going on!! Sad!!! It's like ground hog day all over again!! laugh.gif

We have seen this many times before!!

Go RV!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Jac,

Not good news at this time!! sad.gif

I think if you read post #1 in this thread it will give you a good idea of whats going on!! Sad!!! It's like ground hog day all over again!! laugh.gif

We have seen this many times before!!

Go RV!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Bumper,

I did it but it makes no sense to me. I suppose that I missed the beginning of the argument but then I am not here as much. All seems rediculous to me.

ah, thanks Bumper for being here.:wacko:


I can only think these people have too little going on in their lives to induce a fracas....especially now.:o

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I don't begin to fully understand what is going on but those whom have been called out or ran off etc... Are adults I assume and can chose to take the heat of a faceless typing kitchen or not. It is to bad that one would allow another's actions to stop there passion and stop there voice.

Take left hand to left boot and right hand to right boot and pull we are at the finish line!

Rss, pvs, Riley, adom Like a marriage compromise. Come back as one and better than before.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Official Mod Unity Call; Resignation

We (Mods) would like to thank all here at DV that have allowed us to call this place our Dinar Home. In our stay we have done our very best to be forthcoming, fair, honest.

We (Mods) have collectively fought the good fight; we have followed the rules but they kept changing on us thus preventing us from doing our jobs. We have chosen to leave on our time, not Adams, we have chosen to defend what we believe to be fair and true. We had no part in the assault on Scooter and as of late the unwarranted attack on Scooby Doo and his removal from DV; in fact our opinions were not sought.

We (Mods) have collectively reached a threshold on our values of what is right or wrong with the DV site, we do not approve of the malicious attacks on investors and mature members while sitting on our hands watching this take place at the request of Adam. We have watched many wonderful people leave because of the vial negativity within the site that we have been told to ignore. We cannot do this anymore. WE WILL NOT DO THIS ANYMORE.

We (Mods) have reached an in surpass with Adam. Significant differences of opinion ethics, Morales and values. Respect and loyalty are not given freely they must be earned and Adam has given us no reason to show him any of the above. So we choose not to stand by him. We believe there has become an incurable cancer within this site for that you can lay responsibility solely and squarely on Adam as it is his site. NO MORE! FOR US!

We (Mods) Want to sincerely apologize to members here at DV like ………… Venetia, Aferriss, Scooter, Scooby Doo, graml, asiegel and so many others out there just like these folks. Many times we tried to intervene or act on their behalf’s only to be overruled or our actions blocked or reversed. NO MORE! For this WE OUR SORRY FOR HAVING LET YOU DOWN! NOW IN UNITY WE ARE TAKING A STAND.

We (Mods) who below have posted our names collectively agree to the above in unity, we have chosen to step down from our posts as DV STAFF or Moderators. Adam may take actions against us so we cannot say with any certainty that we will be back. For such a reason we will also include our warm wishes to you all and a solemn Goodbye. Peace to all of you and GO RV!

Mods Resigning from DV Are As Follows

1. BanG 2. Rsskelton 3. Pleasant Valley Sunday 4. Riley

5. Jimsdandy 6. Scooby Doo 7. Graml

Many Current DV members are following us as well for that thank you. Peace

WOw...what will Pleasant Valley Sunday do with her life? She LIVED here . AND...she had her nose into EVERYTHING and was QUICK to be a smartass...I am glad she is GONE! hahah Some things just have a way of workiing out...BYE!!!

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Duuuh ... yup ... yup ... I can, really I can ... duuuh ... just reading what it said ... don't understand politics and innuendo when it comes to such smart people so ... yup, yup ... I can be that slow ... yuk yuk yuk !!!



laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif I have to admit...I clicked on the link just to make sure I wasn't allowed in there. GO RV!!! cool.gif

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Since we seem to be short on moderators I thought I might sneak in a dinar joke. Its about a husband who is heavily invested in dinar and his wife who is about to leave him as a result....the husband, carrying a sheep in his arms walks into the bedroom and says "honey, this is the pig I've been sleeping with for the past 3 weeks.....the wife, laying in bed, rolls over and says "you moron, that's not a pig, its a sheep....the husband, smiling, turns to the wife and says "I wasn't talking to you.."

