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Want to know what the bigots on the left think of Dr. Carson's First Amendment Rights are?


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The true human irony in all this is that so much hate and fear is derived from the love that two people feel for each other.

I truly don't know what the answer is. This is a debate that will go on long after we are all with our maker.

I just know that deep in my heart, when I live in a world so full of hate, I have a hard time condemning people because they love one another.

I spent my life in Catholic schools and I know what my bible teaches me. However I also know that my bible teaches me tolerance and acceptance. So where do God and Jesus want me to draw the line between the two?

I suppose that's a very personal choice between myself and my creator.

I just can't hate people because they love. I can't do it and I won't do it. If that makes me a libtard and a pathetic moron in the eyes of others, I can live with that. People that use those terms are most likely people I would not choose to associate with in my daily life anyway.

I just wish it was as easy for humans to love as it is for them to hate.

Well time for Easter service. Time for my children to spend an hour of their day learning about how God loved us, ALL of us, so much that he sacrificed his only begotten son in order to forgive us all of our sins.

And hypocrites

Yes your a great example of that. Haha what a joke. Keep listening to your leaders Obama & Bloomberg up there in Cluelessville son.

Thank you for proving my point more clearly than I ever could have.

Happy Easter

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Liboy I have no problem with you. You seem to have one with me. I don't need to go further. You are obviously well educated and well spoken. I will respect you and your opinions if you will respect mine. Happy Easter too you and your family. PS: I have many friends up in the Northeast (business & friends) so I wasn't stereotyping with reference to Cluelessville.

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Liboy I have no problem with you. You seem to have one with me. I don't need to go further. You are obviously well educated and well spoken. I will respect you and your opinions if you will respect mine. Happy Easter too you and your family. PS: I have many friends up in the Northeast (business & friends) so I wasn't stereotyping with reference to Cluelessville.


I've been there a time or two. :lol:



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IF Dr. Carson was one of them Demon-crats/Liberals...then they wouldn't be petitioning for him to be removed as guest speaker HUH for his comments. Democ-crats/Liberals will always TWIST the words of Conservative Republicans, and make it seem as if they are being attacked or what not. BUT, since Dr. Carson is a Conservative Black American...the braindead Demon-crats and zombie Liberals are on the attack against Dr. Carson to make him the bad guy. The Cock will always crow three times (3x) and braindead Demon-crats/zombie Liberals WILL ALWAYS DENY THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The true human irony in all this is that so much hate and fear is derived from the love that two people feel for each other.

I truly don't know what the answer is. This is a debate that will go on long after we are all with our maker.

I just know that deep in my heart, when I live in a world so full of hate, I have a hard time condemning people because they love one another.

I spent my life in Catholic schools and I know what my bible teaches me. However I also know that my bible teaches me tolerance and acceptance. So where do God and Jesus want me to draw the line between the two?

I suppose that's a very personal choice between myself and my creator.

I just can't hate people because they love. I can't do it and I won't do it. If that makes me a libtard and a pathetic moron in the eyes of others, I can live with that. People that use those terms are most likely people I would not choose to associate with in my daily life anyway.

I just wish it was as easy for humans to love as it is for them to hate.

Well time for Easter service. Time for my children to spend an hour of their day learning about how God loved us, ALL of us, so much that he sacrificed his only begotten son in order to forgive us all of our sins.

Thank you for proving my point more clearly than I ever could have.

Happy Easter




IF Dr. Carson was one of them Demon-crats/Liberals...then they wouldn't be petitioning for him to be removed as guest speaker HUH for his comments. Democ-crats/Liberals will always TWIST the words of Conservative Republicans, and make it seem as if they are being attacked or what not. BUT, since Dr. Carson is a Conservative Black American...the braindead Demon-crats and zombie Liberals are on the attack against Dr. Carson to make him the bad guy. The Cock will always crow three times (3x) and braindead Demon-crats/zombie Liberals WILL ALWAYS DENY THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Honoring our G A Y brothers and sisters for who they are is NOT "brain dead".   :shakehead:  Sheesh Louise!!! They Are No Threat To You!


