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BanG last won the day on May 21 2011

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About BanG

  • Birthday 04/15/1967

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  1. BanG

    Warka BanK

    Monday, June 20, 2011 Official Mod Unity Call; Resignation We (Mods) would like to thank all here at DV that have allowed us to call this place our Dinar Home. In our stay we have done our very best to be forthcoming, fair, honest. We (Mods) have collectively fought the good fight; we have followed the rules but they kept changing on us thus preventing us from doing our jobs. We have chosen to leave on our time, not Adams, we have chosen to defend what we believe to be fair and true. We had no part in the assault on Scooter and as of late the unwarranted attack on Scooby Doo and his removal from DV; in fact our opinions were not sought. We (Mods) have collectively reached a threshold on our values of what is right or wrong with the DV site, we do not approve of the malicious attacks on investors and mature members while sitting on our hands watching this take place at the request of Adam. We have watched many wonderful people leave because of the vial negativity within the site that we have been told to ignore. We cannot do this anymore. WE WILL NOT DO THIS ANYMORE. We (Mods) have reached an in surpass with Adam. Significant differences of opinion ethics, Morales and values. Respect and loyalty are not given freely they must be earned and Adam has given us no reason to show him any of the above. So we choose not to stand by him. We believe there has become an incurable cancer within this site for that you can lay responsibility solely and squarely on Adam as it is his site. NO MORE! FOR US! We (Mods) Want to sincerely apologize to members here at DV like ………… Venetia, Aferriss, Scooter, Scooby Doo, graml, asiegel and so many others out there just like these folks. Many times we tried to intervene or act on their behalf’s only to be overruled or our actions blocked or reversed. NO MORE! For this WE OUR SORRY FOR HAVING LET YOU DOWN! NOW IN UNITY WE ARE TAKING A STAND. We (Mods) who below have posted our names collectively agree to the above in unity, we have chosen to step down from our posts as DV STAFF or Moderators. Adam may take actions against us so we cannot say with any certainty that we will be back. For such a reason we will also include our warm wishes to you all and a solemn Goodbye. Peace to all of you and GO RV! Mods Resigning from DV Are As Follows 1. BanG 2. Rsskelton 3. Pleasant Valley Sunday 4. Riley 5. Jimsdandy 6. Scooby Doo 7. Graml Many Current DV members are following us as well for that thank you. Peace
  2. Monday, June 20, 2011 Official Mod Unity Call; Resignation We (Mods) would like to thank all here at DV that have allowed us to call this place our Dinar Home. In our stay we have done our very best to be forthcoming, fair, honest. We (Mods) have collectively fought the good fight; we have followed the rules but they kept changing on us thus preventing us from doing our jobs. We have chosen to leave on our time, not Adams, we have chosen to defend what we believe to be fair and true. We had no part in the assault on Scooter and as of late the unwarranted attack on Scooby Doo and his removal from DV; in fact our opinions were not sought. We (Mods) have collectively reached a threshold on our values of what is right or wrong with the DV site, we do not approve of the malicious attacks on investors and mature members while sitting on our hands watching this take place at the request of Adam. We have watched many wonderful people leave because of the vial negativity within the site that we have been told to ignore. We cannot do this anymore. WE WILL NOT DO THIS ANYMORE. We (Mods) have reached an in surpass with Adam. Significant differences of opinion ethics, Morales and values. Respect and loyalty are not given freely they must be earned and Adam has given us no reason to show him any of the above. So we choose not to stand by him. We believe there has become an incurable cancer within this site for that you can lay responsibility solely and squarely on Adam as it is his site. NO MORE! FOR US! We (Mods) Want to sincerely apologize to members here at DV like ………… Venetia, Aferriss, Scooter, Scooby Doo, graml, asiegel and so many others out there just like these folks. Many times we tried to intervene or act on their behalf’s only to be overruled or our actions blocked or reversed. NO MORE! For this WE OUR SORRY FOR HAVING LET YOU DOWN! NOW IN UNITY WE ARE TAKING A STAND. We (Mods) who below have posted our names collectively agree to the above in unity, we have chosen to step down from our posts as DV STAFF or Moderators. Adam may take actions against us so we cannot say with any certainty that we will be back. For such a reason we will also include our warm wishes to you all and a solemn Goodbye. Peace to all of you and GO RV! Mods Resigning from DV Are As Follows 1. BanG 2. Rsskelton 3. Pleasant Valley Sunday 4. Riley 5. Jimsdandy 6. Scooby Doo 7. Graml Many Current DV members are following us as well for that thank you. Peace
  3. Due to the fact I'm on staff here I will refer from voting. I'm not going to get involved in this. Peace.
  4. Folks just relax!!! Believe it when you see it! If you do see it contact me in-directly I have an arsenal of weapons we can take a hop to Iraq and trust me Shabbs will cash you in one finger, Toe, Knee, Elbow and numerous other painful points I can recall at a time. Millions of Americans riding this one out over to Iraq would get pretty ugly!!! JMO.
  5. Agree with my colleagues here on the site, You know where my loyalty stands sir, Until you have no need of me or ask me to leave I will stand by you. As many others are saying we are getting a foul taste of trash on the site and now more than ever Sir we need your leadership and direction! You are the site owner, leader of 30k and most of all for many of us our trusted consult. I know your strong feelings on Freedom of Speech and I support you sir 100%. But this is an investment site, we are looking for more, we need a steady inflow of News, Analysts such as Scooter to break down those reports and numbers for us. Most of all Adam we need you to take the helm and set us on the right course. Help us clean these idiots out, support our efforts to make this a real investor site again and lets not loose any more Great people. We all want this place that we have chosen to call home to be cleaned up a bit those that get Dinar verified we now they have a vested interest in this and we should be engaging folks in Dinar and investment ideas and conversations. Either way Adam I stand ready to back what ever your decision is as I serve the you and then the community. Peace to you all.
  6. BanG