Texas1.... Good one..... I'm pretty sure there have been situations in the Dinar Investors Community similar to the one you described........

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Bumper, just for info.... Was Mr.Rich made a Mod recently? If so I hadn't realized that. Thanks.

Yes, Scooby Doo, Rsskelton, Graml, Jimsdandy and BanG were all NEW mods for us!! I liked them all and will miss them along with a couple of old timers mods!! sad.gif

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Yes, Scooby Doo, Rsskelton, Graml, Jimsdandy and BanG were all NEW mods for us!! I liked them all and will miss them along with a couple of old timers mods!! sad.gif

Thank you.....I was aware of rsskelton and obviously BanG becoming Mods... Buit not Mr.Rich ( whose posts I always enjoyed anyway)

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Thank you.....I was aware of rsskelton and obviously BanG becoming Mods... Buit not Mr.Rich ( whose posts I always enjoyed anyway)

I agree!! I wish they would have just remembered 1 thing!!

At the bottom of all my post it says!!! Remember, it's nothing personal!! Have Fun and Play NICE!!

Well it seems like they forgot that first part!! laugh.giflaugh.gif

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Just for sake of truth.. I happened to receive something in my profile, a kind of warning recently from a Mod ( Won't disclose names) which sounded incomprehensible as for the reason given for said warning.... Told me that he/she had tried to remove my negatives (?)..but couldn't do it again if needed..... I couldn't understand and quite frankly, after checking some of my late posts I was unable to find anything worth a warning ( but I know I'm not a Mod so it's not up to me to judge this stuff).

To make it short. I respectfully contacted said Mod asking him/her to please clarify the circumstances of that warning as I could find nothing... He/she asked me to give my email to discuss matter further (???)..

In a trust feeling I did and checked a few times waiting for an email from him/her.... Never received anything. ..To this day I'm still wondering about it......

I had thought that maybe he/she had contacted me mistakenly and that was aimed at somebody else , but since we wrote back and forth for a li'l while , that would have given him/her time to realize a mistake, if any..... But nothing was mentioned about that either.

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Not really sure how a "Mod" is born into this site but perhaps now would be a good time to revisite the pre-requisits to choose one to be hired. One of the pre-requisits could be, not letting any ounce or personal beliefs get in the way of there judgment upon the members and rules of this site(if that hasn't been proposed already). We all know what would set most of these particular mods off into a angry banter. BanG had some very good insight on some opinions though. I have always admired the style of Bumper and K98 and how they maintain justice. I have witnessed them vote there own opinion without a single insult to another person on any level and when it comes down to taking care of business they get what needs to be done..... DONE! So cheers to you guys and the rest of the Mods that follow their example.


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I wish everyone the best. I am disappointed as well as a lot of you and will miss these folks and their input. Just remember that we are all adults here and will always have a difference of opinions but something seems to be changing a bit and I for one do not know that answer.

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Some of us may not always agree, but as of recently, I am scared to open my mouth and feel the wrath of the ban hammer.

I believe we all have good intentions, and the mods that left may have thought that it was better to step aside than to let drama unfold. Now, I know some will argue, they stirred drama with their apparent exit, but maybe that was expected to a degree. AM said, if you don't like the way things are done around here you are free to leave or come as you go. Some people chose to exit and I don't understand why such criticism as they're basically going along their own free will. We are not confined to one site, believe it or not, and I frequent many sites because I find that some topics are discussed to a greater length. However, DV is a site as of recently I frequent the most and have posted a lot. In all honesty, I don't care what site I am on as long as I receiving truthful and honest information. I can decipher the truth from the b.s. now, as I would not have been able to do that months ago.

Sometimes, I find myself as a sponge, and I have to frequent several forums to sponge up that information. I could frequent news sites, but I prefer to see speculative opinions to follow to ensure I deciphered it correctly.

I hope we are all not too critical for some people's actions as many likely are probably doing what is in the best interest of themselves and for what they believe in.

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