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In final debate, voters say Obama won decisively


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by: Teresa Albano

October 23 2012

The CBS instant poll came almost instantly. Of the more than 500 uncommitted voters polled after viewing last night's presidential debate, 53% said President Barack Obama won, while only 23% gave it to GOP opponent Mitt Romney - a decisive 2 to 1 victory for the president. Twenty-four percent said it was a draw.

The final debate theme was on foreign policy where the president, after four years of commander-in-chief experience, excelled over Romney who seemed out of his depth - often repeating the same policies as the president's on Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Iran. Romney's parroting prompted the president to say, "You say you would do the same things we did, but you would just say them louder."

Gone was the saber-rattling over Iran and Syria, as heard in previous Romney statements or by his running mate, Paul Ryan, in the vice presidential debate.

The president easily pinned his opponent as being "all over the map," and Romney didn't seem to help his case with his sometime incoherent answers and made-for-TV slogans.

Despite the foreign policy theme, both candidates used the final debate to pivot towards more domestic issues. Voters are war-weary and anxious for action on the economy. Both candidates addressed that in two distinct ways.

Romney vowed to keep in tact an overly bloated military budget that is full of pork for big corporate contractors. Incredibly, Romney told debate moderator Bob Schieffer to look at his website for the details after being questioned as to whether he could avoid military cuts, give tax cuts to wealthy and balance the budget.

Obama focused on "nation building" at home.

"[W]hat I think the American people recognize is after a decade of war it's time to do some nation building here at home. And what we can now do is free up some resources, to, for example, put Americans back to work, especially our veterans, rebuilding our roads, our bridges, our schools, making sure that, you know, our veterans are getting the care that they need when it comes to post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury, making sure that the certifications that they need for good jobs of the future are in place," he said.

Obama criticized Romney for wanting to throw money at the Pentagon - at least another $2 trillion - "that our military is not asking for."

In the most "tweeted" phrase of the night, Obama answered Romney's charge of supposedly starving the military budget. Responding to the assertion that the Navy's ship capacity was the same as in 1917, Obama said sharply, "Well, Governor, we also have fewer horses and bayonets, because the nature of our military's changed. We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater, nuclear submarines. And so the question is not a game of Battleship, where we're counting ships. It's what are our capabilities."

After the debate, the far right went into overdrive, attacking the president on that statement.

However, union leaders representing Navy shipyard workers in Norfolk and Newport News, Va., said they agreed with the president's emphasis on the Navy's capabilities.

"I am proud to represent the world best shipbuilders and the very best ship repair/maintenance workforce. I took no insult from our president's remarks nor did I see any reason for anyone in the shipbuilding or ship repair industry to," said Ron Ault, president of AFL-CIO Metal Trades Department. "He simply spoke the truth."

Predictably, much of the foreign policy focused on Iran's nuclear program and defense of Israel, which experts say, there was virtually no distinction between the two. There were no questions about a negotiated settlement between the Israelis and Palestinians and nothing on the Occupied Territories and settlements.

Not mentioned at all by moderator or candidates were climate change and poverty.

"Climate change remained the threat-that-must-not-be-named in the final presidential debate. Even the center-right Politico mocked the candidates for ignoring 'a global climate crisis that could result in unprecedented sea-level rise, drought and food shortages,'" wrote Think Progress blogger Joe Romm.

The Nonprofit Quarterly suggested "Schieffer might also have asked a question about the World Bank's commitment to eradicate world poverty, given that 1.3 billion people live on the equivalent of $1.25 a day or less ..." but that didn't seem to rank high among debate concerns.

Even with the shortcomings, commentators saw clear choices between the president and the Republican.

Writing in Salon, author Joan Walsh said, "Obama's best line came when he told Romney, 'You seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s.' That wasn't just a good zinger, it's a great summary of what's at stake in this election. I hope voters ignore the supposedly savvy horse race coverage of this crucial debate, and pay attention to Romney's lack of core convictions on foreign policy or anything else."

Photo: This graph shows the amount of money spent in millions of dollars on military budgets with the United States dwarfing the rest of the world combined. President Obama said in the debate, "Now, keep in mind that our military spending has gone up every single year that I've been in office. We spend more on our military than the next 10 countries combined: China, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, you name it." (PBS/wide angle)

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by: Teresa Albano

October 23 2012

The CBS instant poll came almost instantly.

