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Everything posted by jobug38

  1. Look up agenda21 documents you will see the whole plan for us mere cattle taking up oxygen on the planet!
  2. It back to normal like it was 2or 3 years ago it varied between 200 million and 400 million!
  3. Surge I would buy I don't have 1 billion dollars are more to run but I do meet all of your qualifications! Lol
  4. Ill treat it As BS as Always
  5. I've been saying this since Isis invaded mirage in June of last year.
  6. everything is running together and now my eyes are crossed!! Can someone make since of this mess? everything is running together and now my eyes are crossed!! Can someone make since of this mess?
  7. We want articles please ......its all bull tell we see the proof that Delta and Frank26 weren't just sipping spike blue lemonaide on his blue coach and shared the same dream after passing out! Proof of said article please!
  8. Keylime I'm right there with you on August my friend I heard him say this too me in church while in deep prayer a month ago! isn't it wonderful hope its this August too!
  9. 555 that's good,.. but my AuqariusCalender year it says that in August an abundant financial windfall will come your way.....a once in a life time opportunity. To. take it win it comes cause it will change your life forever! So your dream and horoscope Co inside
  10. Wrong place to ask about chuck noris!!! He ran most of us off his site and we've been happy ever since with Adam! Chuck the flying_ _ _ _! Well hope he's OK anyway!
  11. Plan B make up bogus lies about A-Z!!!!
  12. To bad they didn't video and put on the net would've lo ed to here it!!!
  13. 9Ball and S3A have started? Are theses two women? I feel for them just finished mine!!! Lol!!!
  14. Yeah how much across the pond??? Umberto what do you think? I think this dude can eat it and choke on it as for as I'm concerned!
  15. Well he made his career with that hit! He probably made a record with that one! Good for him!
  16. Adam "Buzzy" how close to this being over do you think we are? Also any more news on the credit rating process, is it going to take along time to get the rating considering this is Iraq we're talking about!?
  17. 5+15 =20+2015=2035=2+3+5= 10 so 1 is the number. So what does the #1 mean ?
  18. Responsible price? This is getting to the point where it sounds like Saleh is talking about dropping the zeros without actually saying it!!! Lol about right! Its like he's saying "guess what we're gonna do next?" Lol
  19. maybe they negged him because he didn't say "THANKS"! Lmao! some people.....
  20. I will vote for none of the above. Simply for the fact, that all are being shoved down our throats, means they are bought and paid for!
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