Thank Goodness Times ARE Changing!!!


The kids see it.. why can't you?

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Liboy I have no problem with you. You seem to have one with me. I don't need to go further. You are obviously well educated and well spoken. I will respect you and your opinions if you will respect mine. Happy Easter too you and your family. PS: I have many friends up in the Northeast (business & friends) so I wasn't stereotyping with reference to Cluelessville.


The "enemy" for ALL of us is the present administration and those who follow! Divide and conquer is their motto.  What do the good folks in this country do...?  They are at each other's throats! Just like the marxists want!

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Homosexuals have the same rights as heterosexuals when it comes to marriage.  This is not a matter of inequality or discrimination.  The whole issue revolves around the definition of marriage.  In that respect Dr. Carson is right, but if he is thinking about a career in politics he'd better start choosing his words more carefully.  A better comparison would be with the issue of polygamy, which was debated in the 19th century.  The country determined that in our culture polygamy is unacceptable as we define marriage as one man and one woman.  That view was reaffirmed when Bill Clinton signed a bipartisan piece of legislation into law with the Defense of Marriage Act, which is now being challenged on the grounds that it is unconstitutional.  If there's anything in the constitution providing two men or two women the right to marry I'd like to see it. 

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Is sex between two men or between two women considered natural?  Is sex with a child natural?  Is sex with an animal natural?  Using the definition below, you decide if it is fair comparison.



Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States, does it say "separation of church and state".   The text of Article I of the Constitution says:


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Funny how that's the VERY First sentence of the Amendments.  People didn't read anything about religion in the Constitution, so they ADDED this line to make sure we could worship how we pleased without the Government interferring with that.  Jefferson wrote "separation of church and state" in a letter to the Danbury Baptists.



Separation of church and state has been the foundation of the law's interpretation of the Const. for hundreds of years - what you are supporting is EXCLUDING people and LIMITING their freedom, because YOUR religion says so. Have you asked the Buddhists?


Markinsa, there is NO WAY you can argue against the preceding. No way. You are denying freedom and equality to others based on your limited views.


What if my religion says it's bad that overpopulating righties keep having babies - should we introduce a law that says they cannot have more than two children because their overconsumption habits are destroying the planet? How would you like that?


What you support is called the "tyranny of the majority" (Christian majority) and our system is designed to stop that. The Supreme Court is ruling on same-sex marriage now. Your side will lose, if this is truly a free country.

The true human irony in all this is that so much hate and fear is derived from the love that two people feel for each other.

I truly don't know what the answer is. This is a debate that will go on long after we are all with our maker.

I just know that deep in my heart, when I live in a world so full of hate, I have a hard time condemning people because they love one another.

I spent my life in Catholic schools and I know what my bible teaches me. However I also know that my bible teaches me tolerance and acceptance. So where do God and Jesus want me to draw the line between the two?

I suppose that's a very personal choice between myself and my creator.

I just can't hate people because they love. I can't do it and I won't do it. If that makes me a libtard and a pathetic moron in the eyes of others, I can live with that. People that use those terms are most likely people I would not choose to associate with in my daily life anyway.

I just wish it was as easy for humans to love as it is for them to hate.

Well time for Easter service. Time for my children to spend an hour of their day learning about how God loved us, ALL of us, so much that he sacrificed his only begotten son in order to forgive us all of our sins.

Thank you for proving my point more clearly than I ever could have.

Happy Easter

Excellent, LilBoy.

That's being objective, and loving. Welcome to the liberal fold....LOL

Is sex between two men or between two women considered natural?  Is sex with a child natural?  Is sex with an animal natural?  Using the definition below, you decide if it is fair comparison.



Nowhere in the Constitution of the United States, does it say "separation of church and state".   The text of Article I of the Constitution says:


"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Funny how that's the VERY First sentence of the Amendments.  People didn't read anything about religion in the Constitution, so they ADDED this line to make sure we could worship how we pleased without the Government interferring with that.  Jefferson wrote "separation of church and state" in a letter to the Danbury Baptists.