That is just brilliant journalism. Who would have thought that an instant poll would come almost instantly. I walk away from this post knowing that I just saved a whole lot of brain cells just by reading this first line and stopping there! ;)

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That is just brilliant journalism. Who would have thought that an instant poll would come almost instantly. I walk away from this post knowing that I just saved a whole lot of brain cells just by reading this first line and stopping there! ;)

Was at family members house @ 630 and saw on the evening news

CBS instant poll..........suspect at best....probably interns


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Posted by John Thompson Hatter on October 22, 2012 at 6:51pm

Mitt’s Pumpkin Patch

We can expect big bad October Surprises to erupt across the media in the next two weeks. But what’s it going to be: war in the Middle East, a bimbo eruption, more on Bain Capital? Something worse? The Democrats are cornered and desperate. They’re upside down in the polls and losing ground rapidly. We can expect eye-popping bombshells any day now. Let’s take a stroll through Romney’s pumpkin patch and see what jack-o-lanterns the Democrats are carving up for us.

Hobgoblins and Evil Republicans—H.L. Menken said, “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” To the mainstream media and Democrats, the Republicans are hobgoblins. This silly season’s hobgoblin themes are: the war against women; the war against the middle class; eliminating Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid; and causing the earth to burn up. Pretty droll stuff that won’t get much mileage.

Mainstream Media Kerfuffle—Look for the media to suddenly discover an insignificant factoid and breathlessly blow it all out of proportion. Like George Bush’s grades or the fact that he might have tooted cocaine once. Or like Romney making fun of a *** guy in high school. The talking heads may find that Romney smoked a cigarette once, or that he smiled at a woman not his wife. Perhaps he put this woman in a binder. Maybe one of his tax returns has a typo in it. If the media can’t find something scandalous, they’ll simply create it. Look for a fake-but-accurate, Dan Rather-type forgery. And look for Candy Crowley’s fingerprints all over it.

Class Warfare Flap—Let’s face it. Socialist can’t resist class warfare. It’s basically all they’ve got. That and race baiting. But blacks are in the bag for Obama so no campaign money will be going their way. The Obots’ mentors, Marx, Engels, Lenin and Mao require class warfare -- like holding the middle class tax cuts hostage in order to wring a few more bucks from small businesses and the nation’s top earners. Republicans want to keep the Bush tax cuts in place for everybody. If there’s no agreement before January 1, 2013 then it’s Tax Armageddon for everybody. America goes over the Fiscal Cliff. Obama is blackmailing the Republicans and engaging in a risky game of chicken. The Dims think class warfare has legs. Look for it.

Sharon Bialek and Gloria Allred

Friars Club Press Conference, New York, November 2011

Bimbo Eruption— For some reason political sex scandals work only against Republicans. This is the old double standard at work. A Democrat can be caught with the dead body of a little girl (or boy) in their bed, and the media will protest that a person’s sex life is a private matter with no place in politics. They are still incensed that Bill (“I never had sex with that woman.”) Clinton got impeached for lying to a grand jury about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinski.

The rumor is that the Dims have a bimbo bomb ready to go. Who to deliver it? Gloria Allred, is a discrimination attorney in California specializing in feminist issues. Guess which political party she belongs to. Obama has endorsed her and said, "She's one of the best attorneys in our country." She’s certainly one of the best political attack lawyers for Democrats.

Allred generated political headlines aimed at derailing Meg Whitman’s run for governor of California. Allred claimed that Whitman once employed an illegal alien. Hiring an illegal alien is a crime in California only if you’re a Republican. Governor Moonbeam won by a tiny margin.

Allred torpedoed Herman Cain’s presidential ambitions with a bimbo eruption. Allred stood in front of the cameras with blonde floozy Sharon Bialek, as the victim tearfully accused Cain of acting in a “sexually inappropriate” manner after a dinner date in 1997. There was no sex. She didn’t file any sexual harassment charges at the time and said that she wasn’t filing any then. She just wanted to get the message out. Cain was in the lead before Allred delivered her charges to the breathlessly orgiastic media. After more media bimbo eruptions, Cain dropped out of the race.

Is Obama ready to unleash his rotweiller? Radaronline puts it this way,

Is famed women's right attorney Gloria Allred about to pull an "October surprise" on Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney? 
That's the thinking, after Drudge Report founder and respected politico, Matt Drudge, tweeted Thursday: "Here she comes. Hearing Gloria Allred out there again, about to make a move. After all, it's her time of the campaign. Team O at the ready!!"

Barack’s Minefield

But Obama could be in for a few surprises of his own. October surprises can go both ways and it might not be the Romney camp that launches them. There are millions of Americans determined to rid America of the Marxist-in-Chief and his red diaper baby, socialist government. Let’s tiptoe through Barack’s minefield and take a peek at the surprises brewing for him.

Illegal Campaign Contributions—Obama is raising incredible amounts of money -- $181 million dollars in September alone. About 98% of this money is untraceable and much of it comes from foreign sources, including governments hostile to the United States. Obama is violating federal campaign laws. Does he care? Do the Republicans? This could be a major blowup in the new media. As serious as it is, the mainstream media will ignore and cover up the matter.

