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Frank 01/05/11


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Good evening Family,

My goodness ……..we sure did scurry around last night trying to quickly find a way to broadcast our CC. Turns out another forum was using the CC phone line and there was none for us. God bless this other forum……because I was told it was very informative. I wish to express my appreciation to DS who supplies me the access to his Media Player that he set up for me to use freely. So last night DS quickly made all the connections that allowed the world to listen to our CC. DEBTARHEELGIRL as always did a wonderful job in transcribing the CC. She should be called………SuperGirl! I am not sure if there is a recording of the CC but if I should be given one I will post it. I must admit …….we extinguished 6 rumors and introduced to you the last 24 hours of Iraqi TV. What you learned was huge. What you are about to learn from today’s 24 hours of Iraqi TV better cause you to lift your arms to God in Praise. Of all the info we gave last night I have to make one correction. When I said dealers in and out of Iraq are running out of dinars…………it is NOT because they cannot get them from the CBI…….but because their inventory ran low very quickly. I am sure they will replace them……..just as quickly. As I told you last night I have business friends that freely fly across borders to do business in Iraq with plenty of dinars in their wallet or briefcase. Borders are not being closed either for this purpose. But we clearly explained to you the significance of what soldiers are reporting……..they are dealing with SOFA regulations. IMO we gave out a mountain of info last night and I am sorry for those that missed the first 30 mins or were having trouble with their audio. I had plans of posting all of our info from last night ………today. But something of more value came in from my Team. So many of you missed DELTA last night and I told him so. He said ……..record me again and give them our conversation. Please enjoy!

Frankie Frankie…….how are you today buddy?

Half asleep.

LOL…….you want me to wake you up? I mean really wake you up?

LOL…… nut! Sure….but first let me ask you some questions to see if you have heard anything. I know that soldiers are reporting to their families that they are receiving LD’s as change. Have you heard anything about this?

Nobody on Alpha’s Team has heard anything about the LD’s except what we reported to you last week. Some banks have told us they know they are going to release the LD’s but don’t know when. One bank told us to come back this week. Why do you ask…….is this a rumor now?

Yes it is DELTA. Let me ask you something so that we can try to understand the soldiers. They cannot bring IQD’s home because of SOFA. Outside of the Green Zone they have to use dinars not USD. When they purchase something with a dinar they are getting back change in the form of ……..50….100…..250….500. What would you call these notes DELTA?

You mean…….00’s?

Yes Sir. The change that is NOW being given back is in 00 currency because 85% have been retrieved of the…………………000’s! What little there are is being hoarded by the Iraqis. IMO ……..the soldiers have always used 000’s when they now see 00’s they are rather new to them. Also these troops have not been there that long and are learning about the Iraqi currency.

Frankie Frankie……..that’s a good one. They have said that they have 35 trillion dollars worth of oil in the ground. There are 32 million Iraqis. When you do the math at $70 per barrel it looks like every Iraqi will become a millionaire. That’s not even counting the natural gas and other resources.

LOL……and that’s just with 10% of their land surveyed. You said you were going to wake me up. What does Team have to report?

Frankie Frankie…….I wanted to save it for the end like good dessert. You sure you want me to tell you now?


For 8 to 9 months A and M have been wrestling over the power of the GOI. As I told you yesterday the last two ministers were finally selected last night. One of the new ministers from last week selected by M is the Minister of Oil. Iraqi TV said that he had a message for the GOI today. Pause……..


Frankie Frankie……..the NEW Minister of Oil told the GOI today to pass ………..the HCL!!!

EXCUSE ME???!!!!

Yup………that’s what he said.


Yes he showed up at parliament and made it very clear that he wants investors to come in to Iraq without the fear of any consequences. He is trying to promote their goal for 2011 to bring in foreign investors to rebuild their infrastructure.

Did he say anything about the Iraqi citizens receiving their share of the oil revenues with the HCL being passed?

No. But IMO the people are talking about it because even I did simple math and just explained it to you.

Hmmm. Then oil should go up dramatically today. The perpetual money making cow of gold vs. the USD will have to wait on the sidelines now IMO. With what you are telling me today……….oil prices will not be stopped tomorrow. It may even start today.

This is huge DELTA. Get half of the Team to stay on the LD’s with banks and put the other half on following this M of O’s request.

We may have to wait until Sunday.


Because Iraqi TV said today that on Sunday there would be three major events. First of all……..they will officially announce the GOI and read the 2011 budget along with ratifying the final three ministers. By the way Frankie…….they created a new position for A……remember? So on Sunday I believe they will also pass laws that will enact his new titles. This also has to be approved to make everything official. It really seems that they are working hard and long hours. It’s only a matter of time Frankie. I think S is very impressed with what he is seeing.

I agree about S. I also believe the IMF is impressed too. They told them they need to reform their banking systems. They are doing it……..a redenomination with LD’s is accomplishing this. They told them to lift their 000’s. We know that 85% and maybe even more have been retrieved. This is impressive. Tell me more about this HCL that the TV spoke of.