Sex between two men and two women is between consenting adults, and legal in most states (except bastions of "progressive" thinking like Georgia..LOL)


Pedophelia hurts children and is abuse. That is the difference. 


*** sex is unnatural to YOU - so you say it must be unnatural to everyone. Just because YOU think its unnatural, or your handbook says it is, doesn't make it SO. 

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1.) Separation of church and state has been the foundation of the law's interpretation of the Const. for hundreds of years - what you are supporting is EXCLUDING people and LIMITING their freedom, because YOUR religion says so. Have you asked the Buddhists? …


2.) What if my religion says it's bad that overpopulating righties keep having babies - should we introduce a law that says they cannot have more than two children because their overconsumption habits are destroying the planet? How would you like that?


3.) What you support is called the "tyranny of the majority" (Christian majority) and our system is designed to stop that. The Supreme Court is ruling on same-sex marriage now. Your side will lose, if this is truly a free country.

4.) Sex between two men and two women is between consenting adults, and legal in most states (except bastions of "progressive" thinking like Georgia..LOL)

Pedophelia hurts children and is abuse. That is the difference.[/indent]

*** sex is unnatural to YOU - so you say it must be unnatural to everyone. Just because YOU think its unnatural, or your handbook says it is, doesn't make it SO.


1.) Hundreds of years?  How about starting in 1947? Please show me in the First Amendment where it says “Separation of Church and State?”  Please go to this link and read up on how the term “separation of church and state” first appeared.  And finally, following the First Amendment does not take rights away from anyone, whereas the enforcement of separation of church and state as it has been applied the last 50+ years has taken rights away from MANY Christians.


2.) Your analogy of Righties having too many babies is in error, people on the right are commonly referred to as conservative, which by its very nature would mean they wouldn’t have more babies than they could afford, whereas the people on left know the more babies they have the more money the government will give to feed them.  If you have used the term lefties, I would agree that we should teach people that if you have a baby, they need to pay for supporting that child on their own.


3 & 4.) I have no idea where you got that. I don’t believe people of the same sex should be able to marry for the same reason I don’t believe brother and sister, father and daughter, mother and son, me and my Dog, pet snake, gerbil or any other living thing, should be able to be married.  Why should two g.a.y. men be able to get married, when I can’t marry my sister? I mean, we’re two consenting adults and we love each other, why can’t we get married too??? But I definately love my Dog and oh boy don't we make a great couple! What about my rights to marry my dog?  OH! I KNOW!  IT’S UNNATURAL! IT IS NOT IN THE NATURAL ORDER OF THINGS!


The main reason why GLBT community wants this is because they want the government to classify their behavior as legal so in some sick way they can say they're normal and the rest of us Normal people will have to accept their behavior too.  Well, I'm sorry its not normal, you can howl till the moon turns purple and the behavior will never be normal. 



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and the STUDENTS have a right under the Consitution to petition the school that a scheduled speaker be removed from speaking, What the HELL are you talking about? No one is saying he cant say what it wants-he said it didnt he? No, the REAL ISSUE is: He was slated to speak to a graduating class. He said something TOTALLY IGNORANT and the STUDENTS didnt like  what he said. They have petitioned the school to not allow him to speak. that is ALL there is to this. Funny how people make this out to be something about the "constitution" or even religion. It is NEITHER. It is about the STUDENTS RIGHT to ask for a change in plans. So, tell me WHERE I am mis-reading the original post? Or WHERE the students are limiting this man's constitutional freedoms or where the school (or anyone for that matter) is limiting his right to speak?? Was he threaten with jail? Was he given a roll of tape and forced to shut-up? If he was, I didnt see it in the orginial post, but perhaps your intell is far greater then mine.....Dunno, just asking

The man has the right under the Constitution to speak in any forum without being harrassed!  If you don't like his argument then find someone in your ilk to debate the good doctor!  The fact is, the intolerant left are still BIGGOTS and MARXISTS!

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