Dreams from My Real Father DVD

Who’s Your Daddy?—Joel Gilbert is mailing millions of his Dreams From My Real Father DVDs to battleground states and to others. If the communist agitator and pornographer, Frank Marshall Davis, was really Obama’s biological father and ideological mentor, as Gilbert says, then Obama’s entire story is a massive fraud. Liberal media resistance and progressive pushback against Gilbert has been hostile and fierce. His response to me about that?

As long as the major media refuses to cover my film, I am going to continue this publicity campaign by shipping DVDs state-by-state, million-by-million, or until Barack Obama comes clean. Instead of misrepresenting himself as the son of a goat herder, as he did in 2008, Obama should say, ‘My father was a Communist Party propagandist and suspected Soviet agent who indoctrinated me into Marxist ideology. Please vote for me so I can destroy the American middle class and create a one-party political system.’

Gilbert’s DVD is the #1 selling Amazon instant video documentary and the #2 DVD Amazon documentary. It is being watched by thousands on Netflix. But Gilbert has gone one huge step further to get his message out. So far he’s mailed out 1.5 Million free DVDs to voters in Florida; 700,000 to Colorado; 500,000 to Iowa; 1.2 million to Ohio; and 100,000 each to New Hampshire and Nevada. He’s got 3 million more free DVDs in the pipeline for Pennsylvania, Virginia, Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan. Joel Gilbert is a one-man October surprise. Trick or Treat, Barry.

Lost in Zombieland: The Rise of President Zero—The book goes viral and Americans find out who Barack Omeba really is and what he’s really up to. This happens just in time to keep the jihadi nukes from detonating, stop the Tea Party/Zombie War from spreading across the USA, and prevents Omeba from finally throwing the Constitution out the West Wing window.

Breitbart—Before he died, Andrew Breitbart said that he would do the job the mainstream media failed to do for Americans. He said, “This election we’re going to vet him…to show you why racial division and class warfare are central to the hope and change that was sold in 2008.” We’ve seen his video of Obama praising and embracing the racist, radical, Harvard professor Derrick Bell, which the media hid from us. But I think Breitbart has more to show us. Just in time for the election.

Birther Nuke—Lawsuits to get Obama disqualified from state ballots are under way. What would really make it a surprise? It’s Orly Taitz that gets it done.

Trump Tweet Torpedo—Donald Trump just tweeted, “I'll be making a major announcement on President Obama next week--stay tuned!” Well, that’s interesting. Trump never did release the findings of his birth certificate investigation. Who knows what The Donald has come up with? The Donald Bomb might be all it takes to push the ball into the end zone.

Benghazi Blowback—CIA, FBI and NSA release internal memos and reports to the White House that prove Obama lied to the mainstream media, the American people and Candy Crowley. If you don’t think these fed-up intelligence agencies can’t do this just ask yourself where Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are getting their files. Sean will be on this like a duck on a June bug.

Celebrity Defections—Celebrities publicly expressing voter remorse will hurt Obama. Lee Iacocca, a lifelong Democrat, has already endorsed Romney, but he’s not a liberal. A Democrat not a liberal? Gene Simmons, a recovering liberal, wants his vote back and says Obama has “no fu__ing idea” what he’s doing. Ouch. More to come.

Wag the Dog—To hold onto the presidency, Obama just might wag the dog and start a war. Likely battlefields? Iran for one. Israel might attack on her own, or a Lost in Zombieland scenario might force Obama to deploy forces to fight the Iranians behind the scenes. Afghanistan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt are primed to blow up, thanks in large part to Obama and Hillarious’s horrendous mess of a foreign policy. Would Obama sacrifice the lives of our young men and women just so he can retain the White House? You bet he would.

May 21, 2012 Cover of Newsweek Magazine

Bath House Barry Sex Scandal—The mainstream media are frantically covering up major leaks from Chicago about Barack Obama’s homosexuality. It turns out that his views on homosexuality didn’t exactly “evolve over time”. WorldNetDaily’s intrepid Jerome Corsi has revealed that the Reverend Wright had a “program” at Obama’s Trinity Church to help homosexual blacks live double lives on the “Down Low” by getting them married to women that nobody else wanted. Sound familiar? This provided them cover to go about their public lives while privately indulging their sexual preference -- on the “down low”. A recent WND article said the following,

Chicago’s homosexual community claims Barack Obama’s participation in the “***” bar and bathhouse scene was so well known that many who were aware of his lifestyle were shocked when he ran for president and finally won the White House.

Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen, who worked with the National Security Agency from 1984 to 1988 as a Navy intelligence analyst, confirmed DuJan’s claims.

