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Everything posted by Seabee

  1. It's done ? Wait, wait, did I get my phone call? Anyway, YAWN!!!!!!!!!
  2. I have been in this for five years now. I guess waiting another five years won't bother me. The only the thing is, is that I am now sixty one years old. I may as we'll leave it to my kids.
  3. I sure there are more than one of those blue beauties by the time I get to the dealership.
  4. How interesting " My Three Ladies" . Why next week will it be "Two and A Half Men" or even "My Three Sons"? Well anyway, I hope the 3 ladies have a handle on it.
  5. I too have here been since 2009 and at times have been frustrated about how long of wait we have all endured. I have been mad as Hell at times and strangely positive other times. The best thing I have found to get me through is to turn my back on the DV site. I may stay away for about a month and a half and when I come back to take it all in again I have a new perspective on things. At the end of the day, it is what it is and we will all be better people for it. We will all have had the time to think of what we will really do with any new found wealth. Money can cause great problems between people and I have decided that I will spend this time thinking of what I will do when my ship comes in, provided that it will be a big ship. I like to have faith in people and pray that we will all come through all this with clear and open minds and our families will be all the better from this. It has been a long ride, but most importantly it will be a longer ride till at what time we meet our maker and he ask us what we did for our fellow man. This is the way I believe it will all go down. Go........RV and good luck to all Seabee
  6. Adam, way to go on the new you. Over the last several weeks, I could sense you were holding back on your real thoughts. I was even ready to pack it in and turn my back on the DV site and fly away on my own. I am sure you have been carrying on a lot of stress in how to deal with your situation and move forward without having to offend a lot of people out there. In the end it wasn't as difficult as you might have thought. For me, I would have compared your situation to that of telling my x wife and family that I wanted a divorce. It weighed on me heavily for many weeks before I let it out. Once I got it off my chest, I felt the weight of the world lift off my chest and I felt life come back into my body. I'll bet there were many of us wondering why you were holding back. You can't please everyone as I have always felt. You just have to take the punch and keep on going. You did exactly what I suspect many of us was waiting for. Now, get right back on that horse of yours and spread your real thoughts and continue to keep it real. I will now stay with you as I did in the early days and continue to march forward to the end of the RV even if it takes several more years, [which I hope not] Thanks Adam, Dave,Seabee F
  7. Thank You Adam, for your response and setting things straight.
  8. I have been following this for quite some and am passionate about what will happen. If we are not at war then what are we lobbing at each other. It can't be snow balls as there is no snow in the dessert. Then, we must be throwing rocks at each other, there are plenty of rock in their desert from what I have been told. In all seriousness, I have that gut feeling that we may have boots on the ground within nine months
  9. I don't have an opinion one way or another on the article, but for a guy that says thank you and then gets neg is kind of strange. Anyway I brought you down to -2 I only hope your daily life is not that bad Kid. Have a good day. Seabee
  10. So what happens when we defeat ISSL? Who will be the next thugs to come along, and as usual it will have to be the US to come to the rescue and save everyone. Look what happened when Japan snuck up on us at the start of WWII. Then the attacks took on the civilian population on the East Coast, on 9-11. The US must never let its guard down for any terrorist group, this also mean the average American. This include those that live on Main St., State St, Maple St. or Smith Rd. and Lake Rd. Most people will say the US spends to much money fighting terrorist. To this I would have to say, how much would YOU have to spend should you have to rebuild your condo, townhouse or your home. Before you say anything think about this, more than likely insurance may not cover your loss. You know already what they will tell you, "AN ACT OF GOD" I will not tell you here in this thread of what the terror groups can do to destroy or upset our immediate lives, I am not here to put ideas in anyone's head. The world is a lot smaller than it once was and we can no longer turn a blind eye to blind eye to this, of course we should have been doing this after 9-11. I am still surprised to learn many of my friends when they come home from are turning networks like the Comedy Channel, Nickolodian, True TV and the likes. Then when you ask them what they think about what's going on with ISSL, they tell you they don't know. Remember the three monkeys, oh let me remind you,"SEE NO EVIL, HERE NO EVIL, AND SAY NO EVIL" I don't want keep.ranting, because I know the members of DV are much smarter than all of the people that I have described above. I just wanted to voice my opinion and agree the we will be in this terrorist fight for many years to come.
