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Sources: Talabani wait until the end of the time limit mandated by the al-Maliki


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Sources: Talabani wait until the end of the time limit mandated by the al-Maliki

(صوت العراق) - 22-11-2010 (Voice of Iraq) - 22/11/2010

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(صوت العراق) - قالت لـ «الشرق الأوسط» إن الرئيس يريد إعطاء رئيس الوزراء المكلف أطول فترة ممكنة (Voice of Iraq) - A «Middle East» The President wants to give Prime Minister-designate as long as possible

بغداد: حيدر محمود Baghdad: Haidar Mahmoud

بخلاف ما كان متوقعا لم يكلف الرئيس العراقي جلال طالباني رئيس الوزراء المكلف نوري المالكي بتشكيل الحكومة الجديدة أمس، بينما توقعت مصادر مطلعة أن يتريث طالباني في التكليف حتى نهاية المهلة الدستورية. Unlike what was expected has not cost the Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, Prime Minister-designate Nuri al-Maliki to form a new government yesterday, while informed sources expected to linger in Talabani's mandate until the end of the constitutional deadline.

وينص الدستور العراقي على أن يقوم رئيس الجمهورية بتكليف الكتلة الأكبر بتشكيل الحكومة خلال فترة 15 يوما من انتخابه، وهو ما تم فعلا بالنسبة لطالباني الذي أعيد انتخابه في 11 نوفمبر (تشرين الثاني) الحالي، وعلى الكتلة الأكبر تشكيل الحكومة في فترة أقصاها 30 يوما، وفي حال فشلها فإن التكليف سيؤول إلى الكتلة التي تليها. The Iraqi constitution mandates that the president commissioned the largest bloc to form a government within 15 days of the election, which has been done for Talabani, who was re-elected on November 11 (November) present, and the largest bloc to form a government within a maximum period of 30 days, and in If it fails, the mandate would lead to the cluster that followed.

وكانت مصادر قد أشارت إلى أن طالباني سيقوم بتكليف المالكي بتشكيل الحكومة خلال جلسات البرلمان أمس أو اليوم، ولكن نفس المصادر أكدت لـ«الشرق الأوسط» أن طالباني «يريد إعطاء أطول فترة ممكنة للكتل البرلمانية للتوصل إلى اتفاقات مع كتلة التحالف الوطني المكونة من ائتلاف دولة القانون بزعامة المالكي والائتلاف الوطني العراقي بزعامة عمار الحكيم حول تشكيل الحكومة وتوزيع الحقائب الوزارية حسب أنظمة يتفق عليها عبر المفاوضات أيضا». The sources indicated that Talabani will be commissioned by al-Maliki to form a government during parliamentary sessions yesterday or today, but the same sources confirmed the «Middle East» that Talabani «wants to give the longest possible duration of the parliamentary blocs to reach agreements with the bloc the National Alliance, consisting of a coalition of state law led by Maliki and the Iraqi National Coalition, headed by Ammar al-Hakim on the formation of the government and the distribution of portfolios by regulations agreed upon through negotiations also ».

وفي الوقت الذي تستعد الكتل السياسية العراقية للدخول في جولة من المفاوضات يتوقع أن تكون طويلة لتسمية وزراء الحكومة الجديدة، أعلن رئيس مجلس النواب العراقي القيادي في القائمة العراقية أسامة النجيفي نيته مساءلة الحكومة المنتهية ولايتها عن تخصيصات الطوارئ لعام 2010، وكذلك المصروفات التي صرفتها في نفس الموازنة لنفس السنة المذكورة. At the time of preparing the Iraqi political blocs to engage in a round of negotiations is expected to be long to name the new cabinet ministers, the President of Iraqi Council of Representatives leader of the Iraqi List, Osama Nujaifi intention accountability of the outgoing government for allocations of emergency in 2010, as well as the expenses spent by the same budget for the same year in question. وقال النجيفي في مداخلة له في الجلسة الثالثة لمجلس النواب العراقي التي عقدت أمس على خلفية طلب تقدمت به النائبة عن الكتلة الصدرية مها الدوري في الجلسة الماضية بصرف مبالغ مالية للفقراء بمناسبة العيد: «إن الحكومة ردت على الطلب بكتاب رسمي قالت فيه إن تخصيصات الطوارئ لهذه السنة نفدت»، مبينا أن الحكومة «لم تبين تفاصيل أو مواطن صرفها لهذه التخصيصات». Nujaifi said in made in a third session of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, which was held yesterday on the back of the request made by the MP from the Sadrist bloc Maha league in the past session, regardless sums of money to the poor on the occasion of the feast: «The government responded to the request an official letter saying that the allocations of emergency for this year out », indicating that the government« did not show the details or a citizen of the disbursement of these customizations ». وقال النجيفي: «إن مجلس النواب العراقي سيسأل الحكومة عن الموازنة، وإذا كان هناك تقصير في صرف الأموال سنطلب تفصيلا». Nujaifi said: «The Iraqi Council of Representatives will ask the government budget, and if there was a failing in the disbursement of funds we will ask detailed».