“It is common knowledge in the Chicago *** community that Obama actively visited the *** bars and bathhouses in Chicago while he was an Illinois state senator,” Madsen told WND.

In addition, rumors have swirled around Obama’s relationship with his personal aide and former “body man,” Reggie Love, who resurfaced on the eve of the Republican National Convention to .... Love resigned from the White House in November 2011 after compromising photographs of him as a college student received wide circulation.

How’s that for an October Surprise? Better put some ice on that, Barry.

But the real October Surprise may be when the Democrats suddenly realize that Americans have had a belly full of Barack Hussein Obama -- and the Democratic Party -- and want nothing further to do with either of them.

Imagine their surprise.

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Why Mitt “Wins the War”

By Jeff Fuller | October 23, 2012 - 12:38 AM

PPP did a snap poll immediately after the debate tonight. The respondents scored it a

slight lead for Obama at 53% to 42% (yeah, it was another +6% Democratic oversample and a 12% oversample of women and PPP is a democratic pollster …

but I think that just strengthens my arguments).

That’s bad news then, right?!?! … that Romney didn’t “win” the debate? Not at all. Mitt continued to rise in the national and swing-state polls over the last week despite Obama’s “win” in the last debate. The last two days especially, Democrats have been shocked and are panicking that the President didn’t get a bounce in the polls from that.

Here’s the secret though … People’s judging of who “wins” debates is solely based on who is the most aggressive candidate that night. Snap polls showed that Joe Biden “won” the VP debate over Paul Ryan … but Biden turned off MANY voters with his style and condescension. Obama wasn’t as bad as Biden was, but his intimidating stares, his incessant attacks at Romney, and his petty condescension will NOT play well with undecided voters … especially with undecided women.

Don’t believe me? That same PPP poll linked above has the following interesting question and cross-tab.

“Did the debate tonight make you more or less likely to vote for BO/MR, or did it not make a difference?”

Among Independents for Obama: More likely 32%, Less likely 48%, No Difference 20% … for a net of MINUS 16%

Among Independents for Romney: More likely 47%, Less likely 35%, No Difference 18% … for a net of PLUS 12%

That’s a 28% advantage among Independents for Romney based on TONIGHT’S debate. Yeah, Obama sure “won” tonight, eh? Team Romney is fighting to “Win The War” … and will take some lumps in individual battles to make sure the end goal occurs. He was confident, optimistic, and Presidential. Obama was petty, insulting, and snarky. Quite the contrast!

In the CNN snap poll mentioned above (which was a +4% D sample) asked:

“Who did the debate make you more likely to vote for?”

Romney 26%

Obama 25%

That is THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION IN THE POLL, really the only one that matters, and Mitt came out on top. Another interesting and important question from CNN:

“Who spent more time attacking his opponent?”

Barack Obama 68%

Mitt Romney 21%

Nothing happened tonight to blunt Mitt’s momentum. Obama was swinging for the fences, but failed to connect. Romney easily cleared the credible Commander-In-Chief bar and avoided ANY gaffes. His last few answers and rebuttals were awesome, and his closing statement was EPIC!

Edited by cris
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PD41... we ran out of NEGS, too...

Which is why we use this :moon-from-car: .....

And we think he may even understand it better than a regular NEG....

takes care of the language barrier.... :lmao:


INVESTORMAN....... you sure are right about the SNOTSTER....

Sometimes he makes us girls laugh so hard,

stuff flies outta OUR NOSES! :D:lol::P

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I will state, for the record, that I am not an Obama supporter. His term in office has given me no solid reasons to think he has made "change" in the positive or exceeding terms of the definition of that word. To me, it was simply a word that he thought would be a great campaign slogan. Yes, it worked. However...his policies have often failed.

Having said that, I have to admit that Obama did not seem nearly as "detached" from emotion as I often conclude that he is. Did he score points with me? Yes. Do I think that he represents America at heart? No.

Having said that, Romney was never my option, and although I think he did far better than this poll suggests (my opinion), he did not prove to me he could be anymore succesful at leading than Obama has been. I do not see either one of them as transparent and that greatly concerns me.

My that fear should never dictate our choices. I, for one, will not be afraid to exercise my WRITE IN my vote. Will there be some who are afraid that will split the vote so much that Obama will win again? I don't care. I just know I do not have to vote for Obama OR Romney. Fear does not rule me and no one will ever cleaverly take away my right to choose freely by presenting me with two options that I do not care for. Numbers be damned, these two candidates were not my first choices....or my third. I'll let God determine if there is a lesser of two evils if either Obama or Romney do win. It's God's call, if you get down to the brass tacks of it.

Who will I write in? Keep asking and I'll give you the same answer. That's between me and God and the ballot sheet.

respect to all and best wishes,


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