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Everything posted by NextYear

  1. Iraq has the best currency in the world That's what I want to read and I'm not talking electrical.
  2. There's going to be some eggs on a lot of news media faces
  3. Mine are in danger of decomposing since I've had them so long (from the very beginning).
  4. Not to sound like a debbie downer but how reliable is this news source? Can't find much about it other than links to some guy's facebook page. With what I've been going through the past few weeks with the wikileaks and project veritas operation, I'm finding it really hard to believe anything anymore
  5. Thanks Newbie and Yota. "General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers announced (April 12, 2012)" It was in or around 2012, if memory serves, where I read an actual Iraqi news article that in fact stated by 2016 or 2017 there would be currency reform. I've tried looking for it but can't seem to pin that exact article down. Though I did come across this interesting one from 2012... Market News | Wed Oct 3, 2012 | 10:00am EDT IMO 2017 it is. But I won't hold my breath
  6. Agreed and unlike other years a lot of things are in place for it to happen that weren't before. Well, this isn't the first time a 2017 target date was given. There have been a few articles that dropped this date down over the few years.
  7. I just hope this is simply more scare tactics to get the remaining holdouts of dinars bills to dump them.
  8. Hang on a minute! Thought that the local Iraqi markets were already dealing with only U.S. currency and that most of the Dinar was pulled in already and being used for internal expenses, government contracts and Iraqi imports. So why should the higher value of the U.S. currency vs. Iraqi dinar be an issue? The higher value of the U.S dollar is a good thing for local consumers who are using that. Could this be to get those local Dinar holdouts to fork over the last remaining Dinar?
  9. I think that's been pretty much a done deal. From what I understand, the local markets use only American currency while the Iraqi dinar is used mostly for internal expenses, government contracts and Iraqi imports. I wonder if the average everyday Iraqi even remembers what their own currency looks like.
  10. This administration has made a big mess in the middle east. It started with this administration trying to topple Assad and things just keep getting worse. Then Hillarious green lights the actions in Libya to take out Muammar Gaddafi and things got even worse still with the rise of Isis. Isis nearly takes over Iraq. You know what caused all this? Muammar was going to stop accepting American dollars as payment for oil and wanted gold. And Assad was hinting at the same thing. Going to a gold standard. That means war!
  11. As long as Iraq is cleaned up by 2017 or sooner, I don't care what the motive is or who is doing it as long as it gets done and we can get on and over with this investment.
  12. It's a shame that the likes of Hillarious has a crew of well trained witch doctors that keep raising her from the dead. Meanwhile, the rest of use plebs have to suffer.
  13. 13 years of corruption files boy I wouldn't want that job. The stack is probably many times higher than the stack of emails from Hillarious Clinton.
  14. 1. Just to clarify things again. I thought an HCL law passage was or is not a factor into any implementation of an RV. 2. In your opinion, do you feel that in this end 1/4 of October Iraq will pull the RV trigger or do you feel it will be in 2017? I'm in the camp of 2017. 3. Do you think most of will actually live long enough to see an actual RV?
  15. How is that even news? Everybody by now knows this and the Saudi foreign minister must be living under a rock. Unless these articles are to push the Iraqi government to do something about Maliki already. Sort of like trying to light a fire under their slackery butts.
  16. Also 2017 has been mentioned a few times by Iraqi officials themselves. I remember a Iraqi article a few years ago that stated 2016 or 2017 specifically for currency reform. Recent years it's been just 2017 popping at. With all the forward momentum from the Abadi administration, 2017 is what I'm hoping is the final exit from this. However, this is Iraq we are talking about and anything is possible. Could be sooner or could be later who knows.
  17. Always the same headline training staff in preparation for this or that. I'm still waiting for the one that reads "Training staff in preparation for the launch of RV" Thanks yota
  18. There is no doubt that is coming. The question is when and how it's going to pan out for us.
  19. The banks know where the money is just return it to the Iraqi government already. Indeed. I believe we are witnessing, in the case of Maliki, keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer. He is where he is now because I'm sure they are watching everything he's doing right down to banking. That's what I would be doing.
  20. Lack of Dinar on the streets of Iraq, International support and other issues worked out. I'm seeing the light at the end of this tunnel at last. The only thing that can stop this momentum is if someone drops nuclear bomb on Iraq.
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