  11. Long time no hear Adam, The following has been bothering me for a while now, and if you could answer this question that would be great. The Gurus seem to think that an RV is just around the corner with all the positive news coming out of Bagdad .Also,I understand, ISIS has control of about 30% of Iraq. My concern is, how can the GOI and CBI institute an RV when they do not have total control of their country. This would be like the FORD MOTOR Com.preparing to launch the start of a new car without consulting their divisions in Canada. I afraid I don't have the confidence that I once had, as I have been on here since 2009. What would be your opinion on this sir as the two situations seem to be at the opposite ends of the spectrum. Thank You
  12. I would like to say in retrospect that I had been losing faith in the last year and a half about the Dinar ,but more or or less Maliki. Now that the guy is out I can finally see the train heading out of the station. Seabee
  13. I would like to think that I agree with this thread. However, I think ISIS will not be booted out immediately, but more rather in two or three weeks. That's not to say there can't be an RV during the same period of time. There is one thing that I will disagree with in the article, and that is that rate given. It is in MHO that the rate will not be 3.50 or higher, but lower and I feel much lower. I will go by the math and the number of IQD that are out there. I may be wrong, but there is just not enough money out there to pay everyone off. After reading all that I have read in the last three years, I am more under the belief that Iraq will want to go with a float and then start out with a rate of .50 cents or less. Good luck to all. GO.......RV
  14. I have a much better idea before killing these 300 so called Americans. I say let's take and string those guys up by their balls or genitaillia and hang em upside down in a public square and conduct a public flogging. By doing this, this might make others think twice before siding with some outlaw terrorist. Normally,me being a Christian person would have never wanted to do this. However, I don't want give these men a chance to bring their garbage to the Great Eagle.. Seabee
  15. I would like to take all the positive remarks of all the replies and say this, Great job all!!!. I only wish more people would come out and voice the same words that Miss. Scott had spoken. Go RV.........Go
  16. To me, I think Russia is looking to get its foot in the door of Iraq and gain some control and flex their muscle and get something out all this. I could be wrong. Could it be that they want to bring some stable democratic control, oh yeah what do they know about a democratic government then again Iraq isn't doing much better. let's see how it plays out.
  17. What a way to run an Election of a democratic government. It's like flipping my finger between my lips, I'm sure you get the rest
  18. I think the Iraqi oil industry should keep their eyes wide open and their ears to the can and string. It is just a matter of time. If this plays out, first the Iraqi Government and next the oil fields and the money that comes with it. What a better way to fund the terrorist operation than to take over the oil industry in Iraq. Sounds like the plot of a good movie.
  19. IMHO this like throwing good money after bad. What's to say that military won't just walk away from their jobs like the police did. The only way that Iraq can keep their people on the job is to raise the pay rate. He'll maybe this is where the RV may finally come into play . Note this is the only computer access I have in the last three weeks and will be the last till I get home in two weeks. Please be nice if u need to neg me, as I have had limited time to catch up on the news today. Take care folks
  20. Adam, I have been in Alaska now for several weeks without TV or much if any news and was taken aback when I heard about this latest flare up in Iraq. I told myself that, I might as well take my two safe full of Dinars and start using it as fancy wallpaper. Am I wrong when talking to friends back in New York that we are now at the top of a slippery slope with no way to stop at the bottom? Here is one thing that I see could happen........Is there enough Al Qaeda in Iraq at this time to really turn the country upside down? What would be worse, could they go after the oil business and take it over and there by funneling money to their cause and use this money to raise hate and cane anywhere they want. Oh I shudder at the thought. Should I bury my head in theTundra here and stay here? I think our only salvation could be Iran. What do u make of all this or would the tundra be the place to stay? Thanks Pal Dave F. Seabee PS: I' m not due to be back home to upstate New York for another two weeks yet. I still have to go to the far northern reaches of Canada yet where any news will be at a premium. Good luck to all.
  21. Your correct Adam, it is weak update and I can respect you for saying so. This whole journey for me is like walking through a quick sand pit about 20 feet wide and I feel we at the 18 foot mark. Each step now is getting harder to make as we sink a little closer. Let's all pray for the RV to move closer our way so that we can finally grab the edge. Seabee Who in the Hell would me on my post? Hmmmmmmm
  22. I wouldn't worry about spelling on this site. We are all human and sometimes we don't get it right. I will tend to over look spelling errors at times. Life is not that important that we have o hang someone for a spelling error. Hell, I make some of my worst mistakes at night like around two o'clock in the morning. I call it being tired. I don't know what the answer is to your questions, but tend to think it is all hype. good luck to you when this thing finally happens.
  23. I don't know the full numbers of how many people the minimum wage would help in the end. The one thing I have gathered from all this is, that the Treasury will see an influx of money coming in to help pay taxes for the Government. Also, how many of you have noticed that prices have increased in the fast food sector? While these businesses have to raise prices to offset the added cost of wages, there is the end result of all this to business which they fail to tell in their belly aching. Companies like Wendy's , Burger King and other service industries will have to raise prices and as a result will effect the bottom line. The bottom line will more than likely show up when taxes are done making it more than likely that the US Treasury will take in an increase as well to pay the bills of Uncle Sam. In the end the Dems are not telling us of the wind fall of new tax money that will come into the Treasury to help pay the budget. I just don't know what the numbers would be, any ideas?
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