Well…….the minister of oil is a NEW guy that right away says get the HCL done!!! He kept repeating to pass the……………. “KANOON ALNFEET” !!! (first word means “law” prefix of second word means “gas”………suffix of second word means “oil”) They are really working hard and the TV is letting it be known to its citizens. The citizens know why the M of O is asking this of parliament because he expressed the need to build Iraq’s economy. But they also know ………IT’S FOR THEM !!!

Did Iraqi TV say anything about additional laws needing to be passed before Sunday?

They talk about the finance and oil committees……..that their work had to be done before Sunday for the final vote. There was talk that later on they would announce the list of parliament members along with a list of laws.

I truly feel the 7 to 10 days needed for these laws is occurring right now and will not be needed past the 10th. If there is no new rate in the budget on the 10th and we are still at 1170 then it can only mean that we still need……….the 7 to 10 days. Anything else on TV?

They said they have a holiday tomorrow called Army Day. Banks will not be open tomorrow in Iraq. So tell the Family if they see the CBI not up………not to panic or create a rumor.

DELTA these guys take more holidays than I blink. I am pleased that this is the last holiday until February 17th. Interesting…….that’s the day that the GCC is asking Iraq to join them. It’s the date of their next meeting. Anything else on Iraqi TV?

Frankie……..they explained what they were doing with the budget. They had some adjustments done because it was based on $70 per barrel. That’s not what oil costs now. So they made amendments to their 2011 budget.

Hmmm……..fascinating. DELTA………there was a rumor yesterday that M and A had a bit of a disturbance………did they fight about something?

Oh they are always fighting. But when you see them holding hands in a picture or kissing then you know they have resolved their argument. Yes they had a little debate about the defense ministry yesterday but why shouldn’t they…… you said on the CC last night these were two very important and dangerous positions to fill. Frankie Frankie everything is done they just got to get it together this Sunday!

Did they talk about the S cards?

No. As I told you yesterday M finally allowed the grants to over 4,000 workers……journalists……groups that he promised months ago.

This 4,000 is the testing ground to the rest of the 32 million population of Iraq. I’m glad that’s done successfully because they are now ready for the HCL. Citizen’s share can be put on these cards if they choose.

Yes Frankie Frankie everything is looking very done.

Thank you for your report DELTA. You take care and I will talk to you in the early morning hours.

Yes Sir……….take care. Is there anything else you want me to do?

Yes………buy me a car in Iraq………before the RI. LOL!

You funny Frankie………they are pretty cheap. Take care Sir.


Family below is an example of a pm from an individual in Iraq. I share it with you so that you can see what they are sharing with us for the first time and how I reply to them. I welcome all that wish to do the same to pm me. I welcome anyone to my Team that is willing to help us.


It is o315 here in Ramadi, Iraq and the military has been moving around a whole lot more. I am in night dispatch so I don’t know about the dinar turn in as I don’t see anyone during the day. But I can say there is much more activity here in the past 16 hours, even in the air. We are right against the city so close we can hear their prayers on the speakers. Any way if I hear a bunch of shooting and yelling (as long as its not another car bomb) I will be sure to let you know.


Sir ........can I welcome you as part of my team? Please let me know.

I will use your pm without your name on my front page tonight.

I need to know if you wish to join me much mobility do you have?

What bank is near you? Do you have transportation to get to banks and perform some homework for me?

Activity is very high and I will share with you why and where but I need your permission first.

God bless you Sir safe in all you do and I eagerly await your reply.



ps ....can you find a translator to help you me?

Family yesterday I told you on the CC that many nations are joining hands with Iraq. We talked to you about Jordan. The article below will inform you more.

Family below is the link to the GOI listing of positions that was broadcast today. If you did not see it …… can be rather informative to Sunday’s proceedings.

Thank you for being with me on the CC last night and thank you for taking the time to read my post today. God bless you all and may your strength come only ……….from God. My Christian love and Aloha.




Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

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Thanks Inheritance for the post. There's something in Franks posts that just makes you feel everything is going to be allright. We need that more than anything right now. I pray that we are in the final stages of this investment and this wild roller coaster ride will finally pull into the station. It has been a long ride for some folks. I've only been in it about a year and it seems like an eternity. If everything being posted is true then I see this investment coming to an end and a very good one for sure. God Bless Everyone Semper Fi

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Through Iraqi news articles; there are several that state that the CBI has pulled in anywhere from 70 to 85 percent of the 000 notes.

Those articles are about removing excess liquidity....which is not really removing cash in hand, or currency in circulation......the recent graphs from the MOP, MOF that scooter had sent to me shows that number one, 90 percent of their currency is in country and a VERY small amount is actually in the banks.....meaning the majority of all the cash is still in the hands of the people......they still dont trust the banks enough apparently to put all their cash in accounts.....we really dont know if much of any of the bills have been removed because nothing directly can prove that or states that

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So, who did Fire22's translating on THIS email....seems like he or whoever did it has a pretty good handle on the English language and is very "conversational". If he actually wrote this email directly to Frank, he doesn't even need a translater! Maybe I missed a step in the process.

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