وأعلن مصدر في مجلس النواب لـ«الشرق الأوسط» أن جلسة اليوم ستخصص الكشف عن القوانين المختلفة التي سيناقشها مجلس النواب في الدورة التشريعية الحالية، إضافة إلى مناقشة موضوع لجان مجلس النواب وطرح المرشحين من أعضاء مجلس النواب لعضوية هذه اللجان، فضلا عن مناقشة مواضيع عامة تخص النظام الداخلي لمجلس النواب. A source at the House of Representatives told «Middle East» that today's meeting will be devoted to detect the different laws to be discussed by the House of Representatives in the current legislative session, in addition to the discussion of the subject committees of the House and put up candidates from members of the House of Representatives of the membership of these committees, as well as discuss topics of public concern Rules of Procedure of the House of Representatives.

وفي سياق التحرك السياسي لتسمية المناصب السيادية والوزارية لمحت القائمة العراقية التي يتزعمها إياد علاوي إلى أنها ستعيد النظر في مشاركتها بالحكومة إثر بوادر من ائتلاف دولة القانون بإخضاع المجلس الوطني للسياسات الاستراتيجية إلى نظام التنقيط أو جعل هذا المجلس مجلسا استشاريا دون صلاحيات. In the context of political action to designate the positions of sovereign and ministerial caught a glimpse of the Iraqi List led by Iyad Allawi, that they will reconsider their participation in government following the signs from a coalition of state law to place the National Council for strategic policy to the drip system or make the Council an advisory board without authority. وقالت عضو القائمة العراقية عالية نصيف جاسم إن «القائمة لن تسمح بسلب حقوقها من جديد بعد أن سلب حقها الدستوري والقانوني بتشكيل الحكومة، وأنها سوف تعيد النظر بمشاركتها في الحكومة إذا تنصلت الكتل السياسية الأخرى من الاتفاقيات التي أبرمت حول المجلس السياسي الذي خصص لعلاوي بحضور الأميركان مع الكتل السياسية». The member of the Iraqi High Nassif Jassem said that «the list will not allow the looting of their rights again after that robbed a constitutional right and the legal formation of the government, and they will reconsider their participation in the government if it reneged on other political blocs of the agreements concluded on the political council which was devoted to Allawi, the presence of the Americans with political blocs ». وأضافت لـ«الشرق الأوسط» أن الأميركيين «كانوا يرون أن مشاركة القائمة العراقية بمنصب رفيع في الحكومة الجديدة مسألة أساسية»، مشيرة إلى أن «الاتفاقيات التي أبرمت مع الكتل السياسية على أن تكون المناصب السيادية أو السلطات العراقية للدورة الانتخابية الحالية أربع سلطات لا ثلاث سلطات متمثلة في التشريعية والقضائية والتنفيذية والمجلس الوطني للسياسات الاستراتيجية الذي اتفق الجميع على أن يكون منصبا يتمتع بسلطات استراتيجية وتنفيذية». She told «Middle East» Americans «they believe that the participation of the Iraqi List, the position of a high in the new government is essential», pointing out that «the agreements concluded with the political blocs to be the positions of sovereign or the Iraqi authorities of the electoral cycle the current four authorities are not three branches represented in the legislative, judicial, executive and National Council for the strategic policy, which all agreed that the offices of powers, executive strategy ».

في هذه الأثناء أكد ائتلاف دولة القانون الذي يتزعمه المالكي أن المجلس الوطني للسياسات الاستراتيجية استشاري ولا يتمتع بسلطات تنفيذية. In the meantime, said a coalition of state law Maliki's National Council for the strategic policy advisory and executive powers. وقال القيادي في الائتلاف عباس البياتي لـ«الشرق الأوسط» إن «الدستور العراقي تضمن أو أوضح السلطات التنفيذية والتشريعية والقضائية، وإن المجلس الوطني للسياسات الاستراتيجية مجلس يعطي النصائح للسلطة التنفيذية ويعطي فرصة للاتفاق لأصحاب القرار العراقي على المسائل الاستراتيجية، ويتم الرجوع إليه في حالة الاختلاف». The leader of the coalition, Abbas al-Bayati told «Middle East» «Iraqi constitution guarantee or explained the executive, legislative and judicial branches, and the National Council of the policies of the Strategic Council gives advice to the executive branch and gives an opportunity to agree to the owners of the Iraqi decision on strategic issues, and are referenced to in case of disagreement» .

