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WELFARE: Hightest Paying Entry-Level Job in 38 States


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Welfare Is the Highest Paying Entry-Level Job in 38 States

How many people have been diverted from the workforce thanks to our welfare system?


There are obvious problems with giving people “free” money. We could list the fact that the money is taken from the people who earned it, or that the debt pyramid that funds the “free” money is unsustainable and will end in crisis. We could point out that people drop out of the labor market because the free money makes it possible, thus lowering productivity at the same time that we are increasing obligations. That is a looming economic disaster for the country.


But in my opinion the greatest evil of the system is how it degrades human beings and encourages them to decay into perpetual adult children. We capture animals and put them in zoos because they are not persons. But people don’t belong in zoos. They aren’t supposed to be taken from their natural habitat and placed in an artificial one where they are kept and fed. Human beings, in their natural habitat, are designed to produce and thrive, not live by the work of others. Being enticed into a system of welfare warps people. It twists them away from their purpose as men and women who are supposed to take care of themselves and their offspring.


By the way, I know that some people are rendered unable to produce enough for their own needs by some accident of birth or other tragedy that befalls them. But that group of people has not suddenly expanded into the millions getting welfare today. Furthermore, people don’t discover their true potential without trying to reach it. That requires an incentive. Knowing that you have a “right” to welfare kills that incentive. The best way to balance the needs of those who cannot take care of themselves against the risk of teaching people to not take care of themselves is to handle welfare through the private sector and volunteer donations and service.


The extent of the problem was recently emphasized to me when I read this piece at the DC Clothesline blog: “The Statistics Do Not Lie! Welfare Is the Best Paying Entry Level Job In 35 States!”


Take a look at the following economic chart created by the Cato Institute. There are , in America, 35 states who pay welfare recipients better than retail clerks, factory workers and fast food employees. This is a world turned upside down and only the twisted communist-based economic policies of this present administration would think that this is acceptable. And before you welfare recipients fire up your computer to write to me and tell me how evil I am for printing this, I would remind you that what the government can give you, the government can take away from you.

My wife started out her professional career working at McDonald’s serving hamburgers at the age of 16.  Twenty years later and after several promotions, she was in charge of all of the corporate owned McDonalds in Arizona. On a national level, she ran the food concessions for the NBA All-Star weekend as well as the NFL Superbowl held in Phoenix. Under the present economic climate and policies, what would have been her motivation to work her way to the top before retiring? Today, our country has robbed its citizens of its most precious resource, hope!





So we have millions of people being herded into a life of dependency and non- or minimal productivity. What happens when the crisis hits as a result of this unsustainable system? The people are going to be faced with a sudden absence of everything they have used to survive. I fear many will not be able to do anything but riot.



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The numbers are staggering.

For decades in Canada it has been known that they must either get a job paying $70k a year, or just stay on their welfare.

My ex-wife has a friend that came to visit that was public assistance for the entire family.

Her husband took no shame in admitting he did nothing to provide other than siring another dependent.


Thanks for the post.

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yup, yup, yup... ignorant slave-minded folks'll find a way to collect those 'reparations' they've been

brainwashed into believing they are owed one way or another, eh...? <_<


Bet less than 2% of these folks even TRULY NEED or HONESTLY qualify for it,


or are even LEGALLY entitled to it.... :angry: 

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Open Letter To The Welfare Cage: Dear Lucy, Nothing From THEM Is Ever Free


Dear Lucy, I have no idea if you will read this but I hope you do. A friend of mine posted your call in to KLBJ.


I am writing this because you asked a question that I don’t believe ever got answered.


You asked, if I were offered a million dollars, would I walk away from it. You’re getting free money, you argued, so there is no reason you should you walk away from it.


I was surprised neither of the radio hosts asked you about whether or not it matters where the money comes from. There was no discussion about the difference between receiving a gift from the proper owner and getting stolen goods.


But that’s not why I’m writing. That’s not the answer I felt was missing in response to your question.


To answer your question: I would walk away from a million dollars if there were strings attached.


I would gladly accept such a gift and immediately use it to start a business, go to school, or send my kids to a good school. Or I would save it as an emergency/retirement fund and keep working. But if that money was only given on the condition that I simply spend it to live in a dinky home, not work, and get high all day—I would recognize it as toxic. I would recognize the giver as a killer.


You should do your best to walk away from the money because it is really poison to you, your huband, and your children. It is killing you. You are cooperating in your own sacrifice for the sake of some very powerful, rich, and evil people.


Your reference to sitting around getting high all day is a hint as to how you are being degraded and destroyed. I’m not saying that marijuana use by itself is always fatal. That’s not my point. My point is that sloth is fatal. You are becoming a warped version of a human being. You are meant to be productive and inventive and most of that has been sucked from you. Eventually it will all be gone forever.


You are obviously intelligent and articulate. And yet you’ve been warehoused by the government.


By the way, it doesn’t bother me at all that I am working several jobs and paying taxes “to support you.” My taxes don’t support you. Debt supports you. The whole scheme goes to profit the one percent. Taxes are essentially for paying interest on a debt and spend scam.


Remember, no one is giving you that money because they care about you. You’re just a state hostage so that politicians can shame us for wanting to end “welfare.” You are the moral equivalent of a “civilian human shield” like when a rogue government tries to prevent a US air assault by staying in a crowded area filled with innocent people. The US federal and state governments are like those scandalous “charities” that uses pictures of starving babies to get people to give them money, when only a tiny fraction of the revenue goes to the cause. Those people in need are not the reason the company collects donations. The lifestyle of the CEO and a few others is the reason for that. The needy are just the business model. Government is worse because it demands revenue at gunpoint, but it is still using you and your children in a similar way.


Even if I was paying directly for your housing and marijuana indulgences, the fact is I and my family have the better end of the deal. I wouldn't trade places with you for anything in the world.


And you know it can’t last. You have children. They will have children. Eventually the money, or the debt, will come to an end. The cracks are already showing. What happens to your kids and you when the crisis hits?


My guess is that eventually the whole welfare population will be swept up and chained to factories. Maybe they’ll be permitted to get high for a couple of hours in their cells after their twelve-hour work day. But I’m just guessing.


Whatever is planned for them when the crisis hits, I doubt they will be able to resist. The time to learn to fight against the odds and struggle is now, every day, in every small hassle. Or else you learn to comply.


You speak of people like me “preaching morality.” I’m sorry you view it that way. I think God made you great and wants you to be greater. He made you to be a ruler, not a slave. He wants you to take dominion over your part of the world.


Instead, you’ve accepted a jail cell because, for now, it is comfortable and easy.


I said there are strings attached, but that isn’t string. More like barbed wire.


And it is tightly wrapped around your mind and soul.


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