    Little Humor

    LMAO! Sounds just like a Marine too!!! You gotta love that one, hehehehe. Great Post. Peace.
  7. Gotcha covered! Feelings are mutual. Peace.
  8. Yankee's huh? ROFL. Well here in Virginia they can have my guns! The catch is I will give them the Bullets first!
  9. You are a NOOB and have no information that can incriminate or deface Scooter! Many of us know this man and he has integrity unlike yourself. Lets take a look at what kind of contributions you have made in the Dinar Vet Forums? As I thought NOTHING OF VALUE! People such as yourself make me SICK! You bring nothing to the table you only suck up valuable oxygen from the rest of us. Do us all a favor by staying at home off your computer at mommy and daddy's house. GROW UP!
  10. WHAT??? I too have spoken many times on the phone with Scooter, he is an honorable man and very very wise. Chuckst3r you pissed in the WRONG Canteen Numbnuts! We can come back to you later for more amusement. Now onto the most important piece in all this. I just got off the phone with Scooter and because of the stalking and verbal abuse by one of our own none other than Chuckst3r + several others, Scooter is taking some time off and going to spend time with his family. This whole DAMN thing makes me enraged that some few mental morons would attack the good character and honor of such a man like Scooter who works 100's of hours compiling his research then boiling it down so simple shiit for Brains people like Chuckst3r can look at the pictures and try to follow along. This is the biggest shame I have seen in my time here at this site. I'm Appalled and do not blame Scooter one bit. As for our camel shiite warrior he clearly missed his medication one to many days. Peace.
  11. I hope he is well m8, you can rest easy for now I'm sure Sadr is serving a purpose to the US. As for the folks of our Armed forces, snap your fingers and I'm SURE Sadr is a dead man as well as his pups. Our folks are the best in the world and I cannot praise them enough for their sacrifice. Peace.
  12. SIGH, another village lost an idiot and they have come over here. This is not Dinar related it is garbage. Moving this.
  13. That sounds interesting. If I can ask a favor please, there is already a Travelex post started we do not need a duplicate. Please post this in there to share your story. Nothing done wrong just a duplicate. Peace.
  14. Now that funny! Coming from the guy who brings Okie's garbage over here ROFL. Peace.
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