نسخة سهلة الطبع Printable version

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Talk about gibberish, nothing made sense except Corrupt Maliki is gonna use the 30 days i think......

I don't think it's anything underhanded on his part. Just using the legal amount of time he has so he is successful and it doesn't go to anyone else. We should see an increase in the Dinar after this. How much, who knows?

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To me it sounded like they are going to take the maximum amount of time, in part, to try and determine where the funds went that should have been disbursed to the poor. If we are waiting on an answer to that question......well, it will be a cold day in Baghdad!

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There must significant opposition to Maliki's selection as PM or else Talabani would have let Maliki form his government immediately after November 11th by presenting a formal letter of appointment to Maliki. If Maliki can not form, then Allawi get his chance to form within another 30 period. The meter starts when T issues a letter to the candidate. My take is that if/when M feels he can form his government then he will ask T for the letter.... before the end of the consitutionally mandated time period to form. Makes me wonder if Allawi anticipated this log jam and is in the background helping Maliki opposition thus helping clock to run out then have his turn at bat. I thought the Kurds, Sadarist and Law had all agreed on Maliki, thus giving him 163+??? Somebody has backed out on Maliki and guessing it would be the Kurds. Meanwhile we wait as the world turns and plan a family time of Thanksgiving. Best to all..... GM PS..... Thanks to the news hounds and info providers.

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Beginning December 31, 2010 through December 31, 2012, deposits held in noninterest-bearing transaction accounts will be fully insured, regardless of the amount in the account, at all FDIC-insured institutions.

Old news I know. Just can't help but think the feds know something. Maybe it was in anticipation of Bush tax cuts expiring and investors getting out of the market.

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There must significant opposition to Maliki's selection as PM or else Talabani would have let Maliki form his government immediately after November 11th by presenting a formal letter of appointment to Maliki. If Maliki can not form, then Allawi get his chance to form within another 30 period. The meter starts when T issues a letter to the candidate. My take is that if/when M feels he can form his government then he will ask T for the letter.... before the end of the consitutionally mandated time period to form. Makes me wonder if Allawi anticipated this log jam and is in the background helping Maliki opposition thus helping clock to run out then have his turn at bat. I thought the Kurds, Sadarist and Law had all agreed on Maliki, thus giving him 163+??? Somebody has backed out on Maliki and guessing it would be the Kurds. Meanwhile we wait as the world turns and plan a family time of Thanksgiving. Best to all..... GM PS..... Thanks to the news hounds and info providers.

A+ !

It appears that Maliki is having trouble giving important positions to all those who are demanding them.... Kurds, women parliament representatives, NC, Iraqiya, etc..... while still holding on to total control. Obviously, he wants his cake and eat it too and has reneged on his promises of power sharing. Problem is, it is very possible he may not get a majority vote and he seems to know it. The squabbling, arguing, positioning goes on. M needs every day he can possibly get to curry enough favor to get the votes he'll need to win the PM position. Only now, he's in a time crunch. The 26th is Talabani's deadline to officially charge M to form his govt, and the27th begins M's official 30 day count down, which hopefully will produce some positive results by Dec 27th or sooner. I cannot find anywhere mentioned how many days Parliament then has to actually vote once M has finished his appointments for his cabinet. I cannot find anything to support that it will be the same day. I'm still hunting and searching though.

Goldminer, you may have hit the nail directly on the head. Allawi and/or Mahdi (Iraqiya) may be simply waiting for this all to fall apart and get their chance in about 40 days. Watch the news articles.... the female parliament members are now starting to make demands too.... The Kurds now are demanding 6 high seats.... and the delays go on....

Fortunately, there are deadlines in place now..... IF.... they don't find new excuses or tactics to bypass them.

Of course, this is my opinion based on reading and retranslating the actual articles coming out and the actual delays we've all seen to date. It's interesting to see the same articles retranslated from Arabic to languages other than English. Many of the strange English translations make MUCH more sense when translated into other languages.

We patiently wait some more as the Iraqi World Turns.

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one thing we have all learned is that deadlines are never followed by goi. dictators never care about their citizens. this is what i am getting about their gov. hopefully next year or the year after we will know for sure something solid about these friggen iqds.......dictators are good with chaos. they don't care because they can steal all they want

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