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Obama's New Ad Attacking Republicans


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This is the Obama campaigns latest attack ad against Republicans - It is a totally false claim and has nothing to do with the recent battle which has nothing to do with contraception but does defend Religious Freedom as guaranteed in the Constitution.

Obama's Ad

Please everyone, before you believe everything the democratic party puts out, do some research - just because they say it, does not mean its true.

For those of you that like to jump on every post by a conservative, I will not be responding. :hug:


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Who the hell is HE to set the standards for the provision of contraceptives in the first place? Just making these organization not pay for them isn't the whole point! By providing this "coverage" through the insurance policies, they are being forced to facilitate, being complicit in going against their beliefs!

Contraceptives are NOT a right! Health Care insurance is NOT a right!

Nobody is saying that they don't want women to have access to this - only that they don't want to be forced into participating in something they don't believe in.

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What in the world is America coming to? I think our founding fathers of this country minus the Illuminati would be turning in their graves. Good Lord! When will the government of the country stop eroding our freedoms? Have to wear a helmet. Have to wear a seatbelt. Have to, Have to, Have to.........jeeeze. What ever happened to Of the people, By the people, and for the people. It's really sad.

No country divided against itself can stand. Eventually, the people will rise up and there will be a revolution. Seems strange that that might be the case in a so called free country. jmho

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Women should have these rights as well, this is not Saudi Arabia nor the 1800's. Thanks for the post Texas Granny.

Another example of believing Obama even when he is fabricating the whole story. So you don't mind if he steps all

over Religious freedom so long as he gets what he wants.

The controversial ruling had nothing to do with contraception. Women have had those rights forever. Obama just decided

he could mandate that Catholic institutions violate their religious tenets by forcing them to pay for free contraception plus the morning

after pill which is considered to be an abortificant. This was NOT about womens use of contraceptives, it was about Government

interfering with freedom of religion. Many in his own party (Biden and Dailey) advised him not to but he is omnipotent (in his own


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I thought you were not going to reply, that is the way i see it. So basically you are saying is this. No matter what the circumstances as long as the religion of the person or people are practicing allow actions no matter how wrong it may be it should be allowed. I am going to leave it at that and move on. You have your thoughts and i have mine. Thank you for your post.

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This is the Obama campaigns latest attack ad against Republicans - It is a totally false claim and has nothing to do with the recent battle which has nothing to do with contraception but does defend Religious Freedom as guaranteed in the Constitution.

This ad has nothing to do with the Obama Campaign, says in the video that the Democratic National Committee paid for this ad.

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I thought you were not going to reply, that is the way i see it. So basically you are saying is this. No matter what the circumstances as long as the religion of the person or people are practicing allow actions no matter how wrong it may be it should be allowed. I am going to leave it at that and move on. You have your thoughts and i have mine. Thank you for your post.

This post made no sense. Except that there is apparent disagreement with the OP. :lol:

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Why is the federal government and the president of the united states concerned about rubbers for everyone. What is going on, why can't this government and president get out of peoples business.

could it be that a proactive approach to unwanted child birth, by parents that are ill equipped to care for them? orrr......... perhaps eleminating the need to care for thos children for 18 years+.

Granny I really do appreaciate all you do for this forum, however, I don't have all the facts, concerning this issue. On its face it sounds like..... in this instance the catholic church is an employer. Should this be the case, are all the employees Catholics? Does the acceptance of employment, subject you to the tenants of the religious order? Going out on a limb, I might suggest, the church has not right to deny my use of contraceptives should nI so choose to uses them. There are many other areas I have problems with this. But then, Im not Catholic. Just saying!

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Attack ad? Really?

Quoted, "every woman should be in control in the decisions that effect her own health"

If he had said that every woman is "no longer in control in the decisions", people would be just as bent out of shape.

Fact: The Catholic church argues it is morally wrong to ask it to provide female employees with health insurance that includes payment for contraception.

Bishop William Lori, head of a committee on religious freedom, wrote on the US Conference of Catholic Bishops blog: "The church must have the freedom to refuse to cooperate in any way in making these 'services' available.

Fact: In understanding the sensitivity of this subject and that there is push back, the White House proposed a compromise that will allow religious organisations to opt out of providing coverage that would include birth control for women. But insurance companies will be required to at lease offer coverage to any women who work at such institutions.

Another fact: Republican candidate Santorum stated, "Sex is supposed to be with a marriage", and "contraception is a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be." He's also stated, "Birth control is harmful to women and our society and that sex outside of marriage shouldn't be tolerated". He's readily voices his view on anti-choice when it comes to contraception.

So, there is certainly opposing views... doesn't mean one over the other is "attacking rhetoric".

Being and having conservative views for a long as I can remember, I feel it really is important to listen to all sides of a good issue. Listening to Fox, Limbaugh or Beck doesn't give you real and factual clarity when it comes to the issues. On the flip side, neither does all the statements coming out of MSNBC either.

Why not allow it to be what it is... apposing views worth conversation and debate. All the posturing, attacking, melodramatic and theatrics to merely prove a point is most often just comical.

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See folks this is the atmosphere of today's America, all it takes is one person spin a situation and you have chaos and folks jumping on the bandwagon with no idea why. That is why you have folks saying if the current President is Reelected states will ceded from the Union and folks saying they will leave the US. Well that is there choice to head to Canada or which ever you destination will be. Unless the GOP get there affairs in order then you will have another 4 years. When i say this i get all kinds of blow back, screaming the aisle and everything else under the Sun. Then say a revolution is coming, RFID tags and contrails. In the year 2000 the Y2k conspiracy had folks stocking up on food, water, buying guns and ammo waiting for the computers which run everything to just stop. What happened on 1 Jan 2000, nothing. Just like with this hype of Ron Paul, once the Convention comes to order the GOP i hope will have it's affairs in line. If not, as i said before another 4 years. You can spend your negatives on my post if you choose too. America is a great country. As for destroying it well that is what we are doing not just one man. Have a nice day everyone who reads this.

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Everyone should have a choice including the church. If the people don't agree with the churches rule, don't work for the church. Seems pretty simple to me. The bigger problem is that all of the powers need to be returned to the states! Let's the states make the decisions like these that way if people don't like it, they don't have to live in that state! The beauty of America :)

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I wouldn't buy Obama and his cronies a one way ticket to Indonesia as an inverstment. On my tax returns it would be classified as charties (for the American people of course) :lol:

LOL, you have spend at least a 100K can't get a ticket for first class cheap on Singapore Airlines, must book the suites on the 777ER. They are like a small apartment. Got bumped up once on Emirates on a flight to Houston. Out of this world.

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